__ __ _ _ ___________ | \/ | | | | | |_ _ _ _| | \ / |_ _| |_| |__ | | | | | |\/| | | | | __| '_ \ | | | | | | | | |_| | |_| | | | _| |_ _| |_ |_| |_|\__, |\__|_| |_| |___________| __/ | |___/ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ____| | | | | (_) | | | | | (___ ___ _ _| | |__ | |_ __ _| |__ | |_ ___ _ __ \___ \ / _ \| | | | | '_ \| | |/ _` | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| ____) | (_) | |_| | | |_) | | | (_| | | | | || __/ | |_____/ \___/ \__,_|_|_.__/|_|_|\__, |_| |_|\__\___|_| __/ | |___/ ------------------------- Myth II Soulblighter ------------------------- FAQ/Walkthrough ------------------------- I. Introduction II. About Myth II III. The Controls 1. The Control Bar 2. The Camera 3. The Function Keys 4. Formations 5. Other Controls IV. Other Important Stuff 1. Weather and it's Effects on Battle 2. Veterans V. Characters 1. The Light 2. The Dark 3. Non-Aligned 4. Other Characters VI. The Levels 1. Willow Creek 2. Salvation 3. Down a Broken Path 4. Into the Breach 5. The Baron 6. Gonen's Bridge 7. Beyond the Cloudspine 8. The Great Library 9. Gate of Storms 10. Landing at White Falls 11. Through the Ermine 12. The Stair of Grief 13. The Deceiver 14. With Friends like These 15. Walls of Muirthemne 16. The Ibis Crown 17. Redemption 18. Relic 19. The Summoner 20. A Murder of Crows 21. The Wall 22. Shiver 23. Twice Born 24. The Forge 25. Secret Levels VII. Multiplayer 1. Multiplayer Modes 2. Multiplayer Maps VIII. Questions/Comments IX. Updates/Version Information X. Credits XI. Legal Stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, welcome to my FAQ. This is a walkthrough for Myth II Soulblighter. I hope you find it useful, I will also talk about some other stuff like the controls and the units. I felt like doing an FAQ on an old game, Myth II is a great game and since there are no FAQs for it, I thought I'd make one. Please note that the walkthrough was written based on the normal difficulty level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. About Myth II ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Myth II is a real time strategy game. Instead of building a base and training units like other strategy games, (Starcraft, Warcraft I,II,III) you are given a set amount of units at the beginning of each level, at certain parts in some levels you will get reinforcements, this doesn't happen very often however. Since you have a limited amount of units, Myth II requires more strategy then your average real time strategy game. You have to really think before you act. Myth II takes place 60 years after the original (Myth: The Fallen Lords) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. The Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all I would recommend that you first play the Tutorial to familiarise yourself with both the camera and the controls. The camera is a little hard to get used to in the beginning, I guess, but once you get used to it it will feel very natural. I'll put this section here for anyone to lazy to look at the manual or for people who lost theirs. These are just the basic controls, not going to get into too much detail. __________________________ 1. The Control Bar __________________________ There is a control bar at the bottom of the screen to help you out, it can be toggled on and off by pressing shift + F6. To the very left of the bar is the whisper button, don't worry about that unless you are playing multiplayer. Going from left to right, The stop button will stop a moving unit. The Hold button will make selected units stand their ground, this is very useful especially for Berserks and dwarves. Berserks tend to pick fights with anything that moves and dwarves will throw their bottles at enemies even if your units are in there fighting them. The Scatter button makes selected units move away from their current location, very useful if your dwarf throws a bottle when you don't want him to. The Retreat button will make your units run away from the nearest enemy. Finally the special button will let you use a units special ability if it has one (dwarves satchel charge, bowmen's flaming arrow etc.) There is also a panel of formations for your units, I'll explain that later. The Keyboard counterparts of these commands are as follows. Stop - Spacebar Hold - G Scattering - B Retreating - R Special Abilities - T Yell - Y __________________________ 2. The Camera __________________________ These are the default keys, I myself left them this way but you can change them if you want. there are several ways you can move the camera. Forward/Back To move the camera forward, press W. To move the camera back press S. Left/Right To move the camera left, press Z. To move the camera right, press X. Orbit Left/Orbit Right To orbit the camera left, press Q. To orbit the camera right press E. Rotate Left/Rotate Right To rotate the camera left, press A. To move the camera right, press D. Zoom in/Zoom Out To zoom the camera in, press C. To move the camera out, press V. Center the Camera To center the camera on a group of selected units, press H. Using the Mouse to Control the Camera This is the way I find easiest to do it. Using you mouse move the cursor to one of the four edges of the screen, the camera will move in that direction. You can also orbit the camera by pushing the mouse to the lower left or the lower right corner of the screen, or rotate it up by moving the mouse to the upper left or right corners. If you're used to the way that the camera was in the first game (If you even played the first game) and you don't want the corners to rotate the camera, go to the preferences menu and turn off the controlled camera rotation. If you are still having trouble moving around the camera, don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. The first time I played Myth II I had some trouble controlling it but I eventually got the hang of it. __________________________ 3. The Function Keys __________________________ Those Function Keys at the top of your keyboard (F1,F2,F4 etc.) can be used to change some of the game preferences without having to go into the preferences menu. Here's what they do... F1 - Slows the game to half speed. this only works in Single Player F2 - Increases game speed F3 - Turns the sound volume higher F4 - Turns the sound volume lower F5 - Change between high-resolution and low resolution. Low resolution looks horrid F6 - Toggles the status box at the top of the screen on or off F7 - Brings up stats during multiplayer games F8 - Brings up list of keys and their functions, useful if you forget the controls F9 - Toggles team colors on the overhead map in multiplayer only F10 - Highlights all of you visible units F11 - Turns Landscape filtering on or off F12 - Toggles Auto Camera on or off. __________________________ 4. Formations __________________________ Formations are very important in Myth II, they are add much more strategy to the game and organize you units better for when you are attacking. There are 10 preset formations, which are activated with the 10 number keys on the top of your keyboard. You can also edit the formations to your liking, I'll talk about that later. The 10 preset formations are as follows 1 - Short line: Units will line up in rows of four 2 - Long line: Units will line up in rows of eight 3 - Loose Line: Units will line up in rows of four, but more spaced out 4 - Staggered Line: Units will assume a staggered line. 5 - Box: Units will move in a square. 6 - Rabble: Units spread out randomly 7 - Shallow Encirclement: Units will form a wide, shallow arc 8 - Deep Encirclement: A tighter, smaller arc then the shallow encirclement. 9 - Vanguard: Units form into a V shaped formation 0 - Units form a circle, facing outward. To change the preset formations, you must have installed the editing tool "Fear" which is on the Myth II CD. If you haven't installed it, to install, go to the install screen and when you are prompted for what type of installation you want, choose custom. Then, click on Tools. I would suggest editing the long line formation. I edited it so that it was much longer because it is very useful for bowmen and also in multiplayer mode if you are controlling archers. __________________________ 5. Other Controls __________________________ Waypoints Waypoints let you select the route you want your units to take to a certain destination. To place waypoints for your units, select the group of units and hold the shift key while clicking on the ground and then again to the next place you want your unit to go. You can only place up to four waypoints. Patrolling I don't really find this a useful command but I'll put it here anyway. To make your units patrol certain areas, after setting up four waypoints (if you don't) know how to set waypoints, look at the text above) while still holding down the shift key, click on the first waypoint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Other Important Stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ 1. Weather and it's Effects on Battle ______________________________________ This you must know about, it is very important, so if you don't already know this or you are new to the game, read this. In Certain levels or during certain times in levels you may notice that your dwarves aren't as effective as they used to be, their bottles just seem to go out in mid-air. Your bowmen seem to have terrible aim and their arrows miss everything. The reason for this is that Myth II uses weather system to add realism. It does add realism, but can also get frustrating, especially when your dwarf's bottle goes out and doesn't stall the enemies, causing your dwarf to be killed. When it is raining, you'll probably notice your dwarves bottles going out, the rain can put out the fire before it even hits the ground. Gusts of wind can send your bowmen's arrows of course as well as put out their flaming arrows. __________________________ 2. Veterans __________________________ Veterans are surviving units carried over from previous levels. To recognize a veteran unit, notice when selected in the status box, they will have a spear head(s). Each spear head represents the number of levels that unit has survived. The total number of kills that the unit had in the previous level is also carried over. Units gain experience for every kill they make. The number of kills a unit has made is represented in the status bar by a shield. The total number of kills is displayed at the end of the level. Experienced units attack faster and have better accuracy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Characters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________ 1. The Light __________________________ Berserks Berserks are very skilled, powerful warriors. They sacrifice their armor for speed, so that makes them a little more vulnerable, but they can still take quite a beating. They chop up the undead with their giant claymores very nicely. You will use these guys throughout the entire game. Advantages: No armor means quicker movement and attack speed. Disadvantages: No armor means that they take more damage Overall: Berserks make up for there lack of defense with a very powerful offence and great speed. Bowmen Bowmen are the missile units for the light. You'll use these guys through out the whole game. They use their bows from afar but also have a secondary melee attack, their knife, though I would suggest that this would be your last resort. Bowmen can't take a lot of pain, so make sure to leave behind a couple of melee units to protect them. Watch out for Gh“ls, they tare these guys apart. They can use flaming arrows and set the ground ablaze. Their called bowmen but I just call them archers, so don't get confused if I write archers instead of bowmen. These aren't the fir'bolg from the original. Advantages: They can attack from afar and back up the melee units. Disadvantages: They can't take a lot of damage and they move slowly. Overall: Being the one of the only missile units for the light, they are good, If used properly. Dwarves These guys are very useful, they'll also be used throughout the game. They throw explosive bottles and can send the heads flying. Just be careful not to kill your own guys. Dwarves are very slow and Gh“ls rip these guys apart, just like the bowmen. So make sure you have a unit always there to protect the dwarf along with the archers. If a Gh“ls going after a dwarf, the dwarf won't be able to get away. They die in only a few hits. Their bottles can bounce of walls and blow your dwarf up so be careful. Dwarfs can place satchel charges, which are packs of explosives that explode if hit with another explosive. When used with strategy, these can kill a whole pack of enemies. Advantages: Their explosives cause a lot of damage. Disadvantages: They can't take much damage and move very slowly. Overall: Great units, just make sure you protect them. Journeymen Journeymen heal other units, they aren't in all the levels but quite a few of them. They use shovels to attack, so really, don't use them to attack. However they can take a lot of damage, they can be the final wall between your dwarves and archers, before another melee unit can get in there to defend them. Journeymen have a set amount of healing roots at the beginning of each level but can find more. They are probably the slowest moving units. They can heal undead units such as thralls and wights, and kill them, this can be very useful if a wight is about to explode. Journeymens coats allow them to not be paralyzed by a wights explosion, he still takes damage however. Advantages: Can heal units, can take a lot of damage, can be used as a tank. Disadvantages: Lousy melee attack, slow movement. Overall: Journeymen aren't that useful in some levels, but in other levels you'll be glad that you have one. Mortar Dwarves Mortar Dwarves use very powerful explosives called mortars. You will only use these guys in a few levels. They are just like regular dwarves, they take the same amount of damage and move at the same speed, but they use different weapons. They can blow both themselves up and their allies, so be very careful with these guys. Advantages: Very powerful explosives. Disadvantages: Can't take a lot of damage, slow movement. Warriors Not much to say about these guys, Warriors are another melee unit for light You will use these guys throughout the entire game. they aren't as powerful as Bezerk but unlike the Beserk, they have armor, so they can take more of a beating then the Beserk. They also have a shield, which they can use to deflect hits. They move at a fair speed. Advantages: Armor means they can take more hits, their shields can deflect hits. Disadvantages: The don't do as much damage as the Berserk. Overall: They have more defense then offense but in a group, they can kill groups of enemies. Heron Guards Heron Guards are a hybrid between the journeymen and the warrior. They can heal other units, and they can do sufficient melee damage. Heron Guards wield dual swords and wear heavy armor so they can take a lot of hits. You'll use these guys in a number of levels. They move at a good speed. Making up for their lack of a shield, Heron Guards can deflect hits by using both their swords. Advantages: Can heal other units and themselves, useful for combat. Disadvantages: I'm sure there are some I just can't think of any. Overall: A great melee unit with a strong defense. __________________________ 2. The Dark __________________________ Bre' Unor The Bre' Unor are very strange units, they hurl bones at your units. They aren't in the game much at all. They can do quite a bit of damage and can be very deadly for your dwarves and archers. They move at a quick pace. Wolves can usually be found in a pack with the Bre' Unor but they aren't that big of a threat. Brigands Brigands are basically the dark version of the warrior. They do about the same amount of damage, move at the same speed, they have a shield that can deflect hits, and they have fairly good defense. They are only in a few levels. Dark Archers Dark Archers are the dark version of the Bowmen. They can shoot fire arrows just like the bowmen. They move at the same speed, and do the about the same amount of damage. Fetch You have to look out for the Fetch, they can mutilate all your units if your not careful, they are very powerful. The Fetch rub their hands together and fire bolts of electricity. This can easily kill all you dwarves and archers in a couple of blasts and can severely damage your Berzerks and warriors. Journeymen can take the blasts and not take too much damage. You will see the fetch in a number of levels. Ghasts Ghasts are extremely weak undead units that don't pose much of a threat to your units. One thing that they do is when they hit your units they become paralyzed. this isn't so bad because these guys can't take more then a few hits so they should be dead very quickly. You will only see Ghasts in the first couple levels. Ghasts can breath under water. Gh“ls Gh“ls are very deadly to dwarves and archers. With their quick movement they can tear apart a group of archers and dwarves easily. They run up to them, the archers can't melee except with their knives, but their knives are very weak, and the dwarves cannot attack up close. The archers/dwarves keep running but the Gh“l is always on their back and will eventually kill them. Make sure to kill these guys fast when you see them. Have the archers take some of them down. Dwarves can kill them in one hit with their explosive bottles, so always be on the lookout for Gh“ls. Gh“ls can pick up parts from dead bodies on the battlefield and hurl them at enemies, though most parts do little damage when thrown, Gh“ls tend to pack pieces from dead wights, they can kill all of your dwarves and archers if you have them grouped together, and the ones that aren't dead are paralyzed, the Ghol then runs towards the paralyzed unit to finish him off. To melee units, They are very weak and die in only a few hits and don't do much damage at all. Gh“ls are very common and you will see them throughout the entire game. Mauls Mauls are basically giant pig men, they wear armor and wield huge spiked clubs. In a pack, mauls can potentially be deadly to your melee units, but a few dwarves can blow up an entire pack of mauls. Mortar dwarves are even more powerful against the Mauls. Mauls have high defense and do quite a bit of damage, just use dwarves against the mauls, a pack Berzerks can kill mauls a pack but they'll take some damage. Soulless The Soulless are the missile units for the dark, thy are undead and can float up mountains and on water, they move quickly and in great numbers, can cause high damage to your units. They throw barbed javelins which poisons your units causing more damage after they have hit. These guys are in almost every level in the game. Berzerks can kill these guys very easily, but while they are running towards them, they can take a lot of damage from their javelins. Thrall Thralls are an undead melee unit, they use axes to attack their enemy. They are very slow, the slowest unit in the game I'd say and a couple of dwarves could just throw a bomb, run away, throw another bomb, and repeat until they are all dead. It's not always that easy but in some levels it is. Thralls are the most common dark unit in the game and like the soulless, are in most of the levels in the game. Thralls can also breath under water since they are undead. You could get ambushed if you are walking around near deep waters. So be on guard. Stygian Knights Stygian knights are magically animated suits of armor, they are fairly slow but can take a lot of damage from melee units. Don't even bother trying to hurt these guys with bowmen, they don't do any damage to them. Dwarves on the other hand, kill Stygian Knights easily, a couple of dwarves can destroy a whole pack of Stygian knight with a couple of hits. Melee units don't do a lot of damage to them, so just use dwarves. Stygian Knights only appear in a few levels. Warlocks Warlocks have a primary fireball attack which can kill your dwarves and bowmen easily, so be careful, bowmen can kill warlocks without to much trouble, when you see a warlock, select all your bowmen and click on the warlock for them to attack him at the same time, if you had enough bowmen, the warlock should be dead. Later on in the game, in some levels, you will be able to control some warlocks. Warlocks also have a confusion spell. It can only be used when the warlock's mana bar is full. Wights Wights are undead, they are very slow moving units. Their attack is that they explode and "destroy anything in it's immediate vicinity and coat everything with a thin film of pus which induces brief paralysis", gross eh? You really have to look out for these guys, they can kill all of your bowmen and dwarves with one detonation, once a wight detonates they are dead of course. Bowmen should be able to take out wights before they get to close. If you are in the middle of a battle, your melee units are fighting and your missile units are in the back, and you notice a wight coming up to you missile units, you still have a chance to save them. If you have a journeymen with you then you can use the heal ability on the wight and kill him, without the wight exploding everywhere and killing everything, you have to act fast because the wight could explode and injure or kill your journeymen. Being undead, wights can breath underwater, so be very careful when walking around deep waters. The Myrkridia The Myrkridian are very fast enemies. They are defiantly a threat to your units. They have a very high attack speed and do a fair amount of damage. They attack fiercely with their sharp claws and a group of them can tear up your units. Dwarves again are a good choice to use when going up against these monsters. Make sure you have a few Berzerks or warriors standing close by so if the Myrkridians manage to break through, the Berzerks should be able to handle the weakened Myrkridians. Connacht eventually deafeated the Myrkridia, sealing them in a powerful artifact called the Tain. Myrkridian Giants The Myrkridian Giants are giant versions of Myrkridians, they still use their claws to attack, but they are much stronger and faster. They can throw skulls which deal a lot of damage and can severely injure or kill units with one use. They take a lot of damage. __________________________ 3. Non-Aligned __________________________ Cave Spiders You only see Cave Spiders in I think one level. They are very weak and can be killed in a few hits from a Berkserk or warrior, dwarves and bowmen can be used to take them out also. They do very little damage and aren't much of a threat. Cave spiders are just giant spiders. Trow Trows are gigantic, I don't know really what to call them. They are very powerful and can take a huge amounts of damage and deal it at the same time. They use powerful kicks that can rip apart your units. Be careful when facing Trows they can kill you entire pack of melee units. Attack from afar with bowmen and dwarves. Trow don't move that quickly, they move at a good pace. Use Berzerks to take them down once they are weakened by your dwarves and bowmen. Later on in the game you will be able to control some Trows. __________________________ 4. Other Characters __________________________ King Alric Alric is the only surviving member of the nine sorcerers who opposed the Fallen Lords during the Great War. After defeating Balor, Alric reclaimed his throne in Madrigal. Alric has spent the last 60 years rebuilding the province. So between the gap of Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth II: Soublighter, he's been rebuilding what was destroyed during the Great War. In a few levels you will get to control Alric, he is a very powerful warrior (how old is this guy anyway?). Soulblighter The main bad guy of Myth II. Soublighter was Balor's second in command during the Great War. One of the Fallen Lords, very cruel and dangerous. He is also called "Damas" during the game, this is referring to one of Connacht's (Balor) lieutenants. Balor Balor was the main bad guy in the first Myth game. He was once known as the great hero of the wind age "Connacht" but came back and evil. All the heroes come back as Fallen Lords it seems. Balor was the chief of the Fallen Lords. He was killed by Alric at his fortress and his head was chucked into the Great Devoid, a huge pit in the heart of the world to make sure he would never come back. Shiver One of the Fallen Lords, you'll have some encounters with her. She was also in the first one if I'm not mistaken. The Deceiver One of the Fallen Lords who followed Balor during the Great War. He didn't really get along to well with the Fallen Lords. You eventually get to control the Deceiver in later levels. He can gain control of some of your enemies, very cool. The Summoner This is the reason why the Myrkridia are back. This guy resurrects them. You will have to face The Summoner in one level and also the Myrkridia he summons. The Watcher One of the Fallen Lords, he destroyed the Deceiver's armies which led to his downfall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. The Levels ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I have not yet finished the level section. Please forgive me if the level you are on is not yet listed here or completed yet. If you are looking for some more tips on levels, in every level they have tips for them. To access these tips, click on the book icon in the status bar, look at the bottom of the window that pops up and click on the level tab. I have listed difficulties for each level, they may not be accurate for everyone, they're just there to give you an idea what your going up against. They are all based on the Normal difficulty level, So if you were playing legendary, they wouldn't be very accurate. This FAQ can still help you even if you are playing a different difficulty, use the same tactics, but the enemies are much stronger. __________________________ 1. Willow Creek __________________________ Units: 3 Bowmen 8 Warriors 1 Dwarf Difficulty: Easy Objective: Destroy all the attackers and secure the center of the town. When the level starts up you'll see a villager running towards you and some ghasts killing some other villagers behind him. Why not help them out? This is a very easy level and rightfully so, seeing as it is the first level and all. Your objective is to kill the ghasts who are attacking the town and terrorizing the villagers. Just move your units around until you see some enemies on the overhead map. The only units you should really need to use are the bowmen and the dwarf. Just use the warriors to protect your bowmen and dwarf. When you see some ghasts, command your bowmen to attack them, make sure all of the bowmen attack the same one. Only use this tactic for lone ghasts. For groups of two or more, use your dwarf to kill them, as long as they are at least standing close to each other, the dwarf's bottles should kill them all. Just continue killing any ghasts you see until you finish the level. __________________________ 2. Salvation __________________________ Units: 6 Bowmen 6 Warriors 2 Dwarves Difficulty: Easy Objective: Free the captive villagers and escort them to safety. Once the level starts up you'll hear a short conversation between two warriors. After that's over start moving your troops forward. The path is very straight forward and you should have no problem finding the where the villagers are being held. Along the way you'll encounter some ghasts, no problem just take them out with your bowmen and dwarves. Once you get to the gates, I would suggest that you save your game here, make a separate save file. This is just in case you mess up and have to restart. In the middle of the gate, you'll see a couple of brigands talking. Move your bowmen forward, close enough that they can get a good shot at the brigands, do not attack yet, command your bowmen to hold. Move your dwarves forward but don't attack them yet, with dwarves selected, hold the ctrl key and click directly in the middle of where they are both standing. This is where stuff can go wrong, if you haven't noticed already, it is raining and rain tends to put out fires. If it goes right both of the bottles should explode and kill either both of them or severely damage one of them (health in the red) and kill the other. Here is a diagram to help you. ____________________ | | B = Brigand | Gate | A = Bowmen | ______________ | D = Dwarf | | | | X = Spot to launch bottles | | | | | | | | | | BXB | | |__| |__| DD AAAAAA Now, if one of them or both of them are still alive, select your archers and click on them. The bowmen should easily be able to kill them. Now you will have more time to free the villagers without the brigands sounding the alarm. Move your warriors through the gate and you'll see the villagers in a prison. With all your warriors selected, click on one of the bars. Your warriors will then proceed to free the captive villagers. A brigand will then see what your up to, and turn around to go and sound the alarm! Now very quickly click to move your warriors out of the graveyard, put them directly behind your dwarves and bowmen. Move your dwarves into the middle of the gate, where the brigands were standing, now with both of them selected, place some satchel charges in the middle place them all just to make sure. Place them spaced out so it covers most of the area. Don't worry about the villagers, they'll head towards the exit, they'll be fine they can take care of themselves. ____________________ | | S = Satchel Charge | Gate | A = Bowmen | ______________ | D = Dwarf | | | | X = Spot to launch bottles | | | | | | | | | | S S S S S S | | |__| |__| DD AAAAAA It shouldn't be hard to space them out, with both dwarves selected, you just press T where they are standing and they put one down at the same time. Move both of them over a bit, and drop another charge. Move your dwarves back once the charges are set, make sure your bowmen are behind them and the warriors close by. Again I would suggest that you save your game. Soon you should see a horde of brigands coming after you. It is ok if your archers are firing at them. When the first one steps on the first satchel charge, with both your dwarves selected, ctrl click in the middle of the field of satchel charges. The explosion should kill most if not all of the brigands that were coming through the gate. Any brigands that did survive should be taken care of by your bowmen. If the situation gets out of control move your warriors in to defend your bowmen and dwarves. After they are all dead, some ghasts will start coming towards you, take them out again just like you did to the other ones before. Once they are dead, select all of your units and send tem back to the start of the level. As the villagers get to the exit, you will see some warriors. Once your units get to the exit, you'll have completed the level. Good job! __________________________ 3. Down a Broken Path __________________________ Units: 4 Bowmen 8 Warriors 2 Dwarves Difficulty: Easy Objective: Follow Rurik to the safety of the town, make sure he doesn't die. This is a very simple level, all you have to do is follow Rurik and defend him along the way. In this level, you'll run into Thrall, Soulless and Ghols. Always use your bowmen when fighting soulless, for now anyway. It is important to move your bowmen when engaging in combat with a Soulless. When you see you bowmen's arrows connect, move your bowmen over a little to avoid being hit with the Soulless's javelins. When you run into packs of Thrall, use your dwarves to blow them up, with you bowmen behind them for back up. If the get to close to them, use your warriors to protect them. Follow Rurik and defend him when needed. Eventually you'll come to a stream, move all of your warriors into the middle of the stream and your bowmen on the shore. This is because as Rurik is crossing, a couple of Thrall come out from hiding to attack. Stream _____________ _________________ R = Rurik R W = Warrior D T WWW T D A = Bowmen WWW T = Thrall _____________ _________________ D = Deep Water AAAA Once you have crossed the stream, you will be heading towards the town. Soon, as you move forward, you will be attacked by some Thrall and some Gh“ls. A a couple of Soulless but just take them out with your bowmen. Attack the Thrall with your dwarves and bowmen, if you manage to kill all of them before they get to close to your dwarves and bowmen then just continue following Rurik. If you don't then move your warriors in to protect your dwarves and bowmen. Attack the Gh“ls that come running at you with your dwarves, don't let them get to close kill them with your warriors if needed. Once that is over with, Follow Rurik until you get to the town gates, move your units in once they are opened. Once they are all in the level is completed. Good Work. __________________________ 4. Into the Breach __________________________ Units: 4 Bowmen 12 Warriors 2 Dwarves Reinforcements: 3 Bowmen 8 Warriors 1 Dwarf Difficulty: Easy - Medium Objective: Penetrate the outer defenses of the Baron's castle. Sneak your invisible Pathfinder dwarf into the castle to lower the drawbridge. Fight your way into the castle and then to the entry gate of the keep. When you start the level, just walk a bit forward. The path to the castle is very straight forward and is easy to get to. Along the way however, you'll run into some resistance. In the beginning of the level, there are a number of Gh“ls running about. Stand your ground when you see red on the overhead map. Use your bowmen to take down a couple of them, your dwarves will kill most of them. Like always defend your bowmen and dwarves with warriors if the enemies get to close. Once the waves of Gh“ls are gone, proceed forward until you get to a gate. You'll notice that past this wall there are some dark archers and some Thrall. Don't try and fight the dark archers off with your bowmen, you can if you want but you're outnumbered. Instead send a warrior inside and walk a little bit in until the Thrall notice you, once they see you they'll start coming forward. Move your warrior out and move the rest of your units back away from the gate. When the Thrall are exiting from the gate, pick them off with bowmen and dwarves, while doing this try your best to avoid the dark archer's arrows. One of the archers may send a fire arrow your way, the grass is very dry and the fire burns nicely. Avoid the flames if there are any. Once the Thrall are dead, charge the dark archers with you warriors, they can kill them easily. After that you'll get some reinforcements, good because you'll need them. I would suggest saving your game at this point just to be safe. Move forward until you can see a bridge in the distance. You will be forced to watch the guards closing the gates, then your camera is shifted to Jari. Don't touch him yet, there is something you have to do first. Take your three dwarves and move them towards the bridge. Go onto the beginning of the bridge, do not go to far, there are archers on the walls. Line them up and start placing satchels to the entrance of the bridge. Once you place the first set, move your dwarves forward and place the next set and so on until you are out of satchels. The Bridge | | | | S = Satchel Charges | | A = Bowmen | | D = Dwarves | | | | | | | S S S S | | S S S S | | S S S S | D D D AAAA AAA Position the dwarves so that they are not too close to the satchels, but close enough to hit them without having to move. Once you have that all set up, then you can proceed to Jari. You have to be very careful when controlling Jari. Jari is invisible but will become visible if he touches an enemy or if he places a satchel charge. do not attack any of the enemies you see. Move Jari down the path until you get to the end. You will see a gate. Now wait until one of the brigands goes inside the gate, follow him in. Be careful when going through the gate, if you even brush up against an enemy your cover is blown. You must get him into the castle to lower the drawbridge for your other units. The brigand enters through the left side of the door so walk into the door next to him on the right. Swing the camera around so that you can see what your doing. Another brigand will then exit the castle through the door from the right, which is now your left. so quickly move Jari over to the right, which used to be your right. Get what I'm saying? The Entrance (When first going in) | | B = Brigand | | J = Jari | | 1 = Left Side of Entrance | | 2 = Right Side of Entrance | ^ ^ | ^ = Up | B J | | | 1 2 The Entrance (Reverse angle, with camera swung around) | | B = Brigand | | J = Jari | | 1 = Left Side of Entrance | J > | 2 = Right Side of Entrance | - | ^ = Up | ^ B | < = Move Left | B _ | - = Down 2 1 Now that you are inside, go over to the left castle wall (left from the outside) while avoiding contact with any guards walking by, and climb up the ramp. Move down the wall walking behind the archers, when you get about 3/4 ways down the wall, have Jari chuck the bottle at the winch. Right when you throw the bottle, Jari is now visible and the archers will open fire at him. Take this time to blow them up. Have Jari throw bottles at them and kill them all. You'll have taken some damage but it's not that much. If you want to know how you can save your friends Jari read on, if not, if you just want to let him die, skip over the rest of this paragraph. You can let him die if you want. To save him place a couple satchels 3/4 of the way down the wall, where you threw the bottle. Some Brigands will come up, when they are coming towards the satchels ctrl click near them. When they blow up Jari should still be alive. If you are taking fire from the archers on the other side of the wall, move Jari over and then leave him up there. Left wall of the castle (facing right from the inside) ___________________________ A A A A A W = Winch W X = Right | | D | | | | | D | |_D | |- -| | | Start | | | B |D <1 2> D| B | |___|_________________|___| Now group 2, move the into the room to the right of the map. There are also 4 brigands in there. Use one of your warriors as bait, move them into the room and get the brigands attention, once they start coming towards you, move your warrior out and have your bowmen fire at the approaching brigands. Your dwarf should also be chucking bottles at them. If they get to close, like always, move your warriors in there to defend them. Once the room is secured, move them in. Now your are done with group 2 until the end of the level, just leave them in the room. Keep an eye on them though, patrolling brigands may enter the room and attack, so occasionally glance over at the overhead map. Back over to group 1, move them forward in to the room above the current room you are in. Once in the room, dispose of any enemies in there if any. Once that room is secured, move into the room above it, you will see some dark archers in that room. Charge those archers with your warriors, keep your archers and dwarves out of their range. Once all the archers are dead, move on into the next room, the one directly above your current room. Move through that room and go into the room to the right. Take care of those brigands, then stop in that room. _________________________ | > | B X | B | B = Brigands |_______|_________|_______| F = Baron | | | F | A = Dark Archers |A ^| | | ^ = Up |_ _| | | > = Right | | |_ _| X = Stop Here | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| | 1 = Group 1 | | | | 2 = Group 2 | ^ | | | |_ _| |- -| | | | | | ^1| | 2| |___|_________________|___| Now that your there, look into the room to the right, you will see some brigands, and you should be able to spot the Baron. Use one of your warriors as bait to get the brigands attention. Move him into the room and once you see the brigands coming towards you, turn around and move him back into the room your other units are in. You should notice that the Baron and his body guards move away when your warrior enters the room, don't follow them just leave them alone he won't escape. When the brigands are coming out of the door, have your dwarves and your bowmen attacking them, they should die fairly quickly. Now do the same with the Baron's Stygian Knight bodyguards. Go towards the room where the Baron is, If the Stygian Knights spot you they'll start coming towards you, lead them back into the room with your other units. With your dwarves these guys aren't a problem, just throw bottles at them and they will die in one hit. Once they are all dead it is time to go and get the Baron. _________________________ | | 1 > | - | F = The Baron |_______|_________|_______| S = Satchel Charge | | | F | 1 = Group 1 | | | | 2 = Group 2 |_ _| | - | > = Right | | |_ _| - = Down | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| | X = The Baron is cornered here | | | X-| | | | | |_ _| |- -| | | | S | | | | 2 | |___|_________________|___| Go back to group 2 now, place a satchel charge in the doorway of the room they are in. Now go on back to group 1, move all of your units towards the Baron. the Baron will start to run away. You should also notice that every enemy in the level is now coming after you, ignore them they won't catch you in time. Continue chasing Baron until he is in the room above group 2. You can just kill him right there, or if you want, chase him into the room and when he is about to step on the satchel charge, have your dwarf throw a bottle at it and blow up the Baron. Once the Baron is dead all of the enemies that were following you turn around and just give up. You've completed another level, Good Work. __________________________ 6. Gonen's Bridge __________________________ Units: 4 Bowmen 8 Warriors 1 Warrior Captain 1 Dwarf 1 Journeymen Difficulty: Easy Objectives: Find Gonen's Bridge and cross it to escape the Dark forces Garrik must survive Destroy the bridge behind you Just like the dwarf said, "If we don't get moving that horde will be on top of us" and he's right, you have to keep moving in this level. Right as the level starts, move down off of the small hill. Your main objective is to get to the bridge, the path isn't that hard to find, there are signs along the route pointing to the way. You shouldn't have any problems finding it. The problem isn't finding it, the problem is what you will encounter along the way. Do not let Garrik die, if he is getting low on health, heal him with your journeymen. Keep on moving until you reach a small stream, once your there, halt your units. If you notice there are wights all over the field beyond the stream, move your bowmen up and go to the end of the stream, pick off the wights one by one. There are some wights on the other side of the stream, the side before you cross it, so watch out for your other units. Use your dwarf to defend the warriors and journeymen if any wights are coming. Once there aren't any wights in your way, move the rest of your units over the stream. While you were fighting the wights, a few soulless may have attacked your units, to take them out charge them with your warriors. Keep on moving until you get to a hill, you will see that up this hill there are a few gh“ls and some soulless. Charge them with your warriors with your bowmen as backup. Once you get up this hill you'll run into a pack of thrall, you have no choice but to fight them. Use your bowmen and weaken them as well as using your dwarf to blow them up. When they get to close, get in there with your warriors. Continue along, following the signs until you get to yet another stream, cross the stream and continue moving until you see another hill. Now you have to be careful do not go up this hill yet. There are some gh“ls up there and some soulless, the gh“ls are packing pieces of wights. If you don't already know, because of a Journeymen's coat they are immune to being paralyzed by a wights explosion, they'll still take damage however. Use your journeymen as a tank to take all of the wight hits, it's okay if he dies it's the end of the level anyway. If you are as unfortunate as I am and the wights run right past your journeymen and throw them at your warriors, well it's the end of the level anyway. Once they are taken care of you will get some reinforcments, but it doesn't matter it's the end of the level, cross the bridge once you get to it. Once all of your unit's are past the bridge, use one of your dwarves and ctrl click near one of the satchel charges that are placed on the bridge, what the explosion and enjoy. Once the bridge is destroyed your units will celebrate. You completed the level, just like that. ___________________________ 7. Beyond the Cloudspine ___________________________ Units: 6 Bowmen 10 Berzerks 6 Dwarves 1 Journeymen Difficulty: Easy - Medium Objective: Reach the World Knot with your dwarves Use the Dwarves to repair it Enter the World Knot to escape This level is a little difficult to explain, so bear with me. Your objective in this level is to find the broken down World Knot, repair it, then escape through it. It is kind of hard to find the World Knot, the path is kind of complicated so I'll try to explain the best I can. Once you start the level, there are two paths you could take, one directly to your unit's left and one long, winding path up north. Don't take the north one, trust me you don't want to take that one. One path leads to a horde of Thrall and Soulless, and another leads to a few packs of weakling gh“ls, who sometimes, carry wight parts but it's not that big of a problem. So take the path to the left. Continue walking up until you come to a stream, if you go over the stream and there are thralls and soulless, you've went the wrong way, go back. If you see a couple of gh“ls then you've gone the right way, take out the gh“ls. Continue walking until you get to a round hill surrounded by stone, directly above that is the World Knot. You may have to fight a small group of thrall and soulless, they aren't a problem so take them out with bowmen and dwarves, then attack with berserks. Once you get to the World Knot you will have to repair it, move your bowmen, berserks, and your journeymen next to the World knot for a quick get away. Now select one of your dwarves and click on one of the big pieces of broken rock near the damaged World Knot, your dwarf will repair it automatically. Select another dwarf click on another piece, then select another, click on another piece and so on until the World Knot is fixed. You have to do this quick because a huge group of thrall and soulless are coming your way. Once the dwarf said "we did it" quickly move all of your units into the middle of the World Knot. Once every single one of your units has gone through the World Knot, you will have completed the level. __________________________ 8. The Great Library __________________________ Units: 8 Bowmen 8 Berserks 2 Dwarves 1 Journeymen Difficulty: Easy - Medium Objective: Guard the Library entrance until the Journeymen comes back out with the Total Codex Escape through the World Knot with the Journeymen This is one of my favorite levels, the objective is to defend the Library entrance while the Journeymen goes in and gets the Total Codex. While defending the entrance, you'll face waves of enemies. Make sure to defend both sides of the stairs, always keep an eye on the overhead map, a gh“l could be killing your dwarf and you wouldn't even know it. Set up your units on the stairs when the level first starts. This is the way I set mine up: Stairs (Facing North) ____________S______________ | B B | B = Berserk | B A A A A A A A A A B | A = Bowmen |S B B |S D = Dwarf | | S = Stairs | | L = Library | | | D B B D | |S S| | _ _ _ | | | L | | |_________|_____|___________| I set up the bowmen on the front lines so they could take out the gh“ls and most importantly, the fetch. I placed berserks around them incase any Gh“ls broke through. The two dwarfs I have placed by the stairs on the side, so that they can kill any Gh“ls that run in from the side and the berserks there to protect them Really you could set them up any way you like. Once the Journeymen enters the Library, the waves start, get ready for them. Wave 1: Gh“ls, Fetch, Wights This wave isn't hard, the first part is just packs of Gh“ls, which can easily be killed by any of your units, just watch the dwarves and bowmen, keep the berserks ready if they have to get in there and defend them. For the Fetch, this is very important, always, always, ALWAYS use bowmen to kill these guys, always. Fetch are very dangerous, if they get too close, it could be all over for your bowmen/dwarf. That's why right when you see one, select all of your bowmen and command them to attack it, in the event that there are two or more fetch on the screen, half your bowmen and attack each of them. Fetch go down with a few arrows, what ever you do don't allow the fetch to get close to any of your units if you do, well they're doomed. Watch out for Wights, also attack them with your bowmen. Watch for the side stairs, wights can walk up there and once he is on the stairs, he can be very hard to kill without harming your troops. Once the wave is over, you'll get a small break, use this time to prepare for the next onslaught. Also I would suggest that you save. Move your dwarf that is on the left side of the stairs close to your bowmen. Wave 2: Gh“ls, Fetch, Thrall This wave can be more difficult because of the Thrall, but other then them it's about the same as the last one. When you see your first wave of thrall, they'll be coming up the front stairs, use your bowmen's fire arrows to slow them down, then just have your bowmen continue to shoot them with arrows. Along with your dwarf, you should be able to handle those thrall no problem. If you notice the side stairs, they're are some more thrall coming up! The only guy you have there is a dwarf! Here's what you need to do, move all of the berserks that were guarding your bowmen (for now) and switch them up with the one guarding the dwarf. Really the bowmen and the dwarf can handle the Thrall. So while the bowmen and dwarf are fighting the thrall coming from the front stairs, switch over the berserks. You could also do this during the break between the first and second wave. I hope you understood that. Stairs (Facing North) T - ____________S______________ | D | B = Berserk | A A A A A A A A A | A = Bowmen |S B B B |S D = Dwarf | | T = Thrall | | S = Stairs | BB | L = Library | BBB D | < = Left |S S| - = Down | _ _ _ | = Right (Go this way) | > | | | | | | Now move up through a field, you will run into some mauls and there are some soulless floating on the river over to the side. Take the Mauls out with dwarves and bowmen, as the soulless will see you and move towards you onto land, rush them with your idle Heron Guards. Once they are down with, move along through the field. You should know that you are going the right way if you see a rock shaped like a face on the overhead map. Once you see this rock, move over to the right, there is a stream that you can cross to get to the other side. Over on the other side there are Myrkrida running about, if one comes over to you, convert it, they are powerful units. Stay in the middle of the stream until some Myrkrida come towards your units, dispose of the with bowmen and have your Heron Guards finish them off. Stay here until you know you can cast Blinding Dream, once you can, wait until you can see a fetch on the overhead map, if you see one use the blinding dream on it, it shouldn't die because it is a lone enemy wandering around. Once you have a fetch on your side, move the rest of your units over the river. Move up and take out the fetch that are floating on the stream, your fetch can do this nicely. Once they are dead you should be able to see another shore that you can cross to get over to the other side. Don't cross it yet. If you run into any Myrkridia, convert them, if you run into another use the Deceiver to disintegrate them. Now that you are done with them, go over to the side of the stream, set up your bowmen in the long line formation facing the path leading to the stream, have your fetch in the front lines, and have the dwarves close by as well as the Deceiver over to the side. As the walk by the path, zap them with your fetch to get their attention, then they will start coming at you. Move your fetch back and soften the Myrkridia with your bowmen and toss bottles at them with your dwarves. Take one with The deceiver and disintegrate it. Once they are dead, cross over the stream. S AD M| A = Bowmen AT -| F = Fetch A | D = Dwarf AF | M = The Myrkridia A | S = Stream AD | - = Down You're getting close, follow the path that's over the stream, you will see some fetch and soulless as well as some more Myrkridia. Line up your bowmen and have the fetch over to the side and the Deceiver. Once they come at you, take the Myrkridia out with your Heron Guards, Mauls, and Myrkridia if you have any. While they are fighting have your bowmen shooting at the Fetch that came with them. Charge the Soulless with your Heron Guards. Now far over you will see the Tain Shard in a pit guarded by some Myrkridia, Fetch, and a Myrkridian Giant. You can't convert the Giant over, believe me you can't, that would make this part much easier though. Now line up your bowmen and have your fetch and the deceiver over to the side. Using one of your heron Guards, lure the Myrkridia over towards your line of bowmen. Use the Deceiver and convert one of them to stall them while your bowmen fire at the Giant and the fetch zaps him. The Giant can be taken down easily if the Deceiver can get a hold of him and disintegrate. While this is happening watch out for the Myrkridian Giant's bombs that he throws at you. Continue doing this until the Giant is dead and the Myrkridia, when the start coming at you move in your Heron Guards, Mauls, and Myrkrida if you have any and fight them off. Now take care of the Fetch with your bowmen. Once the Coast is clear move into the pit with the Deceiver and take the Tain Shard. Your units teleport away and you complete the level, good work! __________________________ 19. The Summoner __________________________ Coming Soon... __________________________ 20. A Murder of Crows __________________________ Coming Soon... __________________________ 21. The Wall __________________________ Coming Soon... __________________________ 22. Shiver __________________________ Coming Soon... __________________________ 23. Twice Born __________________________ Coming Soon... __________________________ 24. The Forge __________________________ Coming Soon... __________________________ 25. Secret Levels __________________________ Coming Soon... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Multiplayer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sadly, Bungie doesn't support Multiplayer for Myth II anymore. Myth is now owned and supported by Take 2 Games. They don't support online play though. You can still however, play Myth II over the Internet, just not on the Bungie Servers. you can play on Playmyth.net's servers. Go to www.playmyth.net for more information. Everyone on Playmyth (at the moment anyway) is using the 1.5 Beta patch. So unless you have the patch you won't be able to play. To get the patch, go to projectmagma.net. First go to Playmyth.net and set up an account, then go get the patch. Start up Myth II and have fun. __________________________ 1. Multiplayer Modes __________________________ Here I'll explain Myth II's Multiplayer modes very briefly. Assassin In assassin, each team is given a target unit(s). To identify which of your units is the target, the unit will have an extra thick yellow boarder around it. The goal of Assassin is to kill your enemy's target unit while defending your own. Once your target unit is killed, your remaining units will disappear. The winner is the player who killed the most amount of targets. Balls on Parade In Balls on Parade, each team start's out with a ball. The goal of Balls on Parade is to capture as many of the enemy's balls as possible. The player with the most balls when the timer runs out wins. Captures In Captures, there are balls scattered around the battlefield. The goal of this mode is to collect the most balls before the timer runs out. The balls are move able, so once you have one, you can mover it to a safe place. Flag Rally In Flag Rally there are 9 flags on the battlefield. The first team to capture all of them is the winner. Hunting In hunting, each team must kill wildlife. Every animal is worth a certain amount of points. The player with the most amount of points at the end of the game wins. Last Man on the Hill My personal favorite, in Last man on the Hill, one area of the map is the hill and marked with a flag. to capture the hill move one or more of your unit's to the hill area when there no enemy units around. To win Last man on the Hill, you must be the last player to be in control of the hill. Scavenger Hunt In Scavenger Hunt, five balls are scattered around the battlefield the first player to own all 5 wins. Stampede! In Stampede, each team starts the game with a herd of animals and some flags. The goal of stampede is to get your herd to the enemy's flag. Once they are at the flag, the herd will teleport back to your starting position and you will gain a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Steal the Bacon In Steal the Bacon, a ball is located somewhere on the battlefield. The goal is to take the ball and keep it until the end of the game. When the time runs out, the team with the ball in their possession wins. Territories In Territories there are some flags on the battlefield, the goal is to capture more flags then your enemies. King of the Hill King of the Hill is very much like last man on the Hill, except that it doesn't matter if you are the one with the flag at the end. The goal of king of the hill is to stand on the hill for as long as you can. The team who stood on the hill for the most amount of time is declared the winner. __________________________ 2. Multiplayer Maps __________________________ You can play co-op in Myth II but you can also play head to head. In case you are interested, I'll list the names of all of the Multiplayer maps that come with the Myth II CD. Gyre in the Wabe Gimble in the Wabe Demise on the Plains Raid on the Plains The Untamed Lands The Badlands Cracks in the Cloudspine Clash in the Cloudspine Dead Man's Chest Dead Man's Float Killing Grounds Proving Grounds Drowned Kingdom Drowned Empire Venice Dead of Winter The Desert between your Ears If I had a Trow... I'll fall on your Grave I'll fall on your Spiderweb ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Questions/Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Typos? If you wish to contact me you can do so via e-mail at: _________________________________ dazed_and_confused__@hotmail.com _________________________________ If you have anything about Myth II: Soulblighter that you think should go in this guide, please send them into me. Any vulgar or rude comments toward me or anything in this guide will be ignored. If you see any false information or anything that needs correction please notify me of it and I will fix it as soon as I can. If you submit anything you will get full credit for your submission and you will be listed in the credits. Lucky you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Updates/Version Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version #.# (mm/dd/yy) Version 0.5 (08/01/04) This FAQ is far from finished, it will take me awhile to replay all of the levels and such. So be patient, I'm sorry if the level you are on isn't yet listed here. Version 0.6 (08/03/04) Added more level walkthroughs The Baron Gonen's Bridge Beyond the Cloudspine The Great Library Added the names of the Multiplayer Maps Fixed a typo Changed "Berserkers and Berkserk" to Berserks. Man I'm dumb :) Version 0.7 (08/06/04) Added more level walkthroughs The Gate of Storms Landing at White Falls Through the Ermine The Stair of Grief The Deciever Fixed a typo Changed "Mykridia" to Myrkridia Fixed other various typos Version 0.8 (08/10/04) Added more level walkthroughs With Friends like These Walls of Muirthemne The Ibis Crown Redemption Relic ----------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Me for writing this FAQ Bungie Studios for making such a great game GameFAQs for having such a great site ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. Legal Stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide may not be in part or in whole hosted on any other site without my permission. If you see my guide on another site other then the ones listed below, please notify me. If you would like this FAQ on your site, just ask nicely :) www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com dlh.net Copyright 2004 Michael Monette