Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (Xbox 360) FAQ/Walkthrough Version= 1.7 Author: Shadow3003 (Kevin Martin) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. Controls III. Tips IV. FAQ V. Campaign Weapons VI. Campaign Walkthrough Mission 0- Training Mission 1- Contact! Mission 2- Coup d'etat Mission 3- VIP 2 is Down Mission 4- Strong Point VII. Multiplayer Game Variants A. Team Elimination 1a. Sharpshooter 2a. Last Man Standing B. Team Territory 1b. Domination 2b. Hamburger Hill 3b. Siege C. Team Objective 1c. Capture the Flag 2c. Recovery 3c. Search and Rescue D. Solo Elimination 1d. Bounty Hunter 2d. Last Man Standing 3d. Seek and Destroy 4d. Sharpshooter 5d. Thief E. Solo Territory 1e. Hamburger Hill F. Solo Objective 1f. Escort 2f. Flag Carry G. Campaign 1g. Mission H. Co-op Elimination 1h. Firefight I. Co-op Territory 1i. Defend J. Co-op Objective 1j. Recon VIII. Updates IX. Contact Information X. Copyright XI. Special Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is a tactical shooter found on multiple systems. This walkthrough is intended to help you proceed through the single player campaign mode. The campaign walkthrough is split into missions. The missions are further split into objectives, in which I try to get you through that particular objective alive. You will see how this all works out as you get into the campaign walkthrough. This walkthrough is written as I play through hard mode. The same strategies can be applied to normal mode, but you can actually stay out in the opened a little longer than in hard mode. The difference between the two modes is the aggressiveness and the number of enemies. If I have missed something in campaign mode, or you have a better strategy, please send them to me. I welcome anything that you have sent. I will be sure to update the FAQ with any new information I may receive. Credit will be given in Credit section of guide that will be created if anyone sends in anything. Scroll down to the Contact Information section to find out how you can send in information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The controls can be changed in the game, but I'm going to give you the strandard ones instead. From left to right starting at the top: Left Trigger: Aim/Hold Breath (Breath only when zoomed in) LB: Assault/Recon Right Trigger: Fire RB: Camra switch Left Analog: Move Pressed Left Analog: Change Stance Select: Intel Map D-pad: Left/Right= Switch between Ghost squad and other military units Up/Down= Order Start: Menu/Pause Right Analog: Look X Button: Vision Y Button: Action A Button: Reload/Mode of Fire B Button: Select Weapon You can switch what the A,B,X,Y buttons do by going to options and selecting the different kind of controls. You can also switch to inverted look as well. HUD (Heads Up Display): Here is what you see in the game on your HUD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 | | | | | | 1 | | 3 | | | | | | 4 | | | | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 7 8 9 | | 10 | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Cross Com Window 2. Objective Updater 3. Mini Map/Narcom Window 4. Support status/Health indicator (Teamates) 5. Target Reticle 6. Stance Indicator 7. Contextual Action Icon 8. Health 9. On-sight Order 10. Weapon Indicator You can always get better and more detailed explanation from the instruction manual. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Tips -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some helpful tips that will get you through the campaign mode. -Possibly the most important thing in the game is to just take things slow. It isn’t a marathon and no mission has a time limit. -Stay under cover! This is absolutely essential to your survival in campaign mode. Whenever engaging an enemy or enemies go into cover and take them out from there. -When ever you have the drone at your command use it! Send it places your looking to advance on to discover any hostile enemies. Once you have done that move it to a safe distance. -Your own teammates can be a real nuisance at times, but Morph (author of another FAQ for GRAW on the Xbox 360) has the right idea to use your teammates as bait. That doesn’t mean go and send them in and let them die, but if you don’t have a drone at your disposal sending in your own squad can help you determine if an area is hostile or not. If it is, call your troops back and advance slowly onto the next point. -Use a weapon that suits you best. Find a weapon you really like and stick with it. I do advise you to go with assault weapons whenever possible over sniper weapons. Even through really long distances, assault rifles provide a great accuracy especially the MC-R rifle. -In this game survival is all about taking out one enemy at a time from cover. -On hard mode don’t stay out to long or you may find yourself dead. -Always, heal any wounded squad mates. Sure, they will go red for the rest of the mission until you get to a ghost truck, but letting them die means having less support until you get to there. -When using fixed guns fire in burst to ensure that you don’t overheat it. -All be sure to have fun, I mean that’s what game is all about! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why can’t I go into cover in multiplayer? A: I honestly don’t know why, I’m guessing its not to ensure that you don’t just sit behind on wall forever and never leave it. You can however peak and shot around corners by holding the LB button and moving the left analog stick left or right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: I need health and fast! Where do I find it? A: You regain health by getting to a US Ghost truck and you by getting to an ammo box. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: I can’t find the helicopter on multiplayer. Where the heck are they!?! A: This question is asked so often. Search for the Hamburger Hill game variant on multiplayer and a helicopter spawns for whoever controls the single territory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What weapons shoot through walls? A: The sniper a rifles and heavy caliber rifles can only shoot through walls. Also, take not that these weapons can not shoot through every single wall. When trying to shoot an enemy through a wall, if they appear in a red outline that means that you can kill them. On another note, the wall also weakens the built slightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What are the cheat codes for this game? A: You can check them out at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: When I use the cheats for this game, do I still get the achievement? A: Actually, you still are able to the the achievement and all the points. So, if your having trouble you can still use a cheat. It doesn't ruin the game data and the cheats reset each time to go to a new mission. You shouldn't have to use them though if your using this guide. ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: I entered the cheats, but they aren't working! A: In order to enter the cheat you need to be in the pause menu. From there hold down LT, RT, and Select. Once those are held down enter in the cheat and if done correctly you will hear a sound. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: I'm on the level where I am on the rooftops and I got to the end and killed everything, but it won't let me go on. A: I hate to say that this has happened to a few people. If this happens to you move your tank and Scott as far as you can or to the objective point and if it doesn't let you go on, then you will have to reset the mission and try again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: I'm trying to do an action, but even when I click the Y button it won't let me jump, set explosive, etc. Help! A: This is really strange, it could be that your controller is broke, the disc has been scratched, there is a lot of interference in the house if your using a wireless controller, or even more reasons. The best thing I can say is to either buy a new controller, or change the button settings so that the action command is the A button and try then. If it doesn't work, then I honestly don't know what is wrong. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have any more questions? Well then, contact me via Xbox Live or by e-mail. I will be sure to get back to you ASAP. Scroll down to Contact Information to find out contact information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Campaign Weapons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are all the weapons available throughout the campaign. If you want to get a detailed description of the weapons available on multiplayer please check out CommandoSolo's FAQ at -SCAR COC/GL This variant of the SCAR-L comes equipped with an underbarrel grenade launcher, making it a versatile and lethal weapon system. -SCAR-L/GL The SCAR-L fitted with an underbarrel 40mm grenade launcher for heavy indirect fire. -SCAR-L COC This compact version of the SCAR-L has a shorter barrel with a suppressor attached for quite fire. It is slighly less accurate and pwerful than the standard model. -AS50 Sniper Built for Special Operations counter-sniper and anti-vehicular fire, the SR A550 is both powerful and accurate at long ranges. This weapon can pierce thin walls and shoot hidden enemies. -M95 Sniper The M95 is a compact, builpup, bolt-action sniper rifle designed to fit a powerful rifle into a small package. This weapon can pierce thin walls and shoot hidden enemies. -M9 The M9 Pistol is the standard sidearm of the US Military. It has a high magazine capacity and low recoil. -Frag/Smoke This is a kit mixing fragmentation gernades and smoke grenades. Frag grenades cause damage, while smoke grenades blind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Campaign Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************** Mission 0- Training Description: Training Objectives-Complete training ******************************************************************************** Just follow the onscreen instructions on the HUD. Get used to the controls, learn to take cover, jump over the short barricade, learn to switch between automatic and single shot, learn to shoot, and all that other great stuff. Next turn left around the corner and go straight to the ammo box. Once you have the smoke grenades select the grenades. The button depends on the control scheme you chose. In my case, the grenades are the Y button, but in most cases they are the B button. Just follow the onscreen instructions and select your smoke grenades with the D-pad. Get under the cover of the wall and toss 1 smoke grenade lightly in the middle of the street. Once you have done that wait for the smoke to fill and once it has, get out of cover and haul put across the street. Continue to move forward and into the parking house. Go to the top and examine the Ammo Box to get the Zeus MPAR rocket launcher. Its with this bad boy that we are going to destroy the M2A2 Bradley you saw before. Crouch down and move over to the move over to the wall. Once you have spotted the Bradley, zoom in with LT and then pop up and take a shot. After that one shot pop back down under cover. If you didn’t destroy it on the first time repeat the same thing before until it is nothing more that a pile of flames. Once you have reduced the Bradley to dust, exit the parking house and go over to the US Ghost truck to meet your squad. You can switch between all of them if you like, but they are fine just the way they are. You will get the MC-R rifle back and three teammates. Now, move them around as you are instructed. During the fire fight, one of your teammates will fall down and be wounded. Either move over to him and use the action button to heal him yourself or have one of your own squad members do it by issuing the command. Once you he is back up move to the APC and you will have control over it. Move it forward and have it attack the armored vehicle that appears. Now its time to move onto the final part of the training course. Move you and your squad to the next objective point. Move your units up and have them take cover behind the sand bag. You move to the right and take cover behind the wall and the ammo box. Continue to fire out onto the enemies and once they are all gone just round up your squad and head on over to the extraction point. The real fun is about to begin… ******************************************************************************** Mission 1- Contact! Description: While the U.S president is signing a security agreement with the Mexican President, you are sent to the suburbs of Mexico City. Your orders are to neutralize a paramilitary group involved in the theft of Guardrail IX, a multifunction US military black-ops communication asset. Objectives: 1. Reach Ramirez’s Position 2. Move to rally point 3. Extract with Ramirez ******************************************************************************** Objective 1: Reach Ramirez’s Position ******************************************************************************** Alright, from here its all about survival. You need to take cover and proceed with a slight caution. To start off head straight down the highway past the three cars, but once you come to the truck duck down behind the driver side. You will see two enemies and its time to have a little fun. Take aim and kill one of them and possibly the second one if your fast enough. If your not fast enough the enemy will duck for cover, so just wait until he pops up and shot him. From here run past down the street and past the graffiti building and dive down to the low wall on the right. There is an enemy guarding this position, but just pop of cover and take him down. He isn’t very hard alone. Now, continue on to the industrial area. ******************************************************************************** Objective 2: Move to Rally Point ******************************************************************************** Advance up the incline and take cover against the wall. Zoom in on your rifle and shoot the enemy that appears. Now another two open fire and you, but just wait and take them out from cover. Once they are out of the way just head Northwest to the US Ghost truck and select your teammates and stick with the same weapon you have. ******************************************************************************** Objective 3: Extract with Ramirez ******************************************************************************** Alright, use your UAV drone to move over and find Ramirez. Once you have done that bring it back to you because your going to need it to help you detect enemies. Proceed west and head to the pile of wood. Move your drone further south to detect two enemy units. The enemies will not want to leave their cover, so fire a couple of shots to get them to pop and kill them. From here, head up the stairs and take up defensive positions on the highway wall. A convoy with enemy units will appear. Take them all out one by one and then have your units destroy the two armored vehicles. Once you have dealt with them go back down the stairs that you just came up and go underneath the bridge. Move through the wreckage of the convoy and take up position against the wall. Have the UAV drone scan the area ahead to discover four enemy units. Once you know where the units are move to a wall that gives you a clear shot of them. Take out the closest one and make sure to have your own teammates nearby. Once the first one days, another rushes out, but your teammates will take care of him in no time. Position your troops in the middle of the street and they will take care of the last three units. God, you have to love them when they don’t do some stupid things. Be sure to completely scan the area ahead with the UAV drone. Also send out your own troops to make sure that absolutely everything is dead. If that is the case then move forward to the train yard. Alright, now its time to get out of this level, but first you going to have a fight. Scan the train yard from west to east and you will discover 6 enemies. The first one we are taking out is the one on the water tower. Get into an opening and face the water tower. Zoom in and take out the soldier on it. Now, its time to enter the train yard and its going to be one hell of a battle. Begin by killing the soldier on the easternmost part. Another soldier should appear, so take out that one as well. Halfway done already, but now try to kill the two other soldiers in the next part by shooting through the opening. It is also possible to kill them by laying down and shooting them at the feat. Just duck in and out of cover and take everything nice and slow. Eventually you will neutralize all the enemies. You should be able to attack them between the openings, but if you must proceed back and fourth between the train yard rows to neutralize all the enemies. Now its time to move on to the extraction point. Proceed forward and position your troops near the wall of the booth. The gates will open and its time for a battle. A Blackhawk will come and provide assistance. Use it to eliminate all enemy opposition that you can see. Once they are gone, move you and your squad forward into the building. As you move into the building, take caution as one more troop will run across the railing at the top. Take him out and go up the ramp ahead of you. Proceed outside of the building. Proceed forward and move your team to the northern part of the fence. Two enemies should begin to fire onto them. Use the UH-60 to take them out or have your own troops take them out as well. Proceed up the stairs and then send your team to the east, then follow after them. Continue to advance and send your squad ahead of you to make sure that its safe to advance. Eventually you will come to the extraction point and that ends the mission. Congratulations! ******************************************************************************** Mission 2- Coup d'etat Description: A coup d'etat has erupted in Mexico City. Rebelshave invanded the capitol and civilians are in hiding. James Ballantine, the US president is missing. You are sent to the historical center of Mexico City to locate and secure President Ballantine. Objectives: 1. Secure the insertion zone 2. Reach VIP 1's position 3. Secure VIP's extraction 4. Extract with VIP 2 ******************************************************************************** Objective 1: Secure the insertion zone ******************************************************************************** These parts of the mission where your in the helicopter I can't do anything except give you some pointers. Be sure to always fire in bursts and be sure to keep a somewhat constant rate of fire. I found out that as long as you keep a steady stream of fire you will survive. You don't have to kill all the enemies, but whenever you see a truck don't hesitate to fire at it. Killing that will lessen the amount of enemies that will fire at you. Even when their are points of rest, keep firing because enemies can attack from all directions. Do these things and you should be fine. ******************************************************************************** Objective 2: Reach VIP 1's position ******************************************************************************** Alright, now that your back on the ground its time for a slightly easier time. To start off head to and take cover near the building to the northwest. Move along north and once you reach the end peak around the corner and take out the enemy you spot. Once he is out of the way move back into cover and locate the next soldier. Once you have spoted him at the other take aim and fire. Another soldier should come running and appear around the corner. Wait and take him out once the chance arrives. With three soldiers out of the way proceed forward with caution. Move out of cover and to the right slightly and you should see another soldier. Take him down and move back into cover. Another soldier should appear for you to take down. If all soldiers have been taken care of your commander will let you know. If not then sendyou troops forward and try to lure out the remaining rebels. Once all of them have been taken care of move up the street. Move to the building and if you look around you should be able to spot two enemy units. Take out the sniper on the middle of the building on the second floor and then the soldier at the base of the building. Be sure to have your troops as more soldier will appear and try to gun you down. Your squad however should be able to handle the few that do come running at you. There are still two more rebels located in the plaza. Once is near the burning car and you should be able to shoot at him through the smoke. There is another one hiding near the burning vehicle just behind the tent. In order to attack him, move up and take cover behind the green machine. Peek around the corner and zoom in. Hopefully you will have a red diamond, fire onto him. Send in your troops and make sure the area is clear. Once its rebel free, head on over to the objective. ******************************************************************************** Objective 3: Secure VIP's extraction ******************************************************************************** Alright, its not exactly that objective yet, but enemies are moving in on your position. In order not to get mowed down the the enemy move to the scaffold and take cover. An armor vehicle appears with rebels and you have to pop in and out of cover to take them down. With those rebels out of the way its time to move on. Proceed soutwest and move west along the street. Head south down the alley and once more proceed west. Once you come to the end you you will see the fuel truck. Put a few rounds in it and most of the enemies near it will die. Now, move your units up and two more enemies will appear. Your troops should be able to take them out though. From here, move to the rally point and keep the same weapon. Move behind the APC as fast as possible because enemy units are going to move on you. Once you have taken care of them its time to proceed to the VIP's postion. Move the APC around corner and it will run into an armored vehicle and more rebels. The APC should be able to handle this entire threat with ease. Once the enemies have been taken out move the APC as far up as you can and then take control of your Ghosts and move to the objective. Once you reach the objective move inside the building and fast. ******************************************************************************** Objective 4: Extract with VIP 2 ******************************************************************************** Follow the Mexican president up the ramp and take cover behind the barrels. Position your troops near the the rame and next to the car. They should be able to handle anything that comes their way. You on the other hand need to what the entrance to your right and take out any rebels that will be moving up it. Once they have all been taken care of proceed to the roof. Once your up there move to the objective and get the MPAR. Move your troops to a position where they won't try and attack the tanks down below. Now with your MPAR in hand its time to take down two tanks. Move to the NW corner and take aim at one of the vehicles. Move along the wall and take aim at the other vehicle. Once they are out of the way. send your troops down outside to make sure its safe. Follow after them and head straight to the objective. Congrats another mission complete. ******************************************************************************** Mission 3- VIP 2 is Down Description: With President Ballantine secure, you are sent to rescue the Mexican president. Tensions increase as Carlos Ontiveros, leader of the group that stole Guardrail IX, turns out to be the reble general's son. How can a guerilla and a black-ops communication asset be linked? Objectives: 1. Ambush enemy convoy 2. Regroup with VIP 2 3. Defend US Embassy ******************************************************************************** Objective 1: Ambush enemy covoy ******************************************************************************** Move your troops quickly to the wall, while you use your MPAR to take down the two armored vehicles. Once they are out of the way, move to where your troops are and take down the the vehicles and the other units. Sit tight and your squad should be able to take down all the units. Send rockets into areas to make sure nothing lives. Once all the enemies have been taken care of move to the rally point and get back you MR-C rifle. ******************************************************************************** Objective 2: Regroup with VIP 2 ******************************************************************************** Now you have a UAV drone at your disposal once more, so you can now know where your enemies are located. Use your drone and scan the area near the rectangular building on your tatical map. Roughly six enemy units will be spoted. Move northwest along the wall and keep your units in a place where they won't attract any attention. You however, need to move all the way to the end of the wall and take aim at the building off in the distance. Near the top a sniper will be trying to kill you. Once you have taken him out continue to move along the wall. Take out the enemy soldier just around the corner and look near the bus and above it a sniper that you need to take out fast. Once those threats have been taken care of its time to finish of the rest of the rebels. Move up and take down the transporter to kill one or two of the rebels. Move up and some of the enemy units should move out and try to attack you. Take them down and move your troops up to kill of any that don't feel like showing up. Move your drone further southwest to reveal another group of enemy units. Move southwest yourself and take up defensive positions from it. Begin to take aim at the enemy units and kill them one by one. Use your drone to make sure that the entire area is free of enemy units. Once its all clear head over to the objective. It will save and now just head on over to the embassy. As you approach the building things get a little crazy and you are given a new objective. ******************************************************************************** Objective 3: Defend US Embassy ******************************************************************************** This part of the mission is going to be either really tough or really fun depending on how you position yourself and your own troops. It will still be on heck of a battle though. To start off move your troops behind the low wall and you need to take up position near the big pillar. Now prepare for a real fight. Your objective here is to let your troops handle everything in the front, while you cover the side to ensure that no units get through. Once the armor appears, don't try to attack it, but instead keep up your defense and heal your troops as needed. Eventually an Apache arrives and all you have to do is use it to take care of the rest of the units. Once all the rebels have been taken care of move to the extraction point. Once again you have completed another mission. Great work, but it only gets harder as you progress. ******************************************************************************** Mission 4- Strong Point Description: The US persident is secure, but still grounded waiting for the airport perimeter to be secure. You must now help loyal Mexican soldiers and American troops in order to defeat the rebels. Your first mission is to open up a path to Mexico City by neutralizing a rebel position. Objectives: 1. Destroy anti-air bunkers 2. Destroy lase power generator 3. Neutralize the rebel camp ******************************************************************************** Objective 1: Destory anti-air bunkers ******************************************************************************** Now that you have landed head over to the rally point. Once there, select the AS50 Sniper. Once you have done that its time to blow up some bunkers. Head SE in the direction of the hills. Eventually the road will spilt and you should take the eastern path towards the SE bunker. Follow the road and it will split once more and you should climb to the top of the hill to your right. Once your at the top you will see the small village below. Before you start shooting position your men on the road you came from and switch them to assault mode to ensure that if you don't kill an enemy they don't run up and kill you. Head to the small wall to the east and take aim at the watch tower and kill the sniper there. Once he is out of the way start taking out as many hostile units as you can. Don't worry if you miss because the men you posistioned at the bend will take care of any units coming from that area. Once you don't see any more enemies, send your team down to the village to make sure its safe. Once it is move down and take out the bunker. Now that one bunker is out of the way, its time to head to the next one. Head back up on that same hill and move west. At the far end in the watch tower is a sniper. Take him out and once you come to the slope that leads down, position your troops and switch them to assault mode. Now move to the left and the rebels should spot you. They will come running and your men should take them out. If your not spotted then move towards the end of the wall and to the opening and begin to shoot at the enemies. They should try to run up the slope and your troops will take care of them. Once your done with all the rebels move your units into the village to make sure thats its safe and if it is then go down and blow up that last bunker. Once the bunker has been taken care of quickly mount the fixed M50 and once the the transport unit comes into sight open fire and blow it up. From here, head back up the hill and to the rally point. You and your units will heal and you will have only a sniper for the next objective. ******************************************************************************** Objective 2: Destroy lase power generator ******************************************************************************** Now its time to destroy the lase power generator. Move SE and use the apache to kill all the enemy units and then have it destroy the generator. With that out of the way its time to round things up. Proceed SE and you will get a M2A2 for more support for your next objective. ******************************************************************************** Objective 3: Neutralize the rebel camp ******************************************************************************** This next part is a bit challenging, but if you take it slow you can get through it alive. To start off run through the gate to discover two APC's. Hide behind the tollbooth and have your M2A2 and apache to take care of them. This next part requires you to use the M2A2 as cover as you advance into the camp. Have your units follow you and put them in assault mode. Now move the M2A2 up and enemy units will start to appear. Hide behind the tank and take them out, but becareful because the tank will move constantly so you will need to stop it when it does. Keep moving forward and eventually you will come to the end. Now, move back and aim at the watch tower towards the SE and take out the sniper on top of it. From here its all about sending in your troops first and have them take out any enemy units, while you help and provide assistance when needed. Head to the SE objective and move you units along cover and have them fight rebels. Once its clear head in and blow that area up. Rember to move your units back if they are taking heavy fire; you don't want them dead. Once you have taken out the SE target its time to move to the one in the middle. Move back and be sure to stay in cover and have your squad stay in cover. Take out any enemy units and when its clear blow up the second of the artillery. Once the second artillery is gone, its time to move to the last one. Move through the tents and position your units at the big tent to the north. You take position behind the metal boxes and take out one of the enemy units using the fixed gun on the left. From there, move your troops to the other metal covering and take aim at the second unit on the fixed gun to the right. Once that unit is taken care of move your units up to the objective to confirm its clear and then blow up the last artillery. Now just head on to the extraction point. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Multiplayer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ Game Variants ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** A. Team Elimination (Players are on two teams and work to eliminate each other) ******************************************************************************** 1a. Sharpshooter- Each team attempts to eliminate each other and gets points for each kill. Infinite respawns, two teams. First team to 50 wins 2a. Last Man Standing- Team attempt to eliminate each other. No respawns, two teams. Team with most kills after time limit wins. ******************************************************************************** B. Team Territory (Two teams work to control zones on the map) ******************************************************************************** 1b. Domination- Two teams capture five zones and get points for each one they control. Team with most points after the time is up wins. Three respawns are given to each player. 2b. Hamburger Hill- Two teams attempt to control on territory and repel the other team from capturing it. Points go up as you control the territory and the team with the most points once time is up wins. Infinite respawns and a Helicopter is given to the team that controls the territory. 3b. Siege- One team attempts to capture the enemies base. Game ends when time runs out and win goes to whoever is controlling the base or once on team is completely eliminated. No respawns are available. ******************************************************************************** C. Team Objective (Two teams work together to capture different objects on the map) ******************************************************************************** 1c. Capture the Flag (CTF)- Teams attempt to capture the opponents flag and return it to their flag point. A point is given to each flag capture and the first team to get 10 captures win. Infinite respawns, two teams. 2c. Recovery- Teams must capture a single flag in the middle of the map and bring it back to their designated zone. First team to 10 points wins. Infinite respawns, two teams. 3c. Search and Rescue- Teams escort three unarmed officers and receive points for controlling them. The team with the most points when time runs out wins. Infinite respawns, two teams. ******************************************************************************** D. Solo Elimination (Everyone is on their own trying to eliminate one another) ******************************************************************************** 1d. Bounty Hunter- Players attempt to eliminate each other and get consecutive kills to gain more points. Once you die, the number of points you receive for a kill reset back to one. Person with most points when time runs out wins. Infinite respawns, free for all. 2d. Last Man Standing- Players eliminate each other and the one with the most kills or is the last one standing wins. No respawns, free for all. 3d. Seek and Destroy- Players attempt to eliminate a target, but get changed into the target after the kill. Score points by eliminating players if you’re the target or by killing the target. The player with the most points when time runs out wins. Infinite respawns, free for all. 4d. Sharpshooter- Players eliminate each other and first one to ten kills wins. Infinite respawns, free for all. 5d. Thief- Players eliminate each other and the one with the most points becomes the thief. Players score one point for each kill of another opponent, but score two points for killing the thief. The player with the most points once time runs out wins. Infinite respawns, free for all. ******************************************************************************** E. Solo Territory (Players attempts to control a territory and gain points) ******************************************************************************** 1e. Hamburger Hill- Players attempt to control the single territory on the map. Players gain points for controlling the territory and the one with the most point once time runs out wins. Infinite respawns and a helicopter is given to the person who controls the territory. Free for all ******************************************************************************** F. Solo Objective (Players attempt to capture different objectives on the map) ******************************************************************************** 1f. Escort- A player attempts to escort a single unarmed officer. Player gains for points for controlling him and the first person to 50 points wins. Infinite respawns, free for all 2f. Flag Carry- A player picks up the flag for points. Person with the most points when time runs out wins. Infinite respawns, free for all, flag drops where you die ******************************************************************************** G. Campaign (Players are on one team attempting to complete objectives and facing AI enemies) ******************************************************************************** 1g. Mission- Players work together to eliminate enemy opposition and complete objectives. No respawns. ******************************************************************************** H. Co-op Elimination (Players are on one team eliminating all AI enemies) ******************************************************************************** 1h. Firefight- Players work together and eliminate a large force of enemies. Three respawns to each player. ******************************************************************************** I. Co-op Territory (Players are on one team attempting to stop AI enemies for obtaining certain areas) ******************************************************************************** 1i. Defend- Players work together to stop AI enemies from capturing their base. Once time expires or all enemy opposition are taken care of the game is over. No respawns. ******************************************************************************** J. Co-op Objective (Players are on one team trying to recon different objectives) ******************************************************************************** 1j. Recon- Players work together and recon five different locations on the map. The team wins once all five zones have been scouted. No respawns available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Updates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0- FAQ/Walkthrough is started, with eight different sections and two campaign missions completed. Version 1.4- Two more campaign missions added, a controls section added as well, and a new question answered in the FAQ section. Version 1.7 - Answered more questions, changed on of the answers to a question, added another mission, added more to the copyright section, and began Campaign Weapons section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions please send them to me. I would love to hear your feedback. You can contact me through two different sources. E-mail: Xbox Live: Shadow3003 Please note, that I don’t check my email very often, so it would be better if you send a message to me via Xbox Live. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Copyright -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is under copyright protection. It may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for your own personal use. It may not be placed on any other website or disrupted to the public without the consent of the author. The use of the FAQ on any other website or is displayed publicly without written permission is a violation of copyright laws and you will be reported to the authorities. Only these websites have permission to host this FAQ. If you see any other websites displaying this FAQ report them to the authorities immediately! ( Copyright 2006 Kevin Martin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Special Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would just like to take the time and thank all the people who contribute FAQs at If it wasn’t for those guys, I wouldn’t have been able to get a basic ground work for this FAQ. Thanks again guys and for all the websites for hosting the FAQ for others to use.