Dungeon Keeper II: A Guide to Attracting Elite Creatures. I: Intro/credits II: General Elite information III: Elite specifics and room requirements IV: Contact info V: Legal nonsense I: Intro/credits This FAQ is a guide to enticing the Elite Creatures in Bullfrog's game "Dungeon Keeper II." It was composed almost entirely by Chuck Kappenman, with the exception of certain aspects which were gleaned from various posts on the alt.games.dungeon-keeper message board before I experienced them myself. All items noted have been discovered or verified by me, save those I explicitly deny having witnessed. The only single person I would like to credit is Imp-Basher, who contacted Bullfrog customer support to get the layouts for the Vampire and Dark Angel Elites, and whose permision I received to include his findings in this guide. Thanks a lot man. I would credit everyone else who's worked on finding all the elites, but that's pretty much everyone who's dowloaded vesion 1.61, and frankly I don't know them all. So, on with the guide. II: General Elite Information The Elite creatures first appeared in version 1.61 of Dungeon Keeper II. They are supposedly "Stronger, faster, better" versions of their "normal" counterparts, though at times it seems like they just look different. Elites don't have any new abilities though, in general, they have less fear and are a bit better in battle. It seems that Bullfrog was more interested in having some extra tidbits just plain available than have them be worth the headache of finding out how to attract them. Of course, there's no telling (but plenty of hoping) what they'll do in future updates. Each elite requires a specific room configuration to attract. These configurations have to be followed EXACTLY, and cannot be touching any other rooms. A good way to make sure that the room will be separated is to have your imps dig out an opening of the proper size, rather than in a more open area which runs the risk of overlapping other rooms. The rooms have to be alligned with the "top" of the figure as printed here facing north. This orientation can most easily be achieved by right-clicking on the mini-map in the bottom left corner of the screen, then clicking anywhere on the map, as it will rotate the view so that north is towards the top of your screen. You can only attract one of each Elite creature. If he/she dies, is dropped in a portal or temple, or is converted by an enemy, you don't get any more. I heard that if you build another room configuration you can attract another Elite (ala building two 5x5 temples to attract 4 Dark Angels,) but have not seen that happen in my own experiences. If you encounter this phenomenon, please contact me and I will alter this guide appropriately. Each Elite has a specific name. This name does NOT appear on the information bar at the top of the screen; it appears when you hold the Hand of Evil over the creature for a second or two. So, say you have the Hand over an elite Firefly: normally, a little box with "Firefly" will appear, but since it is elite the box will read "Bzzzt." When you get an Elite, save, then load the game, the Elite turns into a regular creature. This is believed to be cause by the fact that they're not catagorized as Elite, they're simply Goblins, Warlocks, etc. III: Elite specifics and room requirements For each creature, the type, Elite name, and room configuration is listed. Here is a brief run-down of what the configurations are like: 3x3 A room with 1 B room in corners: B A B A A A B A B 5x5 A room with 1 B room in corners: B A A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A B 3x3 A room surrounded by 5x5 B room B B B B B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B B B B B 5x5 A room surrounded by 7x7 B room B B B B B B B B A A A A A B B A A A A A B B A A A A A B B A A A A A B B A A A A A B B B B B B B B Finally, how to actually attract each individual Elite! Elite Goblin: Grubb 3x3 lair with 1 hatchery in each corner ********** Elite Firefly: Bzzzt 3x3 hatchery with 1 lair in each corner ********** Elite Troll: Knud 5x5 workshop with 1 lair in each corner ********** Elite Salamander: Furnace 5x5 training room with 1 lair in each corner ********** Elite Warlock: Almeric 5x5 library with 1 lair in each corner ********** Elite Dark Elf: Zenobia 3x3 guard room surrounded by 5x5 training room ********** Elite Bile Demon: Bloz 5x5 hatchery surrounded by 7x7 workshop. ********** Elite Rogue: Gervaise 5x5 casino with 1 treasury in each corner ********** Elite Dark Mistress: Dominique 3x3 prison surrounded by 5x5 torture chamber ********** Elite Sekeleton: Bane 5x5 prison with 1 treasury in each corner NOTE: Unlike regular skeletons, Bane will set up a lair AND collect money on pay day. Apparently, it takes some functioning brain cells to be Elite }:) ********** Elite Black Knigt: Kaleb 5x5 combat pit surrounded by 7x7 training room ********** The Elite Vampire and Dark Angel require extra special room configurations. Apparently, the folks at Bullfrog were feeling extra evil the day they designed these two. Key: LIB - Library GRA - Graveyard LAI - Lair TRA - Training room TRE - Treasury TOR - Torture chamber TEM - Temple ********** Elite Vampire: Kessler Van Doom Two 3x3 graveyards with northeast/southwest corners overlapping, surrounded by 7x7 library, as so: LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB GRA GRA GRA LIB LIB LIB LIB GRA GRA GRA LIB LIB GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA LIB LIB GRA GRA GRA LIB LIB LIB LIB GRA GRA GRA LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB ********** Elite Dark Angel: Zachariah This is definitly the most complicated and sadistic room layout ever created. How Bullfrog thought ANYONE could figure this out on their own is beyond me. You start with a 5x5 temple in the center. On the left (west) side, you put a 7 tile high row of treasury tiles. On the right (east) side, you put 7 training room tiles. On the north (top) side, you put 5 lairs. On the south (bottom), you put 5 torture chambers. So you know what I'm babbling about, behold the diagram: TRE LAI LAI LAI LAI LAI TRA TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRA TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRA TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRA TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRA TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRA TRE TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR TRA {pant pant pant} You get all that? IV: Contact info Chuck Kappenman: Chazbsweet@hotmail.com Official Dungeon Keeper website: www.dungeonkeeper.com V: Legal nonsense Dungeon Keeper, Bullfrog, their logos, and darn near everything mentioned in this FAQ is copyright Electronic Arts. GameFAQs.com copyright GameFAQs. If I missed anything else, it's copyright whoever made it.