TTTTTTTTT H H EEEEEEEEE T H H E T HHHHHH EEEEEEEEE T H H E T H H EEEEEEEEE L O O SSSSSSSS TTTTTTTTTT L O O SS T L O O SS T L O O SS T LLLLLL O O SSSSSSS T V V II K K II N N G SSSSSSSSS V V II K K II N N N G SS V V II K K II N N N G GGGG SS V V II K K II N NN GG G SS V II K K II N N G G G SSSSSSSS ---+ By Jeremy Bennetch +--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: * * 1. Introduction * * 1. Faq History * * 2. Characters * * 3. Detailed walkthrough * World 1 (Space Ship) * World 2 (Prehistoric) * World 3 (Desert/Pyramid) * World 4 (Workshop) * World 5 (Whacky World) * World 6 (Space Ship again) * * 4. Secrets * * 5. Credits * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= 1. Introduction ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= I like this game so much that it inspired me to create this guide. Use it whenever you get stuck. Any comments/suggestions/questions can be sent to: ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= 1. A FAQ History ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= Version 1.0 This FAQ is created. ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= 2. Characters ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= Erik the Swift: The fastest character, he can ram walls and jump. Baleog the Fierce: He has a sword, and a very deadly bow. Olaf the Stout: This viking has a very useful shield, used to deflect enemy attacks, have Erik jump off of it, and can even be used to make him glide slowly downward! NOTE: In case you are wondering, "omega" is the name of the yellow item that destroys all enemies on the screen. ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= 3. Detailed Walkthrough ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ World 1, Space Ship -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Level 1: No real challenge here. Just have Erik jump over the force field, and go up and right to the end. Get Olaf down and right and dodge the gun turret. Get Baleog down, too, and kill the green alien along the way. See? That wasn't so bad. GR8T: (Great) This level isn't bad either. Make Erik scout the level first, defeat all the green aliens along the way, and climb the ladders up. Get the switches to deactivate the force fields, and grab the necessary items. Now, all the aliens defeated, get everyone to the right onto the elevator. If you want some secret health, go into the left wall onto the way down. Go all the way down. Shoot the switch with an arrow, and now you have two choices here. One is that you can use the bomb on the computer. But don't waste it. You can keep shooting it with arrows and ram it to destroy it, though it takes a while. You can then use the spare bombs on the guns later on. Go back up, and go to the left, and defeat the alien. Block the gun, and go down and bomb the rest of the guns. Ram the wall to the right of the second gun to get a meat. Now just get everyone down to the end. TLPT: (Teleport) Bring everyone down. Bash the wall, then bash the wall to the right as well. Go up, and jump into the left wall for a secret. Now shoot the switch, and teleport everyone. Have Olaf go down, get the key, and teleport back up. Open up the door, and hit the button with Baleog's bow. Ram the wall, and go down. Jump off of Olaf's shield to get up to where the robot is. Carefully jump up there, and bomb the robot. Open the door, and use the omega (the yellow item) when you see all three robots on the screen. Take everyone up to the exit to finish. GRND: (Grind/Grinder) Take Erik to the left, and go down. Bash the left wall, and go in the teleporter for a secret. Go back, and jump over the grinder. Press the button to free the other vikings. Block the gun, and jump over to get the yellow key. Go back and up the ladder to use the key. Teleport everyone, and hold right to get past here before going up all the way to the force fields and getting fried. Kill all robots in sight. Jump Erik off of Olaf's shield to get the shoe thing. Use it, then race to the right and press the button to turn off the arrow things. Get everyone right, and finish the world. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ World 2: Prehistoric -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ LLM0: (???) Not too difficult once you know what to do. Jump over the water, and jump up again to get an omega. Use this wherever you want. Get him up the ladder and all the way right, where he needs to fall down and jump left to get the key. Get everyone else over here, watching out for those killer miniature dinosaur guys. Bash the right wall, then block the snail and defeat it. Go down, and open the door. Go all the way as far as you can, then have Baleog shoot the switch to lower the bridge. Do this twice, then finish the stage. Fl0T: (Float) Have Olaf go up, get the items along the way, and have his shield up. Glide down, and avoid the fire along the way. Get the key, and free Erik and Baleog. Kill the dinosaur guy, and block the new caveman enemy. You can only hurt him when he isn't rolling. But, you can have Erik go up the ladder, and avoid the fireballs. Get the key then quickly jump over the fire spitter to the right. Get the stuff, and go down the right. Jump over to the left (after killing the caveman) and give the fire arrows to Baleog. Now, these will kill anything in one hit, even the cavemen while they are still rolling. Go up, defeat the dinosaur guy, and have Erik jump off of Olaf's shield to the above area. Use the key, and go left to get a shield. Use it, then go up and defeat the snail. Ram the wall to get access to the meat. Now have Baleog go up and kill the enemies here. Get everyone to the exit (duh!) TRSS: (Trees) Not a tough level. Erik needs to go around the level, dodging the enemies first, Use the omega in a place to save you some time. There is a wall just to the right of where you start where you can ram the wall for a meat. Have him go up and right until he finds a bridge. Make a running leap over it, and land on it. Jump to the right, don't get the key yet. Jump left to get a shield and use it. Now get the key and use it. Get Baleog and Olaf over here now, they must kill a bunch of snails and cavemans though. Once they make it, just fall right then left and go to the exit and finish. PRHS: (Prehistoric) Go down, and ram the wall and defeat the caveman. Go down some more, and get this item. You don't have to do either of these, but the health helps. Go right, and up. Defeat the snail, and shoot the platforms with arrows to make them fall on the lava. Go right, and up to find a fire spitter. Block it, bash the wall, then shoot the button. Go down, defeat all cavemen you find and hit that final button to get access to the exit. CVRN: (Cavern) This level is a little bit more difficult than before. First defeat the snail, and get Erik up above here and jump to get the shield. Jump back, and ram the wall. Now, the tricky part. You have to get Olaf to the lower left so that he can block the caveman but not get hit by the fireballs. There are two ways to do this. Just as a fireball gets shot, go down and quickly go left as far as you can. Here is another way. As the caveman is about to hit the wall where the fire shooter is, drop Olaf down so he can block both the caveman and the fire. Either way, get Baleog down so that he can defeat the caveman. Use the key, and defeat more cavemen and bash the wall. Take everyone down and defeat monsters along the way. Now, if you are good, you can get everyone on the same bubble at once. Get everyone to the first stop, and block the wall. Bash the wall, and get the key. Go down, and jump to the right. Use it to get yet another key. Carefully jump back Get everyone back into a bubble or several bubbles and get up to the right. Make Erik use the key. If you are good you can ram the wall, quickly get the item, and get out before the column totally comes down. If you don't feel like taking the risk, make Olaf block it from coming down. Kill the caveman with it. Go up again and around to where the caveman was. Go to the exit and finish. BBLS: (Bubbles) Go up and defeat all enemies and get all items you can find. Now, the tricky part. You must get all the vikings safely across the bubbles to the other side. Olaf and Erik are easy, it's getting Baleog that can get hairy. Just take your time to memorize the pattern in which the bubbles pop up. You'll be find. Once everyone is across. jump off of Olaf's shield to get the key that opens the door. Go up, kill the red dinosaur and snail. Go left, and defeat this dinosaur too. Keep going around here, defeating all monsters along the way. Jump off of Olaf's shield to get above. Use the omega when you see three enemies on the screen. Open the door, and get everyone right to the end of the level. VLCN: (Volcano) Block the fireballs, and ram the wall where the fireballs are coming from. Defeat the monster, and do the same above. Free the girl up there by shooting the lock. Talk to her, then jump Erik to the right to use the red key (you don't have to go up and left unless you want to.) Have Baleog go down, and through the left wall. Defeat the cavemen. Get the meat, and go down. Make sure the caveman is trapped to the left or you will eventually get pushed into the lava. Get everyone up by the bubbles. Dodge the fire, and if you do get hit use a meat because it hurts 2 health. Push the block into the little pit, and get everyone left and down to get to the next world. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ World 3: Desert/Pharaoh world -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ QCKS: (Quicksand) Not hard once you know what to do. Have Erik jump around the level, dodging the scorpions and getting the items. Baleog has to climb up the first tree, and shoot the coconuts to allow him access to the right. Defeat the enemy, and continue right and do the same here. Now, with everyone to the right, use the red key and defeat the pharaoh guy. Continue right, and have Erik drop a bomb up the ladder to cause havoc with the other pharaoh dudes. If you are lucky, they will both be blow up. Now after everyone is near the exit, push the block over the edge. Get the key, and quickly jump back and go down the ladder and use the key to finish the stage. PHR0: (Pharaoh) Ram the wall, and defeat the enemy. Go right, and keep your distance from the left. Shoot the button with an arrow. and block the fireballs. Kill the enemies before they can get to Olaf. Head right, and get everyone to the button before pressing it. Go down, and defeat the enemy. Jump Erik to the left, and shoot an arrow, then switch to Baleog to get everyone across. Now go left. Go down the ladder partially, and fall right into the wall. Ram the couple of walls you meet along the way, and get everyone to the exit. There is an area below, but it's a lot harder to navigate. C1R0: (Ciro?) Jump over to the right and press the button. Glide Olaf to the left, and press the lever. Now Baleog can get to the right. Get Erik up on the moving platform, dodge the blocks, and go up the first ladder. Ram the left wall. Do not ram the right wall. If you do accidentally ram the right wall, immediately switch to Baleog or Olaf, because a huge boulder comes and squishes you. But if you switch to someone else when you switch back the boulder will be gone and Erik unharmed. Go left (bash the wall) and down, and jump to the left and go up. Get the stuff here, and defeat that enemy with the omega. Bash the right wall, and go down. Now switch to Olaf. Glide down, carefully dodging the green drops that come down as they mean instant death. Get him up the ladder to the right, and open the door. The pattern for the levers is: up, down, up. Then press the left button. Get everyone into the exit. SPKS: (Spikes) Climb the column, and collect the stuff. Come back, and jump over and punch the button. Jump onto the block to lower it, then quickly jump off. While Olaf deflects the fireballs, Baleog needs to shoot an arrow at the chain. Give a couple of items from Erik to Baleog or Olaf. Have Erik go down the ladder and through the left wall. Use the omega on the robot. Get the items, and hand them to Baleog to use. Go down, and bash the wall after defeating the enemy. Go down so more, but don't bother bashing the right wall, just bash the left one. Kill a couple more enemies. Now get Erik up. Here is the pattern from left to right, top to bottom: Bug thing, cains, weights, eye. Now go back to the exit and press the button to open up the path to the exit. JMNN: (???) Block the snake to the right, and defeat it. Ram the wall. Give the bomb to Olaf, and have him go back to the start and down the ladder. Bomb the robot, and get the item. Now he has to navigate carefully down to the right and take breaks on the ladders. Beware of the green drops that come down a lot. Get the key when you get to it, then float all the way to the right. If you are good, you can get Erik through this whole "Olaf only" part. But only try if it you are very good and after ramming all the necessary walls and also after getting the red key under the platform going up and down. Have Erik go down, get the red key, and quickly get out before he gets crunched. Go up the platform, and open the door. Jump over the robot, and hold down and go right at the same time. You will eventually go into a secret area. Quickly go in, get the items, and get out before the snakes get you. Give the flame arrows to Baleog, then get them both back up and kill the robots with your flame arrows. Ram the right wall, and defeat this robot, too. Get the bomb and fall down to where Olaf should be blocking the robot. Get everyone down here, and down the ladder to get to the exit. TTRS: (Tetris) This level can be very irritating. Defeat the enemy, go up and defeat this dude too. Jump up through the right wall and get the item. Give it to Baleog. Get everyone across the spikes. Have Olaf go on the platform going up, and glide down to the right of the barrier to get some necessary items. Get everyone up, but first have Baleog get rid of all of the enemies. Use the key, and have Erik go down and avoid all the robots until he gets the blue key down here. Avoiding the robots, go back to the elevator and get back up. Bring everyone up, and get Erik up to the "block part". Stay on the first block that falls down until a block comes down a couple blocks away then jump off. Jump on the block that just went down and almost crushed you. Then jump to the left when there are three blocks in a row next to each other. Stay in the middle. Then when a block falls just to the right of you, jump on it. Then a block two blocks to the left of you will be clumped up as high as it will go. Jump on it after a block falls just to the left of you. Stay here until the blocks stop, and you are safe. Push the block to the left, get the turkey, and fall. Use the turkey. Make him go into the "galaxy". Now switch to Baleog , and go down and defeat the last enemy of this world. Get everyone into the "galaxy" and you're done. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ World 4: Workshop -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ JLLY: (Jelly?) First carefully get everyone around the pistons. Olaf can only block the small pistons, not the large ones. Erik has to jump up the blue shafts and get the items up there. Shoot the switch to the right to stop the piston. Down below, jump off of Olaf's shield to get on the moving bar above. Jump up, and use the omega, and try to kill the buzzer and the "bucket" up above at the same time. Press the button. Go up, and get the stuff. Come back, and give it to Baleog. Go right, and head down the ladder, but go into the air shaft. Destroy all the buzzers with your fire arrows. Get Erik and Baleog up, and get another Omega. Make sure that Baleog does not come with you here, or he will be trapped. Bomb the ground, and use the omega on the gun on wheels thing, and get the key. Get everyone back to the ladder, and shoot the button. Now, this is tricky. You have to get all the vikings to the left without being crushed. A good way to get past the second conveyor belt is to have Olaf have his shield up, then have Baleog stay under the shield to be safe. Once you make everyone across, open the door to the exit. PLNG: (Plunge) Start by operating the magnet and drop the block onto the pipe thing. Climb up the pipe you see for a secret omega. Come back, and use the next magnet. You can get Olaf up with it. Move the magnet right, and then switch to Olaf. This is a bit hard. You have to lower his shield to give you just enough time to fall down, hit the button, and quickly put his shield back up so that you get sucked back up to the magnet. Get Olaf out of here with Erik, and bring everyone down. Put Olaf and Baleog on the left part of the see saw, and Erik on the right, Get them on the first spring. Get Erik up and go in the first air duct first. Go to the left, and kill the machine with the omega. Get the meat, and use a meat that gives you only 1 health (because you got hit here.) Go up, and use the omega on these enemies. Get everyone up here, and have Olaf on the magnet. Take him to the left. then turn the magnet off. Glide down to the left, and press the button. Get everyone into the exit. BTRY: (Battery) take the elevator down, and get everyone into the duct on the right, making sure the elevator is going down when you go in or you can't get back. Block the machine, and ram it three times to destroy it. Go up, and shoot the buzzer three times with your arrows to destroy it. Go down here, and block yet another machine. Destroy it with your fire arrows, and get the computer chip above. Hand it over to Olaf, and head back. Use the fire arrows to destroy the spike things down below. It only hurts the spikes while they are going out, not while they are going in. Get the item at the end. Take everyone up, but take Olaf alone. Get him all the way left, and go on the moving platform as it comes. Float down here, and use the computer chip thing. Press the button and get out of here. Get the other vikings here, and get them on the moving platform to the right. From here you have a great sniping place to shoot the floating bucket robot from. Also shoot the little red parts of the fire gas containers to destroy them. Get Erik over there, and jump over to the right. Use the omega on the buzzer, and get the item. Go back all the way to the start of the stage, and use the different items here. Get the battery that gets created, then use that on the far right thingy to get to the exit. JNKR: (Junkyard) Erik has to rapidly jump across the crumbly blocks to the other side. Shoot an arrow with Baleog, and switch to Erik to get the arrow to hit the switch. Get Baleog down the ladder, and avoid the robot for now. Go down more, and defeat the buzzer. Climb up the pipe to get fire arrows. Also destroy all red blocks you find along the way. Go back up, and defeat the robot, and make sure to hit the switch to the right. Now switch to Olaf and make him go along the right path up above, and fall in the pit. Go left, and glide down the spike area to the bottom. Bomb the robot, and punch the button. Now Baleog can go all the way to the exit down below. Switch to Erik, have him fall in the little pit. But he needs to jump to the right, and fall down the huge pit. Jump from moving platform to platform, and get as high as you can, and there will be the red key waiting for you to grab. Get it, then go to the left, and fall down this huge pit. Open the door to the exit, and finish the stage. CBLT: (Conveyor belt) Climb up the ladder and ram the wall. Carefully drop a bomb on the machine to the right as you jump over it. Grab the bomb to the right of the piston. Go back left, and up. Bomb the buzzer, and get all those bombs. Go right, and get the items there. If you are full, then give all the food items to someone else. Then get another one of those items in the secret area in the upper right area. Get the omega, and use it on gun turret to the right. Now bring everyone right past the conveyor belt. Baleog needs to get on the moving platform, and shoot all the buttons. Block the machine, and ram it three times. Now Erik has to get up there, so he can bomb the computer like thing. Go back down, and go up the elevator. Dodge the pistons, and bomb the blocks. Hope that you have one bomb left so that you can bomb the gun turret. Now Baleog must get on the platform and shoot the buttons to open up the exit for all the vikings. H0PP: (Hop) Get everyone onto the springs. Have Olaf go on first, and use the omega on the machine. Keep going up until he reaches the top, then have him go to the left until he can get on top of the floating platform. Block the machine from here, then get Baleog up here so he can destroy it. Open the key door. Carefully get Erik all the way right, and jump over the pit. Go right some more, and climb the pipe here for a secret omega. Use it on the enemy you see. Fall down the large pit, and go right. Jump along the platforms, until you get all the way up and fall down the right pit. Go left, and open the door to the exit, but you can't finish the level just yet. Bring Baleog down the elevator, and shoot the chain along the way. Olaf has to go right, and float down past the spikes. Have him bring the big steel block to the right with the magnet, and drop it down near Erik. Erik needs to drop the block over the electricity here. Now get Baleog over here so he can shoot the button. Now Olaf is free, so everyone can get to the exit and finish the stage. SMRT: (Smart) Get Olaf and Baleog on the metal bar, and use Erik to operate it so they can get on the other side. Bounce them all up. Now get Erik up and bash the wall to the left. Glide down here, and get the key. Switch to Erik, and operate the metal bar here, and make it go all the way right. Jump on it, then use the bomb all the way to the right here. Get the stuff and get out. Get everyone back to the start, and use the key. Bash the left wall in here for a secret fire arrow. Now bomb the blocks you see here, and defend against the machine. Defeat it with your new fire arrows. Now, Olaf has to go right and into the ducts and get an omega. Go out, and fall down left, floating around the spikes. Use the omega the instant you see the buzzer. Go up in the elevator, and free the other vikings, which should be there waiting. Go down all the way down, and take your time shooting away at the spikes coming up. They take four hits, so be patient. They get hit if there is a blue flash over it. Now bounce Baleog up onto the flying platform, and shoot away at the gas container, and finish the stage. V8TR: (???) Start by getting Erik up the elevator and going into the shaft to get a torch. Go back down, and quickly place the torch into the little space for it to go, and quickly go back before you get fried by the furnace. Go up, dodge the pistons, and continue right. Use the yellow machine thing to bring up the block. Put it in the large machine. It will eventually process it into a computer chip. Go back, and bring everyone up the elevator. Use the chip here. Block all the machines down below, and get the fire arrows for Baleog. Get all the stuff down here, then defeat all the buzzers above. Olaf needs to go up here first. Bounce around, and get the omega and destroy the machine flying about with it. Now get Baleog up, and land on the moving platform. Shoot the chain, then go in the area newly open. Defeat the buzzer and get the stuff. Get everyone all the way to the start of the stage. Destroy the furnace with your fire arrows, and use the key to get everyone to the end of this world. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ World 5: Whacky World -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ NFL8: (Inflate) Float Olaf up, and get Erik up to defeat the "music man" . Fly up with Olaf just as the moving platform is coming down. Get the key, then quickly deflate yourself and get out before the platform forces you to get impaled. Fly up to the right, and get the second key. Go down, and float just to the right and open this door too. Float up Olaf, press the lever, and land on the platform. Get the key, then float up into the rightmost area. Go down, and open this door. Carefully float here and quickly deflate while holding right to get everyone across. Float to the top, defeat the music man, and shoot the gas container to get the key. Give the key and bomb to Erik, and use the key. Go up, and bomb the wall. Float up and press the lever. Get the key, and exit. Go all the way right, and float onto the moving platform. Go up, and use the key. Get him and everyone else into the exit and finish. WKYY: Put Olaf in the little pit, and put his shield on his head. Now get Baleog on the platform above, and shoot all the buttons. You can go into a wall to the right for fire arrows. Once you hit all the switches, go up all the way and get the stuff. Go back down, use the key, and quickly switch to Olaf and dodge all the spikes. Jump Erik to the right, jump over all the conveyor belts to the top to the right. Navigate down by landing on a bubble as soon as the bubble next to you is beyond reach. Keep going down and right until you get to the exit. Fall down the the left with Baleog. Bomb the blocks, and hit the switch below. Defeat the music man. Switch over to Olaf and teleport in the teleporter you see. Shoot the chain with Baleog and quickly switch to Olaf because sometimes there is a glitch and the wall doesn't open. Get them all into the teleporter, and go right and bounce over to the exit. CMB0: (Combo, Combination) Get Olaf and Baleog to the left and as far as they can get. Get Erik to the right. The combination is: right, left. Then get them on the rightmost block. Press the left one again. Go down, and get the stuff. Now Erik needs to go down on the moving platform. Now he needs to carefully jump onto the big moving platform, and get to the other side. The combination here is right, left. Then put them on the platform to the right. Now press the middle one to get them over here. There is a very cool secret area in this level. When Erik is on the platform the goes up and down to the left of where you are right now, jump into the left wall. Go down the ladder, and run right here to get a bomb, turkey, and a large meat. Go back. With Olaf, bomb the blocks and press the button on the way down. Keep him at the bottom. Get Baleog to the right, and Olaf above next to the spikes. The pattern assumes that whenever you can, you go right as far as you can. The pattern is: Center, right, right, left. Bring down the elevator for everyone, and go all the way back up for Olaf to glide around the force fields. Open up the door, and bring everyone down. Use the two keys, and get everyone into the exit and finish. 8BLL: (Eight ball) An extremely difficult stage. Make sure to to Erik's quest first. Pure skill here, you have to navigate along the springs to the other side. Luckily the hardest part is avoiding the first spike. Go along to the right, and jump along the conveyor belts and springs. When you find a crumbly block, jump among them to the key. Jump across the spikes to the left. Jump over to the teleporter, but don't use it yet. Switch to Baleog, and go on the moving platform. Shoot the button. Use your skill of rapidly attacking with you sword to defeat the first couple of music dudes. Go up, and run along the conveyor until you meet another enemy, and quickly stab him three times. Do the same with the next one. Get on the platform, and shoot up the three switches. Don't teleport yet. Switch to Olaf. Glide down here, and once you get past the first two rounds of spikes, hold right until you get to the air pump. Go up, then hold right. Get to this pump, and go up. Run out of air, then hold right all the way to the right. Get the key and teleport. Use the omega on the enemy. Now teleport everyone. Use all the keys, and get to the exit. TRDR: (???) Start by jumping Erik to the right teleporter. Forget the enemy below, just jump from ladder to ladder to the other side. Now glide Olaf down and dodge the spikes so he can block the enemy Baleog. Now, have Baleog go left, shoot the switch, and go down. Get the key, and defeat the other Baleog. Have both Erik and Baleog go as far as they can, and give their items to Olaf. Now have Olaf use both keys, and float down. Now teleport both Baleog and Erik. Make Baleog walk from Olaf's shield to get to the right. Now have Erik jump around his room from ladder to ladder, then get on the platform. Jump off as it's about to fry you, and jump from the spring onto this platform and jump as you are about to get fried again. Go down, and jump over Baleog's teleporter to the left. Fall down here. Now jump as soon as possible onto the middle platform, then onto the right, then onto the left, and jump up to the teleporter. Switch back to Olaf, use the key, and float down. Switch to Baleog and hold right and down, and you will just barely make it down the ladder before getting hit. Hit all the walls and the button while dodging the bubbles. Defeat the music man, and get everyone to the right to the end. First Erik has to give his key to one of the vikings, and they can open the wall to the exit. FNTM: (???) It's easy to get Erik and Olaf across. Just hold left with Olaf while gliding, and make Erik hold left and the jump button. Baleog can get across without too much trouble too. Block the enemy Baleog, and have Olaf's shield up and him placed as far right as he can without falling into the spikes. Now, if you're good, you can hold the jump button while bouncing up, get the key, and land on Olaf's shield to prevent damage. Of course you have to hit the button first or you'll be fried. If you didn't do this, you'll have to glide Olaf down from above. Float up, and shoot the button. There are some items at the top Olaf can get, but quickly deflate as soon as you get them or you'll get impaled. Go back down, and get everyone across and beyond the key door. Float Erik up, and to the left. Jump up, and lightly press the jump button and get the key. Go right, jump over the little gap, and use the key. Go right some more, and float up and go up to the left. Push the block down into the pit, and now push it right until it falls into the pipe below. Get the key and jump out. Float all the way up, and use the key (be very careful not to use the bomb too!) Float everyone up to the force field up here. Shoot the button. You can get everyone to the left with ease. Just hold left, don't worry you will make it. Carefully float everyone down below. Defeat Baleog, and open the door. This is tricky. You must float Baleog, deflate him just before he gets impaled, and land on the spring and quickly go left and bouncing. Olaf and Erik are easier. Especially Erik. He can just jump to the spring, and bounce left. Once there, bounce over the last spikes to the exit to finish the stage. WRLR: (???) Float Olaf up to the left, and Erik here as well. Float Erik up to the right, and go down to the left once up. Get the bomb, and press the lever. Float Olaf to the left under the fan to get blown down a bit, and always be holding the left button. As you are about to get impaled, let out your air. Switch to Erik. This is a bit hard. You have to jump Erik up to the platform above. Seems too high right? Wrong, you have to take a running jump from the left most part of the platform above, and jump at just the right moment. Go left once up, and place a bomb on the column to lower it below. Get Olaf as far up as he can, until he gets blow back from the fan. Switch to Erik. Go down where the column fell, and jump off of it and press the lever to turn off the fan. Float up, and get the key with Olaf. Come back down all the way. Make sure the fan aiming down is off first. Now while floating back to the right, press the lever to get more speed so you won't get killed by the spikes. Jump Erik back up and go into the teleporter. Float right, and use the key here. For a secret area filled with goodies, go into the right wall. Float everyone up to the top right, and defeat the Baleog. Get on the moving platform, and shoot the switch. Send Olaf over here. Float up, get the key, and quickly deflate back to where everyone is waiting. Float up to the left, and quickly use the key. Use the omega you got at the secret area on the "hand" guy. Now get everyone up here, and to the right. Olaf has to float up, quickly press the button and go right. If you miss the button you can quickly deflate and go back left and try again. Once again, Baleog is the hardest to get across. Erik can just jump a large leap across the spikes. Once across, bounce off the spring to the exit and finish. TRPD: (???) Start by ramming the right wall for secret fire arrows. Bounce Erik up to the right while holding the jump button for an extra boost so he can get the omega. Bounce everyone else to the left, and press the button. Get Erik up, and ram the wall. Quickly place Olaf's shield in the up position so that it blocks the column from falling down all the way. Quickly defeat the enemy to the left, and float up to the top. On the way, shoot the blocks through the peep hole. If you are good, you can shoot the enemy as it's jumping through the hole to save you some trouble a bit later on. Float up all the way to the top, and shoot the button. Go down here, and hold right when you see some blocks, because they crumble under your weight. Shoot the chain, but first make sure the block holder is in place below. Get Baleog and Erik (if he is in here) out of this area, and let the column drop. Have Olaf float down below, and fall into the tiny pit, pressing the button on the way down. Now release the block holder, and make sure Olaf's shield is still up so he can hold the block up. Have Erik go into the newly opened path, and go all the way down. Grab the bomb, and float all the way back up. Use the bomb on the blocks here, and grab the key. Go back down, and use the key. Jump onto the first spring, and grab the red key. Go up, and use it. Push the block to the right onto the pipe. Use the omega on the Baleog, and get everyone down here and go into the teleporter. Get everyone on the block, and press the button. Quickly glide Olaf to the left and then right and press the button so the other vikings don't fry. Shoot the button, and quickly get Erik in, get the key, and fall down to the right and use the key. Get back on the platform, shoot the final button, and get them to the end. Now if you haven't had Olaf on the block, you need to get him down so you can finish the world. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ World 6: Space ship again -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ TFFF: (???) Glide Olaf down below, dodge the force fields, and teleport. Bomb the computer down here, and continue downward. Teleport, and use the key. Send both him and Baleog down the elevator, and defeat the enemy and get the stuff. Get Olaf back up, and glide down here. Now, time for Erik's mission. Jump over the pit, and bounce from spring to spring to the other side. Bounce off the final spring and be careful to fall in the center and not get fried, and grab onto the ladder on the way down. Switch to Baleog, shoot an arrow, and switch to Erik so that the arrow deactivates the force field. Grab the key, and jump onto the moving platform to the left. Get to the left, and use the key. Be careful here, one hit from the forcefield is all it times to kill your characters. Once on the left, bomb the wall and jump into the small pit and press the button on the way. Glide Olaf down this area, and dodge the force fields to get to the other side. Glide down, and dodge a lot of the fruits because it will clutter up your inventory, you need that key that's at the bottom. Teleport him and Baleog and Erik at their teleporters. Get the bomb with Erik, and jump through the right wall to get to everyone else. Carefully navigate the area to the right, and bomb the wall at the top. Get Erik to the right at the teleporter now. Switch to Baleog. Have him go up the elevator, and carefully waiting until the force field just disappears before going up, and shoot all the switches along the way. Shoot an arrow, then switch to Erik so that it hits the switch. Teleport Erik, then carefully get Baleog back down. Jump off of Olaf's shield to get above and get the key and teleport again. Get across the gap by waiting until the blocks come back up. Get on the left one, then land on the right one when it appears to get to the right. Use the keys, and carefully bounce everyone up to the exit and finish. An easy way to do it is to hold right while going in the key door area, and go left after going up. FRGT: (Forget) Teleport everyone, and jump Erik over the grinder. Shoot an arrow, and switch to Erik to turn off the grinder. Grab the bombs, and carefully avoid the force fields. Bomb the blocks, and get everyone down here. Teleport everyone, and glide Olaf to the left. Land Baleog on his shield, and shoot the switch. Teleport him. Jump Erik up to the teleporter there, and glide Olaf down below. Avoid the force fields, and bounce around until you get to the teleporter that gets you back to the start. Switch to Erik. Jump over the force field, and drop a bomb below while you are jumping over it. Teleport, and grab the bomb. Jump down and bomb the computer. Get back up, and go right. Jump up as high as you can, then as you are about to hit the ground go right into the strange gravity thing. You should make it all the way to the bottom. Carefully go left while dodging the fire. Take a little break where the apple is. Go left again, and this is tricky too. You have to go right and avoid both the fire and the force fields turning off and on at the same time. Get through a couple more rows of this, and you've made it. Teleport, and jump off of Olaf's shield to deactivate the force field. Now, to do the easy quest, Baleog's quest. The button pattern is: down, up, up. Now teleport. Go down here, and hit the button while going up on the moving platform. Don't bother with the enemies unless you want to. When they turn around, sneak around to the back of them then quickly go down the ladder before they even see you. Do the same for this enemy. Get to the teleporter. Now use everybody's keys, and go to the exit. 4RN4: (Arena) This level is actually a combination of three levels, which can be quite frustrating because if you die you have to start over from the first level. Fortunately the levels aren't too hard. Part 1: Go up and left, and defeat the scorpion, and get the key. Go up and left some more, use the key, and get another key. Go right, use the key, and get key another key. go back down and land on the spring down there. Have Erik go up on the ladder, climb up, and use the key. The other vikings need to go right, defeat the scorpion, and get the stuff. Go up, and use the key here to open up the first exit. Part 2: Get everyone up while carefully avoiding the force fields, and open the door with the key. Block the machine, and destroy it. Block the next one too. There will be a third one to the right that needs to be destroyed too. Bounce everyone down to the right, and get the vikings left. Destroy the enemies, and continue left and use the key. Go down, use the key, and get everyone into the exit of this part to get to the final part. Part 3: (Ballroom) Start by defeating the couple of enemies down below. Jump Erik onto the first ladder. Jump from ladder to ladder to the other side where the key is. Remember this rule: Jump, then move! Remember this when jumping from ladder to ladder. Don't move then jump, that always gets you killed. Where the key is, ram the right wall for a secret omega. Do not go to the right, or you will regret it. Go back the way you came. Go to the right, and use the key. Get everyone up, and use the bomb. Jump over the first grinder. Shoot an arrow, and switch to Erik so it hits the button. Jump over, and grab the key. Use it, then get everyone up into the teleporter. Jump off of Olaf's shield to get up. Use the omega on the enemy, and climb down the ladder to the left. Ram the wall to free everyone else, then get everyone up. Jump over, and grab the key. Jump back, and deactivate the force field. Get everyone to the exit. Don't worry, this is the final level. You've finally beaten it and you are at the last level now. MSTR: (Master) Start by gliding Olaf down to the right. Go up, and glide down to the right again. Bounce up, and grab onto the ladder. Go along the ladders to the other side, and fall down. Grab the bomb, and go back up. You should now have three bombs. Drop one, and wait a few seconds between dropping them over Tomator. Then he will fall down and drop the yellow key. To get past without getting hurt too bad, memorize his pattern. I've already done that for you, though. He shoots 3 bullets, 2 bombs, 3 bullets, etc. Go up and drop a bomb just after he finishes firing his bombs. When done go and use the key and teleport. Switch to Baleog. Fall down, and land on the ladder. Get on the moving platform and get and use the fire arrows. Shoot the button, and quickly get out of there before the anti gravity thing turns back on. Bounce along and grab the ladder. Land on the small blue platform, and from here grab this ladder. Land on the elevator. Stay here until you see Tomator stop shooting for a while. Shoot his forcefield with your fire arrows, and then shoot Tomator. While he is dizzy, quickly shoot the two buttons to the left of him to make him fall down the pit. Shoot a switch again to get access to the key. Get it, and grab onto the ladder as you are coming down from the elevator. Keep going back. Go to the peep hole, and shoot the button from here. Quickly go down and land on the spring, and go to the left spring. Go up and get out of here before it turns back on. Get on the moving platform, and go back left. Use the key quickly before you fry. This is a pretty hard part. You have to hit the button and get into the teleporter very fast. It is for some reason easiest with Erik. Get them into the teleporter. Jump off of Olaf's shield to the above teleporter. Stay next to Tomator while he is firing bombs, and leap onto the ladder while he is shooting his gun. The pattern is the same as Olaf's encounter with him. Eventually, he will turn off his forcefield. If you are good, you can beat this guy fast. Ram him again and again into the forcefield as fast as you can, and on the 4th time he will go away, leaving behind a key. Use it, then fire an arrow. Switch to Erik to make it hit the button. Get everyone right, and into the teleporter. Olaf needs to go down first. Get that bomb first. Go down, and right. Glide over Tomator, dropping a bomb on him on the way. Put him right up to Tomator's face. Get everyone else here as well. Shoot the forcefield, and then ram Tomator. Get everyone close again, and repeat the past step. Follow him up. Do the same here (block him, shoot an arrow, ram him.) Do it a couple of times, and have Erik jump up and press the huge button. Congratulations, you have sent Tomator in space and finished the game! ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= 4. Secrets ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= This is the part where I will put glitches/codes, etc. Go right through force fields: If there are force fields set horizontaly, you can almost always fall/fly/glide through the side of it, but it has to be precisely through the side of it or you will die. Get two items from one item: If you jump or land on an item, and switch to another character so that the character gets the item but is off the screen when it happens, when you switch back you can get it again! Very useful in some levels, but it is pretty hard to pull off. Spike glitch: Sometimes Olaf can glide to the side of spikes on the ground and be inside of them, and he won't die. No known way to do it, it just happens sometimes by accident. Level skip: Type password as M0MY and start a new game or put in another password. F5: Go to previous stage. F6: Go to next stage. If you want the level passwords, just look at the walkthrough, I have them listed there. ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= 5. Credits ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= Thanks to list: This whole faq was my own effort, no ascii art or anything taken from anywhere else. I do want people giving me codes and glitches and more secrets I don't know, however. Anyone taking anything from my FAQ without my permission can get in big time trouble with GameFaqs. I do thank Interplay for such a great game, and David Blake for helping me get this faq fixed up of formatting and other things wrong with the faq. The faq itself (all the information) and all the Ascii art is all my work though. Copyright, (c) 2001 Jeremy Bennetch