------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE STING! (Der Clou!2) {PC} - Neo Software , . . r , , , . MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMS MMM; .MMMMMM M 7M M M M MM M MM M THE MMMMMZ M M: M XM7 M MM 0880 M M M M M 8M M MM MM. , 7MMBB2SM .ZMi M.M02Z iMZ MM MZ8i8r r Author: RazorICE 6Mar'04 - ??? Version 0.7 //beautified Last update: 5Jul'04 Email: razorice@gmail.com Copyright 2004 Dan Padilha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ / 100 \ ___/ INTRO \___________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== +++ COPYRIGHT NOTICE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alright this FAQ (hosted by GameFAQS) is the property of me (RazorICE), and only MYSELF (RazorICE, duh!). No one is to rip it off in any way, any suggestions on this FAQ are mine and no one elses. anyway now to the serious stuff. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Heres the deal: This is no ordinary guide, this is only the walkthrough. that means: NO, there is not any information on items, characters, or anything else unless i feel like putting it in. So: only read this faq if you only want the WALKTHROUGH. NO, I have not yet completed the game, although I am very close to. ____________________________ / 200 \ ___/ QUICK FIND INFO FOR CONTENTS \____________________________________________ =============================================================================== To quickly find what u need look under the code column. Example: <#> CHAPTER -------------------------------------------------------------[CODE] <1> INTRO ----------------------------------------------------------------[100] To find INTRO press Ctrl+F, type 100, and press Enter until you reach the desired area. ________ / 300 \ ___/ CONTENTS \________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== <1> INTRO ----------------------------------------------------------------[100] <2> QUICK FIND INFO FOR CONTENTS -----------------------------------------[200] <3> CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------[300] <4> WALKTHROUGH ----------------------------------------------------------[400] ---<-1> Intro ............................................................[4.1] ---<-2> Gas Station ......................................................[4.2] ---<-3> Grocery Store ....................................................[4.3] ---<-4> Cinema ...........................................................[4.4] ---<-5> Hotel ............................................................[4.5] ---<-6> Greenhouse .......................................................[4.6] <5> CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------------[500] <6> VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------[600] <7> CONTACT --------------------------------------------------------------[700] ___________ / 400 \ ___/ WALKTHROUGH \_____________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== Welcome to my first ever walkthrough! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[INTRO 4.1]------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, get the crowbar on the desk near you. Now "use" the desk with the computer. Click on New Plan, select the Gas Station as target building, and put in the crowbar as your equipment. NOTES: ====== UITC: Use, Inspect, Take(whatever is in the object) & Close. <"this is quoted text (what someone else has said)"> just remember that and you'll be fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[GAS STATION 4.2]------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accomplishes: N/a Equipment: Matt(you): Crowbar x1 Move up the stairs and then up the next set of stairs (carefull, dodge the guard's line of sight). Open the LEFT (as you look at it) door into a toilet. Take the roll here. Now go back down and crowbar the RIGHT window (once again, as you look at it). USE the window so you go inside, then CROWBAR the CASH REGISTER. Keep watching the noise level, if the cop comes in close and the noise level goes red, stop rewind a bit and stop crowbarring. then continue when hes gone. When you're finished, UITC (Use, Inspect, Take MONEY & Close) the register. Move to the window (that you came in through), and wait for the cop. When he turns away USE the window, walk out and USE the fire extinguisher (to take it). Now head down the stairs and USE the car (to get in). All done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[GROCERY STORE 4.3]----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accomplishes: N/a Equipment: Matt(you): Crowbar x1 Crowbar the LEFT window and open it (use). You should now be inside. Find the cash register. Just beyond it are two doors (one is actually not a door). The one on the LEFT leads upstairs, while the RIGHT leads into a storage closet. USE the closet door and go inside (make sure you go far enough as to the door closes (sorry my english isnt very good). Active wait there (press the play button). Wait until the grandma comes down, looks around, and heads up. Follow her up. When she enters the room, go further upstairs so that you are hidden by the stairs and active wait until she gets out of the room and goes down. Enter the room, crowbar the LEFT locker, then UITC it. That means you open it, inspect it (the little glass type thing in the menu), take the money and then close it. Also take the radio (on the desk). Now, hide LEFT of the door (as you look from it from inside the room) and wait there until the grandma comes in. Go downstairs, crowbar the register (make sure the noise level doesnt go red), and UITC it. Now you can just head out the window. If you brang any accomplices along (which is not recommended), let them take a bag or two of flour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[CINEMA 4.4]------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accomplishes: N/a Equipment: Matt(you): Lockpick x1 Go down and lockpick the DOOR. Wait just a little bit so that the guard inside turns around (you will see his vision cone). USE the door to open it and go inside. Follow the guard through the theatre, but dont go upstairs. Instead, lockpick the door to the office with the cash register (to your RIGHT when you face the stairs). Go inside and close the door. Now there should be 3 doors in the tiny corridor that you're in (not counting the one you just came through). One leads to a toilet, one to the cash register and one to a little office. Lockpick the door to the office, then lockpick the desk. UITC the desk and then head back to that little corridor with the 3 doors I'm not sure if you have to lockpick the door to the cash register, but if you don't, DONT open the door. If you DO have to lockpick it, then lockpick it! But DONT open the door. The guard should be coming back down to inspect the office. If he's not, wait until he does. Also, make sure the outside guard isn't looking into any of the windows. Then open the door and lockpick the cash register. UITC it and then go into the 3door corridor. Be sure to CLOSE the door! Wait until the guard comes to inspect the office again, then follow him and hide behind the stairs (so he doesnt see you when he comes back down). When he's going back into the theatre head upstairs and lockpick the door. Make sure the guard isnt coming back up. If he is, hide in the corner. If he's not, go inside and take the film. Now follow him downstairs and into the theatr then open the door to the outside (make sure the outside patrol isnt coming), and head to your vehicle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[HOTEL 4.5]------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accomplishes: Phil Lake [Sammy's Pub] Equipment: Matt(you): Lockpick x1 Phile Lake: Electric Drill or Hand drill(recommended) x1 LOCKPICK the door leading into the kitchen, then lockpick the door to the main area. Find the safe and lockpick the door into it. Have Phil Lake crack the safe open. It is recommended that you use a hand drill, as it doesnt make much noise, which means you won't have to interrupt. However, the electric drill is faster, but why risk discovery? Once you open the safe, UITC it and head out the way you came in. If you want, there's some radios and a painting in level 5, but why risk it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[GREENHOUSE 4.6]-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accomplices: Matt Magoo [Old Brazil Bar] Equipment: Matt(you): Lockpick x1 Crowbar x1 Matt Magoo: Lockpick x1 Heres a map firstly: ________________ / GREENHOUSE MAP \ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | _@_B_| +------------------------------+ | | @ |Key: | | | | |O = where you start | | | | |A = the gap you go through | | | there are two | |B = the window you go through | | | guards patrolling in here | |# = door | | | | |@ = window | | | _______#___________#_______| |[]= your car | | | | +------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | /\ | | | || | | | O [] || <--A | | \/ | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ To start, take both your guys to A. Have Tucker crowbar window B into an office Then lockpick the door and take tucker back to the car. While this happens, have Magoo unlock the door in the corridor outside the office you came in. Head up the stairs, all the way up, and unlock the door, but dont go in yet! The scientist should be making his way into the plant room. Wait until he is in the plant room then go in and unlock the plant room door. After a bit of examining the plant, the scientist will head into the office. Open the door and unlock the office door, but dont go in. Wait untill the scientist heads out of the office first, then unlock the desk, get the money, unlock the door he went out through, and the next door, but wait inside. Wait until he moves into the plant room again and go back to the plant room door. After he examines the plant, head inside, take the plant, and run for the car! _______ / 500 \ ___/ CREDITS \_________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== Thanks to: Myself for buying myself the game. Kasey Chang for publishing the FAQ which got me through the game. GameFAQS for publishing this on their site. Everyone reading this guide. _______________ / 600 \ ___/ VERSION HISTORY \_________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== _______________________ VERSION 0.7 {5 Jul 04} Wow, finally, an update! Updated sections: All sections (but walkthrough) were updated (yep!) //beautified ----------------------- _______________________ VERSION 0.6 {13 Mar 04} Completed sections: n/a. Updated sections: Version History, Contents. Walkthrough sections completed: Greenhouse. ----------------------- _______________________ VERSION 0.5 {12 Mar 04} Completed sections: n/a. Updated sections: Version History, Contact, Contents. Walkthrough sections completed: Hotel. ----------------------- _______________________ VERSION 0.1 {23 Feb 04} Completed sections: Intro, quick find info, Contents, Credits, Contact. Walkthrough sections completed: Gas Station, Grocery store, Cinema ----------------------- _______ / 700 \ ___/ CONTACT \_________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== Email: razorice@gmail.com MSN: razorice@gmail.com AIM: alphaproxima2003 //I don't use AIM anymore that much Website: http://www.RiPflash.tk That's the end of the walkthrough, MMMMMMMMM hope you enjoyed it! ,M, MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM M MM M MMa MMM MM M. MM iMMMMM. BMMMMMMM 8MMMMi XM MMM M MM Ma MM MM0MMM0MM @M2 M0 XM@8:rMM, SMM7 8MM 0MM; M MW MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM aWZ@MM MM MM MM SM M M@ MM M MM WMMa8S MM MM2 MM MM SM M MM MS MM MS MM .M MM MM MM iMZ SM M MMi aMM MM MS MM 0MMMMMMXMWaMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM@ SM ,M, MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |This walkthrough is property of, and owned by, Dan Padilha AKA RazorICE. This| |document is copyrighted and only posted on Gamefaqs, neoseeker and Dlh.net | | | |DO NOT post this guide any where else unless you have permission from the | |author (me). I will be glad to give permission, just ask! And don't change | |anything. Plagiarism is a crime! | |You may, however, print this guide out, just dont rip it off. | | | |Permission has only been given to: | |Me (RazorICE) | |http://www.gamefaqs.com | |http://www.neoseeker.com | |http://dlh.net | | | |NO ONE ELSE. If you would like permission to post it anywhere, email me at | |razorice@gmail.com | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+