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Introduction and Overview of the Game 2. Basic Controls 3. The Four Races 4. Tact & Diplomacy 5. Types of Items 6. Empire Saga Walkthrough 7. Mountain Clans Saga Walkthrough 8. Undead Hordes Saga Walkthrough 9. Legions of the Damned Saga Walkthrough 10. Stats for Units 11. Rulers and Leaders 12. Comments on Units and Suggested Upgrade Routes 13. Tips and Tricks 14. Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION ONE Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OVERVIEW Disciples 2 is a turn-based strategy game where the player picks one of four major races and battles across either a pre-defined sequence of levels (the Sagas), one of a number of set individual missions (the Quests), plays in a Custom Saga, or with other human in multi-player mode. It is a swords and sorcery type game, with a reasonably simple interface and gentle learning curve, but which boasts hours and hours of gameplay, and is quite honestly ? HELLISHLY addictive ... I heartily recommend it. I have written a review for this game which you can read at http://www.gamefaqs.com. I have also written individual in-depth walkthroughs for the Sagas for the four main races in the game, all of which are available for free viewing at http://www.gamefaqs.com. Comments, etc., are always welcome, and I can be reached at shadowpath@hotmail.com - Mister Sinister, 2003 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION TWO Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BASIC CONTROLS As with any strategy game, troop management skills are FUNDAMENTAL to your success. In order to become a good Disciples 2 player, you will need to learn which units function well together, which units complement each other, and which units should definitely NEVER be placed together. For example, sending nothing but Undead Troops to battle Undead Troops doesn't SOUND unreasonable until you consider that MOST undead troops are immune to death magic, so if YOUR set of troops comprises nothing but Undead Spellcasters they will do practically NO good whatsoever. I have sub-divided this section of my FAQ into three parts :- A) The World Map B) Combat C) City Management ================================ THE WORLD MAP =============================== The World Map is where (not surprisingly) you move all your troops about. Each unit is led by one of the creatures in it, and this creature represents the entire unit's icon on the map. For example, a unit led by a werewolf will be depicted as a werewolf on the map. Each unit has a different number of movement points, and these are reduced at different speeds depending on which type of terrain you are crossing ... for example, you will travel MUCH slower by water than you will through forests ... ... some units can fly, and this helps get about the map a fair bit quicker ... but if you put flying units with non-flying units, you are once again (by and large - there ARE a couple of exceptions) slowing down your troop movement again, as the unit must move altogether. Combat is initiated by moving to a square adjacent to a rival or enemy unit on the map, and combat is dealt with in a separate screen. The world map begins by being totally covered in a fog of war, which disperses as you move your units about ... certain terrain cannot be traversed, and you will have to find ways around it ... examples include waterfalls, whirlpools and mountain ranges. Obviously not all of the creatures you encounter on the world map will be hostile - some will give you sub-quests which you can complete to gain prizes should you wish ... others will be territorial, and will either attack you on sight or pursue you until you leave their area of the map. You will encounter cities belonging to other players, as well as neutral cities, and various other structures dotted about the map, ALL of which can be explored and/or conquered. BEAR IN MIND AT ALL TIMES that this is a TURN-BASED strategy game. Therefore, whilst you have the luxury of time to think your moves through, as you would in a chess game, poor troop movement can lead to units becoming isolated at the end of a turn, and easy pickings for roaming creatures ... ... always watch your back ... Each unit on the map can comprise up to SIX individual characters. So, taking our earlier example of the unit being led by the Werewolf, this unit can comprise the Werewolf that leads them, and up to FIVE other characters ... if the leader dies, the unit will still be able to move, but will do so at a MUCH slower rate, and the unit's icon on the map will change. It will still be the Werewolf, but you will see that the leader has died because a little skull shield will be displayed at the foot of the icon. This allows you at a glance to see units which have had their leaders slain. Provided at least ONE character in the unit is still alive, it is possible to heal and/or resurrect those characters in the unit which have died. You can either do this via magic, CHEATING (tut tut), or at any of your Cities (provided you have constructed a Temple in your Capital City). Your Capital City (each major race has one) is your seat of Power on the level BUT, unlike many OTHER turn-based strategy games where there is a REAL risk of losing your Capital, and thus losing the level, in Disciples 2 each player's Capital City is occupied by (not only a maximum of 11 "normal" troops but also) an INCREDIBLY powerful Guardian, who CANNOT leave and who's SOLE purpose is to protect the Capital. Sounds like you might still be vulnerable ? In all practical reality you won't be - the Guardians are WELL powerful, and it is EXCEEDINGLY unlikely that you will ever lose your Capital ;) You will ALSO find shops on the world map ... there are several merchants in the game who have set up shop on the various levels, and with whom you can trade ... even if you can see no use for something you have picked up on a level, you can always sell it at a shop to gain extra gold ;) The currencies of the game are five-fold. You have gold (obviously), which you use to buy upgrades for your cities, to recruit new troops, to bribe the other players, and so on. Then there are the four types of mana. There is Death Mana, Runestone Mana, Life Mana and Infernal Mana. Both gold AND mana are generated at resources on the map, and these resources can be bled off to give (effectively) unlimited resources to your race - I say *effectively* unlimited as, whilst there is only a certain amount of each type of energy that will be generated by each resource per turn, the supply from which this is drawn is infinite - i.e. you will never deplete a gold or mana resource on the map (which is KEWL !!) One last thing. When you look at the map you will be able to see the terrain that belongs to your race by looking at the ground. Each turn, your race's terrain expands from every city in every direction, and whenever it touches an unclaimed resource, it seizes it for your race. Since it would take an eternity to gain control over the ENTIRE map this way, the game designers have very kindly provided each race with one type of unit that can be recruited who's sole purposes is to "plant rods". Planting a rod is a very simple process which allows you to stake a claim to a very small parcel of land which is not already yours. ... I hope that makes sense ... I'll try to explain ... Say this is the world, and you own the left-hand side of it. :- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý YOUR Ý MY Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý LAND Ý LAND Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý======Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý GOLD Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý======Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you want to take control over the GOLD resource I have labelled in MY land, you would either have to expand your terrain on a turn by turn basis until the Gold Resource was yours, OR you could send your "rod-planter" (the name for the character varies with each race) TO the Gold Resource, and then stake it. If you plant a rod at the Gold Resource, and thereby stake it as being yours, the terrain around the resource changes to become yours. Rods CAN, however, be destroyed by other rod-planters, and this dispute over resources forms a VERY important part of the game, naturally ... ... right ! I've bored you with that - now we can go onwards to the combat aspect of the game !! ================================== COMBAT =================================== As I stated in the previous section, combat occurs when one of your units enters a square on the map that is adjacent to a non-friendly unit (or, conversely, when a non-friendly unit enters a square that is adjacent to one of YOUR troops). When this happens, the action switches to a 3-dimensional view of the square in question, and combat takes place. Combat in Disciples 2 is a VERY very simple affair. The unit that is attacking is highlighted at its feet in yellow, and the units you are presently opting to attack is highlighted at its feet in red ... just point the mouse at the unit you want to attack (or help, depending on your race), and click ! HOW EASY IS THAT BY THE WAY !?!?! Combat is, however, not as DULL as that sounds. You recall I mentioned earlier that a unit can comprise a maximum of SIX characters ?? Well, each unit is broken up into two RANKS as well. THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT. Combat basically looks like this :- YOUR UNITS THEIR UNITS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý BACK ROW Ý FRONT ROW Ý FRONT ROW Ý BACK ROW Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý 1 Ý 1 Ý 1 Ý 1 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý BACK ROW Ý FRONT ROW Ý FRONT ROW Ý BACK ROW Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý 2 Ý 2 Ý 2 Ý 2 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý BACK ROW Ý FRONT ROW Ý FRONT ROW Ý BACK ROW Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý 3 Ý 3 Ý 3 Ý 3 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ... geez ... I hope I haven't made that look more complicated than it needed to be. BASICALLY your six units are on the left, and THEIR six units are on the right. Melee units should be placed in the FRONT row, as they can only attack adjacent units ... spellcasters, who are generally weaker, should be placed in the BACK row, as they can attack at range ... ... hope that makes sense :"> You will see from the Stats section that each character has its own method of attacking. With VERY rare exceptions, each character only has ONE way of attacking, so it really is just a very simple point-and-click routine ... but the variety comes in the sheer NUMBER of different creatures you can command and control, and the fun-factor and beauty of their attack animations :"> The order in which characters attack in the combat screen is determined by their initiative roll - each character has an initiative modifier, which swings initiative in their favour, but there are occasional upsets - as in, where a character with a higher initiative is pipped to the post by a character with a lower initiative ... There are a number of different combat OPTIONS ... these include allowing the Computer to take over combat for you (although certainly on the easier difficulties it doesn't always attack the units you probably would). There is also the option to end combat immediately (i.e. automatically resolve who wins and who loses) - good for those "AAAAAAAAAAARGH I can't be @rsed to fight you - let's just see who WINS" moments (which you WILL have). Further options include retreat, where you really wanna get out with your life (but all attacking units get a free hit on units that are running away, so if you DO run you'd better do it en masse), and Defend - an instruction to a particular character to brace itself for an incoming attack. The variety of options on the combat screen, coupled with the variety of units and attacks they have IN TOTAL, makes for a lot of strategy in the combat screen AS YOU WILL SEE ;) Combat ends when either all six characters in your opponents unit are dead or have fled. ... there ... we've pretty much exhausted that section ... ONWARD !! =D =============================== CITY MANAGEMENT ============================== This is VITAL to your success in Disciples 2. Basically, when a creature levels up, it GENERALLY (although not always) changes its appearance to become tougher ... harder ... MORE kick@ss ... What your creature becomes when it levels up will depend on the buildings you have erected in your Capital City. For example, if you are playing the Undead Hordes, your bog-standard melee fighter is the "Fighter" character. In your Capital you can build one of two different buildings that will alter the Fighter's Upgrade Route. If you construct Unholy Ground, your Fighter will become a Zombie when he levels up ... if you choose instead to construct an Evil Monastery, your Fighter will become a Templar. Both routes are mutually exclusive - this means that you cannot allow some of your Fighters to become Zombies, and some to become Templars - it's all or nothing ... Fortunately, however, once you have completed a level, all the buildings in your Capital City are wiped out, so on the start of the NEXT level you can change the upgrade paths and, consequently, your units, should you wish. Certain buildings do not affect the upgrade path of units ... these are the Mage Tower (which is necessary in order for you to research spells), the Thieves' Guild (which is required before you can recruit thieves, who can spy on enemy players to reveal the characters garrisoned in Cities, etc.), and the Temple (which you need before you can heal and/or resurrect creatures). You can also conduct spell research in your capital, provided you have enough mana to learn the spell in question, and it is picked from your list of available spells. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN ONLY RESEARCH ONE SPELL, AND BUILD ONE BUILDING PER TURN. You will also take over other cities, naturally ... these cities are NOT your capital, however, and whilst the majority of the rules apply, there are certain changes. FOR EXAMPLE, you cannot build buildings in your other cities - this is because you only NEED one set, and for ease of administration those are all located in the Capital. For example, once a Temple has been built in your Capital, you can heal and resurrect characters in ALL your cities. Each NON-CAPITAL city can "grow" as well ... there are five levels of growth, and these affect the number of characters that can be housed in a city, the rate at which your terrain sprouts forth from the city, the speed with which characters that are in the city recover their Hit Points, and so on. Each city can only grow ONCE per turn. Finally, each city can house troops and hold items. On the party screen, you will see two units of troops. On the left is a list of troops that are just healing, etc., in the city. To the right is a list of the troops which are garrisoned in the city ... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION THREE Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE FOUR RACES The four races you can pick from are as follows :- 1) The Empire 2) The Mountain Clans 3) The Legions of the Damned 4) The Undead Hordes THE EMPIRE, led by Emperor Demosthene, are portrayed at least at the OUTSET as your bog-standard hero types, their units including Knights, Priests, Paladins, Holy Avengers, and so on. As they mature, you realise that there is trouble in Paradise, however ... and evildoers in the Empire plot its downfall from the shadows. In spite of this, the Empire remain one of the most basic and steadfast races in the game ... their main bonus is that they boast more healing units than any other race, and this helps prolong their lives during combat and otherwise .... THE MOUNTAIN CLANS, ruled by the High King Morok Cloudkeeper, and later Queen Yataa'Halli, are basically made up of Dwarves and Giants. Their units include Warriors, Veterans, Hill Giants, Sons of Ymir, Flame Casters, and other wee ones ... they are strong and sturdy, but suffer from VERY poor initiative ratings, which means that they generally take damage in combat before they are able to dish it out. To make up for this, the Mountain Clans are about the only race in the game who's upgrade paths cross-over ... what I mean by this is that melee fighters can become multi-hitting spellcasters and vice-versa, depending on the upgrade path chosen. THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED, under the control of their God Bethrezen, comprise NOT surprisingly Devils, Demons, Succubus', Incubus', basically anything winged and horny (pardon the pun). They are OBSESSED with fire, and boast the most heavy-hitters in the game ... they have several Giant-type units (moreso than the Mountain Clans I believe), and are quick and strong. - and finally - THE UNDEAD HORDES, guided by their Dark Goddess Mortis, comprise Zombies, Skeleton Warriors, Liches, Wyverns, Vampires, Wraiths and loads of other nasty beasties ... the main thing that the Undead Hordes have going for them is their ability to paralyse their foes ... they have three units whose only attacks are to paralyse, and this can REALLY knock the stuffing out of an otherwise healthy unit of opponents ... we lurve the Undead Hordes :"> There are, of course, other "mini" races in the game, but you cannot play as these ... they include the Marshdwellers, the Greenskins, the Barbarian Tribes and the Shadow Wolves. They help add variety and spice to the game, and to generally keep it interesting =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION FOUR Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TACT & DIPLOMACY Although not of PARAMOUNT importance - at least not on the easier difficulty settings, is the notion of tact and diplomacy. You play against other races ... those races have rulers ... those rulers can be spoken to, and negotiated with ... The Disciples 2 Diplomacy interface is kinda limited ... but it's very much a secondary aspect of the game anyway, so it doesn't really DETRACT from it or anything ... basically you have options for Diplomacy ... you can offer gold to another player, you can offer to sell them a magic spell, you can propose an alliance with them, or you can even break an existing alliance with them and go to war with them ... You will find that, as you attack another player's enemies, your popularity with that player will naturally increase and, over time, the other players may well offer to ally with you. Alliances are NOT set in stone, however, so always make sure to watch your back at all times ;) When you are allied with another race you cannot attack their troops or cities, or steal their resources unless the treaty is broken ... the treaty can be broken at any time, but whilst it is in place, you too can feel reasonably safe from attacks by that race ... Similarly, you will find that your allies will, from time to time, attempt to sell YOU spells and other niceities, and they will frown upon you if you do not take them ... even though 99.9% of the time they inflate the price ;) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION FIVE Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TYPES OF ITEMS There are LOADS of different types of items that you can pick up ... these include :- POTIONS Only good once, and can only affect one character for one turn. SCROLLS Can only be used once, and only by a Magic User, but any spell can wind up being picked up as a scroll, so they are QUITE useful ;) ORBS Only useable in combat, and only by a magic user - can only be used once and then they disappear. TALISMANS Can be used several times before they wear out, but only once per combat session, and only in combat. STAFFS Can be used like spells, and do not wear out ... no use in combat, however. ARTIFACTS Can be equipped by leaders (if they have the corresponding skill), and can bolster their power or give them new powers - VERY USEFUL !! BANNERS Only one can be carried by your leader at a time (and even then only if your leader has the corresponding skill), but with effects like "Increase the damage of all characters in your unit by 20%" they are NOT to be sneezed at. TOMES With VERY rare exception, tomes are exclusively used as wards. You can only use one at a time but, whilst holding it, you are warded against that type of attack - e.g. Tome of Air = Air Ward TRAVEL ITEMS Boots, basically ... they augment your movement points and/or skills - e.g. Boots of the Elements mean that you suffer no movement penalty whilst travelling over water - WHICH IS GREAT !! =D (I am sure there are more, but you can take these as a smattering) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION SIX Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======== === === ======== === ======== ======== Ý Ý Ý \ / Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý \ / Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý \/ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý / Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý\ /Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý \/ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý\ \ Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý ======== === === === === === === ======== (Dedicated to Lord Ian, Prince Heath and Billium the Ever So Humble) THE EMPIRE SAGA WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== Ý This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) Ý Ý I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, Ý Ý please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it Ý Ý off as your own. Thanks ! Ý ============================================================================== THE SEVEN MISSIONS OF THE EMPIRE SAGA :- 1) The Necromancers Spirit 2) The Alliance 3) Antagonists 4) Uther's Crusade 5) Slander and Barbarism 6) The Celebration 7) Binding Forces ============================================================================== BRIEF NOTES BEFORE WE GET STARTED This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :- In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in [squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be Myzrael, who would be shown as [Myzrael] as he is IN the city and, in his case, cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city (as in, healing there, etc.) Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right. Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a daunting task, as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up - basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you play as the Empire in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both light-hearted, and informative. Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their cities). Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading this !! ============================================================================== 1) The Necromancer's Spirit BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Demosthene mourns the passing of his Queen and the loss of his son Uther. Hubert de Layle, the reputed power behind the Throne, plays skillfully upon poor Emperor's emotional strings to manipulate him into running the Empire as de Layle sees fit. Thus empowered, Hubert de Layle squanders the vast resources of the Empire through senseless feasts and utter debauches (we LIKE that word !!) which in turn leads to a rise in the power of several up and coming figures, including Erhog the Dark. Leader of a death cult, Erhog has taken over the barony of Ammennir. If she is not stopped, her influence will continue to grow, and it could ultimately mean the end of the Empire and the Highfather. Your objective is to kill Erhog the Dark and thus prevent her becoming a major pain in the butt. As you are working your way through the level towards her Temple (which is in the south-eastern corner of the map), you will learn that she has sent corrupt nobles to assassinate Emperor Demosthene in the Capital (they fail, but succeed in poisoning the poor bloke) You may find a Stone Ring, being guarded by an Ogre (just to the north of Gunner's Shop) - if you do, take it to the statue in the north-east of the map behind Athlok's Keep to receive a Tome of Fire. Liberate the town of Tanscroul to gain the assistance of Wolfgar, a Ranger who is willing to fight on your side. When you reach Erhog's Temple, be careful - she is warded against fire, earth, air and water, and has a life draining attack, which replenishes her own health, and thereby prolongs her chances of drawing out combat. Concentrate your attacks on her as she is by far the most deadly unit in her Temple (as you would expect). She has reasonably low hit points, so she should fall quickly enough. Once you have defeated Erhog you will find the antidote to the poison that was used in the attempt on Emperor Demosthene's life, and this will be transported back to the Capital and administered to him automatically. OPPONENTS Legions of the Damned, Erhog the Dark. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Milonia 2 Goblins and a Goblin Archer Argreban Squire, Spearman, Archer Tanscroul Master Thug, Spearman, Thug Jaignes Port 2 Peasants (It is quite possible that the Legions will have taken Jaignes Port by the time you reach it) Temple of Erhog Demon, Erhog the Dark, Ghost, Zombie BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Ruined Tower Fighter, Zombie, Ghost 200 Gp, Zombie Orb Old Fort 2 Imps 50 Gp, Bronze Ring (valuable) Athlok's Keep 2 Devils, Cultist 300 Gp, Boots of Speed Crumbled Temple Hill Giant 150 Gp, Orb of Thunder EVENTS Event Notes Orc Trap Orc and 2 Goblins to the south of Milonia Ogre Lair To the north of Gunner's Shop ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Treebark Potion, Potion of Speed, Life Potion, Silver Ring (valuable), Lightning Scroll, Potion of Vigor, Emerald, Potion of Healing. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Strength Scroll, Orb of Restoration, Potion of Accuracy, Runestone, Banner of Protection. SHOPS Name Sells Gunner's Tower (Magic Shop) Summon Roc (200 Gp), Blizzard (200 Gp) Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10 ENDING Erhog is defeated, and retreats back into her Temple as it crumbles about her. The antidote is administered to Emperor Demosthene, but it does not break his silence - he becomes more withdrawn and sullen as a result of the attack. ============================================================================== 2) The Alliance BRIEFING AND COMMENTS During the campaign against Erhog, corrupt nobles loot the Empire's treasury, leaving the Empire all but penniless. Soon thereafter, many peasants (as a result of the real fear of starvation) leave them Empire and follow would-be pretenders to the throne. Nevendaar is on the brink of revolution as Hubert de Layle steps into the fray and offers to replenish the treasury from his own personal funds, if he is crowned King of the Empire. Many nobles support de Layle, fearing that the lack of funding may jeopardise their own statuses, and the Empire splits as a result. Those loyal to the Emperor turn to their old allies the Mountain Clans for help, and Empire emissaries are despatched to find Slookarijj Darkstone, a member of the Clans Council, and friend to the Dwarven King Morok Cloudkeeper. As soon as you begin the level you are told by one of your troops that Slookarijj Darkstone has been captured en route to meet you by the Legions of the Damned. BUMMER !! Naturally, you set out to release him from his imprisonment. Once you have taken the City of Pudivilimus I would strongly suggest fortifying it as the Legions' Capital is RIGHT next door, and there's a valley through which they WILL explore frequently. As you explore the map to the north, you will be advised by one of your Rangers that you should follow the river to the north, and that this will lead you to the City Thrugre'sh ... your spies have indicated that this is where Slookarijj has been imprisoned. A little while later you will be told (again, by one of your Rangers) that word has been received from the Mountain Clans that Uther (the lost son of Emperor Demosthene) has been found, deep in Mountain Clan Territory !! (Gets about a bit, doesn't he !!) Whilst pootling about the map you will encounter (just south-east of Gunner's Tower) an insane loremaster, who starts babbling on about how he knows what you're looking for, and he'll never let "her" go ... he's referring to gaining immortality by drinking the blood of an Arch-angel that he's captured (she's imprisoned in a mountain range to the north). If you kill him and the two Yeti's he's travelling with you'll free and then gain control over the archangel (who is quite chuffed to have been released) :) If I were you I would AVOID taking on King Agraak (the Orc King who resides in Hundtoll) until the very end of the level ... he is WELL hacked off about you killing his Greenskin subjects, and as he won't leave his city (and therefore benefits from the defence bonus it offers) he's QUITE difficult to kill. Definitely kill him before you leave the level, however, as he gives good XP ;) A bit later on, one of your Clerics will prompt you to ally with the Mountain Clans in order to retrieve Uther, whom she believes can bring balance and harmony back to the Empire. Just to the south-east of Redden's shop you will find Wizard Horek being forcibly imprisoned by a group of nasties (thugs, master thugs and an imperial assassin for the mostpart) ... if you free him, he will ask you to escort him to his brother, Wizard Tiorek, who is right up there in the northwestern corner of the map. If you do this you will be rewarded with a Quicksilver Potion, which will be automatically teleported to your Capital. A WORD OF WARNING. Do NOT send your most powerful units in the same party as Wizard Horek as, once he's been reunited with Wizard Tiorek, they BOTH disappear and your units will go with them !! (The CHEEK !!!!!). When (or should I say IF) you take the City of Malharon, you will be told by one of your Rangers that Slookarijj is held east of the City (which is true - Thrugre'sh is in the northeasternmost corner of the map). As you approach Thrugre'sh you will be ambushed by two units of Undead Troops, each containing THREE Werewolves. Werewolves CANNOT be harmed by physical weapons, so you will have to have some pretty kick@ss magic to beat on these guys ;) [Interesting thing : It was a poor ickle Arch-angel of mine that stumbled upon the werewolf ambush, and naturally I figured she was dead meat ... but to my surprise, the werewolves totally ignored her, and tore off across the other side of the map to pick a fight with my MOST POWERFUL TEAM of heroes !! What a bunch of dummies !!] Another quirk on this level is that if you leave it long enough (as in, if you go all over the level killing everything and avoid the most direct route to your target), the heavy hitters (ogres, etc.) will begin moving around the map and attacking cities, troops who are just standing around, etc., etc., so beware ;) Once you have taken the City of Thrugre'sh, Slookarijj Darkstone is released and the level ends. OPPONENTS Legions of the Damned, Mountain Clans CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Alinadan 3 Goblins, 3 Goblin Archers Hundtoll Orc Champion, 3 Goblin Archers [Ogre, Orc King, Orc Champion] Pudivilimus Orc, Goblin, 3 Goblin Archers Hoolbarr Barbarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain Garken 2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain Thrugre'sh Ghoul, 2 Templars, Necromancer, Specter Malharon Master Thug, 2 Man at Arms, 3 Thugs (It is quite possible that the Dwarves will have taken Malharon by the time you reach it) BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Lost Temple (Capital) Master thug, 2 Thugs 100 Gp, Elven Boots Lost Temple (Tiorek) 2 Barbarian Chieftains 250 Gp Ruined Tower Orc Champion, Goblin, 2 150 Gp, Potion of Goblin Archers Protection Abandoned Tower 3 Barbarian Warriors 500 Gp, Orc Orb Big Mouth Lair Orc, Ogre, Goblin Archer 200 Gp Antique Temple Ogre 100 Gp, Silver Ring Ancient Tower LOOTED FROM THE OUTSET (Beside Wizard Tiorek) Perthin Skeleton Champion, 2 Skeleton Warriors 200 Gp, Emerald EVENTS Event Comments Insane Loremaster (Just south-east of Gunner's Tower) - babbles about "her" and how he'll never let her go. Hill Giant (Just east of the Insane Loremaster) - tells you you must leave. Cemetery (Just south-east of Wizard Tiorek) - tells you this is holy ground; the burial site of one of the heroes who fought during the First Great Wars, and that his spirit will aid you (quite WHAT that does for you is beyond me ...) Ambush (Just outside the city of Thrugre'sh) - ambushed by 2 sets of 3 werewolves. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Potion of Striking, Life Potion, Bronze Ring (valuable), Ice Shield Scroll, Weakness Scroll, Potion of Healing, Staff of Travelling, Potion of Restoration, Strength Scroll, Air Ward Scroll, Gold Ring (valuable), Potion of Vigor, Incantare Hellhound, Emerald, Tome of Water (behind the Legions' Capital City, protected by an Ogre), Ruby, Summon Living Armour Scroll ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Unholy Chalice (artifact), Bronze Ring (valuable), Potion of Air Warding, 2 x Potion of Protection, Treebark Potion, Potion of Accuracy, Potion of Strength, Sapphire, Imp Orb, Dwarven Bracer (artifact - being protected by the Kraken to the southeast of Wizard Tiorek) SHOPS Name Sells Gunner's Tower (Magic Shop) Ignis Carn (400 Gp), Incantare Hellhound (200 Gp), Chronos (400 Gp) Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Protection x 4, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 15, Potion of Fire Warding x 1, Iron Skin Potion x 1, Banner of Speed x 1. Redden's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 9, Potion of Protection x 4, Treebark Potion x 4, Potion of Healing x 16, Potion of Accuracy x 3, Potion of Vigor x 6, Potion of Invulnerability x 1. Allar's Shop (Merchant) Talisman of Restoration, Goblin Talisman ENDING Slookarijj Darkstone is released from his imprisonment, and Morok Cloudkeeper strikes up an Alliance with Emperor Demosthene and the Empire. Unfortunately Uther is still missing, AND to make matters worse, during negotiations with the Mountain Clans, Hubert de Layle has time to amass a small army ... ============================================================================== 3) Antagonists BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Hubert de Layle, now having put together a reasonably-sized army, has begun his march to the north, occupying all cities en route, and razing those that challenge his rule. The heads of all those who stand against him are displayed on pikes throughout his corrupt Empire. News spreads throughout the Empire of Uther's return, and rumour has it he is leading a group of Mountain Clan warriors down from Griffin Heights to purge the Empire of those disloyal to his father. Emperor Demosthene takes his court northwards ahead of Hubert de Layle's army to the City of Fhindar - a heavily fortified city, and home of Inquisitor Phillip d'Agincourt, whom the Emperor hopes will be able to ensure his safety. Your primary objective on this level is to UTTERLY annihilate Hubert de Layle ... which is cool, 'coz the little MAGGOT has been causing you a lot of hassle so far ... so on with the mayhem !! As soon as the level starts you are greeted by an Imperial Assassin called Nobar the Traveller. Nobar tells you that Phillip d'Agincourt is awaiting your arrival in the city of Fhindar, and that he will lead you there (this isn't STRICTLY 100% accurate, as Nobar and his two archers then becomes yours to control, so he doesn't really lead you anywhere), but the Imperial Assassin is a cool unit, and quite handy to have about the place. Just to the north of your capital is the city of Khazan Keep - I would suggest taking this city early on in the level as it's so close to your capital. If your troops are having a hard time beating the forces in the city, just return them to your capital to heal and then try again ... and again if need's be :) Nobar soon warns you of the dangers of remaining in the water, saying that the rivers are inhabited by Sea-Witches, and so you should watch your step ... in reality there aren't THAT many Sea Creatures to worry about, but you should keep your eyes open nonetheless ... ... a couple of turns later, Nobar will advise you that Phillip d'Agincourt has blocked all the passages leading to Fhindar, just to be on the safe side ... let's hope you can get through eh !! After a few more turns one of your Rangers reports seeing smoke rising from Silk Forest (a fair ways to the east of your capital city). It seems someone or something has set the forest ablaze and driven the spiders that inhabit it out ... but who could that be ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... ... next turn, sure enough, the Spiders begin pouring out of the valley to the north-east of the city of Silveria. There are LOADS of spiders (which is both a good and a bad thing - they are tough, but give oodles of yummy XP). The SOURCE of the fire in Silk Forest is, surprise surprise, Hubert de Layle. He and his band of MUPPETS have scared out the spiders, and are about to begin their march to Fhindar ... [HINT : If you want to delay imposing what amounts to a time-limit on this level, DON'T GO INTO THE SILK FOREST after you've killed the Spiders - instead, just wipe out the spiders that come out (which are ... ooh ... about four Giant Black Spiders and one Giant Spider if my memory serves) ... and then continue exploring the rest of the map - this will give you a little more time before de Layle makes his exit from the Forest]. As you step onto the little ramp leading from the northeastern section of the level (where the Legions' Capital is located) up to Perthin, you are greeted by (fanfare) Uther ! AT LAST !! I was wondering when he was gonna show up ... he asks you ... no ... he TELLS you basically to rally with him to cleanse the Empire of its corruption (a bit arrogant, but sounds like a plan, non ?) and you are then given command of THREE more units of troops - (1) Uther, a Hill Giant and a Warrior (2 and 3) 2 Warriors, Crossbowman, Axe Thrower. Your objectives also now change to become "Destroy Hubert de Layle. Uther must not die". I personally would suggest NOT taking Uther into combat, as his survival is key to the completion of the level ... find a shady spot for the boy, and leave one of his 2 Warrior, Crossbowman, Axe Thrower units to protect him (not that he really NEEDS it, but it's better to be safe than sorry), and then march the other unit out to kick some @ss !! If you've picked it up and not yet used it, you COULD always cast that Divis Nocte spell to give Uther a bit more shade (and thereby protect him from spells for a while) - juuuuuuuuuust a thought ;) Anyhow ... a few turns after you have gained control of Uther, you will be made aware of the presence of Hubert de Layle in Silk Forest (in the game - as in, if you'd NOT been reading this FAQ !) ... yeah ... anyway ... he and his band of merry men tell you that you're a fool for not joining them, and embark upon their march to take the city of Fhindar. Your objectives change once again to become : Destroy Hubert de Layle BEFORE he captures the City of Fhindar. Uther must not die. Nobar also shows up (bless) to tell you that Phillip d'Agincourt has led you into a trap, and that you need to be careful (DUH) For your information, Hubert is VERY well guarded - he travels with the following units :- Name of Group Units in Group Hubert de Layle Hubert de Layle, Elementalist, Inquisitor, Hierophant, Imperial Assassin Hubert's Guards 2 Archers, 2 Spearmen, Hubert's Guards (aka ONE Imperial Assassin) Hubert's Scout 2 Archers, Imperial Knight, Hubert's Scout (aka ONE Ranger) Hubert's Guards 2 Archers, 2 Spearmen, Hubert's Guards (aka ONE Imperial Assassin) (No, I've not got the shakes - there are two units called Hubert's Guards). You now have THREE major ways of dealing with the situation (you'll probably use elements of all three) :- 1) TAKE HUBERT WHERE HE IS. Since his troops are all closely huddled, you can barracade the exit to Silk Forest with your troops and take him whilst he's still IN the forest. 2) PICK OFF HIS TROOPS PIECEMEAL. As he is marching along the map, he and his troops are VERY vulnerable to spells, so if you're playing as a Mage Lord you can literally BOMBARD them with combat spells as they are marching to Fhindar - you should be able to dramatically weaken (even kill) most of them before they get there ... similarly, as his units move at different speeds, they can be taken one by one (ish) and that SHOULD allow you time to hit and run ;) 3) BEAT HIM TO IT. Take Fhindar yourself !! Why not !?!?! Keeping Fhindar under the control of a Neutral Power is NOT one of your objectives on this level, so you can take Fhindar before him and build it up from the Level 2 City it is at the minute to a Level 5, stock it with all your troops (including Uther, because if either he dies OR Fhindar falls, you lose) and then wait for him to come to you. The choice is entirely yours, but MAKE THAT SCUMBAG PAY !! =D Once Hubert dies, the level ends. [HINT: IF at all possible, take the Den IN the Silk Forest as well, as it contains a Soul Crystal - a VERY useful artifact for the levels ahead] ============================================================================== ADDITIONAL HELP CONTRIBUTED BY MICHAEL CHANDRA ============================================================================== Antagonists Event Info - At the start of turn 20, you get the message about the Spiders being smoked out of the forest. - At the start of turn 30, Hubert's backup shows up and he threatens you. He'll start moving after you end your turn. Another interesting thing from Michael :- Air Elementals give experience. I killed off all but the Elementalist and pulled back all my units. My leader had 110 damage thanks to spell and potion, and 100% hit chance, 85% natural with a Potion of Striking, so from that point on, I killed off over 60 Air Elementals before taking down the Elementalist. The result was that from less than 150 experience at level 6, my leader went to level 7, next mission I got to pick my level-up. ============================================================================== Thanks Michael, for those little gems !! =) Here endeth the guide for this level. ============================================================================== OPPONENTS Hubert de Layle, Legions of the Damned. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Khazan Keep 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms, Archer Silveria 2 Man at Arms, Spearman, Marksman Runia Orc, 2 Goblins Fhindar 2 Man at Arms, Spearman BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Ruined Keep Orc, Goblin, 2 Goblin Archers 300 Gp, Sapphire Abandoned Temple Ogre, 2 Goblins 100 Gp Den Giant Spider, Ogre, Goblin Archer 500 Gp, Soul Crystal Perthin Rock Giant, Druidess, Crossbowman 400 Gp Lost Mastaba Ice Giant, Mountaineer 300 Gp, Talisman of Freezing EVENTS Event Information Nobar the Traveller Introduces himself at start of level and proves quite useful throughout as a source of information Startled Spiders Hubert de Layle forces Spiders to flee Silk Forest, east of your Capital Hubert's March Hubert and his forces march to Fhindar to slay Emperor Demosthene d'Agincourt's Betrayal That PUNK !! =O ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Potion of Striking, Life Potion, Wotan's Blessing Scroll, Potion of Restoration, Potion of Water Warding, Orb of Regeneration, Gold Ring, Orb of Nosferat, Potion of Fortune (just to the north-west of Perthin) ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 2 x Potion of Strength, 2 x Life Potion, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Emerald, Banner of Battle (carried by one of the spiders that flees the Silk Forest), Wotan's Blessing Scroll (no, it's not the same one I listed above - there are DEFINITELY at least 2 on this level), Divis Nocte Scroll, Banner of Protection SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Vigor x 2, Healing Ointment x 3 Thurania's Shop (Magic Shop) Chronos (400 Gp), Cursa demoneus (400 Gp) Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Chant of Arms (600 Gp), Vithar's Might (200 Gp), Tempest (600 Gp) Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 9, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3, Ring of Strength (artifact) x 1 ENDING Uther (UTHER !?!?! WE did that !!) defeats Hubert de Layle, and returns home to Nevendaar. Emperor Demosthene's illness miraculously heals and, feeling overjoyed and renewed at the safe return of his son to his house, sets about rebuilding the crippled and corrupted Empire. [Hint: If you take the Soul Crystal from this level with you, you'll have a MUCH easier time on the next level.] ============================================================================== 4) Uther's Crusade BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Even though Hubert de Layle is now defeated, his legacy remains ... many petty nobles have arisen from the ashes of his demise, to lay their own claims to the Throne of the Empire. Demosthene awakens from a nightmare he was having about bad fruit (as you do) and, realising that this dream was an Omen (and that he, as he is still weak, cannot yet reclaim his Empire) sends Uther to quell the uprisings. Kewl !! So we get to kick BUTT (again). Hokay boys and girls, buckle up ... Your objective in this level is to re-capture the Cities of Avonia Castle, Rock Castle and North Keep. Oh ... and Uther must not die. Since this is another one of those Uther (precious) HAS to keep breathing levels, I would strongly suggest not sending him into any BIG battles ... use him to mop up weaker troops around the map if it pleases you, but save the MEGA fights for your bestest leader and his troops, and leave Uther garrisoned in one of your Cities ... your capital is obviously safest ... Also, as there are plenty of heavy hitters in the Greenskin mob out there (i.e. Trolls), bringing the Soul Crystal from the previous mission would have been a GREAT move, as it can be used to paralyse opponents and thereby prolong your chances of not getting your butt kicked too early on ;) As you begin the level, Uther runs out of the capital (impetuous child) to tell you that the cities you need to capture lie to the south. Yes Uther. Right. NOW GET BACK INDOORS BEFORE YOU CATCH A COLD YOU SILLY SOD !! Soon after starting, a very nice Drawf by the name of Dagarik Stormcaller shows up to advise you of the presence of the Mountain Clans on this level, and to confirm that they will aid you in your mission and respect the boundaries of your lands as per the Alliance between your two peoples. ... bless ... So off you go ! As you get close to Malavien's Tower (a magic shop just to the southeast of the City of Kenoshann), one of your Rangers will pop up to give you a health warning about Trolls ... they are M-E-A-N (as if you NEEDED to be told that !!) ... sigh ... As the level progresses, you will start to see Uther becoming ... well ... a bit more tyrannical basically ! He doesn't just want to protect the Empire from its would-be destroyers ... he wants to wipe them out ENTIRELY ... To make matters slightly worse, one of your Rangers pops up a bit later on to tell you that Avonia Castle has fallen to the Greenskins, and that the populace has been decimated ... that's SURE to nark Uther even more, non ?? More plodding, more exploring, more looting and pillaging under the guise of a holy crusade ... ah, we love the Empire :) [Note ... A little while after learning that Avonia Castle has been nabbed by our green-skinned friends, E-V-I-L little SCUMS that they are, the Mountain Clans break their treaty with me !! In my experience of playing this game, treaties are frequently broken by the computer at different times, so this might not happen at this point during your level, but EXPECT it to be happening soon ... always got their eye on a better deal those crafty dwarves ... well I'll show THEM !!] Shortly after the Mountain Clans break the Treaty, one of your Mages reports that they have severed ALL Diplomatic Communications with the Empire, and are amassing troops near their capital ... As you bear down on North Keep, the inhabitants come out to face you (NOT a smart move on their part) ... they are outraged that you have come to "liberate" their City in the name of the Empire, claiming that they have had to defend against Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls and have had NO help from the Empire in spite of their pleas. Once you have despatched their warriors and occupied the city, Uther (in response to their constant complaints about the inequities of the Empire) has them all put to death !!!!! =O ((( whips out a copy of the Dictionary ))) Saviour : "A person who rescues another from harm, danger, or loss." Hmmm ... I wonder if Uther knows about this ... =./ Oh well ... there's always more cities ... ONWARD !!!!! A little while later a Vampire pops up to threaten Uther - who responds with his usual "I'ma gonna kick yo' @ss you scrawny lil' punk" rubbish ... yeah yeah little man, dream on ....................................... oh ... wait a minute - that's us !! GO UTHER !! =D In the next few turns, the Vampire that made the threat (who is in a unit with 2 Templars and a Warlock) and a Zombie group (comprising a Zombie, 2 Ghouls and a Warlock) make towards the Capital to beat on Uther. The Legions also pop up to insult the Empire for sending a mere boy to assault them, and Uther responds with something interesting ... he says "Laugh all you want ... prepare to meet your new master" ... hmmmmmm =./ After those two groups have been despatched, one of your Mages advises you that you have received a message from the Mountain Clans - they've declared war on you ! It's from Dagarik Stormcaller ... our friend from earlier ! Here's a brief transcript of their conversation :- [Begin transcript] Dagarik (clears throat) : "Um ... I'm TERRIBLY sorry sonny, but my master has told me to whup yo @ss" Uther "Say WHAT !?!?! Little man I'm SO gunna put my boot up yours" Dagarik "It's not MY fault dude - he's been really cut up since his son passed away in that tragic skiing accident" Uther "BOO HOO" Dagarik "Omigod ! How MEAN are you !?!?! I'm gonna rip your head off you KRAZY man !!" [End transcript] So the upshot is that Dagarik Stormcaller says he's REALLY sorry, but he has no choice, and that Morok Cloudkeeper has COMMANDED his subjects to destroy Uther ... OH WELL THAT'S ALRIGHT THEN INNIT !! SHEESH !! =O Dagarik leaves under a cloud, and vows to seek vengeance when he meets you on the battlefield. Dagaric (notice the difference ? I reckon the programmers were having an oojie) Stormcaller then leaves the Capital city of the Mountain Clans and move south across the map ... you really SHOULD stop him as, even though he's a TOP bloke, he's carrying some natty items including a Life Potion, some Potions of Restoration AND a Runic Blade (artifact) ... once you've slain him, he says his bit and pops his clogs ... it's quite emotional really (wipes a tear from his eye). If at any point on this level you move towards the Crumbled Castle, a terrified peasant named Emand comes running up to to ask you to help him and save his children from the Trolls that have raided his farm and forced him to flee. You then gain control of Peasant Emand for a little while. I know what you're thinking ... "What the HECK am I supposed to do with a PEASANT, right ?" Well check out his LEADERSHIP dude ! Zat's right !! Peasant Emand has FIVE leadership points ! Put him in the back row and outfit him with some KILLER troops if you fancy ... why not !! Just remember same rules apply as with Wizard Horek in the previous level - once you've finished with Peasant Emand, he'll leave and take whoever was with him with him, so don't say you've not been forewarned. You will see that as soon as you've gained control of Peasant Emand, a troll walks up to just south of the unit that found him ... this is the troll Emand was speaking about ... as soon as you have killed this unit, you will lose Emand ... so in all PRACTICAL reality you won't have Emand long enough to enjoy him ... but you COULD do if you really wanted to (just don't kill the troll !!) As soon as you have destroyed the troll that was hassling Peasant Emand, he thanks you and reveals his family secret to you - apparently one of his ancestors was a great warrior, who recorded all his secrets in a tome ... this tome is located in his house, which is beyond a mountain range to the south of your present location - Emand opens the secret passageway there for you as a token of his gratitude. Outside Rock Castle a wayward band of Spearmen offer to ally with you as soon as you draw close - it appears they are afraid of the UTTER buttkicking you would otherwise give them ... smart kids !! :) So you gain the following in one unit :- Spearman, 2 Men at Arms, 2 Archers (handy !!) Once all three cities are under your control, you will automatically complete the level. With the cities uprisings quelled, Demosthene returns to the Capital, to rest ... ============================================================================== ADDITIONAL HELP CONTRIBUTED BY MICHAEL CHANDRA ============================================================================== Crusade Event Info - At the start of turn 15, you are told the dwarves have cut all ties with you. - At the start of turn 20, the dwarves declare war. If you kill Dagaric before that happens, he says nothing, if you don't, he apologizes, then Uther is rude, so Dagaric gets pissed. ============================================================================== Thanks for the head's up Michael !! :) Here ends our guide for THIS level ============================================================================== OPPONENTS Legions of the Damned, Rebels and Greenskins holding the Three Cities in question ALLIES Mountain Clans (at least at the outset) CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Jenosh 2 Master Thugs, 2 Archers Avonia Castle 2 Trolls Kenoshann Zombie, Fighter, Warlock, Wraith Goxx City Orc Champion, Orc, Goblin Archer Asmara 2 Peasants, Thug, Archer North Keep 2 Spearmen, 2 Marksmen, Man at Arms, Priest Rock Castle Imperial Priest, 2 Grand Inquisitors, Marksman, Spearman, Elementalist MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants March Fort Crossbowman, Rock Giant, Loremaster BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Tower 4 Goblin Archers 150 Gp, Orb of Vigor Crumbled Castle Werewolf, 2 Wolves 100 Gp, Staff of Paralyzing Haunted Halls Shade, Deathdragon, Ghost 750 Gp, Banner of Resistance Old Tumulus Orc Champion, Troll, Ogre 1,000 Gp, Tome of War Ancient Temple 2 Goblins 30 Gp, Rust Scroll Ruined Outpost Orc, 2 Goblin Archers 300 Gp Abandoned Farm Devil, Cultist 200 Gp, Orb of Venom Kassel 2 Peasants, Apprentice 100 Gp, Orb of Fear Lost Mastaba Polar Bear 200 Gp EVENTS Event Information Dagarik Stormcaller Introduction - Dagarik Stormcaller advises you of the Alliance between the Empire and the Clans Ranger Warns you about how MEAN Trolls are as you approach Malavien's Tower Dwarven Betrayal HAVE WE NO FRIENDS AT ALL !?!?!?!?!??!! Vampire Assault Vampire, Zombie, Ghouls, etc., attempt to assassinate Uther Dwarven War (!!) Dwarves declare WAR on the Empire Peasant Emand Peasant Emand asks to be liberated from his Troll Troubles (Note that you might not do the above in that order - I would expect you can do Emand a LOT earlier in the level - I just went a different route !!) ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Air Warding, Runestone (artifact - just east of Malavien's Tower), Potion of Vigor, Healing Ointment, 2 x Life Potion, Ice Shield Scroll, Potion of Accuracy, True Sight Scroll, Silver Ring (valuable), Orb of Fire, Ruby, Lizard Man Orb, Talisman of Life (just to the west of North Keep (it's floating in the water)), Gold Ring (valuable), Iron Skin Potion (on the floor beside the Crumbled Castle), Titan's Might Potion (on thefloor beside the Crumbled Castle), Diamond, Orb of Regeneration, Potion of Striking ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 6 x Potion of Restoration, 8 x Life Potion, Treebark Potion, Potion of Healing, Maledicere Scroll, Summon II: Evil Ent Scroll, Talisman of Restoration, Banner of Striking, Potion of Swiftness, Runic Blade (artifact - carried by Dagaric/k Stormcaller), Talisman of Life (not the same one as I picked up off the floor - I'm 100% sure), Orb of Earth, Potion of Strength, Infernal Knight Orb, Rust Scroll SHOPS Name Sells Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Angel Orb x 1, Zombie Orb x 1, Orc Orb x 1, Lizard Man Talisman x 1 Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Weakness (200 Gp), Fog of Death (600 Gp), Summon I: Skeleton (200 Gp) Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Striking x 5, Potion of Vigor x 5, Healing Ointment x 3, Potion of Might x 2 Yggar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Protection x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10 Xennon's Camp (Mercenary) Man at Arms (50 Gp), Spearman (300 Gp) ENDING With the three cities retaken, Emperor Demosthene can finally make his way back to the Capital to rest ... ============================================================================== 5) Slander and Barbarism BRIEFING AND COMMENTS As Demosthene was returning home, he received word from the East that an army of undead warriors was staging a relentless assault on the Elven Lands. Should they be victorious, they would have an unobstructed path through High Annulia and thereafter to Nevendaar. Nobody knew why Mortis had returned, but it certainly wasn't a good sign ... and even though the Elves had not requested the aid of the Empire, Emperor Demosthene, realising the severity of the situation, arranges for a small group of warriors to rush to their assistance in what could be a MOST important battle to ensure the future safety of Nevendaar. Your objective on this level is to destroy Dark Elf Lyf before he can kill the Elves. Sounds quite simple ? This guy is BAD news I'm tellin' ya. Upon your arrival, one of your Marksmen tells you that the Elven City is to the west of your Capital, and that you must be quick, as they are under attack. As you explore the level you will find that, perhaps a bit disturbingly, the Legions do not seem that fussed about losing to you - they babble incessantly about the rebirth of their God Bethrezen, and how this will mean your suffering "a millennia of pain", and other such pleasantries. Don't these people know how to say Hello ?? Sheesh !! A little while into the level, you are approached by a Forest Elf who tells you of the plight of his people - it appears that their city is under attack by the undead (tell us something we DON'T already know will ya !), and he offers to lead you to his Lord Hyllia, as "humans cannot enter Elven Lands" (we'll see about THAT !!). Once again, he doesn't actually LEAD you anywhere - you simply gain control of his unit (the Forest Elf, who (at least in my level) is quite badly wounded, and two Elf Rangers), so I would heal the Forest Elf if he needs it, and then use this party as cannon fodder OR (even better) to explore the map and (ideally) find the Elves ... whom we know are to the west of your capital. If you're not moving quick enough, you will find that the Forest Elf attempts to chivvy you along by saying that he's not sure how much longer his forces can hold off against the Undead Hordes (and technically he's right - the Undead ARE on their way to beat the living PLOP out of the Elves) ;) Time to get your skates on kid !! To the south-east of Werric's Shop, you will encounter a Mermaid and a Kraken, and the Mermaid will introduce herself to you and tell you that she is a friend of the elves, and has been sent to protect you whilst you are en route to their island in Ullguth's Lake, which is west of your present location. Once AGAIN (really REALLY unhelpfully) she doesn't show you the way - she just joins your team ... nevermind ... to get to where you're going just follow the river to the west of your present location (as in, up alongside Werric's shop and upwards), and then to the south (i.e. left) when you reach the corner of the island, so to speak. Undead are pouring from the north to the south on this map, so you basically have two options - either stop the flow of Undead by moving north and taking out the Lost Mastaba (your ultimate target), or protect the Elves from their existing attackers, by going south to their island. The choice, as they say, is entirely yours ... [HINT: Do NOT select the Mermaid unit too many times, or the sound of her going UH-HAW will become SOOOOO annoying you'll probably never wanna play through the rest of the game ... T-R-U-S-T M-E ! ! !] Dark Elf Lyf appears a bit later to ask you what the heck you think you're doing, and to GO AWAY ... yuh RIGHT buddy ... ONWARD !! I would suggest moving to the north, to take out the mainstay of the Undead Army before it floods the map ... If you DO decide to go to the north, one of your troops pops up to warn you that the land appears strange - nothing is growing, and he feels concerned that "weird things" could pop up at any moment ... to which Dark Elf Lyf responds by saying that it's too late - caution is a good thing, but the "weird things" are comin' atcha !! BRACE FOR AN ATTACK !! Assuming you survive, you should make your way deeper and deeper into the north until you secure the City of Groshhenn, which you should STRONGLY fortify so as to defend against further undead passers-by. A seemingly ENDLESS supply of Undead Warriors pour from the Lost Mastaba down to the other areas of the map, and quelling this onslaught is a great ... no ... make that a GREAT ... idea ... I would suggest sending the Mermaid and her Kraken friend to the island she spoke of WHILST sending your best units into the north to take Groshhenn, to give you a 2-pronged attack. [HINT: NOT all the elves you encounter are your allies (obviously Dark Elf Lyf isn't, but also some of the elves in the waters around their home island are ... let's say ... unwilling ... to let you pass) - you have been forewarned !!] When you reach the Elven Island, you will find that the Elf Lord Hyllia rushes out to greet you ... he thanks you for your aid, and tells you a bit more about Dark Elf Lyf ... it appears that Mortis HERSELF directly intervened to bend Dark Elf Lyf to her will, and how he is her willing pawn ... you will then gain control of 2 or 3 parties (depending on how many have fallen to the Undead by the time you get here - it will most likely be just two). These comprise :- 1) 2 Elf Rangers, 2 Centaurs and Elf Lord Hyllia. 2) Centaur Lancer, 2 Elf Rangers. Your objectives will ALSO change at this point to include a new one - Elf Lord Hyllia must not die. ((( You know what this means ))) Time to wrap him up in cotton wool then, eh ... hokay ... since he (and every other elf on the map it seems) has stipulated that humans are not allowed into the Elven Island, I would use your Elvish troops to defend the Elven Island and press north with your best warriors to secure the Lost Mastaba ... meanwhile you can send Elf Lord Hyllia to explore the Elven Island and nab all the goodies there for you ... Depending on how long it takes you to battle northwards to challenge Dark Elf Lyf in his Fortress (Lost Mastaba), the Elves WILL keep sending you messengers and others to tell you how badly they are fairing (I thought the elves were supposed to be STRONG !!), and Undead Hordes will continue to pour forth from the Lost Mastaba and head southwards ... Once you have conquered the Lost Mastaba in the North-west of the Map, the level ends and disaster is averted. [INTERESTING THING : If you re-take Fox City you get a little spiel (as you're no doubt accustomed to by now), but this one actually comes from an Undead Fighter Unit (but he speaks as if he were one of your own troops !!) he says that the streets have all been swept clean of living things by pestilence winds Mortis' minions must have assailed the City with ... O-U-C-H !!] [INTERESTING THING : If you re-take Avonia Castle, one of your Mages pops up to tell you that there are carvings on the wall depicting Lyf the Elf BEFORE he was turned by Mortis, and how the Elves had no choice but to abandon the city after Lyf's transformation to Dark Elf Lyf ...] [HINT: Obviously focus your attacks on Dark Elf Lyf when you finally DO fight him, as he is a powerful summoner, and will fill any and all empty spaces in his party of six every turn he gets a chance ... but as with all summoners, if he is slain, all his summoned creatures will instantly die too :">] ============================================================================== ADDITIONAL HELP CONTRIBUTED BY MICHAEL CHANDRA ============================================================================== Slander and Barbarism, Event Info - When the Forest Elf reaches your capital, (arrival time can vary, since he tries to avoid units along the way) he asks for help. Forest Elf "Empire, we need your assistance! Undead Hordes have attacked our city! Please, let me guide you to my Lord Hyllia... Humans cannot enter Elven Lands, I will guide you there." - When you come near the Centaur Lancer at the Elven city, Hyllia runs to you. The event exists just outside the Mermaid's reach. That's right, she's not allowed to trigger it. A summon can, though. - At the start of Turn 10, the Forest Elf begs you to hurry. Forest Elf "We must hurry, my Empire friends. The Elven city is west of here, on an island. I don't know how much longer they can last..." - At the start of Turn 12, Lyf threatens you. Dark Elf Lyf "What do you think you are doing, Humans? My actions are of no concern to you - be gone!" - At the start of Turn 20, the Elves become desperate again and beg for help. Interesting how they always do that just as the next spawn starts. They whine about how their defenses are being broken down. Hey, idiots, I'm killing those guys before they even can decide if they are going to attack you or not! Acolyte "Milord, an elven messenger asks for an audience. He brings news of the Elven city!" Elven Messenger "The Undead are breaking down our defenses! Our troops have not slept in days... The accursed dead attack us incessantly! Please hurry, before it is too late!" - At the start of Turn 25, Lyf threatens you. Like I am impressed... Of course, the spawns WILL impress you, and forced me to restart the mission since I didn't have a magic unit. Oh well, no biggies. Dark Elf Lyf "You persist in your futile attempt to stop me? Mortis will tolerate your presence no longer! This is your last warning, leave now or perish..." - At the start of Turn 33, Lolleta Greenlief becomes impatient and, with a Devil face, says he's sick of it. Hyllia begs him not to, but Greenlief, now with a Centaur Lancer face, persists, so it's fine with Hyllia. But Greenlief still doesn't move an inch. Bitch. I assume that if you kill Greenlief before turn 33, the event won't take place. - At the start of Turn 45, the real fun begins with the spawning of 2 very powerful groups, when Lyf gets pissed. Hope you took that paralyzing artifact with you, because you're going to need it. Dark Elf Lyf "I'm afraid you have tested my patience long enough! Pray all you want, not even the Highfather can save you now..." 2 groups spawn. Group 1 exists of: 2x Dracolych, 1x Vampire. Group 2 exists of: 2x Werewolf, 1x Wraith, 1x Vampire, 1x Warlock. Slander Enemy Info - At the start, a group with 2 Zombies and a group with 2 Zombies and a Specter already exist. The second will reach the elves first and weaken the Centaur Lancer, the first will break through the next turn and get killed by Greenlief - Every 10 turns, during the start of everyone's turn, including the Neutral, a pair of groups will spawn, being a Specter with 1 Doomdrake, and a Zombie with another Zombie and 1 Specter. In total, 8 monster parties will spawn. - Every 25 turns, during the start of everyone's turn, including the Neutral, a pair of groups will spawn, being a Necromancer with 1 Death and 1 Werewolf, and a Skeleton Champion with 2 Zombies and 1 Specter. - In turn 45, 2 groups spawn: * 2x Dracolych, 1x Vampire * 2x Werewolf, 1x Wraith, 1x Vampire, 1x Warlock - Lollena Greenlief is a level 5 Centaur Lancer, the rest of the group is level 1. Elves now under your control, are indeed the only ones allowed in the Elven Lands. Because they used to be from the race Elves, they can walk past Elves without being attacked. You, on the other hand, cannot. And Greenlief can be a tiny bit painful. Go ahead and wipe out the elves if you want, though. Hyllia can use some exp, and he's the only Elf that has to stay alive. - The city of Grosshenn has a Doomdrake and a Dracolych in it. Those can do 125 maximal damage in a turn, no real biggies, but since enemies gain 4% exp per turn, you want to take them before turn 26, otherwise they're on 137 maximal damage. Slander Tactics First of all, this mission has strong units that attack everyone, and 2 capitals. In other words, whether you have or do not have the Soul Crystal, you're going for female healers. Second, you need 2 healers. If you don't have 2 Prophetesses, you're in for a whole lot of trouble. My standard group has 2, so I wouldn't know how painful being without them is, but I can imagine. For the Necromancer spawns, you do not REALLY need them, but for turn 45 and the capitals, you DO. Third, you need a magic user, to take out the Werewolfs, Wraiths and Deaths with. Remember that Lyf can summon Wraiths, so no matter what, you NEED magic. Now, there's 4 options, to who takes out the Necromancer groups. Hyllia, a Ranger, a Pegasus Knight or an Archmage. I assume your main leader is at level 9. If he's lower, then you need practice. The Archmage will do 70 damage and have 145 HP, the Pegasus Knight will do 130 and have 270 HP, the Ranger will do 80 damage and have 170 HP. Hyllia is tough and does 70 damage if you haven't levelled him. I sure did. This means that all four will NOT be targetted by the Death. Unless the Death can kill a unit in 1 hit, it will ALWAYS go for the Prophetess in the top, even if she's defending. All ranged units do that, the moment your healers hit level 2. The problem lies in the fact a Death does 100 damage and poisons, and the Necromancer also does 45 damage. Which means a healer can get 185 damage in a turn. Since you'll need all the potions for capturing the Capital, you're in for a little trouble. Either you kill the Necromancer before he can strike, you paralyze him with the Talisman, or you make sure you can survive the hits. With the banner that gives 15% armor, which you of course were smart enough to take with you after Antagonists, and with the spell Holy Armour, the maximal damage is 122. Go for that, and each of your three leaders can take the group out. Without magic: Hyllia wouldn't be so lucky, since he can't carry the banner. He's fast, though, so with either a White Wizard and Celerity, a normal Wizard could get killed, or with an Imperial Assassin, and you DO have a Marksman you can level up with the weaker spawns, he can kill the Necromancer. In fact, if you cast Holy Armour, the Marksman is enough. A Ranger, boosted with Might and his 25% damage Artifact, can take out the Necromancer himself. He just needs a White Wizard to take out the Death and Werewolf. The Archmage will have an initiative bonus, since you used all the permanent items on your main leader, right? With Might and the Artifact, he too can take out the Necromancer in one hit. He doesn't even need another magic unit to support him. A Pegasus Knight, well, he's screwed. He can't paralyze the Necromancer, hell, he can't even HIT him. So if he wants to take out the Necromancer in turn 1, he needs 2 Imperial Assassins. That, or an Assassin boosted so high that he can do it by himself, but if your mana pool can afford that, you can also afford Holy Armour, dumbass. With just potions, it's not enough, because he can't poison in turn 1. Against the Dracolych group from turn 45, you need to paralyze a unit, because even with Holy Armor and the Banner, these guys can do 140 damage. Even if your healers levelled up, they can be killed by a maximal hit, though with level 5 Prophetesses, I'd take my chances. If you attack these guys with Hyllia, then there's a scroll somewhere that lowers attack with 33%. Combine that with Holy Armour, and he can take them out with level 4 healers. The other group can only do 124 damage max, with Holy Armour, so Hyllia can kill them. If you casted Holy Armour on your main leader, Hyllia can take his Prophetesses and fight, since only they need the Armour. Since your main leader takes out the capitals, he can easily hit level 11 without spawn fighting. So you can let Hyllia train on the weaker spawns, starting with the Specter groups. I gave him the Kraken as extra unit, you can also go for Wolves or Empire units. I took the Kraken. ============================================================================== Thanks again for the input mon ami !! :) ============================================================================== OPPONENTS Dark Elf Lyf and his army, Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Ugghekk Giant Black Spider, Goblin Archer Fox City [Fighter, Ghost] Brisburg [2 Fighters] Avonia Castle 3 Lizard Men, Medusa Grosshenn [Doomdrake, Dracolich] Suldon Cultist, 3 Imps Gromdam [Demon, Demonologist] UNDEAD CITIES Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Taura [Doomdrake, Zombie] Orb of Fire, Potion of Restoration BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? (NOTE: in the list below, se = south-east, and nw = north-west. Ta !) Abandoned Castle Wraith, 2 Initiates 200 Gp, Staff of Necromancy Perthin 2 Goblin Archers 100 Gp, Celerity Scroll Lost Mastaba (se) Dark Lord, Warlock, 2 Specters 500 Gp, Summon II : Golem Scroll Lost Mastaba (nw) Dark Elf Lyf, Deathdragon, Lyf's Summons 1,000 Gp Ruined Keep Imperial Assassin, 2 Master Thugs, Peasant 300 Gp Old Temple 2 Lizardmen 300 Gp, Ice Spirits Scroll Crumbled Temple 2 Ghouls 200 Gp, Orb of Nosferat EVENTS Event Information Notice of Elves under Siege Marksman tells you to haul @ss to the west Forest Elf visits the Capital Tells you that you need to haul @ss to the west to help his people Mermaid assists you Tells you to haul @ss to the west (starting to see a pattern here ?) [When you arrive in the West] Elf Lord Hyllia Greets you and offers to help you fight Dark Elf Lyf Dark Elf Lyf Tells you to buzz off and then tries to kill you ! Can't we all just git along ?!?!?!?! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Orb of Vigor, Seafaring Scroll, 2 x Life Potion, Rot Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Boots of Travelling, Tome of Arcanum, Potion of Healing, Stone Rain Scroll, Potion of Protection, Tortio Menta Scroll, Ignis Carn Scroll, Tormentio Scroll, Orb of Regeneration, Ruby, Tiara of Purity (artifact - from the mountainous cave to the south-east of the Undead Capital), Orb of Poison ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 4 x Life Potion, Potion of Invulnerability, Incubus Talisman, 2 Healing Ointment, Orb of Fire, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Zombie Talisman, Potion of Healing, Potion of Restoration, Dwarven Bracer (artifact), Potion of Might, Weakness Scroll, Gold Ring (valuable) SHOPS Name Sells Kilgen's Shop (Merchant) Healing Ointment x 3, Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of Water Warding x 1, Potion of Fire Warding x 1, Potion of Striking x 5 Purthen's Camp (Mercenary) Wolf (300 Gp) Mathemor's Tower (Magic Shop) Ignis Mare (200 Gp), Chronos (400 Gp), Paraseus (600 Gp) Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Swiftness x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Highfather's Potion x 1, Potion of Striking x 3, Potion of Strength x 3 Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 3, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Accuracy x 3, Potion of Protection x 3 ENDING Congratulations !! You slew the tyrannical Dark Elf Lyf (Mortis' Angel in the World), and can now return home with your troops to Nevendaar, where a great feast awaits you ... ============================================================================== 6) The Celebration BRIEFING AND COMMENTS As is apparently the custom in Nevendaar, Demosthene as Emperor prepares to crown his son Uther whilst he is still alive (that's Demosthene - not Uther). News of this momentous occasion spreads throughout the kingdom, and all attend the great banquet in the Capital (even in a GAME nobody can resist a free meal it seems). Still nobody knew what had happened to Uther during the ten years he had been stolen away from Nevendaar, but all were certain of the strength he wielded, and that the burden of being the Emperor at such a young age did not seem to phase him at all ... Your objective at the outset of this mission is a simple one - ensure that Uther is crowned Emperor ... to do this, you just need to watch the events unfold. Demosthene is all set to begin the ceremony, when Uther turns his banner to the Legions and utterly ANNIHILATES his dad !! THAT LITTLE BUGGERHEAD !!!!! As if that wasn't enough, Uther then flees the capital and several (3) units of demons teleport in to start laying waste to Nevendaar. Great. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust great. I leave you alone for TWO little minutes and just LOOK at the mess you make !! =O Hokay. We're off. As this is THE CAPITAL of the Empire, you would expect that it would be REPLETE with people loyal to the Empire, yeah ? Well ... kinda ... you DO get a load of extra units to start off with, which are as follows :- 1) Peasant (like, WOW) 2) Spearman and Archer 3) Spearman 4) Spearman 5) Spearman and Man at Arms 6) Spearman and Man at Arms 7) Spearman ... so THIS is the mightiest Nevendaar can muster ... Mercenaries, basically. Pathetic. Well, we'd best make do, 'coz it ain't gonna get any easier ;) You ALSO gain control of, not only your capital (which you would naturally expect), but also a city just outside Nevendaar, called Gilgam City ... it starts out as a very humble level 1 City with nobody in it, so I would move the Spearman just outside it indoors and build it up to serve as a gatehouse for Nevendaar. Naturally your objectives have now changed ... your new primary goal is to avenge the death of Emperor Demosthene by KILLING Uther ........... COOL !! =D [INTERESTING POINT : The units you are so graciously "given" have really RUBBISH leadership scores ... usually no greater than the number of units they have with them to begin with (in some cases 0 !!) so they are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard really ...] So ... your first step should be to despatch the Demon GOONS in Nevendaar ... this SHOULDN'T prove to be too much hassle, but I would concentrate on doing so with your BEST troops, and thereby focus on minimising the casualties to your new troops. A short while after the disaster in Nevendaar has at least been contained, you receive a messenger from the Elven Lands to the East. He voices the sorrow of the Elven People at not having been able to help you prevent the tragic death of Emperor Demosthene, and says that they are unable to help you in your present plight either, as they are handling an internal matter in their lands to the east. You are asked NOT to intrude on their lands ... ... What ? After ALL we did to help them last time out ? How RUDE !! =( If you take Indrus Keep, an Initiate says to you "Why don't we ally - Mortis had ordered us to kill Uther as well ?" - this sounds like a dodgy idea ... you really wanna trust a corpse ? Doesn't matter 'coz he doesn't actually offer you an alliance - it seems to be just a suggestion ... hmmm ... =./ Uther is, for your information, in the south-western corner of the map, behind the Legions' Capital City. Whilst this means that the Mountain Clans (being in the northwest) are geographically out of your way (at least a bit), neither they NOR the elves should be ignored ;) ============================================================================== A brief interlude courtesy of Timelord, who says :- You get a valuable artifact - Talisman of Fear. With your hero appropriately leveled up and with armor-increasing enchantments on him, he can lead a good party to victory at the enemy's Capital also!!! Coz the Guardians are not immune to mind-based attacks. ============================================================================== After a few more turns have passed (during which you will almost definitely still be making your way towards the Legions in the corner), you receive (at your Capital) an Elven Messenger, who says that the Elves offer to help you, provided you do them "a small service" and destroy the living dead to the south of their realm. Obviously this represents a deviation from your intended course, but if you choose to help them out, you need to clear out all the undead to the south and south-east of your Capital City ... if you do this an Elf Centaur will appear, thank you, and give you a gift - the Horn of Awareness (artifact). However, EVEN AFTER doing this the elves do not seem to want to let you into their lands ... you will be met with distinct resistance when you go there ... ESPECIALLY if you try and take the city in their lands ... If you conquer the city of Haven to the north, the Dwarves respond much as the Initiate did ... they question why you have attacked them instead of allying to defeat your mutual enemy ... (LOOK WHO'S TALKING !! Any time Clan troops have encountered the Empire on this level so far, they've tried to kill you !!) Once you have found Uther, he casts a spell on you which reduces your unit's chances to hit, and then he sends a unit to attack you ... ... since the spell only lasts for one round, I would strongly suggest that as soon as you have battled off the first assault from Uther's troops, you end the turn and wait until next turn before pressing on ... Uther and his other bods SHOULDN'T attack you ... you will need to take the fight to them. Once Uther has been felled, he laughs at you, telling you that now that you have spilled the blood of your ruler, he can assume his "true" form .......... D-E-M-O-N U-T-H-E-R !!!!! OPPONENTS Uther, Legions of the Damned, Mountain Clans, Elves (if you push them) CITIES EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Gilgam City [Empty at the start, so I would strongly advise stocking it ASAP] NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Nimoria 2 Cultists, Thug, Possessed Haven 2 Axe Throwers, Dwarf Rotturdam 2 Centaur Lancers, Oracle Elf, Elf Lord, Elf Ranger Indrus Keep Initiate, Doomdrake, Ghost North Keep 2 Titans, Spearman Western Fort Demon, Marble Gargoyle Kenoshann 2 Goblins, Orc BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Crumbled Outpost Black Dragon, 2 Goblin Archers 650 Gp, Mjolnir's Crown (artifact) Old Fort 2 Ghouls, 2 Specters 500 Gp, Titan's Might Potion Crumbled Temple Griffin, Elf Lord, Centaur 400 Gp, Vengeance of Ymir Scroll Ruined Farm 2 Master Thugs, Mage, Spearman 260 Gp, Royal Scepter Abandoned Outpost 3 Lizard Men, Medusa 200 Gp, Lizard Man Talisman (please note that the first Abandoned Outpost is west of Nevendaar) Abandoned Outpost 2 Orc Champions, Ogre 500 Gp, Staff of Celerity (please note that the second Abandoned Outpost is south-east of Nevendaar) Ancient Keep Fighter, Ghost, 2 Initiates 200 Gp, Potion of Fire Warding Ruined Fort Peasant, 2 Man at Arms 50 Gp, Weakness Scroll Old House 2 Fiends, Cultist 350 Gp, Holy Chalice EVENTS Event Information Demosthene Dies by Uther's Hand That unappreciative little bugger ! I'll take the crown !! Uther flees the Capital Scoundrel ... HUNT HIM DOWN !! Hunt for Uther begins ((( yey ))) Elves ask for help to kill Undead Ya wot ? We've already saved you guys once ... can't you do anything !! Uther is slain by heroes Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha Uther becomes Demon Uther ... oh ... dear ... ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Potion of Restoration, Talisman of Fear, 3 x Potion of Healing, Winds of Travel Scroll, Ignis Potens Scroll, Orb of Vigor, Silver Ring (valuable), Treebark Potion, Banner of Strength, Silver Ring (valuable), Orb of Restoration, Potion of Swiftness, Gold Ring (valuable), 2 x Life Potion, Stone Rain Scroll, Tome of Air, Potion of Strength, Strength Scroll, Healing Ointment, Diamond, Potion of Earth Warding, Ancient Relic (valuable), Potion of Fire Warding, Orb of Earth, 2 x Emerald, Sapphire, Bronze Ring (valuable), Lightning Scroll, Orb of Life, Orb of Water, Orb of Vampire, Potion of Striking ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 5 x Potion of Restoration, 6 x Life Potion, Potion of Healing, Treebark Potion, Potion of Invulnerability, 2 x Healing Ointment, Banner of Striking, Unholy Dagger (artifact) SHOPS Name Sells Furren's Shop (Merchant) Squire Orb x 1, Angel Orb x 1, Orb of Restoration x 2, Orb of Strength x 1, Orb of Fire x 3, Orb of Inferno x 1, Orb of Thunder x 1, Orb of Lightning x 1 Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Summon I: Roc Scroll x 2, Rust Scroll x 1, Healing Scroll x 1, Chant of Arms Scroll x 3 Thurania's Tower (Magic Shop) Ice Shield (200 Gp), Blizzard (200 Gp), Seafaring (400 Gp), Chant of Arms (600 Gp) Turian's Camp (Mercenary) Man at Arms (50 Gp), Peasant (30 Gp), Spearman (300 Gp) Yggar's Shop (Merchant) Ice Shield Scroll x 1, Ice Storm Scroll x 1, Blizzard Scroll x 1, Water Ward Scroll x 1, Vithar's Might Scroll x 1 Othon's Tower (Magic Shop) Summon I: Roc (200 Gp), Summon II: Valkyrie (600 Gp), Tempest (600 Gp) Werric's Shop (Merchant) Talisman of Vigor x 1, Talisman of Poison x 1, Talisman of Fire x 1, Talisman of Regeneration x 1 Elihar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 6, Potion of Protection x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Healing Ointment x 5 ENDING Uther's demise at the hands of your intrepid heroes leads him to transform into Demon Uther ... you rally your troops for one last push to overthrow this tyrant ... let's hope you've got what it takes !!!!! ============================================================================== 7) Binding Forces BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Crunch time ... Uther has become Demon Uther, and threatens to not only destroy the Empire, but to plunge the entire WORLD into chaos. In a last-ditch effort to defeat this maniac, emissaries are despatched throughout the kingdom. 5 messengers are sent to enlist the aid of the Elves; 3 travel up through Griffin Heights to impress the urgency of the matter upon the Mountain Clans, and 8 more messengers travel around the Empire, rallying warriors and mages alike to the final battle. (Can you say Lord of the Rings MUCH ??) Right ... this is the level you've been waiting for ! The chance to flex the muscle of your most powerful units against the greatest adversary you (CAN basically) encounter as the Empire ... DEMON UTHER. This boy is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD man ... he's REALLY really tough, and is well protected by his underlings ... ... so you ready ?? :) Right ... FIRST OFF I would play this final level more like a level of Command and Conquer than anything else ... Demon Uther is on this map (he's in the north-western corner) and, contrary to what I had originally believed (which was that he wouldn't leave, and you could just take your time getting to him, Michal Zaj¡c has informed me that if you haven't got to him by about the 75th turn, he WILL start making a move towards your Capital) ... BUMMER !!! Since you have three opponents (Legions, Undead AND Clans) to worry about on this level, attacks will be rife and you should therefore look to not only take as much ground as possibly as quickly as possible, but to HOLD that ground as well. I would strongly suggest that you not only fill all your cities with troops IN the city, but also leave a FULL unit of troops garrisoned within the city walls as well, so that anybody wanting to take over one of your cities has to have TWO fights to get through (which should ideally give you a bit of time to balance out your forces if one or more cities is/are under attack). So ... that being said, we begin ! I would start off by securing the south-eastern corner of the map ... kill off the Greenskins that are trolling (no pun intended) around down there ... I would look to take the City of Indrus Keep quite early on in the game as well ... it's quite a handly little staging ground for raids on the south-eastern corner of the map ... ============================================================================== Two more handy hints at this point from Timelord :- 1) In the last scenario, Binding Forces, the dwarves will ally sooner if you attack the undead and do not attack the dwarves. 2) In the last scneario, it is possible that the stupid dwarves will kill the Forest Elf present in the southwestern corner. This happened when I was playing so I didn't get any message about elven support arriving. ============================================================================== ... If you approach the city of Western Fort (which is to the west of your Capital City) then you will see a unit comprising a Spearman and 2 Peasants guarding the city (to its eastern side). Approach these and they will change their allegiance to your side. If you TAKE the City of Western Fort, the populace actually THANKS you !! WOOHOO !! =D Taking the City of Khazan will call up a brief dialogue between an Apprentice and an Imperial Priest where the fate of the Empire is discussed ... basically the Apprentice is balling his little eyes out, and the Imperial Priest tells him to look to the Highfather who is sure to aid them in such dark times ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ For your information, the Dwarves are SUBSTANTIALLY unimpressed with you if you invade their city of Aragonia ... but so be it I say !! If you decide to take it, you will find that the city of Runia has had all its populace put to the sword by the Undead Hordes (oh dear !!) ... tum tee tum ... let's move on ... :"> There's a GREAT XP opportunity at the Ruined Outpost (Black Dragon AND 2 Wyverns - KILLER !!) and if you proceed to take the city of Rengur, one of your Knights pops up to tell you that there is the stench of sulphur in the town, which signifies that the Legions have DEFINITELY been there ... A bit later on one of the Clan Lords will pop up and grill you for information concerning Demosthene's death. The Imperial Priest he speaks to tells him the truth, and suggests an alliance ... the Clan Lord departs, telling you that he will bring the matter before the Council, but as it stands, with Demosthene dead, your treaty with the Mountain Clans is O-V-E-R (oh plop). As you approach the Ruined Farm, one of your Rangers shows up to forewarn you of the presence of (drum roll) Cultists (!!!) on the land beyond. ... like ... wow ... I'm TOTALLY quaking in my little booties ... If you take the City of Otzwall you have the dubious pleasure of being insulted by a goblin ... (lovely). Whilst you're in this neck of the woods if you go all the way to the south-western corner of the map, you will find one lonely unit of elves ... if you approach them they will tell you not to fear, for the elves are on the way ... ((( ... you CAN attack this unit of elves if you like ))) [INTERESTING NOTE : I wonder whether this unit of Elves would be here if you HADN'T cleaned out the undead in the previous level ... hmmmmmmm ...] A trap awaits you as you approach the City of Gruu'kheml ... there is a Tiamath and two Gargoyles protecting the city ANYWAY, but as you approach MORE units teleport in behind you and the Tiamath looms towards you ... prepare for a fight !! As you approach the Abyssal Demon just south of the Legions' Capital, one of your Wizards tells you of a Great Fog that is descending on you ... and how it must be the Legions doing ... ... sure enough, the Legions are casting a Nightfall spell ... those RATS !! Basically this means that the fog of war is totally replenished aside from the areas around the cities you already control. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH !! Also, FOUR UNITS of Abyssal Demons and some of their mates teleport onto the western and southern borders of the map ... If you kill the Abyssal Demon you were originally approaching, Demon Uther speaks (at last) to tell you how you're going to die ... lurvely ... Just when it all looks like it's going a bit pear-shaped ... with the Abyssal Demons coming from all sides to retake cities and the like, WOOHOO !! The cavalry (literally) arrives ... the Dwarves offer (or at least they did in my game) to ally with you, and in the south- easternmost corner of the map, the following units appear and offer their allegiance to you :- [IMPORTANT NOTE - I believe this will only happen if you are at least REASONABLY good to the Elves during the previous levels] 1) Centaur Lancer, Oracle Elf, 2 Elf Rangers 2) Forest Elf, 2 Centaur Lancers 3) Forest Elf, 2 Centaur Lancers Use them wisely - you probably won't get any more ;) When you have waded your way through the level and are finally (!!) ready to fight Demon Uther, please bear the following bits of information in mind :- 1) He doesn't fight alone. His "unit" comprises himself, a Modeus, 2 Infernal Knights AND a Hag !! 2) He has 1,500 Hit Points !! 3) He is immune to fire and mind, and warded against death, earth, air and water. 4) He attacks once per round, but his attack is two-fold ... a 150 point Inferno Spell and a chance of paralysis, both of which can hit and affect EVERY unit in your group !!!!! Basically this guy is the Boss for a GOOD reason ... be exceedingly careful and DEFINITELY save before you take him on !! Cast ALL your spells on him beforehand, use ALL your scrolls ... just throw everything you've got at him !! :) BEST OF LUCK (pats you on the shoulder and salutes you) If you beat him ? This saga is OVER :) OPPONENTS Demon Uther, Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes, Mountain Clans CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Indrus Keep 2 Ghouls, Werewolf, Cultist, Ghost Gilgam City [Doomdrake, Warlock] Gromdam 2 Spearmen, Titan, Marksman Otzwall 2 Trolls, Goblin Archer Khazan 2 Apprentices, 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms Runia Death, Dark Lord, Specter Rengur 3 Werewolves, Ghost Western Fort 2 Man at Arms, Spearman LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED CITIES Name Inhabitants Bhaagruz [Marble Gargoyle, Demonologist, Witch] Gruu'kheml [2 Onyx Gargoyles, Succubus] Thuggr'hesh [Demonologist, Onyx Gargoyle, Pandemoneus] Nepheris 2 Gargoyles, Cultist, Possessed [2 Possessed, Sorceror] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Aragonia Rock Giant, Archdruidess BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Abandoned Keep 4 Goblin Archers, Goblin 150 Gp, Sapphire Crumbled Temple 2 Orcs 200 Gp, Stone Rain Scroll (The first Crumbled Temple is to the east of your Capital City) Crumbled Temple 2 Trolls, Goblin Archer 500 Gp, Orc Talisman (The second Crumbled Temple is in the north-easternmost corner of the map) Haunted Temple Ghost, 2 Cultists 200 Gp, Imp Orb Ruined Tower Orc, Goblin Archer 500 Gp, Potion of Accuracy Old House Squire, Apprentice, Titan 400 Gp, Projicere Terra Scroll Ruined Farm 2 Anti-Paladins, Beast 300 Gp, Lich Orb Kastel Imp, 2 Ghouls 250 Gp, Summon Skeleton Scroll Densell Wolf Lord, 2 Wolves 200 Gp, Potion of Might Ancient Keep Succubus, Demon, 2 Imps 500 Gp, Potion of Perthin Overlord, Anti-Paladin, Invulnerability 2 Witches 800 Gp, Banner of War Anthrin 2 Goblin Archers, Goblin 50 Gp, Potion of Accuracy Ancient Library 3 Lizard Men, 2 Medusa 500 Gp, Incorruptible Scroll Hideout 2 Axe Throwers, Rock Giant 300 Gp, Touch of Mortis Scroll Ruined Outpost 2 Wyverns, Black Dragon 800 Gp, Banner of Fortitude Haunted Fort Death, 2 Vampires, 2 Shades 800 Gp, Vampire Orb EVENTS Event Description Gain Troops Go to Western Fort to gain more troops. Dwarven Grilling A Clan Lord asks all about Demosthene and his demise ... Elven Encounter Approach the Elves on the south-western shores to enter into dialogue with them. It's a Trap ! Go to Gruu'kheml to set off a trap. Night night :"> Approach the Legions' Capital to set off a Nightfall trap The Cavalry !! Saved (?) by the Dwarves and Elves at the same time !! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 4 x Life Potion, 6 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Speed, Runestone (artifact), Plague Scroll, Treebark Potion, Orb of Bane, 4 x Potion of Restoration, Seafaring Scroll, 2 x Emeralds, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Orb of Freezing, Tormentio Scroll, Banner of Speed, 2 x Potion of Protection, Orb of Elder Vampires, Boots of the Elements, 2 x Potion of Swiftness, 2 x Diamond, Orb of Icefall, Shadow Scroll, Talisman of Strength, Potion of Strength, Potion of Air Warding, Orb of Healing, Goblin Orb, Potion of Earth Warding, Potion of Accuracy Potion of Fortune (just south-west of Gilgam City), Weakness Scroll, Sanctuera Scroll, 2 x Incante Beliarh Scroll, Cursa Demoneus Scroll, 2 x Potion of Celerity, Healing Ointment, Potion of Vigor, Orb of Restoration, Imperial Crown (valuable - beside Thuggr'hesh City), Angel Orb, Potion of Invulnerability Call to Arms Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Sybil's Vision Scroll, Fire Ward Scroll, Vampire Talisman, 7 x Potion of Restoration, 3 x Potion of Healing, 7 x Life Potion, Emerald, Treebark Potion, Potion of Strength, Goblin Orb, 2 x Healing Ointment, Haste Scroll. SHOPS Name Sells Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Protection x 3, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5, Potion of Striking x 3, Treebark Potion x 3, Potion of Might x 1 Guggux's Camp (Mercenary) Ogre (2,800 Gp), Orc (300 Gp), Orc Champion (850 Gp) Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Highfather's Potion x 1, Potion of Healing x 5, Potion of Restoration x 5 Ebbon's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Warrior (850 Gp), Man at Arms (50 Gp) Reggen's Camp (Trainer) [Train Units Here (!!)] Gunnerth's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4, Potion of Air Warding x 1, Potion of Water Warding x 1, Potion of Earth Warding x 1, Potion of Fire Warding x 1 Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Invulnerability x 1, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10 Potion of Speed x 2, Potion of Swiftness x 2, Potion of Vigor x 1, Potion of Strength x 1 Gunner's Tower (Magic Shop) Call Red Dragon (800 Gp), Call Decay Dragon (600 Gp), Stone Rain (400 Gp), Curse of Nygrael (400 Gp) Shorlakk's Shop (Merchant) Tome of Earth x 1, Etched Circlet x 1, Banner of Battle x 1, Staff of Demonology x 1 Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Vengeance of Ymir (800 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp), Chant of Arms (600 Gp), Seafaring (400 Gp) ENDING With your allies - the Mountain Clans and the Elves - fighting by your side, you are able to defeat the Demon Uther, and at last bring balance to the Empire ... but the Empire is still without a leader, and much damage has been done ... it will surely take an age to restore the former glory of this shattered nation. ============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks and credit go to Michael Chandra for his CONSIDERABLE input into the Antagonists, Uther's Crusade and Slander and Barbarism levels, and also to Michal Zaj¡c for his insight into Demon Uther's movements on the Binding Forces level ... credit is also given to Timelord for his guidance on the Celebration and Binding Forces levels. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION SEVEN Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======== ==== === ========== ======== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ====== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======== ======= === === ==== ==== ======== (Dedicated to Simon and his Crafty Dwarfies) THE MOUNTAIN CLANS SAGA WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== Ý This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) Ý Ý I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, Ý Ý please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it Ý Ý off as your own. Thanks ! Ý ============================================================================== THE SEVEN MISSIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN CLANS SAGA :- 1) Lost Runes 2) The Charmed Child 3) War Spirits 4) New Leadership 5) The Unholy Siege 6) The Ceremony 7) The Days Before Ragnarok ============================================================================== For your information, the 12 Runes of the Dwarven Clans are as follows :- 1) Skymine 2) Springfrost 3) Cloverhorn 4) Sevendusk 5) Cloudkeeper 6) Fogfell 7) Cragwell 8) Flinthide 9) Greyhelm 10) Grimpeak 11) Greenflint 12) Hillrust ============================================================================== And the RUNES (as far as I can discern) are as follows :- 1) Fregga's Healing Rune 2) Aurva's Potency Rune 3) Ymir's Purity Rune 4) Idun's Prosperity Rune 5) Fulla's Gold Rune 6) Braggi's Battle Rune ============================================================================== BRIEF NOTES BEFORE WE GET STARTED This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :- In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in [squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be Vithar,who would be shown as [Vithar] as he is IN the city and, in his case, cannot leave -all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city (as in, healing there, etc.) Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right. Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a difficult task, as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up - basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you play as the Mountain Clans in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both light-hearted, and informative. Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their cities). Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading this !! ============================================================================== 1) Lost Runes BRIEFING AND COMMENTS 10 years ago, the Mountain Clans sealed the God of the Legions of the Damned (Bethrezen)'s Infernal Gate using their most powerful runic magic. Of the 12 Clans which comprised the Mountain Clans, only 7 survived the first Great Wars, many having fallen to the unholy blades of the Undead Hordes. After the tragic death of Sturmir Thunderhammer, the Clans elected Morok Cloudkeeper as their new King. Whilst Morok was a great warrior, he could not bring the 7 remaining Clans into alignment, and some of the Clans ultimately departed to seek the shelter of higher mountains. Wotan - the Dwarven God - had gifted 12 runes to the Mountain Clans during the First Great Wars (one to each Clan). The runes belonging to the five destroyed Clans are still missing, and Morok sends out his troops to scour the remains of the Clans' Cities, to try and retrieve these lost runes. Your objective on this first level is to retrieve the lost runes from the Dwarven Cities of Springfrost, Cragwell and Skymine. ... and we're off !! Hokay ... for your information ? Cragwell is in the south-eastern corner of the map, Springfrost is due east of your Capital city and then a little south when you reach the end of the map, and Skymine is directly north of your Capital city. Whichever way you go first is entirely up to you, but as this is the first level, and the Mountain Clans ARE a more difficult race to play than most (owing to their low initiative ratings in combat), I would STRONGLY suggest that you polish up the map before taking the three cities in question ... There are plenty of peasants, thugs and master thugs around your capital for you to gain valuable XP from, so I would begin by attacking those ... PLUS of course you have the added advantage of being able to fall back to your capital to heal yourself ;) As you are making your way down the western side of the map (note, this may happen regardless of which side of the map you are on - it might just happen when you get to a certain distance down the map), one of your Engineers speeds towards your Capital City to deliver a message to Morok. He tells you that Gymner Cloudkeeper, Morok's son, has been slain, seemingly whilst en route to perform the sacred ritual which would see the runes keeping Bethrezen's Infernal Gate locked, strengthened so that (hopefully) Bethrezen would NEVER be able to escape the confines of his eternal prison. Morok is quite obviously gutted, poor bloke. But wait ! The Engineer has even MORE bad news (lovely). He tells you that the Legions of the Damned have returned to Nevendaar, and that Gymner's body was found south of your Capital city, amidst fire and burning rock, clutching one of the 12 sacred runes. [You then gain Skadi's Liberty Rune, for your little collection] This does NOT bode well, as this is the rune which Gymner was going to use in his ceremony to strengthen the runic seals on Bethrezen's Infernal Gate ... Morok then sends the Engineer off to scout the terrain a bit more, as he feels certain the situation is even WORSE than it appears at present. (The Engineer then leaves). As you approach the ruins of Cragwell a Troll pops up to tell you that you are not welcome here ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... BOTHERED ? You're ALL gonna fall to my might !! Bwahahahahaaar Once you have searched the rubble of Cragwell, one of the King's Guards pops up to tell you a bit about Cragwell. He says that the symbol of the Cragwell Clan was that of a Bear, and that they were not only the MOST powerful of the Dwarven Clans, but also the first to be attacked by the Undead Hordes during the First Great Wars. You gain Fregga's Healing Rune from the ruins of Cragwell ... that's not bad going ! So early into the game and ALREADY we've secured two of the lost runes :) Kewl !! This Rune is automatically teleported back to the Loremasters at the Capital for safe-keeping. A Tenderfoot starts a dialogue with a Dwarf a little later on, and quizzes him as to how it was possible for the runes to have become lost in the first place (A GOOD QUESTION). He tells her that during (and after) the First Great Wars, entire Dwarven Cities were set ablaze, and the Clans had no real way of protecting the Runes from the onslaught of the Hordes ... but now ... now that they are rebuilding their strength and armies, they can once again begin to look for them. If you liberate the City of Fichdaer, one of the Peasants that lives there thanks you for so doing, saying that Hubert de Layle (who's name you might have heard before - he's a corrupt noble in the Empire) had forbidden the inhabitants of the City from initiating contact with the Empire (the end result being that they could not call for reinforcements to help liberate them ...). Good job the expansionistic Dwarves were in town, eh !! ;) Once the City of Fronde has been reclaimed by the Clans, a Peasant thanks you for saving them from the rule of the corrupt noble which governed the City before (Hubert de Layle, I assume). Concealed in the remains of what one of your Tenderfoots believe was a Shrine in the ruins of Springfrost is Aurva's Rune of Potency, which is instantly teleported back to your Capital City once Springfrost has been explored. According to one of your Dwarves, Aurva's Rune of Potency was used in Clan Rituals to "preserve the vigor of the Clans" ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... =./ Two down, one to go ! We march for Skymine !! =D Just after searching the ruins of Springfrost, one of Wotan's Valkyrie's appears to tell you that Wotan himself has sent her to tell you that he is pleased that the Dwarves are looking to retrieve his gifts, and that a further rune awaits you north of the Capital ... [Note : I wonder if she would appear here if we had already taken Skymine ? I'm not sure]. If you approach the Cemetery to the east of your Capital a Zombie arises from the ground ... and if you approach the two Cultists just to the south of Gandor's Tower, they will speak to you, telling you that you are foolish to interrupt their experiments, and that if you don't buzz off and leave them be, then they will summon their 'friends' from the graves across the way (they mean the cemetery) to beat you up !! HOW RUDE !!!!! KILL THEM ;) If you choose to visit Elevil, you will find an Occultist and 2 Cultists prowling the area. If you despatch these villains, you will get to meet Mage Gandor - the owner of the shop nearby (which you may have already visited). He tells you that there are many strange creatures in the area, and gives you an orb of restoration for having had the courage to fight them ... he then departs, leaving you with an invitation to visit his shop ... After Mage Gandor has left you to the ruins of Elevil, one of your Axethrowers marvels at the architecture of the structure, saying that it is of "ancient and wonderous make". He says that the heretics have all but destroyed the western wing of the structure with their revels (which, here in England, are these cute little chocolate sweets ? I really don't think they have it in them to destroy buildings but ah well ... who cares), and also that he has found runic etchings on the floor (now this IS disturbing news, as dwarves are ... or at least SHOULD be ... the only masters of runic magic on Nevendaar). A Tenderfoot suggests that you move on with all due haste, as if people ARE trying to learn the secrets of your Dwarven Runic Magic, that CANNOT be a good sign ... fortunately, the etchings you have found in Elevil appear to be nothing more than "misguided play", she says. You also find a Tome of Fire in the ruins. In the Tower of Samur you will find an Emerald, together with confirmation (from another thorough examination of the architecture of the structure) that Samur was never a Dwarven Tower, but rather a minor fortification used by the Empire in times gone by (which later fell to the Greenskins who occupied it when you arrived). In the north-westernmost corner of the map you will find the City of Sciffer, which should fall easily to your might by now ... Skymine is, in my opinion, the toughest of the three strongholds you need to explore on this level. It is comparatively heavily guarded (as it houses a Primitive Giant of all things), and should in MY opinion be the last fort you try and take. Once you have laid the Primitive Giant to rest, one of your Tenderfoots comments that there is a statue of your God, Wotan, smashed to pieces in the rubble of what used to be Skymine. Ymir's Purity Rune is also there, and this is teleported to the Capital as with the other runes. ... after the three Dwarven ruins have been explored, the level ends ... OPPONENTS The Inhabitants of the three fallen Cities, Legions of the Damned CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Fichdaer Squire, 2 Man at Arms, Peasant Fronde 4 Peasants, 2 Man at Arms Sciffer Orc, 2 Goblins, Goblin Archer BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Samur Orc, Goblin Archer, 2 Imps 100 Gp, Ice Shield Scroll, Emerald Cragwell Orc Champion, Goblin, Orc 100 Gp, Fregga's Healing Rune Springfrost 2 Zombies, Ghoul 100 Gp, Aurva's Potency Rune Elevil Occultist, 2 Cultists 265 Gp, Emerald, Orb of Restoration, Tome of Fire Skymine Primitive Giant 100 Gp, Ymir's Purity Rune EVENTS Event Notes Engineer's Peril An Engineer arrives at the capital to tell you of the demise of your son, Gymner Cloudkeeper AND the return of the Legions of the Damned to Nevendaar Wotan's Valkyrie One of Wotan's Valkyries arrives to tell you that Wotan is watching you and is pleased with your progress and chosen path Weird Experiment Two Cultists seem to be conducting experiments involving the reincarnation of the dead at the Cemetery to the east of the Capital Mage Gandor Mage Gandor has been watching events unfold in Elevil and is grateful for your intervention Troubling News It appears someone, or someTHING, is attempting to learn the art of runic magic, if the scrawlings in Elevil are anything to go by ... ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Potion of Healing, Silver Ring (valuable), Potion of Striking, Weakness Scroll, Tome of Earth, Banner of Protection, 2 x Life Potions, Bronze Ring (valuable), Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Protection, Dwarven Bracer (artifact) - in a clearing to the north of Thurin's Shop, Potion of Fire Warding, Orb of Healing, Fire Ward Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Potion of Restoration, Potion of Vigor, Life Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Protection x 16, Potion of Striking x 3, Potion of Swiftness x 3, Potion of Vigor x 3, Potion of Invulnerability x 3, Boots of Travelling x 1, Orb of Vigor x 1 Gandor's Tower (Magic Shop) Strength (200 Gp), Ignis Mare (200 Gp), Tormentio (200 Gp) ENDING Morok is pleased that the runes belonging to the former clans of Cragwell, Springfrost and Skymine are once again in the safe hands of the Dwarves, and says that he will turn them over to the Loremasters for further study and protection. ============================================================================== 2) The Charmed Child BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Gymner's Death torments High King Morok Cloudkeeper. Nobody knows who or WHAT could have slain Gymner or left his body in the state it was retrieved (i.e. savaged beyond all recognition), but Morok will not rest until he knew what had happened. Demosthene sends a messenger to plead for the aid of the Clans in despatching a group of unruly nobles who are threatening his rule in the Empire, and Morok responds by sending a small army to his aid. Morok's forces have to travel through the Devil Mountain Range to reach Demosthene's Empire, and none of his troops relish this task, as the Devil Mountain Range is rumoured to be inhabited by Demons and Devils, and no known race has ever been able to settle within 5 leagues of the Mountains. In spite of the warnings of his Loremasters, Morok directs his army to go to the aid of the Empire, truly believing that their strength would see them through. Your objective here is to re-capture three rebel cities on behalf of Emperor Demosthene ... (the number 3 seems quite a feature in this Saga so far dunnit !!). The Empire's Messenger greets you as soon as you start the level to tell you that Hubert de Layle has taken control of the Empire and that the Palace is now crowded with de Layle's mob. The King's Guard responds by confirming that the Dwarven Armies will take and occupy the rebel cities of Frelan, Hasser's Keep and Kalen's Palace and wait until they are relieved by the armies of Emperor Demosthene. The Messenger gratefully departs. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND we're off ... your Capital is located in the north-eastern corner of the map. The three rebel cities you have agreed to re-capture on Demosthene's behalf are in the north-western corner (Hasser's Keep), the western side (in the middle - Kalen's Palace), and the south-western corner (Frelan). Interestingly, both Freland and Kalen's Palace are inhabited by people of the same name ... freland (with a small f) the Imperial Assassin, and Kalen the Wizard ... but in all likelihood they will have died by the time you get there ... If you take the Abandoned Brewhouse which is right beside (just to the west of) your Capital, one of your Dwarves asks whether it would be alright to stop there for a while, just to help see of the last of the kegs of aged malt liquor that are stocked there. The Loremaster who he is speaking to is QUITE unimpressed ;) As you come to the end of the road beside the City of Odzark, a Dwarf amongst your ranks comments that the wind in this channel appears to blow stronger than elsewhere ... so strong in fact that it howls about his ears, and carries with it the sound of men "revelling" to the north ... WHAT IS THIS DWARVEN OBSSESSION WITH REVELS !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! =O BE EXCEEDINGLY CAREFUL as the channel leading from your present location to the southern end of the map is LITTERED with Giants of one description or another ... and MOST of them are not interested in chit-chat with you ;) As you approach the city of Fogfell two things happen. Firstly, a Rock Giant calls out to you that you are not welcome in these parts (and then attacks you unless you have taken him out first), and Secondly (and FAR far FAAAAAAAAAAR more importantly) a young boy appears before you. He tells you that he was in the area seeking shelter, and the Giant that inhabits Fogfell (a Primitive Giant) has treated him kindly. He also tells you that Fogfell was once ruled by your King, but has been independent since the end of the First Great Wars ... and to top it all, he offers to help you to reunite your Clans. How charming ! Whilst you are debating his words, the Primitive Giant of Fogfell comes strolling out of the City to speak with you ... he tells you that he is the Last Clan Giant living in the Valley, and that he is outnumbered by the other Giants in the Valley. He also tells you that the boy tells the truth, in that NONE of the Dwarves survived the First Great Wars, and that the only reason he survived is because he is "hardier" (hmmmmmmm =./) and made his home in the City of Fogfell, which he is now ready to relinquish to your command !! KILLER !! =D The Primitive Giant (bless) also tells you that he will defend you against the other Giants in the Valley. When you take the City of Fogfell (which now has no defences and is yours by default), the Primitive Giant (hasn't he done enough already ?) tells you that he has learned of your Quest to reunite the Clans and to restore their Sacred Runes, and offers you Idun's Prosperity Rune, which he was looking after for you in the City of Fogfell. Idun's Prosperity Rune is then automatically teleported back to the Capital, to be held with the three runes from the first Mission. As you begin moving further down the map, the boy pops up again to tell you that he is (queue fanfare) Uther - son of Emperor Demosthene (!!!) - he says that, whilst he has no recollection or memory of his father, he knows that one day he is to be crowned King, and asks you if you can point him towards his father's lands. One of your King's Guards responds by telling him that you have heard of his disappearance, but that was a LOOOOOOONG time ago ... and that he should follow you and allow you to look after him until you can get him back to his homeland. Uther is yours to command. Whilst Uther is quite strong (300 HP, Strong Sword attack which can paralyse), I do not believe it would be TOO good an idea to get him too heavily involved in combat ... since he is the future heir to the throne of the Empire, surely his survival should be ensured ?? ;) Once you have taken the City of Akar, you will gain an Orc Orb (which one of your Tenderfoots tells you exudes "a strange vibration"). There is a Training Camp to the west of the city of Akar, and if you have any GP's to spare, I would strongly suggest that you give over some Gold to the Training Camp to gain XP for your leader ... why not ?? :) Once you recapture the City of Frelan, Frelan appears to tell you that they would rather govern themselves than be ruled by the Empire, and that Demosthene's grieving for the loss of his wife and child does them no good at all. He is put sharply in his place by an angry King's Guard who tells him that all he has done is turn his back on the King, and that there is no honour there ... he then calls for a messenger to be sent to to Demosthene to let the Empire know that the Mountain Clans have taken Frelan, and are holding it until he arrives to relieve them. When you take Balleen, a peasant asks you why you are harrassing him and his family, telling you that they seek only to escape Kalen's Wrath. When you take Kalen's Palace, a Dwarf pops up (with the name Kalen - weird !!) to tell you that "the Evil Fiends are helping the Empire" (zoinks !! LIKE WE HADN'T FIGURED THAT ONE OUT ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) There isn't much else to tell you about this level, except that once you have taken the City of Hasser's Keep, one of your Novices' presents you with a Staff of Travelling, which is an OK Staff to have, but given that the Clans can research the Chant of Hasting Spell, its use is kinda limited ... =./ Demosthene pops up after the third city has fallen to say that it is a joyous day for all, as not only have you fulfilled your end of the arrangement, but you have also reclaimed the City of Fogfell. He is overjoyed to see Uther alive and well, and gives your army a Talisman of Regeneration with a request that it be given to King Morok as a gesture of friendship from the grateful Empire. OPPONENTS The Empire (led by Hubert de Layle) - the PROPER Empire is actually your ally !! CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Odzark Barbarian Chieftain, [Barbarian Warrior] Fogfell Primitive Giant Akar keleggh, 2 Imps Hasser's Keep Modeus, Anti-Paladin, Holy Avenger Kalen's Palace Kalen, [Beast, 2 Cultists] Freland frelan, [Knight, Squire, White Wizard] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Abandoned Brewhouse 2 Barbarians 195 Gp, Boots of Travelling Doneggan Tempest Giant, Primitive Giant 23 Gp, Ruby Balleen 3 Peasants 56 Gp, Silver Ring Kassaer Barbarian Chieftain, and 2 Barbarian Warriors 248 Gp, Tome of Air EVENTS Event Notes Empire Messenger Visits the Capital to verify the arrangement between the Empire and the Mountain Clans and, satisfied, leaves. Dwarven Ears (!!) A Dwarf hears men "revelling" (!!!) to the north of the large valley on this level. Uther returns Uther materialises out of thin air and joins your ranks. Fogfell falls The city of Fogfell is handed over to you by the Giant that lives there. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 3 x Potion of Restoration, 3 x Potion of Healing, 4 x Life Potion, Sapphire, Air Ward Scroll, Illudere Terra Scroll, Potion of Protection, Celerity Scroll, Blizzard Scroll, Treebark Potion, Potion of Vigor, Lightning Scroll, Potion of Accuracy, Titan's Might Potion (in the woods just under the mountain to the south of Kalen's Palace), Holy Chalice (artifact - to the east of Kalen's Palace), Summon I: Roc Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 3 x Potion of Restoration, Life Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Healing x 9, Potion of Restoration x 6, Seafaring Scroll x 1, Potion of Protection x 3, Potion of Swiftness x 2, Ice Storm Scroll x 1, Ice Shield Scroll x 1 Reggen's Camp (Trainer) [Train Troops Here !!] Lergem's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Swiftness x 1, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Water Warding x 1, Angel Orb x 1 ENDING You have successfully defeated the Demonic Hordes and the rebels of the Empire, and reunited Demosthene with his long lost son Uther. Well done !! ============================================================================== 3) War Spirits BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Morok's heart skipped a beat when he learned that his troops were returning with the Fourth lost Rune - Fregga's Healing Rune - as this Rune had the power to restore life after death. Traditionally Dwarves worthy of a position at Wotan's Feast Table would have been granted the honour of a funeral pire upon their deaths, but Morok had broken with tradition and kept Gymner's remains in a cold dungeon below his keep, hoping against hope that with the aid of Fregga's Healing Rune, he could bring Gymner back to life. The Loremasters advised Morok of the foolishness of his chosen path, but he was resolute, and decided to perform the sacred rites to revive Gymner himself. Convinced that they would be unable to stop him, the Loremasters obeyed their King's commands, hoping that Wotan would not be angry with them at their chosen course of action. When the level begins, Morok appears to command you to find the ceremonial grounds where he can enact the ritual to bring back Gymner. The Loremasters once again voice their opposition to this course of action, saying that Fregga's Teachings prohibit this, allowing only for the resurrection of warriors which are going into battle to defend the Clans - not just because they are favoured by the King. (Brave words !!) One of the King's Guards silences him by asking whether he considers himself fit to question the decision of their King, Morok, who had led them to battle in the First Great Wars. Thus sated, the Loremaster resigns himself to helping Morok. Here begins the level !! :) Your objective is to take Fregga's Healing Rune to the Sacred Ceremonial Grounds so that the ritual to revive Gymner's corpse may begin. As you may have guessed, it would be fair to say that not ALL the members of the Mountain Clans are 100% behind Morok on this one ... but who are we to judge eh ! On we go ... At the end of your first turn on this level, the Empire will offer to ally with you ... seems like what goes around comes around, and they remember your deeds in the previous missions ... woohoo !! This should be a piece o' cake !! One of your Engineers returns to the Capital to confirm that your king Morok is meeting with Uther, Demosthene's Son, with a view to forging a permanent alliance between the Clans and the Empire. Wouldn't THAT be special !! :) Once you take the City of Kagh, a Barbarian Warriors tells you that you wouldn't have had a chance of beating them had they not despatched the mainstay of their forces to conquer Sumerec. HOW STUPID IS HE BY THE WAY !?!?! "Oh ... it's a good job you don't know about my SECRET HIDDEN WEAKNESS Batman or I'd be REALLY stuffed !!" (bangs head against a brick wall and then chuckles to himself). Once Ochsunder has fallen to your might a Master Thug pops up to tell you that they have allies everywhere, and that you should beware ... hmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ If I were you I wouldn't waste my time going to Sallat's Shop - he doesn't seem to have anything to sell (unless you have stuff to convert to GP's, of course) ;) Taking the City of Galian is a VERY worthwhile exercise as, once it's fallen, a Man at Arms comes out to tell you that he and his band were holding the Fort for Squire Grandier for a long time, and that they were well paid, but that they are willing to work for you (for a price) - note that this is a lie - as soon as you cancel this dialogue, a unit comprising 1 Spearman and 2 Man at Arms appears outside the City and switches its allegiance to the Clans immediately ... not bad eh !! :) As you get just past Underik's Tower one of your Novice's pops up (strange that you are shown the portrait of a Lizard Man for this dialogue - it's DEFINITELY a Novice talking) to tell you that he can sense the presence of Lizard Men in the Valley beyond, and can see them easily slithering over the top of the high wall that blocks your passage southwards. He asks whether there is perhaps another route you can take ? (( The answer to that question ... is ............................ NO !! )) Continuing along the high wall, you must clear this section of the Valley of Lizard Men. As you approach the last unit of Lizard Men in the Valley, they jeer at you, telling you that whilst you are brave to have gotten as far as you have, it's all in vain as you have no way of penetrating their defences. WRONG BUDDY. This Lizard Man is holding a key to a hidden section of the wall. Once you have felled the City of Spane, a Lizard Man shows up to ask you what the heck you think you're doing in their City ... he doesn't actually wait for an answer, satisfied that his allies will "descend upon you without delay" ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... =./ You may now commence your final assault to reach Talder's Alter ... as you approach the Lizard Man guarding the entrance to the ceremonial grounds, he quizzes you as to how you think you are going to defeat the Marsh Dwellers, when they quite obviously OWN these lands ... ignore him and kick the cr@p outta him. Once he is dead the gateway behind him opens, and you may proceed. As you take a couple more steps into the area, your path becomes blocked by three units of six ickle gobliny peeps ... BASH THEM TO BITS in response to the Loremaster's comments that they have desecreated the sacred ceremonial grounds ..................... scums :"> As you approach the altar, one of your Loremasters begins instructing your troops in the protocol of the Ceremony. He tells you that the altar must be cleared for the ceremony, Gymner is laid upon it, and then he directs Novice Sevendusk to place Fregga's Healing Rune in a certain location on the altar ... ... all appears to be working, as Gymner's corpse stirs ... ...... but wait ! ......... what the HELL is this !?!?! ............ oh dear ... in what can only be alikened to my first experiment to build a sandcastle, Gymner is revived .................. sorta ... he comes back as a ZOMBIE. GOOD CALL BOYS !! He speaks ... NOT surprisingly he says "hrr ghang. klill meeeen." NOW your Loremaster has a dilemma. Does he leave this poor wretched half-Gymner to be eaten by the Goblins that are still in the area ? Or do you finish him yourselves ? He prays for Wotan's guidance. Just then, one of Wotan's Valkyrie's appears ... she tells you that SHE will take Gymner ... that the Power of the Runes is still too weak to bring him back fully, and that this will remain the case until the Clans stop ABUSING their power ... she gives you back Fregga's Healing Rune and departs with the words "The next time you use it, be just!" Thus scolded, you take Fregga's Healing Rune and are hastened (by one of your King's Guards) back to the Capital to pay your regrets to Morok on the passing of his son. Your new objective is to take the Healing Rune BACK to the Capital. This is where the mission starts to get really interesting. You could a) return back to the capital - or - b) finish exploring the rest of the map and THEN return to the capital (the choice is yours). I'm going to finish exploring the map before returning to the Capital ... At ROUGHLY this point on the level (it might happen before for you, or after - it depends on how quickly you progress through the level), Morok pops up to state that the Clans have been fooled by Uther, and that it is the Empire they should be attacking (!!). One of your Loremasters openly questions Morok (as you'd expect), saying that the Clans cannot declare open war on another race simply because their ruler distrusts the other race, and that they need proof. In these troubled times, and with both the Legions AND the Undead bearing down on both the Empire AND the Clans, it is sheer madness to turn away potential allies ... Morok responds by saying that Uther craves power for himself and himself ALONE, and that he was asking all sorts of questions during their negotiations. Questions which a purely strategic ally has NO business knowing ... He goes on to say that Uther has been banished from the Kingdom of the Mountain Clans, and that if any of the Empire's Troops are spotted on Clan Territory, they are to be slain immediately and without question. He says he is convinced that the Empire plots against the Clans, and that it is invariably better to be the aggressor in such situations. ==========> THE MOUNTAIN CLANS ARE NOW AT WAR WITH EVERYBODY !!!!! <========== ... sigh ... The next turn a Messenger (a Ranger) from the Empire arrives with a message from Emperor Demosthene. Morok says that he has no time for Demosthene's "honey-dipped entreaties". (Sharp words !!) He then has his guards seize the Messenger and punish him for his impertinence (obviously Morok has never heard the saying "don't shoot the messenger") ;) ... MOVING ON !! When you take the City of Margylla, a Lizard Man tells you that you can take their cities, but they are much stronger than you can possibly imagine ... As you venture (eventually - MAN did I take a long way to get around this map !!) near the territory of the Undead Hordes, two of your units pop up and engage in dialogue (they are a King's Guard and an Engineer if my memory serves) as to how Mortis has returned, but still nobody knows why OR whom she is stalking this time ... it's all a bit of a puzzle =./ If you take the Greenskin inhabited City of Delos in the south-westernmost corner of the map, a Goblin pops up to tell you that whilst you may have killed his masters, he will NEVER be your slave. (How courageous !!) KILL THEM ALL !! =D If you take the City of adrok, the Orc ruling it tells you that he is going to direct all his people to hunt you down ... (( HOPEFULLY by this stage his words will fall on deaf ears, as you should be powerful enough, and he should have few enough troops to make it a valid concern. )) There IS an Orc King in the vicinity of the City of adrok, however, so BE CAREFUL as they are MEAN ;) [HINT: MAKE SURE ALL YOUR UNITS ARE FULLY HEALED BEFORE RETURNING TO THE CAPITAL] Once you have finally conquered as much of the map as you feel like conquering, and return to the Capital, several units appear on the map at the gate to the Capital. They are :- 1) Morok Cloudkeeper 2) Princess Yataa'Halli 3) Loremaster Sevendusk Morok begins the comparatively lengthy dialogue which ensues. Firstly he blames the RUNES for his son's botched reincarnation ... not his failure to read the instructions - now it's the RUNES fault ... ja ... right ... Princess Yataa'Halli responds by saying that he's talking a load of bunkum (GO GIRL !!), and that his misuse of the Runes and declaration of open war on the Empire is TOTALLY unacceptable, and he is no longer fit to rule the Mountain Clans. In response to this, rather predictably, Morok goes nuts. His banner changes to become neutral, and he goes into a frenzy. Your objectives now change to become "Kill Morok Cloudkeeper", basically ... and you don't have time to really prepare, as HE attacks you first !! Once you have slain Morok, Princess Yataa'Halli mourns not only his passing, but also the loss of Loremaster Sevendusk AND what looks like the only REAL hope for the Clans. (Nothing like good news eh !!) :( OPPONENTS Undead Hordes, the Empire (who start out as your ally). CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants kagh Barbarian Chieftain, Barbarian Warrior Ochsunder 2 Master Thugs, Man at Arms Galian Imperial Assassin, 2 Man at Arms, Spearman Spane 3 x Lizard Men Margylla 2 x Lizard Men, Medusa defe Barbarian Chieftain, Barbarian Warrior adrok Orc Champion, Orc, Goblin, Goblin Archer Delos 2 Orc Champions, 3 Goblin Archers BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Ginfield Hall Fat Imp, 2 Imps 135 Gp, True Sight Scroll Rredoc 3 Lizard Men Treebark Potion Daand 2 Master Thugs, 2 Thugs 354 Gp, Potion of Speed Ankor 2 Goblins 100 Gp, Talisman of Life Anderov 2 Ghouls 100 Gp, Elf Lord Orb Shrech Orc, Orc Champion, 3 Imps, Goblin Archer 123 Gp, Water Ward Scroll EVENTS Event Notes Allies AT LAST ! The Empire offers to ally with you VERY early on in the level. Promising stuff Morok meets Uther to discuss a permanent alliance. The Experiment Gymner is reincarnated as a cheap, plastic imitation version of his former self, and forced to live out the rest of his life in an eternal war with barbie for homecoming queen prize (ok ok not exactly) Spanking Wotan's Valkyrie administers slaps on the wrist of all Dwarves and sends you packing with Fregga's Healing Rune TO WAR !!! Morok declares war on the Empire as he dislikes Uther's hair gel Defeat Morok (!!) Morok goes COMPLETELY ballistic, and his daughter, the Princess Yataa' Halli commands you to destroy him. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 4 x Life Potion, Potion of Striking, Lizard Man Orb, Potion of Restoration, 4 x Potion of Healing, Weakness Scroll, Banner of Speed, Potion of Accuracy, Haste Scroll, Forestwalk Scroll, Zombie Orb, Banner of Strength, Staff of Light, Menta Minoris Scroll, Iron Skin Potion (just to the north-west of the Hordes' Capital), Boots of the Elements, Curse of Nygrael Scroll, Diamond, Orb of Restoration, Summon I: Skeleton Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Potion of Restoration, 2 x Life Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Has nothing for sale !! But is MORE than happy to buy ;) Underik's Tower (Magic Shop) Pestilence (200 Gp), Summon I: Skeleton (200 Gp), Strength (200 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp) Turien's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Warrior (850 Gp), Goblin Archer (50 Gp), Orc Champion (850 Gp) Redden's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 9, Potion of Protection x 3, Healing Ointment x 3, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Vigor x 2, Imp Orb x 1 Furren's Camp (Merchant) Life Potion x 3, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Summon II: Evil Ent Scroll x 1, Summon I: Living Armor Scroll x 2, Call Decay Dragon Scroll x 1, Pestilence Scroll x 1, Rust Scroll x 1, Air Ward Scroll x 1, Healing Scroll x 1 Nibor's Tower (Magic Shop) True Sight (400 Gp), Summon I: Living Armor (400 Gp), Ice Spirits (1,200 Gp), Stone Rain (400 Gp), Reggen's Camp (Trainer) [Train your Units Here !!] ENDING When Morok saw what his personal desires to revive Gymner had done, he spun into madness. He lashed out at everybody that got in his way - even his own people and, whilst slaying him was by no means an easy task, it had to be done, as failure to put him to rest would surely mean the downfall of the Mountain Clans. [NOTE: Whilst I'm not at ALL sure whether it has ANY bearing on later missions, you CAN take Fregga's Healing Rune with you onto the next mission, and my gut tells me that is a pretty sure-fire bet that it has SOME importance] ;) ============================================================================== 4) New Leadership BRIEFING AND COMMENTS With Morok's demise, the Regency of the Mountain Clans passed to his daughter, Yataa'Halli. With the trumpeting of the Horn of Taymaryl, her place as leader of the Clans was cemented, and in spite of the skepticism of the Loremasters and many others in the Clans, she prepared to rally her troops and try to rekindle the spirit of unity in the Clans. Of the 12 Clans that comprised the Mountain Clans, only 5 sat in the Council at present. Some of the tribes to have left did so of their own accord, and were still in existence somewhere in Nevendaar, so Yataa'Halli's first calling was for scouts to be sent out to locate these vagabond tribes, and to remind them of their duty to the Clans. She had the support of the Loremasters in this, but they urged her to move as swiftly as possible, as they foresaw the returns of the Legions and the Undead as signs that the dreaded Ragnarok was approaching. Day 1 Begins !! Clan Council Members appear to show their allegiance to the new Queen of the Clans, and to point out that, as Counsellors to Emperor Demosthene, they have come to learn how the realm (I THINK that this is a typo, and that they means to say as Counsellors to your father, King Cloudkeeper) is run. Queen Yataa'Halli says that she knows this, but that she has also been a powerful figure behind the Throne, and knows that their numbers are few, and that they have lost even the protection of their God Wotan through their misuse and losing of the sacred Runes of the Clans ... but she WILL not let the Clans go out like that (sorry - I'm just listening to Cypress Hill at the mo and I couldn't resist). The Loremaster responds by saying that not only are the runes lost, but they are weakened as well ! Whilst he does not know WHY this is so, he knows that you must find the other Runes and then seek Communion with Wotan to establish exactly what da FUNK is goin' on !! Queen Yataa'Halli says that she will continue and complete her late Father's work - she commands that a messenger be sent to the Dwarven Clan of Greyhelm to re-establish contact and bring them back into the fold with the rest of the Clans. She says that Greyhelm has not been heard of since the First Great Wars. She also says that the recent declaration of war on the Empire was a STUPID move on her father's part, that it is based on fear and mistrust rather than substance, and that she is going to despatch a peace envoy to the Empire to ask for a re-establishment of their former alliance ... ... well she DEFINITELY seems to know what she's doing I'll give her that !! :) Hokay. We all set ? Let's kick off ! First thing I should point out ? Comparatively this map is TINY. But DON'T be thinking for one SECOND that this level will be a piece of cake ;) Let's go kick some BUTT =D The City of Greyhelm lies due south-east of your Capital city, but to reach it you must first travel east, and then south ;) But first I think I'll explore the lands a bit ... Taking the City of Khazan Keep is quite a good idea, if only to give you a staging ground for incursions into that area of the map ... but BE CAREFUL as not only is this area quite dangerous, but there is also an Orc King just outside Vidal's Tower ... take it slow and be careful ;) If you take the building called Aragnoc, one of your Dwarves says that the area is dank and difficult to breathe in - perfect for Greenskins ... and that whilst they do not keep much in the way of treasure, maybe this scroll with "evil-looking" writing on it may be of some use (bless !!) When you take the City of Asmara one of your Dwarves pops up to tell you that the bad bad peeps that were inhabiting the City have been pillaging the surrounding countryside for DECADES ... so it's about time you guys did something about it !! :) If you take the Thieves' Hideout to the East of the City of Asmara, one of your King's Guards shows up to remark that you found quite a loot there, and that the thieves must have waylayed many travellers to get it ... ((( dude, it's JUST a diamond, y'know ? ))) If you enter the watery creek to the east of your Capital City, you will be warned by one of your Engineers that the bones of much larger-bodied creatures than dwarves litter the waters, and that caution is advised ... (this is a good idea as there are SEVERAL Krakens in this area). In true Dwarven fashion, one of your Dwarves responds by saying 'Ah yes, but there are also great treasures in these waters' (or something quite similar). The structure called Bellia is HEAVILY protected (as in, protected by TWO Green Dragons), and in all honesty I can't REALLY see why - behind one of them is a Daylight scroll which is quite handy, but Bellia itself has ... well ... see my notes below ... do YOU think that justifies the risk of taking on a pair of dragons ?? I did it for the XP ... but I'm nuts like that :"> As you clear out the surrounding waters you are finally able to bear down on the City of Greyhelm ... as you approach, a Dwarven Engineer named Alderic comes barrelling out of the City towards you ... he is REALLY happy to see you, saying that they have not been able to make contact with the King since the Great Wars, as an avalanche blocked their passage to the Capital City, and that many of their men died trying to make it over the Mountains to reach the Capital ... he says they have been working for years to clear a path, but you have managed to reach them first ... One of your Dwarves responds by saying that he can hear the sounds of war, and asks Alderic what da Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll is going on ... Alderic says they need your help - that an army is assaulting Greyhelm with powerful magic, and that they are not sure how much longer they can withstand the attack ! He turns over control of Greyhelm's armies to you, and you gain the following units :- 1) Alderic (Engineer) 2) Eraric (Loremaster), Veteran, Mountaineer, Dwarf 3) Balderic (Engineer), Dwarf, Rock Giant 4) Segeric (King's Guard), Druidess, Axe Thrower, Warrior Also, as Alderic was the only unit IN Greyhelm, that city is now free for you to take as well, and that's a GOOD thing as your objectives change to (fanfare) :- "Purge the enemies from the ruins north of Greyhelm" FINALLY we get to administer some good ol' fashioned @ss whuppin' Dwarven stylee ;) Hokay. Firstly I would make Greyhelm a military outpost - use it to churn out assaul troops. I'd also suggest that all spells you research from this point on are either damage enhancing, summons or damaging ... you'll need them to help get rid of these maggots ;) When you actually take control of Greyhelm you get (tada !!) ANOTHER rune !! Fulla's Gold Rune which, for SOME reason, is NOT automatically teleported back to your Capital ... best keep an eye on who's got it methinks ;) As you get to the bottom of the Valley one of your Alchemists asks where this magic wind is coming from ... he (HE ?? I thought Alchemists were girls !! OOPS !!!) gets a snappy response from one of the Loremasters that it's not any normal wind - it's the result of CLAN Magic spells ... but who would be casting those AGAINST the Clans ?? Hmmmm =./ [HINT: Make sure you take some healing potions/scrolls/artifacts/talismans with you.] There are several units which you must defeat in order to secure this level, being :- 1) 2 Man at Arms, Spearman, Marksman, Archer 2) 2 Man at Arms, Spearman, Marksman, Hierophant, Elementalist 3) 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms, Marksman, Cleric, Apprentice 4) 3 Spearmen, 3 Archers 5) Wizard, Titan, Paladin, Matriarch 6) Man at Arms, Spearman, Knight, Cleric 7) Imperial Assassin, Spearman, Marksman, Archer 8) Spearman, 2 Marksmen, Man at Arms, Squire, Apprentice After you have defeated the first 3 units (nos 1, 2 and 3) a King's Guard turns to Alderic and asks him WHY these people are attacking Greyhelm, and whether Greyhelm threatened them at all. Alderic responds by saying that they do not know the reason for the siege, and that it just started three days ago at dawn without warning or a chance for negotiation. Enemies began pouring through the ruins to the north, and they have attacked unendingly since then ... Once you have killed the 4th unit and begin to move through the valley towards the Wizard, you start being hit by Blizzard spells EVERY STEP you take ... that's 15 points of damage PER STEP on the map ... Just as you are about to THUMP the Wizard, he tells you that they have not yet finished their 'work' in the area, and that you cannot evade spells as powerful as this (and then he casts a Tempest spell on you), Unit 5 (the Wizard) then moves to the back of the army, and unit 7 moves in to attack you. Once you have killed unit 7 you are left with units 6, 8 and 5 to deal with ... [HINT: If you have sustained damage, I would keep your troops THERE and either a) send them supplies, or b) heal them with spells, as if you go BACK to Greyhelm, you will take another barrage of 15 point Blizzard spells to get there ... the canyon must be warded or something ... and only the slaying of Unit 5 will the wards be removed.] Once you have slain the army, I would heal all your troops and brace for the final assault on this level - that on Sevendusk. Sevendusk is VERY heavily guarded (see my notes below), but it MUST fall in order to complete the level ... Braggi's Battle Rune is located there, and you take it into your care. It appears that the warriors mounting the siege on Greyhelm were trying to decipher the runes written on Braggi's Battle Rune ... fortunately they did not have the time to crack the runes, and only managed to master a few basic spells (but it was close !!). One of your Alchemists reminds you that the Cult at Elevil was also trying to decipher your runes. Not that it would seem to matter now, as you have the full set of runes once more !! :) [Not entirely sure whether he will say this if you didn't bring Fregga's Healing Rune from the last mission] ;) One of your King's Guards sends an Engineer to the Capital with the Runes and the joyous news for Queen Yataa'Halli, saying that her armies will return to her after Greyhelm has been rebuilt. He also remarks as to Greyhelm's would-be assailants ... who were they ? Did the Empire send them ? Perhaps Morok was right after all ! Back at the Capital, Queen Yataa'Halli appears with one of the Loremasters for another quick conversation. She say that now, at last, after 10 long years, the Clans are finally reunited ... surely this must mark the beginning of a new and more prosperous age for your kin. The Loremaster adds that, now that all 12 runes are back in your mits, you can enact a ceremony to honour Wotan and ask his foregiveness for your past foolishness and lack of respect for his gifts. Yataa'Halli concurs, and a mass celebration begins ... OPPONENTS Legions of the Damned, Bizarre Cult working at Sevendusk. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Asmara 2 Titans, Master Thug Khazan Keep 2 Orc Champions, Orc, 3 Goblin Archers Greyhelm Alderic (Engineer) BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Bellia 2 Orc Champions, Orc, 2 Imps 108 Gp, Skull Bracers Thieves Hideout 3 Master Thugs 223 Gp, Diamond Aragnoc Orc Champion, 2 Imps, and 12 Gp, Incantare Hellhound 3 Goblin Archers Scroll Sevendusk Defender of Faith, Wizard, Grand Inquisitor, Mage, and Elementalist 379 Gp, Braggi's Battle Rune EVENTS Event Notes Yataa'Halli's Word Yataa'Halli directs you to go find the city of Greyhelm, and to rally them to the Dwarven cause. Craaaazy Creek Engineer and Dwarf debate the likelihood of surviving Kraken Central. Greyhelm Troubles Alderic calls for aid from the Clans ... Takin' it to 'em You must defeat the Army descending from Sevendusk to protect Greyhelm. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Plague Scroll, 4 x Potion of Healing, Talisman of Restoration (in the north-westernmost corner of the map), Healing Scroll, Talisman of Vigor, 3 x Life Potion, Talisman of Regeneration, Daylight Scroll, Potion of Protection, Staff of Protection, Air Ward Scroll, Venerable Warrior Talisman. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 2 x Potion of Restoration, Life Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Vidal's Tower (Magic Shop) Incantare Belliarh (400 Gp), Haste (400 Gp), Strength (200 Gp). Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Protection x 3, Iron Skin Potion x 1, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3, Venerable Warrior Talisman x 1 ENDING With the Circle of Wisdom once again complete, the three last runes are taken to Queen Yataa'Halli's Fortress where they are secured. The Clans attention now shifted to the impending Ragnarok. [INTERESTING NOTE : I'm not sure why, but once AGAIN you can take Fregga's Healing Rune with you onto the next level ... as before, my gut tells me that there MUST be a reason for this ...] ============================================================================== 5) The Unholy Siege BRIEFING AND COMMENTS With the bringing of their house into order complete, the unified Dwarven Clans could now shift their attention to matters OUTSIDE their borders. Whilst they had been rune-hunting, the Legions had encroached onto their territory to the West, and the Undead had begun expanding to such an extent that they were now dangerously close to the Clans' Northern Frontier ... Queen Yataa'Halli rallied her troops to war, and the Dwarves proudly obeyed her, marching under their unified flag fearlessly towards impending battle. Alrighty then ... your OBJECTIVE on this level is to transform 70% of the level back into Clans Land ... sounds simple ? NOPE. To do this you must basically expand your territory to incorporate both Legions AND Undead cities, and resources ... and wait until these expand to cover 70% of the map ... Off we go ! The level kicks off with Yataa'Halli saying that her scouts have advised her that Legions approach from the South and the Undead from the North, but that the Dwarves must not fear, as Wotan is once again on their side ... (phew !) A King's Guard replies, saying that to make matters worse, the Mountains are infested with packs of wild roaming wolves and that great caution is advised ... ... and now it's over to us !! =) As soon as your first unit leaves the safety of the Capital, an Engineer appears on the southern end of the maps and LEGS IT to your Capital, where he tells you that he had no choice but to flee ... saying "There was the clatter of hooves on cobblestones ... a vision ... the Valkyrie came ..." A King's Guard attempts to calm him, saying that he is trembling and needs to make SENSE when he talks (always good advice). The Engineer steadies himself a bit and goes on ... saying that he fled, but that you need to go to the south, and to find the Statue of Ymir ... he says that THAT is where the vision came to him, and that whilst he cannot go back there, the Valkyrie's gift is waiting for you there. Your Capital City is located just south of the center of the map - Undead are stationed in the north-east, and Legions in the south-west. The map is LARGE, so taking 70% of it WILL take quite some time ... Hokay ... first off I would send a troop southwards to find out what the HELL that Engineer was talking about when he said that that there was a Clans Statue waiting for you with a pressie ... The statue he is talking about is located at the southern edge of the map - just follow the trail from your Capital City southwards, past Under's Shop, and you'll find it ;) The Statue contains Wotan's Scroll - a scroll written by the God himself in pure gold. It says :- "Wotan cannot rule if no one listens, Hear the portent which by twilight glistens. When dwarves no longer honour Wotan's runes, and beasts exploit ancestral boons. Hark! Lands besieged by heretic's curse, Dead walk again, fiends escape the earth! God cannot act; his reign forgot. In oblivion Wotan watches Ragnarok." Not EXACTLY a lullaby, non ? One of your Loremasters attempts to puzzle this out. He concludes that he MUST show this to the Queen for her endorsement of their spiritual duties, and with that he buzzes off. At some point one of your Loremasters will pop up at the beginning of a turn to tell Queen Yataa'Halli that she needs to help them make plans to honour Wotan, as the Dwarves total 10 year neglect of the runes has to be put to rights. He says it is not through war but the rites that they can secure their position in the realm. She responds by saying that the Clans are presently occupied by earthly concerns (meaning the war effort), and that she will not send her troops to prepare for the ceremony until the surrounding enemies have been tamed and the safety of her troops can be guaranteed. His request is denied at this time (bummer !! Hasn't she even HEARD of the Ragnarok ???!!!???) A peasant will thank you for ousting the evil powers that control the City of Zigur, once you have killed the undead within ... A little later on, the Loremaster is back at it again ... only this time he tells the Queen of the scroll you found at the statue - Wotan's Scroll ? He says it confirms that the Ragnarok is near, and that Wotan needs the strength of the dwarves ... She responds by saying that she does not see how mortals can help the Gods as it is the Gods that give power and life to the mortals (fair point). The Loremaster responds by saying that Wotan's relationship with the Dwarves is not that easy to understand. He says that there are still many questions to be asked, but one thing is clear to him and that is that Wotan needs the support of the Dwarves through their renewed belief in the runes. Once you have caused the fall of Odil, one of your Crossbowman shows up to tell you that Mortis' evil minions have taken root in the area, and you need to beat them back to reclaim the Dwarven hold of this section of the land. Once you have taken the Old House (behind the Undead Capital), one of your dwarves relates a story from his childhood to you, saying that as a young boy he heard tales of vampires (there is a vampire in the old house for your information), but he had never believed they truly existed until Mortis' armies made their attack in the Great Wars. Once Gyzar has fallen one of your Engineers bids you "leave this cursed place", as he didn't think you would make it out of there in one piece. ... um ... dude ? There were only ... like ... 2 Medusas in there, y'know ?? Sheesh !! As you approach Kiran Castle a Spearman asks for your help against spiders which the Undead have called forth to fight on their side - he says they threaten the security of not only their city, but yours as well ... ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ I get the distinct impression that you're NOT supposed to loot Kiran Castle, as if you DO so, one of your Dwarves kinda tells you off, saying that he got the impression that the humans that dwelled there could have aided you, given that you were both opposing the armies of Mortis. HOWEVER, having said that even when I'd killed the first spider and left it a few turns until another one teleported onto the map and killed that one too, they STILL didn't thank me ... so I just kicked their @sses and took their city ;) When you liberate the City of Adzurat a Squire comes out to tell you that his city has been pillaged and his people gone - most likely fled ... but he is grateful that Mortis has no interest in human culture as his artwork and tapestries from foreign lands have been untouched ... as a token of his gratitude he gives you a Potion of Rejuvination Periodically on this level, enemies will begin teleporting onto the map ... they appear here and there, and are usually barbarian warriors, barbarian chieftains, and wolves ... Queen Yataa'Halli comes up at one point to tell you that you are making good progress, and that you need to press the Dwarven Invasion so that the way is clear for you to FINALLY pay homage to Wotan. When Grech has fallen to your armies, one of your King's Guards suggests that you use it to tend to your wounded - you could do - it's up to you, non ? Who does he think he is telling you what to do ;) In the Antique Temple you will find a Summon III: Nightmare Scroll which a Dwarf will hand to a Loremaster for his examination. The Loremaster says that with the aid of the scroll you can turn the Demons' magic against them - how neat is that !! =) As you approach the Legions' Capital a Crossbowman and an Alchemist engage in conversation. The Crossbowman remarks that Gymner was slain whilst trying to hold back the Legions, and that Bethrezen managed to escape anyway ... The Alchemist responds saying that it appears Yataa'Halli has inherited her brother's courage (he's right of course !!) In the City of Xraelle you will find a Wizard who begs you to unpin him - he seems caught on something. Once you have released him he says that his comrades fell, but he survived by concealing himself using magic. He is so grateful that he offers to help you out, and you gain control of him. He's just a Wizard, but he DOES have a leadership skill of 5 which is HYPER cool as his magic skills could be put to good use defending Xraelle and building it up - it is RIGHT next to the Legions Capital after all ;) One of your Alchemists will find an Ancient Relic in the ruins of Rygelle if you opt to take it ... Baccur is TOTALLY devoid of life - your Novice comments that everything has been burnt to a cinder - and heat is still rising from the stone floor !! After taking the Old Tower one of your King's Guards tells you that it was once used to allow armies to survey the land from the top, but that the wind is fierce there ... Fort Freiden is WELL worth taking - an Axe Thrower comments as to the sheer SIZE of the city after you have seized it ... In Rigoste the ground is littered with broken glass - so much so that one of your Dwarves actually pops up to warn you to be careful (bless !!). He says there's at least one vial that hasn't been shattered tho (and then gives you the Life Potion you find there). Again, periodically, your troops will pop up to rally you on ... this time a King's Guard shows up to tell you that you're doing great, and that you just need to keep on pushing basically !! :) Taking the City of Ghatt pleases your Engineer no end, and he confirms that the enemy stronghold (meaning the Undead) are now within your reach :) A Loremaster takes a critical look at the Ruined Shrine after it has fallen, saying that it appears to be a monument dedicated to the worship of a forgotten God. He ponders whether this will some day be the fate of the Dwarves ... Queen Yataa'Halli pops up to give you your THIRD bout of encouragement to kick butt (by now I'm preeeeeeeeeeetty sure you're into the swing of it tho, right ?) A history lesson ensues a few turns later where one of your Dwarves comes along to tell you that the last time Mortis awoke the dead it was to slay King Sturmir. She was seeking revenge for the death of her mate Gallean at the hands of Wotan ... but they STILL have no idea why she has returned this time ... Once your 70% Land Reclamation target has been met, you can relax as the level is completed ! Queen Yataa'Halli is most impressed with your talents, but commands that her scouts remain vigilent, as the quelling of these armies is only a temporary state ... (isn't it always ?) OPPONENTS Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Grech 2 Orcs, Goblin, Goblin Archer Gardor Ogre, 2 Orcs [Orc Champion] Ghatt Troll, Orc Champion, Orc, 2 Goblin Archers [Orc King] Fort Freiden Defender of Faith, 2 Spearmen, 3 Archers [5 Man at Arms] Whitby 5 Spearman, Squire [Spearman] Kiran Castle 3 Spearmen, Wizard [3 Spearmen, 2 Man at Arms] LEGIONS CITIES Name Inhabitants Baccur Modeus Xraelle Infernal Knight UNDEAD CITIES Name Inhabitants Zigur Phantom Warrior Adzurat Archlich BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Odil Dark Lord 184 Gp, Vampire Orb Old House Vampire, Templar 89 Gp, Celerity Scroll Old Tower 2 Brown Bears 45 Gp, Staff of Thunder Ruined Shrine Orc, 2 Orc Champions 278 Gp, Orb of Restoration Gyzar 2 Medusas 10 Gp, Life Potion Rigoste Orc, 2 Goblins, 2 Goblin Archers 39 Gp, Life Potion Antique Temple Hag, 5 Imps Summon III: Nightmare Scroll Rygelle 2 Fat Imps, Orc Champion Ancient Relic (valuable) EVENTS Event Notes Errand Boy Engineer PEGS IT to the Capital, cacks himself and runs away. Wotan's Scroll You find Wotan's Scroll at the Clans Statue. Encouragement You get intermittent encouragement from Yataa'Halli and the King's Guard. Humans Need Aid! You are asked to help a bunch of humans defend against the Undead's Spiders. KICK@SS !!!!! You drive the buggerheads back to where they came and take 70% =D ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 4 x Life Potion, 7 x Potion of Healing, Orb of Venom, Potion of Accuracy, Summon I: Skeleton Scroll, Potion of Invulnerability, Sinestra Ignis Scroll, 2 x Death Ward Scroll, Potion of Restoration, Orb of Witches, Banner of Protection Orb of Fire, Quicksilver Potion (just south-west of Adzurat), Diamond, Healing Scroll, Mind Ward Scroll, Lizard Man Orb, Potion of Protection, Gold Ring, Potion of Might, Unholy Dagger (artifact), Bronze Ring, Sapphire, Stone Rain Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 3 x Potion of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Thurania's Tower (Magic Shop) Rust (200 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp), Lightning (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp) Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Strength x 3, Potion of Striking x 3, Potion of Swiftness x 5, Healing Ointment x 2 Kulder's Camp (Trainer) [Train your Troops Here !!] ENDING The unity of the Dwarven Nation is strenghened by this Victory, the Legions AND the Hordes have had their advances put on hold for the time being, and preparations may now begin for the Celebratory Feast to Wotan - WELL DONE !! =D [NOTE: ONCE AGAIN I'm taking Fregga's Healing Rune with me - surely it has SOME further use ?!!??!?!?!??!?!??!!?] ============================================================================== 6) The Ceremony BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Valkyries come to you to tell you all about a bunch of b@stards who are looking to nab runic knowledge off you ... how DARE they !! The Ceremony to honour Wotan continues its preparations, and the Loremasters study the text of Wotan's Scroll. They tried desperately to establish the REASON for his apparent weakness, and were both puzzled and in awe of the fact that he should need THEIR help ... The Loremasters urge the Queen to press for the Ceremony as quickly as possible, as the runes have taken ages to gather from all over the realm, and the time it right for communion with the Gods. Your objective on this level is to make it to the sacred burial grounds, and there enact the rites to honour Wotan. The level begins with the Loremaster coming back and TELLING the Queen that now that the war is all but over, they MUST press forward with the Ceremony to honour Wotan and thereby re-strengthen their bonds with their God, or face the impending Ragnarok. She responds favourably this time, saying that you may proceed !! WOOHOO !! =D As soon as you begin the level proper, a section of map to the north-west of your Capital is revealed as being the sacred burial grounds that you must reach. The map is quite large on this level - you begin in what is effectively the south-east corner of the map, and must make it to the north-west ... I would begin by working your way to the south and securing the south-eastern corner of the map as, once you have, it SHOULD remain yours for the rest of the level ... Once you have taken the ruined farm (next to Sallat's Shop), a Dwarf hypothesises that the Barbarians that inhabited it were PROBABLY planning a raid on Sallat's Shop. When Otzwall falls to your might the same Dwarf shows up to say that the Barbarians there must have stolen away MANY great treasures ... and you gain (if you look IN the city) a bronze ring, a ruby and an emerald. Taking Rotturdam causes an Engineer to pipe up, saying that there are still factions within the Empire that are not loyal to the Emperor, and that Demosthene will surely be grateful that you have re-captured Rotturdam. If you take Simaloon, one of your Loremasters chastises you for straying from your task. He tells you to make haste to the burial grounds as quickly as possible ... DON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU LITTLE FREAK !! I'll go wherever the hell I wanna go !!! (Slaps the monitor). ... ahem ... If you follow the road which leads to the mountains south-east of Avonia Castle you will see that the road ends abbruptly and there is no path through the mountains. As you approach the blockage, a Man at Arms (who is portrayed graphically as a Knight - odd (!)) appears to tell you that a herd of Centaurs came and blocked this route with a magical ceremony ... but they were not "normal" Centaurs - they eyes glowed with an evil light, and they held gems which glowed with power. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... =./ He then tells you that you need to find a way through this passage to reach the mage Thorvald. [NOTE : You CAN free up this passage by journying all the way to the north-easternmost corner of the map and assassinating the Centaurs over there, OR you can just go AROUND the mountains by travelling down the next valley to the east, thereby cutting across the problem] ;) If you choose to take the City of Aragonia an Imp pops up to tell you that you WON'T escape, and an Orc Champion teleports onto the map just to the south of the city ... [NOTE: More units MIGHT appear - I *think* it depends on whether you have mopped up all the troops in this area already or not !!] [NOTE: The following MAY happen, depending on which direction you approach Aragonia from] IF you approach Aragonia from the direction of Spriggan, a Spearman stops you in your path to tell you that they are hunting the Dreadwyrm, and that you must remain quiet as it is out of its lair at the moment and they mean to kill it. A peasant then replies saying that it's too late - their cover has been blown, and you all need to flee for your lives !! You must then defeat the Dreadwyrm - a powerful creature indeed, so be careful ;) Once you have slain this beast, the Peasant comes running back to you (and miraculously appears on your dialogue box as a Spearman - hmmmmm =./), to say that the City of Spriggan offers its thanks to you for killing the monster that had been stalking their villagers ... He says it arrives one day last season and burrowed out a hideous lair in the earth. Since that time it has persistently feasted upon the villagers in the area. He gives you an Angel Talisman for your troubles :"> If you explore the Old Tumulus, one of your Loremasters comments that it's really weird, but the Orcs seem to have developed a magic system all of their own !! If you take the Greenskin City of Nepheris, a "Proud Dwarf" (a Dwarf Champion to be precise) comments that he's never before SEEN a Greenskin city this sumptuous, and that this must SURELY be the city from which the Greenskin Leader rules his Empire. You will find a Royal Sceptre in the City. As you approach the north-easternmost corner of the map (IF you go that way), the Centaurs that are stationed there will case Wotan's Chant, which puzzles your troops as they still cannot fathom how a non-dwarven race could have such mastery over runic magic ... If you choose to wait there (as I did), thinking that they might not come out to attack you and that, from the start of the next round, Wotan's Chant would wear off ? FORGET IT. They WILL come out for you ;) Once you've killed all four units you will be rewarded with a Ruby, Emerald AND Sapphire !! WOOHOO !! =D If you then go back to the Mountain Path which was blocked, then the path is cleared and a Man at Arms pops up to tell you that the mountain blockage was cleared as quickly as it was created, and that not only is the path now clear to the Mage Thorvald, but they are now in your debt, and you receive a Ring of Strength As you attempt to cross the waters leading from the eastern continent on the map to the Hordes' Capital, you are assaulted by a Sea Serpent (so be prepared). To the west of the Hordes' Capital you will find a bunch of DRAGONS (licks lips and BIG XP signs roll up in his eyes like dollar bills) ... LET'S GO !! =D 2 Blue Dragons and a Green Dragon are guarding ... 1 Healing Potion and a Talisman of Lightning ... not really worth it for those, but WELL worth it for the XXXXXXPPPPPPPPP !! As you approach the sacred burial grounds (just about as you get level with Thorvald's Tower), a villain by the name of Mage Hugin zips across from the north to bar your path westwards. He looks like a TOTAL freak biscuit ... kinda like a cross between a Toucan and a really ugly bloke ... and he says (clears throat) "Oh no you don't !!! I have watched you gather the Runes together, all the while foreseeing the moment when their power will be mine. Now, the time has come for you to fall, and I to seize the Runes power!" After this little TIRADE of abuse, he calls forth the following units to aid him in battle :- 1) Centaur Lancer 2) 3 Centaur Lancers, Centaur 3) 3 Centaur Lancers, Centaur (his unit comprises) Mage Hugin, 2 Centaur Lancers, 2 Centaurs. TIME TO TAKE HIM OUT METHINKS !! Hokay. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE ... Whenever you do ANYTHING within about 3 squares of Mage Hugin, you are hit by a Blizzard Spell ... and I do mean ANYTHING basically ... even if you're adjacent to a piece of treasure on the map and you pick it up ? You'll be hit by that BLOODY Blizzard Spell again. So I would suggest hit and run or wade through, depending on the strength of your units and the abundance of healing potions and spell that you have at your disposal. Bear in mind that each Blizzard spell does 15 points of damage, so a single Healing Spell can heal 2 Blizzard spells worth of damage. ALSO bear in mind that, whilst his surrounding units aren't that powerful, Mage Hugin has 900 HIT POINTS AND an air attack that hits all your units at the same time, so he's TOUGH !! Brace yourself - this ain't gonna be easy. Once you've taken out units 1-3 of his posse, you should really heal to the max and bombard him with as many offensive spells as you Once he has fallen, you can go and explore his hideout to the north should you wish ... if you do, one of your Loremasters states that, as expected, Mage Hugin has been gathering knowledge of your sacred runes for some time ... Mage Hugin holds the following :- Orb of Thunder, Orb of Stone Rain, Orb of Icefall. Once he has been slain, you may progress to the Sacred Ceremonial Grounds to enact the rites to honour Wotan. Once you have fought your way to the Sacred Ceremonial Grounds, your Loremaster calls upon Novice Ironhill to produce the Prayers that your Clans have prepared for Wotan, in the hopes that collectively they can re-empower your God. A Valkyrie appears to tell you that you have done extremely well to get this far and then a SECOND Valkyrie appears to tell you that the link between your world and Wotan's has been restored !! WOOHOO !! =D ... okay ... then a THIRD Valkyrie (ever heard three's a CROWD girls ?) pops up to tell you that the future may still be uncertain, but at least you now have the aid of Wotan !! =) OPPONENTS Empire, Undead Hordes, Mage Hugin and his band of Centaurs CITIES EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Timoria Imperial Assassin, Elementalist, White Wizard Avonia Castle [Grand Inquisitor, Cleric, Paladin] Belgrose [2 Archers, Defender of Faith] NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Spriggan 3 Spearmen, 2 Marksmen, Squire Otzwall 3 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain Rotturdam 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms, Titan, Imperial Assassin Nepheris 2 Orcs, 2 Goblin Archers, Ogre Aragonia 3 Goblin Archers, 2 Orcs, Goblin BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Ruined Farm 2 Barbarian Warriors 307 Gp, Ancient Relic Idylan 2 Brown Bears Life Potion Simaloon 2 Master Thugs, 2 Thugs, Peasant, Imp 100 Gp, Forestwalk Scroll Haunted Halls 2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain 271 Gp, Staff of Twilight Old Tumulus 2 Orc Champions 140 Gp, Pestilence Scroll Juarnat 2 Lizard Men, Medusa 190 Gp, Tormentio Scroll Hugin's Hideout 2 Centaur Lancers, 2 Centaurs 128 Gp, Wight Blade (artifact) EVENTS Event Notes Hide and Seek Burial Grounds Revealed Blockage :( Path through the Mountains is blocked !! Centaur Folly Kill the Centaurs in the north-easternmost corner of the map to free the mountain pass again Hugin is DEEEEED Kill Mage Hugin Revive Wotan Enact the rites to bring your allegiance to Wotan back to par ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Chain Lightning Scroll, 6 x Potion of Restoration, Fire Ward Scroll, 4 x Potion of Healing, Emerald, Haste Scroll, Potion of Striking, 4 x Life Potion, Orb of Poison, Tortio Menta Scroll, Talisman of Fear, Terror Scroll, Healing Ointment, Orb of Lycanthropy, 2 x Orb of Lightning, Sapphire, 2 x Ruby, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Strength, Winds of Travel Scroll, Incantare Belliarh Scroll, Touch of Mortis Scroll, Diamond, Potion of Swiftness, Ancient Relic, Highfather's Potion (being protected by a load of Greenskins just to the west of the Hordes' Capital City), Talisman of Lightning, Tome of War, Summon II: EVil Ent Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Potion of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Restoration x 8, Healing Ointment x 2, Potion of Healing x 8, Potion of Invulnerability x 1. Mathemor's Tower (Magic Shop) Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp), Incantare Hellhound Illudere (200 Gp), Curse of Nygrael (400 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp) Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Strength x 1, Angel Orb x 1, Squire Orb x 1, Orb of Lightning x 1, Orb of Fire x 1, Orb of Frost x 1 Thorvald's Tower (Magic Shop) Air Ward (200 Gp), Holy Armour (600 Gp), Haste (400 Gp), Strength (200 Gp), Earth Ward (400 Gp), Vengeance of Ymir (800 Gp) ENDING Mage Hugin and his band of mercenary Centaurs are slain, and the Ceremony to get pally with Wotan is enacted. Mage Hugin's Lair is explored and many strange writings and cryptic runes are discovered - it appears Mage Hugin was attempting to bastardise the magic of Wotan to create a hybrid runic language HE could use for his own evil purposes. Queen Yataa'Halli decrees that henceforth ALL runic lore will be protected, and thereby ensures that it will always be used by the Dwarves and the Dwarves alone ============================================================================== 7) The Days Before Ragnarok BRIEFING AND COMMENTS The Dwarves are forced to flee their homelands in the Mountains by the impending Ragnarok. The earth itself splits, and not even their finest magic can keep the calm ... violent rockslides and hot ash demolishes entire Dwarven Cities, and roads and other hallmarks of their fine culture are also laid to waste. Thousands of Dwarves crowd into Morok's Keep, and pray for Wotan's intervention on their behalf. GREAT ! JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST DANDY !! I strive for YEARS to rebuild your shattered Empire and now you can't even HOLD it !!?!??!! ... sigh ... Right. The level begins here ... Queen Yataa'Halli calls upon the King's Guard to go at once to find the City of Ironhill - the only City to not send refugees to Morok's Keep. The King's Guard prepares to travel south to Ironhill. Queen Yataa'Halli warns him to travel carefully, as volcanoes and rockslides are EVERYWHERE, and it is consequently easy to get lost in the changing landscape ... she finishes her little intro by pondering what is causing their homelands to be devastated so ... Hokay ... now you're MINE !! (cracks knuckles and gets ready to whup @ss) Your Capital City is located in the north right smack bang in the middle of the map ... your objective is to send a party to the Clan City of Ironhill, which is located just south of your Capital City. In order to fully devastate (oops - I meant explore - sorry !!) this map, I would suggest wiping it clean from top (north) to bottom (south) in rows, effectively ... there are a few little sub-quests you will pick up so you WILL have to pretty much move all around the map ... As you approach the Hermit who is standing outside the Mountain Clans House to the northwest of your Capital City, he greets you with the following :- "You know what ravages the land beyond this mountain range, do you not ? It is Ragnarok my friends! I saw it in a vision. But, no one has sought my wisdom since the Great Wars." ... um ... right ! He's somehow managed to puzzle your Loremaster (odd - seems quite plain what he was saying to ME). As you draw near to Ironhill (it's the City in Flames to the south of your Capital), Nhiddog appears ... for those of you who aren't in the know, Nhiddog in Norse Mythology (which the Clans Saga is largely based upon), Nidhogg (although his name is spelled different in this game) is the Dragon who sits at the Spring of Hvergelmir by the root of Yggdrasill in Niflheim, chowin' down on corpses and gnawing at the root of Yggdrasill - BASICALLY he's an EVIL mutha, and YOU DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT HIM. Fortunately your butt is bailed out by the arrival of one of Wotan's Valkyrie's, who casts a spell on Nhiddog. She says that a MILLION Dwarves could not slay him, and that the Ragnarok is upon you ... the Gods are battling in the skies, and she must return to the fray. Your Loremaster blubbers for a bit, and she responds by telling him to have patience, as his powers have grown weak ... that evil beings are no longer watching the action unfurl, but have allied with greater powers, and that this wyrm is an emissary of evil ... DUH !!!!!!!!! She tells you that YOU (yes little one, YOU) must correct this imbalance by restoring power to Wotan - you can do this by first worshipping at the Shrine of Hel to the south-west ... she assures you that Hel will tell you what to do from then on ... Then she disappears. DO NOT FIGHT NHIDDOG EVEN THO HE'S PARALYSED. If you're unsure as to WHY ? THIS is why :- In his present form (note that bit - it's important) he has 4,976 HP, is immune to Mind, Death, Fire, Water, Air AND Earth, and basically will KICK YOUR @RSE !! Later in the game he is weakened (as Wotan becomes stronger), and THEN AND ONLY THEN can you kill him ;) The Black Dragon to the west of Furren's Shop is guarding a Royal Scepter. As you approach the Elven House en route to Hel's Ancestral Shrine in the south-west, a Forest Elf appears to speak with you ... your King's Guard tells him that he hopes the Elves here are friendlier than the Centaurs you slew in the previous mission, to which the Elf replies "Our Centaurs were spellbound. A winged wizard flew through our settlement one day last fall, the centaurs took flight after him. We didn't see them again - until now. They have returned in a dazed state, with no memory of their enslavement." Your King's Guard confirms that the Wizard (Mage Hugin) has been slain, and that the Elves are safe from his potential return. He also explains your present plight - y'know ... 'bout the Ragnarok 'n all ?? ;) An Elf Lord who was travelling with the Forest Elf says that he has heard of your battle with Mage Hugin, and understands that their Centaurs have been released by your bravery ... they offer you a Tiara of Purity and a Staff of Daylight as payment for your deeds. PWEZZIES !! =D We LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE pwezzies :"> As you approach the Ancestral Shrine of Hel, Hel appears to speak with you. Hel (a MAN in this game - I always thought Hel was female !!) says that you have a great choice before you, and asks you what your plans are ... You can either tell him that you are going to opt for a magical assault (in which case you are told to step onto the southernmost of his three little islands), a warrior's physical march against the Wyrm (in which case you are told to step onto the northernmost of the three islands), or you can pray to Wotan, in which case you are to take the middle island. Paths to two of the three other Shrines (in the north-west and north-east) open for you ... You SHOULD take note that there is also a shrine in the south-east ;) !! ALL THREE OF HIS ISLAND CHOICES HAVE (not surprisingly) DIFFERENT RESULTS !! If you take the MAGIC option, you learn Ancestor's Call and Wotan's Blessing If you take the PHYSICAL option, you gain the Ring of the Ages If you pray to WOTAN, you get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!! =( (The dialogue also differs - an Alchemist and a Veteran speak to Hel for the Magic option, a King's Guard speaks to him for the Physical Option, and if you pray to Wotan dialogue is taken over by a Dwarf Champion and a King's Guard.) I would strongly suggest taking the Ring of the Ages, as you SHOULD have enough time to learn both Ancestor's Call and Wotan's Blessing before you have need of them ;) After you've spent a fair while polishing up the map from Greenskins, it is QUITE possible that the Empire will offer to ally with you ... you can do this if you like, but in MY game they broke their alliance with me later on in the level, so be forewarned ;) There is a well protected Orc King to the west of Kornnat, so watch out for him ... As you approach the Clan's Statue in the north-west, Rigga appears to say that Wotan is awaiting his assistance, but that the end of the Ragnarok is drawing near, and that Wotan has asked Rigga to give you a present, after which he hands you a Highfather's Staff and promptly disappears. The action then pans back to the fallen City of Ironhill, where Nhiddog reappears and one of your King's Guards pops back up to say that it's still no use - Nhiddog is too strong for you. He says that the Wyrm has vanquished the armies of Ironhill without ANY problem at all, and that more troops are surely needed to mount a better assault upon the beast. Your Loremaster reminds him of the Valkyrie's suggestion - that of approaching the other shrine ... so off we go to the north-east I guess !! :) In the south-easternmost section of the map there is a large walled off area which houses no less than FOUR Cities and TWO Shops ... the only entrance is guarded and, as you approach it, a Man at Arms stops you in your tracks to boast that Riddendorf has the finest warriors in the realm, and how he himself first saw battle at the age of 14 ... ... yes yes, very interesting ... but if you want to live to see battle AFTER today you'd better .................... omigod ! How STUPID !! He's run in to attack you !! =D If you take the City of Branaugh your Dwarves urge you to continue, saying that the city is squalid and not worth your time ... HOWEVER, before you leave, one of them finds and brings you a Potion of Water Warding ! KEWL !! =D If you take the City of Rifeborough you will be rewarded with a Diamond AND an Imperial Crown - EXCELLENT DUDE !!!!! MEGABUCKS !!!!! Oh ... and 2 Life Potions as well :"> If you take the City of Glidden then one of your Dwarves, after perusing the armoury of the City, presents you with a Skull of Thanatos (an artifact which poisons your enemies in battle). There is a Life Potion to be had in the City of Slandoon (after the fall of which your Loremaster chastises you and says that the Wyrm is here and needs to be slain). If you approach the "hidden" Clan's Statue (the only one Hel doesn't refer to for some WEIRD reason), then a Dwarf Champion by the name of Alvus appears. He says that it has been an eternity since the Dwarves last approached his shrine, and that he was afraid he had been forgotten !! He says he hasn't much time, and that he must aid in the battle taking place above, but confirms that your seemingly inconsequential actions have greatly aided the battle in the Heavens, and he gives you a gift to say thanks - you gain the Boots of Seven Leagues !! WICKED !!! This is just like Christmas !! =D One of your Loremasters then gives you a quick run-down on Alvus. He says he is a most experienced warrior who, as a BOY, managed to stop 100 imps ON HIS OWN in the Clan Fortress. The Loremaster says that after Alvus' death, warriors prayed to him before entering battle, as he was an important ancestor, and much honoured among the Dwarves. Once AGAIN you are chastised from straying from your appointed task if you take the Greenskin City of Gardor. ONWARD I SAY DAMMIT !! ;) As you approach the final Clan's Statue, Gefjon appears to say "So you have come at last, I needed you to help break this horrible torpor. Ah! Wotan awaits! Before I go I must thank you. This is the Tome of Arcanum. Please help by awakening the other ancestors, to battle alongside Wotan in the other world." ... and then he buggers off ... ... leaving you with the OH so magic, Tome of Arcanum. ... quick question here ... ... WHY THE HELL DIDN'T HE JUST LEAVE YOU WITH A LOO ROLL ?? It would be SO much more use !! Once you have visited the final Clan's Statue, Nhiddog reappears once again, and you receive word from the Ironhill forces (what little remains of them), that he is showing signs of weakness !! Your objective then changes to become "Kill Nhiddog" (or similar). The City of Krogh hides a Life Potion AND a Potion of Healing (if you're in need), but to be honest with you, it's VERY well protected considering its tactical significance as a city ... so you might wanna think carefully before venturing there ;) There IS, however, a Staff of Nightfall in the corner behind the City ... :"> Right ! Once you're done mopping up the map, you're ready to take on Nhiddog !! For your information, the NEW Nhiddog is MUCH easier to take on - he only has 2,000 Hit Points, is only immune to Mind and should prove MUCH easier to tackle ;) Once Nhiddog has fallen, your Saga is complete !! =D WELL DONE !!!!!!!!! OPPONENTS The Empire, Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Kargg Barbarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain Gardor 2 Orc Champions, 4 Goblin Archers [Orc Champion] Krogh 2 Ogres, Troll Orlon Troll, Orc [Orc King] Kornnat 2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain [Barbarian Chieftain] Rifeborough 3 Spearmen, 2 Man at Arms, Imperial Assassin [5 Spearmen, Man at Arms] Glidden 2 Peasants, 3 Man at Arms, Spearman [2 Peasants, Spearman] Slandoon 6 Spearmen [3 Peasants] Branaugh 2 Marksmen, 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms, Peasant [2 Peasants] Gorgon Castle 2 Ogres, Troll UNDEAD CITIES Name Inhabitants Xinat [Templar] Turania Thief LEGIONS CITIES Name Inhabitants Sorenburg Maurezen (Banshee), Possessed [Sorcerer] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Abandoned Shrine 2 Archliches 100 Gp, Wotan's Chant Scroll Weiser Ogre 100 Gp, Gold Ring Shinkara Ogre 237 Gp, Illudere Terra Scroll Ruined Tower Orc King, 2 Orc Champions, 2 Orcs, Goblin Archer 58 Gp, Titan's Might Potion Hastabal 2 Ghouls, 4 Imps 100 Gp, Elven Boots ruined farm Green Dragon 194 Gp, Death Ward Scroll Samsara 2 Orcs 100 Gp, Winds of Travel Scroll Kyril Troll, 2 Orc Champions, Orc, Goblin Archer 100 Gp, Banner of War Ruined Temple 2 Blue Dragons 100 Gp, Fire Ward Scroll Den Green Dragon 100 Gp, Rust Scroll Grange 3 Barbarian Chieftains, 213 Gp, Winds of Restoration 2 Barbarian Warriors Scroll Burnde 2 Master Thugs, 3 Thugs, Peasant 112 Gp, Bronze Ring Lookout Ogre, Troll, Orc Champion, Orc 100 Gp, Summon Death Scroll Odell 2 Barbarian Warriors, 1 Barbarian Chieftain 100 Gp, Tome of Sorcery EVENTS Event Notes HOLY CR@P !!!!! Nhiddog appears and, were it not for the Valkyrie, you'd be SCREWED !! Hel's Shrine Talk to Hel Rigga's Shrine Talk to Rigga Alvus' Shrine Talk to Alvus Gefjon's Shrine Talk to Gefjon KILL NHIDDOG !!! Take that mutha DOWN !! =D ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Bronze Ring, Highfather's Potion (just to the north of your Capital City), Potion of Vigor, Potion of Strength, 11 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Speed, 2 x Potion of Protection, Spirit Staff, Staff of Earth Elemental Control, Ancient Relic, 4 x Potion of Restoration, 7 x Life Potion, Orb of Water, Staff of Invisibility, Ring of Strength, Potion of Earth Warding, Imperial Crown (located just south of Hel), Talisman of Witches, Treebark Potion, Orb of Healing, 2 x Ruby, Bronze Ring, Highfather's Staff, Summon IV: Death Scroll, Potion of Air Warding, 3 x Healing Ointment, Gold Ring, Lich Talisman, Banner of Fortitude, Potion of Fire Warding, Banner of Resistance, Potion of Fortune (by the Clan's Statue in the south-easternmost corner of the map), Staff of Celerity, Projicere Terra Scroll, Staff of Dragon-Mastering, Potion of Invulnerability, Orb of Life, Staff of Nightfall, Potion of Striking, Sapphire, Orb of Fire. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 9 x Potion of Restoration, Ancient Relic, Orb of Lycanthropy, 3 x Life Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 6, Potion of Healing x 10, Forestwalk Scroll x 1, Ice Storm Scroll x 1, Blizzard Scroll x 1, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Striking x 2 (This Tralar's Shop is a cottage-like building) Ebhon's Camp (Trainer) [Train your Troops Here !!] Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 15, Potion of Protection x 4, Potion of Healing x 16, Potion of Restoration x 12, Healing Ointment x 5, Potion of Striking x 5, Treebark Potion x 3, Potion of Invulnerability x 1 Potion of Speed x 3, Potion of Might x 2 (This Tralar's Shop is a windmill) Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Tortio Menta (800 Gp), Incante Beliarh (400 Gp), Ignis Mare (200 Gp), Menta Potens (600 Gp) Furren's Shop (Merchant) Ice Storm Scroll x 1, Summon I: Roc Scroll x 1, Chronos Scroll x 1, Ancestor's Call Scroll x 1, Highfather's Blessing Scroll x 1, Vengeance of Ymir Scroll x 1, Healing Scroll x 1, Forestwalk Scroll x 1, Seafaring Scroll x 1, Tormentio Scroll x 1 Unhira's Tower (Magic Shop) Chain Lightning (900 Gp), Air Ward (200 Gp), Holy Armor (600 Gp), Forestwalk (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp), Seafaring (400 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp) Tempest (600 Gp), Vengeance of Ymir (800 Gp) Dennar's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Chieftain (1,800 Gp), Barbarian Warrior (850 Gp), Centaur (300 Gp), Centaur Lancer (300 Gp), Man at Arms (50 Gp), Spearman (300 Gp) Yggar's Shop (Merchant) Incantare Hellhound Scroll x 1, Call Decay Dragon Scroll x 1, Shadow Scroll x 1, Stone Rain Scroll x 1, Curse of Nygrael Scroll x 1, Celerity Scroll x 1, Ignis Mare Scroll x 1, Lightning Scroll x 1, Rust Scroll x 1 ENDING Queen Yataa'Halli congratulates you on slaying Nhiddog. It transpires that Nhiddog was aroused by the Dwarves lack of care for the runes and, whilst he was eventually put to rest, he slew MANY many Dwarves before they could shout their victory cries. Yataa'Halli having guided the Dwarves through the Ragnarok, disaster was averted and they could enjoy a new reign of peace ... the Loremasters set about carving tales of these heroic deeds into the walls of their Clan Caves, and these tales would serve as a warning to future generations to heed the majesty of the runes at all costs, or suffer the consequences. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION EIGHT Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======= === === ====== === === ======== ======= =======\ ====== ====== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý == == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý === Ý === Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý == Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý\ \ Ý ==== Ý Ý == == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý / Ý Ý Ý Ý === === === ===== === === ======== === === =======/ ====== ====== (Dedicated to Matthew, ma vie) THE UNDEAD HORDES SAGA WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== Ý This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) Ý Ý I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, Ý Ý please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it Ý Ý off as your own. Thanks ! Ý ============================================================================== THE SEVEN MISSIONS OF THE UNDEAD HORDES SAGA :- 1) The Search for Timmoria 2) Uther's Blood 3) The Council 4) Retaliation 5) The Accursed Armour 6) Phantom Beasts 7) Taladrielle the Sorceress ============================================================================== BRIEF NOTES BEFORE WE GET STARTED This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :- In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in [squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be Ashgan, who would be shown as [Ashgan] as he is IN the city and, in his case, cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city (as in, healing there, etc.) Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right. Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a tricky task, as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up - basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you play as the Undead Hordes in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both light-hearted, and informative. Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their cities). Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading this !! ============================================================================== 1) The Search for Timmoria BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Mortis patiently awaits the rebirth of her consort Gallean. Hundreds of years ago, Gallean was murdered by Wotan, the God of the Mountain Clans, and his body was so horribly mutilated that his regeneration would take an eternity. WELL unhappy about this, Mortis turns her attention to the living ... she focuses in on a creature named Uther, who's body is presently serving as a receptacle for the soul of Bethrezen - the God of the Legions of the Damned - and is trapped at present in the ancient Mountain Clan mine of Timmoria. Mortis believes that Uther's Blood can bring Gallean back to life and, to that end, sends her minions to harvest his blood. UNfortunately, nobody knows where Timmoria is ! So in a-typical undead fashion, Mortis sends her hordes in search of a library, to find the directions (AS you do). The level proper begins with a conversation between Wraith Prusheen (a recurring character in the Hordes Saga) and a Lich Queen. Prusheen tells you that Mortis is calling to you, with a request that you locate the Timmoria mines ... he tells you that you have begun what is to be the rebirth of a God ... The level is quite basic and comparatively easy, as there is no real timeframe within which you must look to complete it - your goal is a structure, and that ain't goin' anywhere ;) If you take the City of Frenien, a Peasant will tell you that they were prosperous before YOU arrived and ruined everything (ever watched an episode of Scooby Doo ?? And I'd have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you DAMNED kiiiiiiiids !!) ... yeah right, who cares !! We are the UNDEAD Hordes you little maggot - BEGONE !! If you move around to the back of Frenien you will have an encounter with the Shadow Wolves - a gang of thieves under the control of Hubert de Layle. One of their members approaches you and proposes an arrangement. You kill Athron the Black and his band of thieves, and the Shadow Wolves will give you something in return. If you want to undertake this quest then to find Athron the Black you will need to travel west from Hollar's Shop until you reach Perthin, and then take a turn to the south (Athron the Black is just south of Perthin). As you approach Hollar's Shop a Merchant angrily pops up to tell you that he will not trade with your kind, and you should leave the lands of the living. One of your Death Knights puts him in his place by threatening to make a daisy chain out of his nose-hair, and he gets the SUBTLE message and accepts your invitation to trade. Athron the Black is QUITE well guarded (he has a band of Thugs, Master Thugs, Archers and others around so you'd best stock up on potions and scrolls before you tackle him methinks). Once Athron has been slain, a Nosferat confirms this and reminds you that you now need to head back to the Shadow Wolves to receive your reward. If you take the City of Alderin en route back to the Shadow Wolves, one of your Lich Queens pops up to tell you that you are nearing the Empire's Capital, and she advises MUCH haste in order to locate the Library before they become aware of your presence. Technically she's right - the mine is nearby - it's north-east of your present location (Alderin), but WHICHEVER way you go to get to it (north from Alderin or north-east from Frenien) the Empire WILL be made aware of your presence. The LOGICAL route to take would be north-east from Frenien, because you can go past the Shadow Wolves en route to the Library, and you will go as far away from the Empire's CAPITAL City as possible, and that can't be a bad thing, non ?? If you decide to go north from Alderin instead, you will walk right into a trap. See the unit represented by a spearman on the map to the north of Alderin, who is guarding the passage to the Empire's Capital ? He is ready to set off a trap ... if you get too close to him, an Archmage pops up to sound the alarm, and casts a Chain Lightning spell on you and tells you that he is off to tell Demosthene of your presence in Nevendaar ... to which a Death Knight admonishes you, telling you that they are sure to double their efforts against you now, so you'd better get your skates on and FIND THAT LIBRARY !! I would suggest that IF you really Really REALLY wanna go north, that you summon a creature and let HIM approach the Spearman ... that way your PROPER troops won't take the damage ;) If you instead opt to go the SENSIBLE route (as in, pop back to the Shadow Wolves and from there head east and then north), then you should end your turn near the Shadow Wolves, as on THEIR turn one of their members (Ronon) will grab some treasure and run across to you. He says "Ynngrel sent me to thank you ... The Empire is about to fall. Throughout the realm, corruption has replaced justice. Even the Emperor Demosthene is too weak to prevent this. Many say that he will not live long ..." (to which your Death Knight tells him to put a sock in it, as you really don't GIVE a sh!t about the Empire - Mortis just wants you to find the Timmoria Mines ...) He gesticulates and a section of the map to the north-west is revealed. He tells you that you will find the information you seek in the Library there, but that you must be careful, as the Library is guarded by a powerful Magi named Zunther. He also tells you that you will be aided by the Shadow Wolves when the time comes ... ... BUT HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY GIVE YOU ANYTHING !!!!! In case you want to kill him, he is carrying a Potion of Restoration, which I assume is what he was going to bring you.) [HINT : DO NOT SLAY ALL THE SHADOW WOLVES !!] IF you slay all the Shadow Wolves (including Ynngrel the Swift), one of your Nosferats pops up to tell you that as you have just KILLED your backup, you shouldn't expect to be bailed out by the Shadow Wolves when you face Zunther. As you move from the City of Frenien and head to the north-east, a Nosferat tells you that you are entering the Empire's territory, and that you must be cautious. Furthermore, he says that he can see smoke from a small town up ahead ... A little further in, one of your Death Knight will advise you that peasants are in your way (one has just run screaming from you in fact !!), and that he would suggest razing the village before they are able to warn others of your presence). IF ONLY !! =) Once you have taken the City of Cuneria, a Peasant pops out to tell you that you must leave them be, or Zunther will kick your BUTT. We'll see shall we ? (Makes sure everybody is watching him and then SLAPS the peasant). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR :"> As you continue onwards and round the corner to the west of Cuneria to travel south on your final push towards the Library, a unit charges you, trying to prevent you going any further. This unit comprises 2 Squires, 2 Archers and a Spearman. Your Nosferat urges you to press forward, as Mortis DEMANDS you find the plans for the Timmoria mines :"> JUST as you are about to lay your bony fingers on the Library, Zunther charges you from the south ... that little BUGGER has been lying in wait all this time !! IF you helped out the Shadow Wolves earlier in the level, a unit of Shadow Wolf troops will appear from a clearing the mountains to the east to help you battle Zunther, and awaits your further instructions. For your information, the Shadow Wolves Unit comprises :- 2 Thugs, 3 Archers ... and Zunther's Unit comprises :- 2 Knights, Zunther, Priest, Mage Zunther is an Archmage, and quite powerful ;) I would strongly suggest that you weaken him with spells and scrolls before you enter battle with him ... it'll make it easier :"> Once you have defeated him you can concentrate your attacks on the Library. MAKE SURE that you fully heal all your troops and use whatever positive enchantments you can on them before you enter the Library - it's not just for books you know ;) Once the Library has been conquered, your mission is complete ... and (again, IF you helped them before) a Shadow Wolf Thug pledges the allegiance of his band of thieves to your cause. You depart, telling him that you will meet them again some day ... OPPONENTS The Empire CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Alderin 2 Goblin Archers, 2 Goblins, Orc Frenien 3 Thugs, Peasant EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Cuneria Squire, Acolyte BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Lost Mastaba Master Thug, Thug, Peasant 150 Gp, Pestilence Scroll Perthin Titan, Archer 250 Gp, Talisman of Vigor Crumbled Outpost 4 Goblin Archers, Wolf 200 Gp, Banner of Striking Library Knight, 2 Witch Hunters, Cleric, Apprentice, Mage 100 Gp EVENTS Event Notes OPERATION SHADOW The Shadow Wolves need a hand ridding the lands of Athron the Black and his troop of worthless scumbags ... fancy helping them out ?? G'waaaaaan ;) BAD BUSINESS Hollar's Shop doesn't want to trade with you 'coz you're dead !! That's UNFAIR discrimination that is !! IT'S A TWAP !! If you approach the Empire's Capital from the south, you'll be zapped !! THE CAVALRY !! If you have helped the Shadow Wolves, they will bail you out in your fight with Zunther (and, if they survive long enough, the Library !!) ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Emerald, 3 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Protection, Orb of Healing, Bronze Ring, 2 x Life Potion, Menta Minoris Scroll, Orb of Earth, 2 x Silver Ring, Gold Ring, Potion of Swiftness, Weakness Scroll, Potion of Restoration, Dwarven Bracer (Artifact - just west of the Library), Summon I: Skeleton Scroll, Potion of Strength, Potion of Striking. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 2 x Potion of Restoration, 3 x Life Potion, Potion of Swiftness, Boots of Speed. SHOPS Name Sells Hollar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Elven Boots x 1 Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Treebark Potion x 2, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10 ENDING Along with the plans for the Timmoria Mines, the Hordes find confirmation that a ritual is to be performed in 3 DAYS which will seal Bethrezen's Infernal Gate, and imprison the child Uther there for a Century ... HOW WILL YOU GET TO HIM THEN !?!?!?! ============================================================================== 2) Uther's Blood BRIEFING AND COMMENTS With the maps in her possession, Mortis raises her Undead Army, and has them march on Timmoria. The Hordes would have to time their attack very carefully, leaving the Legions just enough time to free Uther, before they mopped up the remaining Cohorts and took the boy for their own dark purposes. Timing their strike to perfection, the Undead descended like a plague upon the Legions JUST as they had freed Uther from his imprisonment. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND ACTION !! =) You're objective on this level is to kill Uther (oh THAT'S an easy one - kill a GODLING on the second level ... THANKS !!) so that you can harvest his blood to enable Mortis to resurrect her consort Gallean. Wraith Prusheen is back to give you Mortis' new orders ... which I've already given you !! =) Basically Mortis wants you to destroy Uther before he flees, and bring her some of his blood. Just as he finishes giving you your instructions the camera pans in on the Infernal Gate, from which Uther emerges ... your forces make their attack, and the fun begins ... You are given control over a comparatively quite large army on this level ... at the outset you are given the following units with which to attack Uther :- [Nb. UNfortunately for you, before you can actually CONTROL these units, Uther lashes out with 2 Ignis Potens Spells in strategic positions so as to hit as many of your units as he can - damage has been taken into account when I describe what units you have] 1) Zombie, Fighter 2) Gangren (a Nosferat), 2 Zombies, Dead Initiate 3) Zombie, 2 Dead Ghosts 4) Zombie, Dead Initiate 5) Gozlen'Ha (a Death Knight), 2 Zombies, Dead Initiate 6) Zombie, Fighter Of all these units, the ONLY one that has taken NO damage is 6). Now ... obviously you can do this one of several ways ... Uther KNOWS he is surrounded, so he is going to try and make his escape as quickly as possible ... so you DEFINITELY don't wanna withdraw your Undead troops and heal them before hunting him down ... So here's the dilemma. Uther's Unit looks like this :- BACK LINE FRONT LINE D E M O N UTHER WITCH Berzerker (Hope that makes sense - BASICALLY what I'm telling you is that your units will have to get through the Demon AND the Berzerker before they will be able to hit Uther. The REASON for this is simple ... he has a MASSIVELY powerful ranged attack and, whilst it only hits one unit at a time, he will attack whatever ranged unit is in your team first, so the Nosferat will die almost straight away, and all the Ghosts and Initiates are ALREADY dead from his Ignis Potens spells !!) You have three real ways of dealing with this in my humble opinion :- 1) Charge Uther with all your units. 2) Try and block off his escape to gain time (but in all likelihood he will just smash through the weakest of your units and run away) 3) GET OUT OF HIS WAY !! Save your troops and heal them and then kick his ass ... If you choose 1) then be VERY careful about how you approach him, as he has two Demons - one on either side of him, so to avoid wasting your troops in battles that do not involve Uther at all, you will need to perhaps move them away from him a square or two to line up with him correctly, and then charge him in a straight line. You should be able to kill the Berzerker and all but kill the Demon (but don't forget that units not killed will gradually heal). If you choose 2) then I would send your best units out of the Capital to try and hunt down scrolls etc., that can be fired off against Uther whilst he is being slowed by your units. Whichever you choose it is a CERTAINTY that you will not be able to kill Uther using THESE units alone ... so I would concentrate on the war effort closer to home ... conquer as many cities as you can and use them to house troops to spring on Uther as he draws near ... also try and research as many summoning spells (Nightmare is a GREAT example) as you can ... even though Uther is warded against most types of attacks you can at LEAST destroy the units he is travelling with ;) This would be a GOOD time to point out that you also have the City of Thaaxull gifted to you at the beginning of this level. If you went for option 3) above then you could always withdraw your troops back to Thaaxull to heal them ... you'll have to fight to get there, but as you will see when he runs, Uther will rush back to the Legions' Capital to strengthen his troops before he pushes northwards to what is effectively his finish line ... [HINT: ENSURE that the passage to the south of Thaaxull is heavily protected, as Bethrezen MUST come through here to get to the end of the level ...] As you enter the humans territory to the south of Thaaxull, you will be chastised by a Spearman who tells you that this is THEIR land and you cannot stay there ... ignore him and move onward with your slaughter ;) [NOTE: Lupenzo has advised me that if you wait long enough, the humans in this area will try and make a break for their own freedom and leave the area ... a STUPID move on their part which should provide you with plenty of chance to hone your fighting skills by annihilating them as they run ... screaming .............. like a bunch of sissies ... lol ... apparently they are lead by a Titan in their flight] If you take the City of Inthuric, a Spearman asks why you have returned, saying that their race has barely recovered since the First Great Wars, and your presence here threatens to vanquish them completely ... HE'S RIGHT !! CRUSH THESE SCUMS !! =D As you conquer the City of Oghock, a thief emerges from the shadows [NOTE: This MIGHT not happen if you didn't help the Shadow Wolves in Mission One - I'm not 100% on that tho ...] to give you some useful advice ... he says that Uther can only escape one way, and that is to the North. He tells you that he will be on the move soon, but that they will alert you once he begins to move. It's good to have mates, innit !! ;) Once you have taken Tsullen'Hish, one of your Initiates goes to a Lich Queen and asks her how it is possible that there are Undead Creatures on these lands that are not under Mortis' control ... the Lich Queen says she will confer with Mortis to ascertain what is going on ... If you take the City of Dunera, a Cultist comes out to tell you that Bethrezen will not allow your victory, and that you will perish ... ... erm ... what ?? You are the representative of a fallen God whos army is in hiding ... even NOW, with his return to you, you flee from our MIGHT (bangs fist on table). GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !! Paying a visit to (and 'liberating') the City of Luycyx will cause one of your Death Knights to pop up and tell you that it looks like the Dwarves are travelling about Nevendaar once again ... and he QUITE RIGHTLY states that you should have snuffed them out during the First Great Wars ... If you travel to the south-easternmost corner of the map you will encounter a Lizard Man who asks you for your help ... basically he wants you to take the totem in the chest beside him to his tribe in the south-western corner of the map ... and with that, he disappears !! ... leeeeeeeeeeeeet me get this right ... this guy can seemingly TELEPORT ... and he wants me to CARRY his totem ? "Oh ... I've got these tickets for me to fly by Concorde from Paris to New York ... but I need somebody to take my overnight bag BY BOAT. Is that ok with you sweety ??" You WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ????? ... oh allllllllllright ... In order to reach this Lizard Man's tribe you need to go back to Luycyx, then west to the Hideout, and then south-west to Krazius. From here, head due west and you will encounter his tribe. As you approach what is a reasonably large gathering of Lizard Men just past the Antique Temple in the south-western section of the map, a Lizard Man unit comes out to tell you that you cannot go any further, and that you are now in Shirlllessh Tribe Territory. A Medusa then comes hurtling out of the Lizard Man Encampment, recognising the Totem you are carrying as the Agshlisga Totem - a sacred totem to these people ... and takes it from you, telling you you are nice (bless), and giving you a Runestone for your troubles. Now ... this MIGHT just be me being a *little* bit unappreciative ... but isn't that kinda like offering me a bag of PEANUTS after I've carried the overnight bag ON THE BOAT from Paris to New York ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? In a fit of what can only be described as IMMENSE dissatisfaction, I extinguished the WHOLE of the Shirlllessh Tribe (and why not - we ARE the Undead after all !! Compassion is NOT a part of our Charter) ;) If you take the fight to Uther and bear down on the Legions' Capital, the Thug that said he would warn you of Uther's moves earlier on in the level pops up again to tell you that he has received (as in, Uther has received) more reinforcements from the East, and that he will soon begin his march ... you must prepare yourselves ... To the east of the Legions Capital (as in, on the edge of the map), the following units then appear :- 1) 2 Fiends, Demonologist 2) Marble Gargoyle, Duke (Zaorish in my Saga), Demonologist 3) 2 Fiends, Demonologist From the next turn, Uther (who is (in MY saga at least) travelling with 2 Cultists and 2 Possesseds now) makes a move to the east to unite with his other units, so that they can begin their big push towards the finish line. DO NOT FORGET what I said ... remember that narrow stretch just to the south of Thaaxull ? Uther MUST come through there to reach his goal, so THAT is where I would have all my troops waiting. Bombard him with spells whilst he is en route, as you will be able to take out the units he is travelling with ... but Uther is warded against almost everything you can throw at him, so save your troops for him. Also try and take out as many of the OTHER units with which Uther is travelling (i.e. the Fiends, Demonologists and Gargoyle, etc., which have just appeared from the East). I would SUGGEST that you save your summons until only Uther remains in his party and then use those against him ... Uther should take more damage that way :"> Once you have slain Uther, a Sorcerer cries out that he has fallen, and the legions flee for their lives ... you have won a MIGHTY victory this day. Well done !! :) OPPONENTS Uther, Legions of the Damned, Human Resistance CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Dunera Hill Giant, Crossbowman Luycyx Hill Giant, Rock Giant [Polar Bear] Krazius 2 Goblins, Ogre Kuelluran [Spearman, 2 Man at Arms] Inthuric [2 Spearmen, Knight, Cleric] Oghock [2 Orcs, 2 Goblin Archers] Tsullen'hish [Ghouls, Zombie] UNDEAD CITIES Name Inhabitants Thaaxull (WHOEVER YOU PUT IN IT !!) BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Perthin 2 Master Thugs, Archer 150 Gp, Potion of Strength Crumbled Fortress Goblin, Goblin Archer 30 Gp Hideout 2 Goblin Archers, Ogre 500 Gp, Summon Living Armour Scroll Antique Temple Deathdragon, Ghost 600 Gp, Banner of Protection (the above is the Antique Temple near Krazius) Antique Temple Imperial Knight, Mage, 2 Imperial Assassins 400 Gp, Call Decay Dragon Scroll (the above is the Antique Temple near Kuelluran) Crumbled Keep 2 Goblin Archers 35 Gp, Goblin Orb Lost Mastaba 2 Wyverns 200 Gp, Sapphire Ruined Tower Deathdragon, 2 Specters, Initiate 1,000 Gp, Tome of Water EVENTS Event Notes Undead Raid !!! You surround and assault Uther ... YEY !! :"> Human insults The PITIFUL Humans tell you not to enter their lands. BAH !! Help the Lizards Act as errand boy for the Lizard Man and his totem ... if you wanna ... ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Life Potion, Quicksilver Potion (at the eastern end of the valley on the northern border of the map (just right of the middle)), 3 x Potion of Healing, Treebark Potion, Silver Ring, Lightning Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Staff of Thunder, Bronze Ring, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Potion of Speed, Ice Storm Scroll, Zombie Orb, Pestilence Scroll, Call to Arms Scroll, 2 x Emerald, Bronze Ring, Orb of Earth, Potion of Swiftness, Agshlisga Totem, Healing Ointment, Orb of Vigor, Potion of Accuracy, Ruby, Lizard Man Orb, Sanctuera Scroll, Weakness Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Sapphire, Gold Ring, Potion of Fire Warding, Potion of Healing, 2 x Life Potion, Potion of Restoration, Potion of Protection. SHOPS Name Sells Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Blizzard (200 Gp), Hymn of the Clans (400 Gp), Stone Rain (400 Gp) Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Speed x 1 Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb of Life x 1, Orb of Vigor x 1 Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Banner of Speed x 1 ENDING With Uther's fall, you harvest his blood so that you can present it to Mortis to enable her to revive her long-dead husband Gallean. Preparations for the ritual can now begin !! ============================================================================== 3) The Council BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Whilst you and your cronies were busy kicking Uther's BUTT across Nevendaar, the Empire was FAR from resting ... they despatched an emissary to the Mountain Clans, requesting an audience. The Clans responded by asking Slookarijj Blackstone - a member of the High Council and the Leader of the Blackstone Clan, to meet with representatives from the Empire. SINCE such a meeting is sure to result in a long-term alliance between these two Powers in such trying times, Mortis - assessing such an alliance as a threat to her long-term plans, for the combined forces of the Empire AND the Mountain Clans would surely be too much for even the Undead Hordes to oppose - decides that Slookarijj Blackstone must be slain. Your objective on this level is quite simply to slay Slookarijj Blackstone before he can hook up with the representatives from the Empire. The level begins with Wraith Prusheen giving you yet more instructions from Mortis. He tells you that Mortis wants Slookarijj DEAD (haven't I just said that ... like ... THREE TIMES ?? Come on Prusheen - tell us something we DON'T already know !!) ... and then it's over to you !! For your information, your Capital is located in the south-eastern corner of the map, and Slookarijj Blackstone begins the level in the north-eastern corner of the map (just outside the Mountain Clans' Capital City). If you move westwards from your Capital City, one of your Nosferats pops up to tell you that the lands are LITTERED with Greenskins, and you should be prudent as you advance ... If you take the City of Khaana, a Templar comes to you to confirm that the City has been cleared of Orcs, but you should still remain vigilent, as others in the outskirts may retaliate. (This is quite possible as just to the west of Khaana is an Orc King !!) From his starting position, Slookarijj moves out of the walled city encompassing the Clans Stronghold and proceeds westwards to the Dwarven City of Burick. A couple of turns into the level, a Shadow Wolf Thug comes to your Capital to tell you that the lands surrounding you are infested with Greenskins (as if you NEEDED him to tell you that !!). A Nosferat tells him of your mission to slay Slookarijj Blackstone, and he responds by telling you that Slookarijj is already on his way to Fhindar ... but that you do not need to worry unduly, as they will attempt to delay Slookarijj any way they can ... he intimates that his master (whom, if you have forgotten, is the LECHEROUS Hubert De Layle) has delayed this meeting many times already. He tells you that they will keep you advised as to Slookarijj's progress, and urges you to hasten to their city of Hillgrin, where they have more information for you. Then he departs. Hillgrin, for your information, is the only city controlled by the Shadow Wolves on this level. It is located just south of Fhindar, so head to the western edge of the map and then work your way north, and you will find Hillgrin. I should point out that the only way to get OUT of the south-eastern corner of the map (once you have pacified the area) is a via a small channel leading to the west along the southern edge of the map ;) As you are about to enter the dead looking forest to the west of the City of Khaana, your Nosferat comes back (again) to forewarn you of the presence of dangerous creatures in the forests. We ARE dangerous creatures ourselves !! We are inVINcible ... ONWARDS !!!!! =) (The forests are a haven for Werewolves, and Werewolves are immune to physical attacks, so a modicum of caution wouldn't go amiss ... I just didn't say it out loud 'coz I didn't want to jeopardise the butch image of the Hordes) ;) If you move in and take the City of Genran, a Thug pleads for his life, offering to exchange treasure which he has buried in the Cemetery if he is released ... one of your Fighters then goes to the Cemetery on your behalf, finds the items the (presumably now DEAD) thug was speaking about, and deposits them in the City for you ... they are :- an Emerald and a Silver Ring. Genran is a very handy City to hold on this map as, even though it is on the western edge of the map, it is quite centralised from the perspective that you can go in practically any direction and reach a major point of interest on the map. North of Genran is Hillgrin, and thereafter Fhindar. North-east of Genran is the Clans Capital, and south-east of Genran is your Capital City. If you move north from Genran to Hillgrin, a Shadow Wolf Master Thug comes out to bid you welcome, and confirms that you may enter their city (one of the two units standing guard at the entrance to the city moves to the side to allow you to access it). The Master Thug goes on to say that they have the means to wreak havoc on the Empire, and the camera then pans to the north-east of Hillgrin to reveal a Manticore trapped within a mountain prison. One of your Nosferats asks what you must do with the beast, to whict the Master Thug responds by saying that the Manticore is kept drugged by the guards, who feed it poisoned food. He says if you slay the guards, the Manticore will awaken and slay everything in its path ........................... ... sounds like a plan Stan !! =) The Nosferat thanks the Master Thug, who then whizzes back into the walled confines of the City of Hillgrin, zipping around to the furthest point, so as to allow you full access to the city (and to Under's Shop, which is located there). If you decide to be a COMPLETE b@stard and take the City of Hillgrin, one of the Shadow Wolves accuses you of betraying them (fair comment), and tells you that his Master will hear of this treachery ... [Note : Since this will invariably jeopardise future assists from the Shadow Wolves I would strongly suggest NOT taking the City of Hillgrin OR attacking any Shadow Wolf Units unless you are provoked] ;) I would suggest that from here you proceed directly north-east to the Empire's Capital, in a bid to free the Manticore from its slumber (in the hopes that it will head due west to Fhindar and mop up some of the Empire's luvvies who are waiting there). DO NOT GO NEAR FHINDAR. Fhindar is surrounded by the following Empire units :- 1) Elementalist, Cleric, Ranger, Imperial Assassin 2) Archmage, Imperial Priest, Imperial Knight, Grand Inquisitor 3) Archmage, Hierophant, Inquisitor, Grand Inquisitor 4) Archmage, Hierophant, Inquisitor, Grand Inquisitor 5) Ranger, Elementalist, Paladin, Inquisitor 6) 2 Hierophants, Holy Avenger, Imperial Assassin, Defender of Faith 7) 2 Hierophants, Holy Avenger, Imperial Assassin, Defender of Faith 8) 2 Hierophants, Holy Avenger, White Wizard, Defender of Faith 9) Ranger, Elementalist, Paladin, Inquisitor With more Empire troops just milling around looking pretty ... and MORE in wait of your arrival. If you APPROACH Fhindar, Wraith Prusheen HIMSELF will show up to tell you that you MUST NOT GO THERE ... the Empire is aware of your presence and has bolstered its armies in preparation of your arrival. He judges it certain death for you, and tells you not to venture there. If you disregard his advice, you will AUTOMATICALLY fail the mission after you pass the lone Titan who is standing guard outside Fhindar ... one of the Empire's troops (Unit (1) on my list above) spots you and calls for reinforcements - BILLIONS more units teleport onto the map to bolster Fhindar, Wraith Prusheen tells you Mortis is displeased that you did not carry out her orders, and you FAIL.) ... SO ... onto the Manticore =) The Manticore is being kept just to the south of the Empire's Capital City, under the watchful eye of 3 units of guards :- 1) 2 Man at Arms, 2 Archers, Beastkeeper 2) 2 Archers, Spearman, Beastkeeper 3) 2 Archers, Spearman, Beastkeeper Once the Guardians have been slain, your Nosferat comes back to confirm this, and to say that that Manticore should awaken soon. [NOTE: Lupenzo has again kindly provided insight into this bit, to confirm that if you use summoned units to kill the guards for the manticore, you don't have to flee from it ...] If *I* were you ? I would let it do its business ;) You COULD of course try and slay it to gain some tasty XP ... but I thiiiiiiink it will attack Fhindar, and that would be EQUALLY cool :"> ... did I mean that it has over 1,000 Hit Points and is immune to paralysis ??? Juuuuuuust thought you might like to know that ;) As you flee (did I say flee ? I meant tactfully withdraw :">) towards Unhira's Tower, a unit comprising a Rock Giant, Tempest Giant and Druidess approaches you, saying "What's that smell ? An animal probably died in the forest ..." NOT A CHANCE MATE !! That's US !! =D BOO !!! Bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaar (sounds of swords hitting stone as we kick their BUTTS) (they do actually twig that it's us making the smell BEFORE we kill them - unfortunately they don't have the time to get away and tell anybody) :"> ... right ... so I've released the Manticore ... I've got my popcorn and my super-sized coke and I'm ready to watch the mayhem unfold. ... turns pass, and the Manticore goes straight past the Empire's Capital City ... cool ... now on to Fhindar right ? GOOD BOY !! ... um ... nope ... what's ... he ... doing ? He's going ... across the waves ... to ... Hillgrin ?? Oh well ... if he kills the Shadow Wolf Clan I won't have to do it later ... nope ... he's ... going ... on ... he's ... coming down to ... oh no ... NO !! He's attacking Genran !! That SONOFABIATCH !!!!! =O [Note : Since the STUPID Manticore has a weapon-based attack and, as we've already seen on this level, Werewolves are IMMUNE to physical attacks and, as the Manticore only has an adjacent striking range of 1, if you front line of troops comprises 3 Werewolves ? You will be 100% invincible to the Manticore !! Suddenly this whole "DESTRUCTION OF FHINDAR" bit has taken a TOTAL turnaround ... but it's cool, 'coz at least you can drain this FREAK of its XP] ;) Insofar as Slookarijj Blackstone is concerned ? If you are quick AND strong, you can take him whilst he is still in the city of Burick ... this is how I took him ... I am quite confident, however, that if you DON'T take him there, he WILL make a final march to Fhindar, so be prepared ... if I were going to strike him en route to Fhindar, I would at Unhira's Tower, as Slookarijj will have to pass by this Tower to get to Fhindar, and if you did your strike any closer to Fhindar, there is always the chance Empire troops would see your ambush, and come to Blackstone's aid ... Slookarijj is travelling with the following :- 1) Slookarijj Blackstone, Tempest Giant, Venerable Warrior, Flame Caster, Alchemist 2) Ice Giant, Druidess, Crossbowman, Axe Thrower 3) Novice, 2 Veterans, Crossbowman, Axe Thrower Since his unit itself is quite strong, I would suggest that you soften it up with some summons (Nightmares are GREAT) before you go in ... he is carrying a Holy Chalice (Artifact), Orb of Regeneration and Banner of Battle which you can take after he has fallen. With Slookarijj Blackstone's head adorning the bonnet of your car, you may proceed to the next level - well done !! =) OPPONENTS The Empire, Slookarijj Blackstone and the Mountain Clans. ALLIES The Shadow Wolves CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Khaana 2 Goblin Archers, Orc, Orc Champion Genran 2 Thugs, 2 Archers, Apprentice Bhagu's City [Goblin, Orc] SHADOW WOLF BAND CITIES Name Inhabitants Hillgerin 2 Thugs, 2 Marksmen, Imperial Assassin, Master Thug MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Burick [2 Flame Casters, Warrior] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Fhindar [2 Imperial Knights, Cleric, Priest, Wizard] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Crumbled Outpost Rock Giant 200 Gp, Orb of Thunder Abandoned Chapel 3 Werewolves, Vampire, Initiate 550 Gp, Summon Nightmare Scroll Crumbled Tower Goblin Archer 45 Gp, Goblin Talisman Old Manoir 2 Orcs, Goblin, 3 Goblin Archers 300 Gp, Touch of Mortis Scroll Abandoned Fort 2 Wyverns, Ghouls 100 Gp, Zombie Orb Ancient Library Ice Giant, Yeti, Druidess, Spirit of Fenrir 300 Gp, Highfather's Potion Haunted Keep 2 Imperial Knights, Wizard, 2 Imperial Assassins 340 Gp, Staff of Light EVENTS Event Notes GREEEEEEENSKINS You are told of the presence of Greenskins all over the place - beware ;) Shadow Wolf Aid The Shadow Wolves tell you to go to Hillgrin (which he has mis-spelled), where they are awaiting you. Free the 'Core You are sub-quested to free the Manticore that is being kept prisoner just to the south of the Empire Capital. Slay the Envoy Take out Slookarijj Blackstone and his envoy to complete the level. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Potion of Healing, Orb of Fire, 2 x Silver Ring, 2 x Potion of Strength, Orb of Water, Ignis Carn Scroll, Potion of Swiftness, Gold Ring, 2 x Life Potion, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, Orb of Poison, Potion of Vigor, Incantare Belliarh Scroll, 3 x Potion of Protection, Chronos Scroll, Potion of Striking, Unholy Chalice (Artifact - just south of the Abandoned Chapel), Lightning Scroll, Emerald, Ruby, Silver Ring, Seafaring Scroll, Diamond, Potion of Restoration, Squire Orb, Strength Scroll, Haste Scroll, Potion of Speed. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Potion of Restoration, 6 x Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Healing, Ruby, Potion of Striking, Orb of Healing. SHOPS Name Sells Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Potion of Healing x 6, Potion of Restoration x 6, Potion of Strength x 1 Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Strength x 3 Unhira's Tower (Magic Shop) Vithar's Might (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp), Chant of Arms (600 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp) Under's Shop (Merchant) Air Ward Scroll x 1, Water Ward Scroll x 2, Mind Ward Scroll x 1, Death Ward Scroll x 1 Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4 ENDING With Slookarijj and his team dead, and their rotting corpses having been resurrected to join Mortis' cause, the alliance between the Empire and the Mountain Clans looks ... well ... shagged, basically !! =) ============================================================================== 4) Retaliation BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Mortis' murdering Slookarijj Blackstone had BAD consequences, as when the Empire learned of this, they launched an all-out attack on the Hordes ... Mortis quickly decides that she needs to take control of the City of Hunneria if she is to thwart this attack ... When the level begins Wraith Prusheen (bless his cotton socks) pops up to give you your instructions, as per usual ... he says that Mortis has ordered you to capture the City of Hunneria, to break the morale of the allies, and disrupt their communications ... He also alerts you to the presence of a Knight named Dasannar who is on these lands, and who is VERY powerful, and quite possibly able to throw a spanner in the works. Slaying him would be a BIG bonus ;) Hokay ... it's the start of the level ... are you ready !! =) First off, your Capital City is just south of the north-western corner of the map ... and both Knight Dasannar AND the City of Hunneria are in a walled enclosure in the south-eastern corner of the map. The Empire's Capital is in the same walled enclosure, and the Mountain Clans Capital is located in the north-eastern corner of the map. So to MY beady little eye it looks like the south-western corner of the map is ENTIRELY up for you to take !! This is because not only are Hunneria and the Empire's Capital walled in, but there is a huge mountain range preventing them from travelling west without first going east and then north :) ... so I'm going to conquer the entire western wing of the map and then move across like a wave of terror =) [SPOILER: The Shadow Wolves are going to betray you on this level ... BE PREPARED] ;) A couple of other things of interest geographically that I should point out before I get cracking ... 1) There is a LARGE expanse of water sweeping from the north of your Capital City down to the south-east, and this is HEAVILY patrolled by the Clans, who have at least SIX ships' worth of units waiting for you on the high seas. Also, there is a training camp RIGHT BESIDE the Empire's Capital ... so you should expect the troops within the walled enclosure I keep referring to to be QUITE well trained ;) Right. Enough of my babbling. WE RIDE !! =D If you travel due north from your Capital City you will encounter a rather PANTS unit of Peasants on the open seas, who are TERRIFIED of everything !! First they see you ... then they flee. THEN they see a sea serpent and they CACK themselves ... then one of your Nosferats tells you that this section of water is inhabited by merfolk ... ... which it is ... but only sparsely so compared to the Dwarven presence on these waters ;) In the crumbled outpost you will find a pair of Boots of the Elements - which are INVALUABLE when you are travelling on the seas, as they allow you to move WITHOUT penalty ... i.e. no more 6 points per square on water - WOOHOO !! =D If you take the City of Venaril, a Speamen calls after you to tell you that you are treacherous creatures (why THANK you little man - tell me more !!), and that the combined forces of the Empire and the Mountain Clans Fleet (which I referred to above) will crush you. FAT CHANCE. We're already dead - what the HELL have we got to worry about ??? Hmmm ???? Get a grip you little sodbucket !! (Slaps the Spearman and moves on) A little later one of your Nosferats pops up to tell you BASICALLY what I already have - that the Mountain Clans have a great fleet upon the high seas, and you should be VERY careful if you travel across the waters. For your information, the "fleet" comprises :- 1) Archdruidess, Engineer, Veteran, Crossbowman 2) Engineer, Rock Giant, Flame Caster 3) Dwarf Champion, Dwarf 4) Rock Giant, Druidess, King's Guard 5) 2 Mountaineers, King's Guard, Alchemist 6) Wolf Lord, Ice Giant, Loremaster ... so AS you can see, it's quite a robust little flotilla of units they have there ... If, after leaving the City of Venaril, you head due south, you will bump into a Shadow Wolf Thug who tells you that they have found an almighty artifact which you can use to smite your foes, and offers to lead you to it .............. sound too good to be true ? It is. He is TOTALLY leading you into a trap where little nasty pigmys will be waiting with short sharp pointy thingies to poke and prod you until you go EEK ! at which point they will attach electrodes to your bits and (wait till electricity is invented and then) fry 'em off !! =O ... so following him is not necessary. If you are going to explore the whole of the map like I am, you'll find him anyway - and he leads you a LONG way off, which (if you're only using one unit to move around like I am), can really slow down the level ;) [NOTE: Lupenzo has offered this tidbit for this situation :- Use thief to follow thug and you can spring the trap without having to fight your way out. Instead you fight your way in at your own leisure. THANKS Lupenzo :) So now you have THREE different approaches to take ... spoiled for choice aren't ya !! ;)] I am not going to follow the Shadow Wolf Thug, but if you DO, you can just skip down a bit, and I will describe what happens for you (only difference is I will do it from the perspective of NOT following him, and just coming upon him later, by chance) =) If you head south-west from Venaril, a Ghost will pop up to warn you that you are about to enter Empire Territory, and that they have planned an ambush for you ... she's right !! If you move onwards, 2 Titans jump you ... those BIATCHES !! =O Due WEST of where you are attacked is a Cemetery ... if you approach it, Mortis will raise two units to help you on this level (bless her - she's such a CUTIE !!). They are :- 1) 2 Zombies 2) 2 Zombies ... wow ... HOW generous ... ... I'm the Goddess of Death, and I give you ? ............. earthworms ... ... ooh ! And a spade as well ... ... sigh ... Well it's better than nothing I guess ... you could always use them to protect the City of Beruria once it has fallen to your military might ;) If you take Beruria, then there is a brief dialogue between a Witch Hunter and one of your Death Knights which goes a little bit like this :- (ahem) WITCH HUNTER : "My kind and I will search out the likes of you and extinguish you AND your evil which plagues our land like a virulent ... um ... viral thing ... in the rainy season ..." DEATH KNIGHT : (whips out his sword and cuts the Witch Hunter's head off in one deft move) AUDIENCE : "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh" A little while later a Wizard pops up tell you that your attempt to thwart the alliance between the Empire and the Mountain Clans from forming has failed, as Slookarijj Blackstone was just one of the MANY emissaries sent to meet up with the Empire ... to which your Death Knight (who has just finished wiping the blade of his unholy sword clean from the blood of the Witch Hunter) smiles and says "KILLER ! That means we'll have more of you to kill !! You KNOW you're going to die trying little man ... play on !!" =) If you chose to follow the Thug from the Shadow Wolves, or you are just bumping into him now (if you move south from Sallat's Shop you will find him), he tells you that Hubert has designs on the Empire, and you are no longer of any use to the Shadow Wolves ... (cough cough splutter) We are no longer of use to THEM ??? WHAT A JOKE !!!!! A unit of Greenskins closes the gap behind you and traps you in the valley, to which the Shadow Wolf Thug laughs at you and then sails off the end of the map ... ... I just trashed the joint - I slew EVERY SINGLE UNIT in the area ... AND made a mental note to kick the SH!T out of the Shadow Wolves the next time I saw them ... duplicitous little MAGGOTS ... If you take the City of Allanar, an Imperial Knight pops up to tell you that Demosthene AND the Mountain Clans are BOTH aware of your plans, and that you will be crushed. TALK TO THE HAND BUDDY ... I ain't interested ... :"> If you take the Dwarven City of Ludevic a Forge Guardian there is GOBSMACKED that you were able to make it past their "almighty" fleet. BE amazed little one ... for we are the undead !! Watch ! We can even juggle our own heads ! Ready boys ?? (much hilarity ensues) If you take the City of Wunerioc, one of your Fighters confirms that you have stopped the supply lines that were being provided by the Barbarians ... which KINDA makes sense to me, but not entirely - I get the impression I stumbled upon these barbarians before I should have ... ... but nay matter - now they can no longer supply OR defend Hunneria, so it's gonna fall easier I would hope :"> If you press on towards the north-eastern corner of the map, you will be advised that you are now entering Empire Lands (again - they only seem to occupy pockets of land on this map), and that they are once again prepared to face you ... to which Knight Dasannar pops up and tells you that he fought against your kind in the First Great Wars, and that he will once again help to send you back to the shadows. ... so it's on to kick his @ss basically !! Please take note that the Pegasus Knight immediately to the south-east of where you are when Dasannar makes his speech is NOT Dassanar. Knight Dassanar is awaiting your arrival just inside the city walls ... ... and he's (shock, horror) NOT alone ... He is hiding (the COWARD) behind the following units :- 1) 2 Archers, 2 Man at Arms, Apprentice, Spearman 2) 2 Archers, 2 Man at Arms, Acolyte, Spearman ... and here is the breakdown for Knight Dassanar's Unit :- Knight Dasannar (Defender of Faith), Matriarch, Imperial Priest, Imperial Assassin Once Knight Dassanar has been vanquished he runs away blubbering about how he feels really let down by the Highfather ................. BOTHERED ?? BUZZ OFF you CREEP !! =O Then it's off to take Hunneria !! I would suggest doing this in 3 stages ... 1) Clear all the troops from the walled city so that you can lay siege to Hunneria. 2) Clear out the troops that are resting there, but not garrisoned there. 3) WIPE OUT EVERYBODY INSIDE THE CITY !! =) FORTUNATELY there are 2 shops right smack bang up next to Hunneria, so you shouldn't have a problem buying supplies ... Ooh ! And one more thing ... you might like to spend all your remaining gold on buying XP for your best leader ;) Juuuuuuuuuuuuust a thought =) Once Hunneria has fallen, Mortis' victory against the Empire is complete =D OPPONENTS Knight Dasannar and the Empire, The Mountain Clans, The Shadow Wolves CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Methral 3 Lizard Men, Medusa Wunerioc [2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain] Venaril 3 Man at Arms, Spearman MOUNTAIN CLAN CITIES Name Inhabitants Ludevic [2 Dwarves, Warrior, Druidess] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Allanar [Knight, Archer, Acolyte] Hunneria Son of Ymir, Archmage, Marksman, Squire, Paladin [2 Squires, 2 Archers, Apprentice] Beruria [Squire, Acolyte] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Crumbled Outpost 2 Mermen, Mermaid 200 Gp, Boots of the Elements Kerthin Rock Giant, Dwarf, Crossbowman, Druidess 250 Gp, Elven Boots Antique Temple 2 Crossbowmen, Alchemist, Dwarf, Spirit of Fenrir, Wolf Lord 1,000 Gp Watch Tower Warrior, Forge Guardian, Dwarf, Druidess 300 Gp, Staff of Celerity Kassel 2 Orcs, Goblin, 2 Goblin Archers 300 Gp, Potion of Fire Warding (the Kassel above is just south-west of the City of Venaril) Kassel Defender of Faith, 2 Angels, Priest 400 Gp, Ice Spirits Scroll (the Kassel above is just south-west of the Empire's Capital City) Old Keep Beast, Fiend, Devil 500 Gp, Tome of War EVENTS Event Notes Scaredy-Cats Peasants running (well, sailing) away from EVERYTHING !! Nellies :"> Clan Fleet !! The Mountain Clans have amassed a fleet in the waters near your Capital ! IT'S A TWAP !! The Shadow Wolves betray you and set you up for a fall with the Greenskins. KILL DASANNAR Slay the VILE Knight Dasannar who threatens to do something GOOD to you. SACK HUNNERIA !! Take the City of Hunneria from RIGHT under the Empire's noses =D ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 4 x Potion of Restoration, Life Potion, Talisman of Icefall, Plague Scroll, Potion of Protection, Bronze Ring, Orb of Poison, Incantare Hellhound Scroll, 2 x Silver Ring, Summon Living Armour Scroll, Banner of Strength, 6 x Potion of Healing, Summon Roc Scroll, Potion of Striking, Blizzard Scroll, Orb of Thunder, Potion of Might, Sapphire, Bronze Ring, Spirit Staff, Potion of Speed, Potion of Vigor, Stone Rain Scroll, Orb of Healing, Potion of Vigor, Orb of Vigor, Potion of Strength, 2 x Gold Ring, Ring of Strength (Artifact - just east of the City of Wunerioc), Tempest Scroll, Ruby, Chant of Arms Scroll, Summon Skeleton Scroll ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 8 x Potion of Restoration, 3 x Life Potion, Death Storm Scroll, Healing Ointment, Treebark Potion, Potion of Swiftness SHOPS Name Sells Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Vithar's Might (200 Gp), Hymn of the Clans (400 Gp), Chant of Arms (600 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp) Turion's Camp (Mercenary) Lizard Man (850 Gp), Medusa (1,310 Gp) Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Titan's Might Potion x 1 Nibor's Tower (Magic Shop) Haste (400 Gp), Call to Arms (800 Gp), Celerity (200 Gp) Kilgen's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Invulnerability x 2 Forcecus's Camp (Trainer) Train your units here !! Turion's Camp (Mercenary) Master Thug (240 Gp), Thug (40 Gp) Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 2, Orb of Restoration x 3, Orb of Regeneration x 2, Orb of Life x 4 ENDING With Hunneria's Fall, the threat posed by the Empire to Mortis' plans wanes. Mortis orders her troops to find a location where Gallean can be revived ... in Nevendaar, only holy ground could be used to revive a God, and the Hordes soon learned that the Elven lands contained such a magnificient garden. ============================================================================== 5) The Accursed Armour BRIEFING AND COMMENTS During the Search for the Elvish Garden, one of Mortis' Undead Warriors broke free of her control and, transfixed by an enchanted suit of armour, headed off on his own. The Bone Armour that now possessed him demanded a fresh blood sacrifice each day and, in return for being so satiated, it granted its wearer - the rebel Bone Lord - great powers AND eternal life. The Armour was forged by a Powerful Necromancer during the First Great Wars, but was lost during an assault on Sturmir Thunderhammer's Keep. The Power of the Armour had grown since then, to the point where it now possessed a will of its own, and Mortis decided to put a rapid stop to developments on this front, as the armour was still growing, and had begun to gain the Power to subvert other Undead units to its service as well ... Your objective on this level is to destroy the Bone Lord's Tower. At the start of the level one of your Nosferat's confirms that he has found the location of the Bone Lord's Manor, and says that it is on an island to the west of your Capital. Wraith Prusheen tells you that Mortis has advised him that the Bone Lord is NOT to be underestimated, as he has great powers AND control over the Undead Hordes ... AND WE'RE OFF !! Right ... as soon as you come out of the area where your Capital City is located (i.e. as soon as you approach the shoreline to the south-west of your Capital City), one of your Nosferats pops up to tell you that there is a great island to the west (being the Bone Lord's Island), but VERY few people have ever ventured that far, as their flesh is devoured by the sea-witches that live in the area. ....... I WANNA MEET THESE SEA-WITCHES ... they can't ALL be that nasty surely !! =) As you draw closer to the shoreline, a Merman darts across to you from the south and tells you to halt, saying that he has a message for you from his Queen, Tilligillash. (what a silly name) The camera then pans to the location where Tilligillash (who I'm going to call Chicken Tikka from now on 'coz it's easier) will be waiting for you ... Then he departs, saying that he hopes you decide NOT to meet up with her, for he hates your race ... ... if he hated us THAT much, why didn't he just forget to deliver the message ?? =./ Nevermind ... you'll be pleased to hear that this one ISN'T a trap ... in fact I would VERY strongly suggest that you meet Queen Chicken Tikka and hear what she has to say =) If you fell the City of Mundian, a Nosferat pops up to tell you that there are rumours flying around of a sacred artifact called the DEATH STAR (sorry - just having a Star Wars moment) - actually it's called Doragon's Eye ... and it was purportedly once owned by an ancient and accursed God ... sounds PRETTY nifty eh ;) (I'm going to stop exploring for a second to zip off and have a meeting with Queen Chicken Tikka). When you approach Queen Chicken Tikka and her envoy of drumsticks, she comes to the front to greet you, and says that (and this bit is IMPORTANT for the plot) she needs the help of their former Goddess, Mortis ... [Pause it] Basically Chicken Tikka has just confirmed that Mortis used to be the God of the Seadwellers, but then she changed (somehow - we don't know how ... yet), and turned into the Goddess of the Dead ............................... VERY INTERESING !! =D A Nosferat responds saying "What do you want from us ?" Queen Chicken Tikka goes on to say that Mortis used to be called Solonielle, and during this time she ruled the Elves with her Consort, Gallean. The Elves went to war with the Dwarves though and, in a great war, Gallean's body was thrown into the Sun by the Dwarven God Wotan. THAT B@STARD !! =O She goes on to say that Solonielle tried to save him from his fate, and her eternally beautiful face was burnt beyond measure by the intense heat of the Sun ... all she could save of her Consort was his heart, and this tragedy caused her soul to darken, and soon after she lost her followers (and I think we can guess where she went from there, right ?). Pass me a tissue - that really is just so sad !! :'( Queen Chicken Tikka tells you that her race is aware of your Quest to revive Gallean and, to that end, she can direct you to a powerful item that will help you against the Bone Lord's Powers (and no, it's not Doragon's Eye) ... all you have to do is escort her daughter Unttilliggullish, who I shall from this point refer to as MINI Chicken Tikka because it took me about FIVE MINUTES just to type the Queen's name, let alone her bleedin' daughter's ... ... ahem ... Where was I ? Oh yeah ... sorry ... all you have to do is escort Mini Chicken Tikka through Mountain Clans Territory and the item is yours. Wraith Prusheen intercedes to confirm that Mortis has accepted Queen Chicken Tikka's proposal, and that her Undead Hordes will escort Mini Chicken Tikka as requested. Queen Chicken Tikka voices her approval, and advises you that Mini Chicken Tikka must make it to her destination to participate in a ritual with a group of priests, and ALSO tells you that the Mountain Clans actively hunt down and slay her kind to make weapons from their scales, so you should be VERY careful. The camera then pans to where you need to escort Mini Chicken Tikka ... basically you need to lead her right up to Underik's Tower to earn this precious artifact. With that, Queen Chicken Tikka returns to her original starting position, and you gain control of Mini Chicken Tikka. ... I would strongly suggest that you scout ahead to clear a path ... you REALLY do not want to let Mini Chicken Tikka get cold (hee hee - I mean die) ... you want to keep her safe until she gets to the end, 'coz the item you gain for this little sub-quest is REALLY useful ;) If you manage to escort Mini Chicken Tikka to west-side of Underik's Tower then Queen Chicken Tikka pops up to thank you for your assistance, and to confirm that she has teleported a magic item called "Ocean's Charm" to your Capital ... she says that if you take it to the Bone Lord's Tower you will negate his powers ... WOOHOO !! =D Queen Chicken Tikka ALSO gives you control over the two Sea Serpents that were standing guard whilst she was having her meeting with you ... and then she pegs it off the side of the map, leaving a piece of treasure floating on the southern edge of the map as she goes !! HOW COOL WAS THAT BY THE WAY !?!?! (For your information, they aren't JUST Sea Serpents in the units you have been given - each unit comprises a Sea Serpent and 2 Mermen) ;) Going back to the Underik's Tower area, if you take the City of Sumeric then a King's Guard comes out and tells you that they will avenge their Lost King, and Yataa'Halli will drive us back into oblivion. ... don't these people ever get tired of talking such UTTER rubbish ? YOU, little man, are about to learn what steel TASTES like ... C'MERE !! =O DO NOT FORGET TO HEAD BACK TO THE CAPITAL TO PICK UP THE OCEAN'S CHARM OR YOU'LL WASTE IT !! If you take the City of Eucmere, one of your Nosferats advises you that the Peasants there speak of a great treasure beyond a hidden passage in the mountains to the south of Eucmere ... they SAY it is guarded by our old friends, the Shadow Wolves. P-A-Y-B-A-C-K T-I-M-E If you want to find this secret item, you will need to travel southwards BY WATER, and stage an assault on the City of Asgaaril. Do this decisively and brutally, and with as MANY casualties as you can manage, remembering that these are the WASTERS who tried to sell you up the river on the last level (BIG time angry face for them). Once you have taken the city, a Master Thug of the Shadow Wolves pleads with you to spare his life, saying that he will tell you everything he knows ... your Nosferat QUITE RIGHTLY tells him that it had better be good or you might change your mind ... =./ He tells you that they were FORCED to fight you, as their Master is desirous of taking over the Empire ... he says that de Layle has allied with the Bone Lord, whom YOU are tracking, in the hopes that it would strengthen his position ... The Nosferat grills him further, asking him why de Layle allied with the Bone Lord, and for what REAL purpose. He confirms that he allied with the Bone Lord because he has a Necromancer in his army called Erhog (a name which will be familiar to you if you have played as the Empire), who is the leader of the "Occultists", and that Erhog is in leagues with the Bone Lord, and that Erhog will be waiting for you before you attack the Bone Lord. He even intimates that (shock, horror) the Bone Lord can possess YOUR troops !! You let him live, but tell him that if he EVER crosses your path again you will spank him until his eyes pop out. MOVING ON !! =) Once you have killed the units just to the east of the City of Asgaaril the "secret" passage through the Mountains to reveal ? DORAGON'S EYE !! Yeah bayBEE =D This item is SO cool even Wraith Prusheen comments on it ... he says (basically) "You have found the biggest conker in the playground. Mortis orders you to keep it, 'coz it just needs a little varnish and it'll be TOTALLY killer dude !!" (This is no joke. Doragon's Eye has a great power that can be used later on in the game, and I would STRONGLY suggest taking it with you into the next level ... for THIS level you can just drop it back at the Capital IF you've not already gone that way to pick up the Ocean's Charm (otherwise you can just carry it with you).) If you take the Legions' City of Kanaran, a Duke threatens you by saying that Bethrezen will make you PAY for what you have done ... yadda yadda yadda yeah yeah yeah ... There are strange etchings carved into the inner walls of the City of Iilsta ... Wraith Prusheen confirms that the images were carved into the walls by the merfolk many years ago, and depict a Great City that was destroyed by a Dwarven Army ... he feels that this information could be used against the Mountain Clans ... After you have finished pottering about the map, and are finally ready to begin your assault on the Bone Lord (and, we presume, Erhog the Necromancer), you need to move your troops to the large island to the south of the Dwarven Capital City, to the south-west of YOUR Capital City, and to the north of the Legions' Capital City. Once you are here, MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE OCEAN'S CHARM WITH YOU, and prepare your troops for the assault. The only way to gain access to the Bone Lord's Tower is through a valley at the TOP of the Island (i.e. on the western end of the island). As you approach, one of your Death Knights confirms that this is the Bone Lord's Lair, and that you need to prepare yourselves. I would suggest that you amass your troops along the westernmost edge of the map, and then send your weakest unit in first. This is because as soon as you start to enter the Valley, the Bone Lord spots you and sends Erhog after you ... and Erhog immediately casts a Call Red Dragon spell on the first unit to enter the Valley (inflicting 75 points of fire damage to all units who are not immune to fire). Sending a weak unit to bear the brunt of this attack means that the other units will be fine. Once the weak unit has been toasted, remove it from harm's way and let the battle begin !! For your information, the units in the Bone Lord's Island (at least, the INNER section of which, which is where you are right now) are as follows :- 1) Deathdragon, Wight, Wraith, Specter 2) 2 Skeleton Warriors, Erhog, Wizard, Shade 3) Doomdrake, Phantom Warrior, Elder Vampire, Necromancer 4) 2 Wights, Skeleton Champion, Death 5) Dark Lord, Templar, Skeleton Champion, 2 Specters (The Bone Lord is residing in the Bone Lord's Tower) Really speaking, owing to the layout of this area, you need to take out all the units in the order I have stipulated. Once Unit 1 has fallen, you may attack Erhog the Necromancer and her Unit. Erhog the Necromancer is powerful, but has one FATAL weakness. She can only attack using death magic and, as you are the Undead and most of your units are IMMUNE to Death Magic, she really shouldn't give you too much hassle. Once Erhog has fallen, you can proceed to take out Unit 3. ONCE UNIT 3 HAS FALLEN YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE UNIT WHICH MOVES TO TAKE ON UNIT 4 IS CARRYING THE OCEAN'S CHARM. If this attacking unit does NOT have Ocean's Charm, the Bone Lord will take control over it !! This can obviously make for an EXTREMELY more difficult level if you sent your best unit in without Ocean's Charm, so BE CAREFUL. If the attacking unit has Ocean's Charm, all is well ;) Assuming you have Ocean's Charm, once you move to attack Unit 4, you will receive confirmation that the Bone Lord is not powerful enough to take your troops, and then Unit 5 will move to attack your lead Unit. Once you have despatched Units 1-5, I would suggest you heal yourself and then assault the Bone Lord's Tower !! In the Tower are the following Units :- 2 Phantom Warriors, 2 Imperial Assassins, Shade, Bone Lord The Bone Lord is a fighter unit, who attacks on the front line. He is REASONABLY powerful, but nothing spectacular - 400 HP, immune to mind and death, does 65 points of damage, bla bla bla ... he DOES however, use a Drain Life Overflow attack (which, for those of you who have ever had the joy of commanding an Elder Vampire will know, is an attack which drains life from your opponent and gives it to whoever in your TEAM needs it (not just the attacking unit). This is obviously quite a natty power, so I would hit him hard and fast ;) ALSO remember that the Phantom Warriors can paralyse ... so it should be quite an interesting little battle all things considered :"> Once the Bone Lord has fallen, Wraith Prusheen praises you, saying that Mortis is pleased with your progress, and that you must keep Doragon's Eye for the next level ... one of your Death Knights confirms that he will arrange for the Bone Armour to be transported back to the Capital City, which pleases Wraith Prusheen as well ... Congratulations - another level down !! =) OPPONENTS The Legions of the Damned, the Mountain Clans, Bone Lord & Erhog the Necromancer CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Eucmere 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms, 2 Archers Asgaaril Master Thug, 2 Spearmen, 2 Archers, Marksman Iilsta [3 Merman, Mermaid] Mundian 2 Spearmen, Marksman, Archer, Neutral Male (Master Thug) Iikst 3 Lizard Men, Medusa LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED CITIES Name Inhabitants Kanaran Duke (Baalhu in my Saga), Anti-Paladin, Sorcerer MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Sumeric 2 Warriors, Engineer (Goderic in my Saga), Alchemist BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Old Tower Paladin 100 Gp Ancient Monastry 2 Onyx Gargoyles, Demonologist 450 Gp, Infernal Knight Orb Rigel Ruins Master Thug, 2 Thugs, Archer 200 Gp, Potion of Strength Ancient Fort Rock Giant, Forge Guardian 200 Gp, Orb of Restoration Crumbled Farm Skeleton Warrior, 2 Wyverns 400 Gp, Tome of Arcanum Lost Temple Blue Dragon, 2 Orc Champions 800 Gp, Staff of Dragon Mastering Bone Lord's Tower 2 Phantom Warriors, Bone Lord, 2 Imperial Assassins, Shade 100 Gp Abandoned Keep Ice Giant, 2 Wolves 650 Gp, Potion of Fortune EVENTS Event Notes MERFOLK =) A merman directs you to an audience with the Chicken Tikkas. THIS WAY, MA'AM Escort Mini Chicken Tikka to her meeting, and get the Ocean's Charm. WHO'S GOT THE EYE The Shadow Wolves are looking for Doragon's Eye ... take it from them !! TAKIN' IT TO 'EM With the Ocean's Charm in tow, attack the Bone Lord's Island Fortress. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Weakness Scroll, 6 x Potion of Healing, 5 x Life Potion, 5 x Potion of Restoration, Incantare Beliarh Scroll, True Sight Scroll, Sapphire, Bronze Ring, Staff of Protection, 2 x Potion of Striking, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Orb of Freezing, Goblin Orb, Silver Ring, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Celerity, Healing Ointment, Lizard Man Orb, Death Storm Scroll, Potion of Protection, Bronze Ring, Talisman of Inferno, Ruby, Orc Orb, Seafaring Scroll, Gold Ring, Potion of Water Warding, Potion of Air Warding, Orb of Earth, Wrath of God Scroll, Treebark Potion, Summon Roc Scroll, Healing Ointment, Silver Ring, Zombie Orb, Ignis Carn Scroll, Orb of Lightning, Potion of Swiftness, Emerald, Orb of Frost, Plague Scroll, Tortio Menta Scroll, Orb of Vampire, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Hag's Ring (Artifact - in the Bone Lord's Island just south of his Tower), Royal Scepter, Bronze Ring, Sapphire. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 3 x Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Furren's Shop (Merchant) Has no items for sale, but is willing to buy ;) Fraggin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Speed x 4, Potion of Celerity x 2 Dennar's Camp (Mercenary) Master Thug (240 Gp), Thug (40 Gp) Notralar's Shop (Merchant) Imp Orb x 1, Goblin Orb x 1, Orc Orb x 1, Orc Talisman x 1 Underik's Tower (Magic Shop) Tormentio (200 Gp), Cursa Demoneus (400 Gp), Menta Potens (600 Gp) ENDING With the Bone Lord vanquished, the Bone Armour once again becomes faithful to Mortis. She selects another from her ranks to wear it, and thus strengthens her already powerful army. She orders the search for the sacred Elven Lands to continue ... [NOTE: I WOULD STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU TAKE DORAGON'S EYE WITH YOU TO THE NEXT LEVEL. I can foresee no further use for the Ocean's Charm, however ...] ============================================================================== 6) Phantom Beasts BRIEFING AND COMMENTS With Uther's Blood in her possession, the ritual to revive Gallean could begin. In order for the rite to succeed, it had to be enacted on sacred land in Elven Territory. Unfortunately the only way to reach this land was to go directly through the Mountain Clans territory ... namely, the Devil Mountains ... Stories abound of man-eating beasts and terrible things that lurk in the Devil Mountains. The Clan Elders had long since forbidden their people from venturing near the Mountains, but the soulless, fearless Undead Hordes just marched on regardless. Your objective on this level is to take Uther's Blood to the Elven Lands so that the ritual can begin. If you brought Doragon's Eye from the previous level like I had suggested, Wraith Prusheen will commend your decision ... even though he is unwilling to tell you at THIS point what can be done with it ... he reiterates that your mission on this level is to take Uther's Blood to the Elven Lands, and confirms that to help you DO this, Mortis is giving you control over the Bone Lord !! WOOHOO !! =D Finally, Wraith Prusheen confirms that the road ahead WILL BE guarded by ancient beasties ... but tells you that regardless, Mortis NEEDS you to get this Blood to the Elven Lands. SO BE IT. [NOTE: If you DIDN'T bring Doragon's Eye with you, Wraith Prusheen's conversation is exactly as above, MINUS the first bit ... however, whilst HE won't be shouting at you for not bringing Doragon's Eye with you, I will be giving you some VERY piercing looks] ;) First off ... the Bone Lord ... you are given control of a Unit including the following :- Bone Lord, Fighter, Warlock, Ghost. The Bone Lord is EXACTLY the same as the one you just fought (i.e. no weaker, no less HP, bla bla bla). The ONLY difference is that his leadership value has been reduced from 5 to 3. Your Capital City is in the south-western corner of the map, and your objective (the Elven Lands Marker) is in the south-eastern corner of the map. HOWEVER, in order to get there, you must travel due north of your Capital City to the northernmost edge of the map (Clans territory), then east (through the Legions Lands), and only THEN can you travel south to reach the marker. If you have brought Doragon's Eye from the previous level, MAKE SURE you have yous strongest unit carry it forth, as you will need it on this level ... If you take the City of Henzador, then a Mountaineer gloats over you, telling you that you will never reach the Elven Lands, as the passage that leads to it is HEAVILY protected ... ... this is level 6 of 7 ... we KNEW it wouldn't be cake-walk little one (pats him on the head and knifes him in the back) ... sighs and moves on ... If you venture to the north-east of Nvidal's Tower, a Nosferat tells you of a town occupied by Barbarian Forces ahead, and urges caution when "dealing" with it ;) He is referring to Instar - a Barbarian Stronghold just up ahead. Once Instar has fallen, you are treated to a sob-story by one of the Peasants there. He tells you that his kiddies were eaten alive by beasts in the mountains (which IS sad, no questions asked), and that he and his wife have had to live off jellybeans ever since, because they cannot afford the money for the trek to civilisation ... (ok so I made that up, but dammit !!) Your Death Knight, in his a-typical sympathetic tone, says that Mortis will succeed in her quest to revive Gallean, and that no mere "beasts" can stop them ... If you follow the river upstream from your Capital, then just as you are drawing level with both the Crumbled Manoir and the Keletha Ruins, a Dwarven Loremaster named Dagaric calls out for you to stop ... The conversation goes a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'l bit like dis :- Dagaric : "Halt !" (Dagaric's Unit moves to intercept you) Dagaric : "I have been sent to slay you by da Big Boss Lady. Pweepare to DIE !!" Death Knight : (assumes the position and motions for the music to start playing) (slip my Mortal Kombat Soundtrack into the CD-player) Dagaric : "I will pluck out your eyebrow hairs one by one and weave a fine mesh of armour from them" (LET'S GET IT ON !!) Dagaric travels with 2 Ice Giants ... but you should be able to take him ;) Dagaric is an 8th level Loremaster ;) In Penuric your Nosferat will discover a parchment detailing Queen Yataa'Halli's orders to her Mountain Clan Troops ... it appears they are on a specific mission to disrupt your intended course of action ... ... good job they're so small !! (OMIGOD I can't believe I just said that) ANYHOW ... the Parchment speaks of a proposed alliance between the Dwarven Mountain Clans and the Barbarian Peoples ... the Nosferat urges haste to reach your goal. If you head all the way across the northern edge of the map to the north-easternmost corner and then head due south you will find the city of Ssemmar, in which is hidden a book worthy of note - your Lich Queen will comment on it, saying that it speaks of an ancient half-human, half-dragon being named ?? You guessed it ... Doragon. Doragon ruled the Dragon Race for a thousand years before he was slain. Since his death, the Dragons have caused much pain and suffering to the other races, and warred with each other over the thorny subject of finding a replacement ruler for their kind. Have you guessed what Doragon's Eye does yet ? Let me give you three guesses :- 1) It makes GREAT souffl‚ 2) It controls Dragons 3) It's a funky-@ss bowling ball !! Let's HOPE it's 2 ... 'coz if you come out of the City of Ssemmar and go north, then west and then south, you will encounter a SH!TLOAD of dragons ... and I do mean, Dragons :"> The following units are milling about in the area to the south of your present location :- 1) Green Dragon 2) Blue Dragon 3) Black Dragon 4) White Dragon 5) Blue Dragon 6) Red Dragon As you are approaching the Valley of the Dragons, Unit 2 comes screaming out to attack you. You can attack Unit 1 as per normal, but as you are milling back around to attack Unit 3, you are advised that you should put Doragon's Eye on the Dragon Statue to make it work ... The camera pans back to your Capital where a spell is cast, and then to the Dragons again, and ... WOOHOO !! ... Units 3, 4 and 5 switch their allegiance to your cause !! This is GREAT news ... even though Wraith Prusheen warns you that you will not have control over them forever (and he's right) ... I would suggest that you throw them into battle with each other, and try to weaken them as much as possible so that when they revert to computer control, you can polish them off and earn XP the EASY way ;) As you take the City of Xundell, the Oracle Elf that resided there cries out that they will not let you take Uther's Blood through their lands, and that you WILL be STOPPED !! (Nice words from somebody who's entire City has just been razed by the might of our armies.) [NOTE: You CAN actually attack the Dragons whilst they are still under your banner, but a few turns before they revert to computer control] ;) After your little Dragon Soir‚e is over, you may proceed south. As you move through the Valley your path is blocked by an Elf who proudly declares that their Queen Taladrielle will not allow you to accomplish your goal ... dispose of his unit and move on. Just to the south of Lisallat's shop you will be advised that the Mountain Clans are attacking over the mountains ... and a section of the mountain range to your west will disappear. You may now attack the Mountain Clans (should you wish). Failing that, you could always make a mad rush for the finish line, BUT you should be aware that, guarding the entrance to the Elven Lands PROPER are the following units :- 1) Green Dragon, 2 Centaurs, Elf Lord, Oracle Elf 2) 2 Centaurs, 2 Elf Rangers, Centaur Lancer 3) 3 Centaur Lancers, 2 Elf Rangers Once these units are despatched, your route to the Elven Lands Marker is clear !! OPPONENTS The Mountain Clans, The Legions of the Damned, The Barbarian Peoples CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Henzador 2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain, 2 Axe Throwers Instar Barbarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain, Polar Bear Xundell [2 Green Dragons, Oracle Elf] Ssemmar [2 Spearmen, Imperial Assassin] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Penurik Warrior, Engineer (Charulf in my Saga) [2 Rock Giants] Grumsch [2 Barbarian Warriors] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Ruined Church 3 Archers, Thug 200 Gp, Strength Scroll Ancient Temple 3 Goblins 35 Gp, Bronze Ring Crumbled Manoir 2 Polar Bears, Veteran 600 Gp, Venerable Warrior Talisman Keletha Ruins Devil, Fiend, 2 Imps 400 Gp, Boots of Travelling Abandoned Keep Abyssal Devil, 2 Imps, Demonologist 400 Gp, Iron Skin Potion Kassel White Dragon, Green Dragon, Elf Lord 800 Gp, Ring of the Ages Ruined Farm Elder One, Rune Master, Warrior, Druidess 100 Gp EVENTS Event Notes Dagaric The Mountain Clans Loremaster Dagaric thinks he can take you out !! HAHA !! Doragon's Eye You learn what Doragon's Eye can do, and take control over the Dragons =D Ambush The Mountain Clans attack from over the Mountains behind you. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Life Potion, Potion of Swiftness, Orb of Nosferat, Chain Lightning Scroll, 3 x Potion of Healing, 2 x Potion of Vigor, 2 x Emerald, Blizzard Scroll, Summon Roc Scroll, Stone Rain Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Orb of Water, Orb of Icefall, Skeleton Champion Orb, Ignis Carn Scroll, Potion of Protection, Orb of Healing, Potion of Accuracy, Orc Orb, Treebark Potion, Potion of Strength, Vithar's Might Scroll, Talisman of Bane, Orb of Vigor, Summon II: Valkyrie Scroll, 2 x Silver Ring, 2 x Bronze Ring, Potion of Speed, Orb of Life, Lightning Scroll, Ignis Mare Scroll, Potion of Water Warding, Air Ward Scroll, Talisman of Stone Rain, Potion of Might, Healing Ointment, Orb of Lycanthropy, Curse of Nygrael Scroll, Ancient Relic, Diamond, 2 x Gold Ring, 2 x Ruby, Royal Scepter, Imperial Crown, Etched Circlet (Artifact - being guarded by the Red Dragon near Xundell), Orb of Regeneration, Potion of Striking. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 7 x Potion of Restoration, Treebark Potion, 2 x Potion of Speed, Potion of Accuracy, 6 x Life Potion, Infernal Knight Orb, Incubus Orb, Healing Ointment, Potion of Celerity. SHOPS Name Sells Nvidal's Tower (Magic Shop) Water Ward (200 Gp), Earth Ward (400 Gp), Holy Strength (600 Gp) Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Vigor x 3 Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Has no items for sale, but will buy them ;) Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3 Lisallat's Shop (Merchant) Vampire Talisman x 1, Lich Talisman x 1, Skeleton Champion Talisman x 1, Zombie Talisman x 1 ENDING The Hordes finally manage to set foot on Elven Lands ... the forest are lush and the lands verdant ... obviously they have never been forced to endure the ravages of war ... until NOW ! The Elves are, however, aware that you are coming ... =./ ============================================================================== 7) Taladrielle the Sorceress BRIEFING AND COMMENTS The entire Elven army awaited the Undead Hordes upon their arrival to the Elven Lands. Queen Taladrielle had been forewarned of the arrival of the Hordes by her High Elf Prophets, and the Elves were resolute that nothing would enter the Sacred Burial Grounds without a fight. Although not renowned for their ability to wage war, the Elves are revered for their high levels of agility and skill in the Magic Arts. This will surely be a battle worth remembering. Your objective on this final level is to slay Taladrielle the Sorceress, and to protect Uther's Blood. The level begins with Wraith Prusheen praising you for your efforts, and telling you that Mortis is pleased with you. A Death Knight asks Prusheen what Mortis' latest instructions are ... Prusheen responds by saying that Mortis commands you to reach the Elven Sacred Burial Grounds and there enact the ritual to revive Gallean. In order to secure these lands, Taladrielle the Elven Sorceress must be slain. At the start of the level the Bone Lord pops out of your Capital and OPENLY questions Mortis' orders ... he says that you should be waging out and out war and slaying the Elves. He is pulled back into line by Wraith Prusheen, who tells him that he is to obey Mortis, and her orders are NOT to be questioned. He begrudgingly accepts this. The Bone Lord starts this level with a Ghost, Warlock and Initiate as his followers. [IMPORTANT NOTE : I have been reminded by DMPatrickF that, if you play this level up until about turn 35, the Bone Lord actually betrays Mortis and runs to the "neutral" undead units near the center of the map and converts them to follow him. This being the case I would strongly recomment that you just use him as cannon fodder really ;) It's easier to deal with him whilst he's on YOUR side, non ??] Your Capital City is in the north-eastern section of the map (not in the corner - just east of the center of the map), and Queen Taladrielle is in the south-westernmost corner of the map. Your objective, as has been stated above, is to SLAY Queen Taladrielle AND to protect Uther's Blood. I would therefore leave the blood in the Capital City - there's no safer place for it ! Ashgan won't die ;) Also ... bear in mind ? THIS LEVEL IS ABSOLUTELY HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE !! =O So ... off we go ... If you take the City of Hagken, a Lich confirms that some of the relics of Gallean are located inside ... the Lich maintains that Gallean cannot be far ... If you venture just south of the Rigel Ruins, a Nosferat shouts that there are Elves just ahead of you, and that their presence signifies that you are nearing your goal. If you take the City of Lennora, an Elven Lord comes out to tell you that Queen Taladrielle will put an end to your evil plans (altogether ? OH NO SHE BL**DY WELL WON'T !!) ="> An Archlich responds by saying that the Elves should be HELPING us to resurrect Gallean, and puts forth that Gallean was an Elven God in times gone by. The Elf Lord is shocked, exclaiming "How do you know about our God Gallean ?" The Archlich responds by saying that Mortis has sent you on a quest to revive Gallean's flesh ... for after his battle with Wotan he was slain, and now his revival is the will of Mortis ... The Elf stands by his original statement, saying that even WITHOUT the help of their Gods, Queen Taladrielle will be your downfall. (He may well be right - Taladrielle is VERY VERY VERY powerful.) If you take the Dwarven City of Lumeric, an Alchemist screams that this is the beginning of the Ragnarok, and Doom for their race is near (nearer than you THINK little one !!) Your Lich Queen confirms that Gallean's rebirth is at hand, and with it, Mortis will rule ALL. If you take the Empire's City of Begguni, one of your Warlocks confirms that the well of the City contains Elven Water, and advocates caution, as he believes they are TOTALLY expecting you ... If you sack the City of Sollonia, an OH-so-virtuous Oracle Elf appears to tell you that you had better pray that your evil forces never encounter Solonielle - the Elven Goddess of Life and Light ! The Lich Queen is only TOO happy to set her straight, telling her that, perhaps she hasn't heard, but Solonielle is DEAD - she BECAME Mortis, the Goddess of the Death, and does she REALLY believe that the Undead's own Goddess will try to stop them ??!!?? HMMMM !!!!?????!!!! The Oracle Elf has no retort to that, and the Lich Queen presses her further, saying that she KNOWS the score, and has obviously neither seen nor heard from her Goddess in a looooong time. The Oracle Elf responds by saying that if what the Lich Queen says is true, the the Elves MUST destroy the Undead, for Solonielle would never have permitted such a thing to transpire. .............. don't you just HATE these do-gooders ????? A little while on a Venerable Warrior pops up to tell you that, by Wotan's Beard, he and his people will destroy you. His words are sadly echoed by a Paladin who confirms that the Empire will stand by the Mountain Clans to help rid Nevendaar of our kind. I shoulda stood up and clapped when the Death Knight responded, simply by saying that they have both proven MANY times that they are cowards. WOOHOO !! =D (had the desired effect too, 'coz) The Paladin responds by saying that his blade craves WHATEVER it is that flows through our veins, and that he will fight us ANYTIME. What a KNOB. The Death Knight is on form, saying that Mortis NEEDS no allies to achieve her goals, and that only FEEBLE races like the Empire and the Clans need to ally with each other and hide behind their paTHETIC treaties. If you take control of the City of Timoric a Rock Giant calls for his troops to flee, and that the Ragnarok is nigh ... an Initiate turns to Wraith Prusheen to ask him what this "Ragnarok" they speak of is, to which Prusheen responds by saying that the Mountain Clans are a superstitious race, and they believe that the end of time will come soon ... he confirms that Mortis has used this fear against them masterfully. There is a Spider's Nest to the north of the City of Effrezem, which I would suggest you clear out as it is a good source of XP - the following Spiders are in the nest :- 1) Giant Black Spider, 2 Goblin Archers 2) Giant Spider, Giant Black Spider, Goblin Archer 3) 2 Giant Black Spiders 4) Giant Black Spider, 2 Goblin Archers If you sack the City of Regunil, an Acolyte PLEADS with you not to proceed with your quest, to which a Death Knight just brushes her out of the way, and on you go =) As you approach Ebhon's Shop, your Nosferat pops up to tell you that he has spotted an Elven Outpost, and that is SURE to signify that you are nearing an Elven City (he's right, of course ...) Just to the south-west of Ebhon's Shop (across the waters) Wraith Prusheen tells you that before you lie the Elven Lands, and that Taladrielle, the Elven Queen and Sorceress, MUST be slain. Let slip the dogs of war !! =D In order to get to the Gates of the Elven City you will have to destroy the following Units :- 1) 3 Forest Elves, 3 Elf Rangers 2) 3 Wolves 3) 2 Wolves 4) Centaur Lancer, Forest Elf, 3 Centaurs After you have defeated this last unit, Taladrielle herself makes her introduction. When challenged by one of your Arch-Lichs' as to HOW she plans on defeating you, when you have the support of a God and they have NOTHING, she responds by saying that she needs to God to destroy the likes of you - her magic will prove more than sufficient ... The conversation is then interrupted by an Elf Lord, who decides HE is going to try and take you out, and then charges into combat with you ... ... fat chance ... bomb this FREAK BISCUIT back to the Stone Age =) His unit comprises :- Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Elf Ranger, 3 Forest Elves Moving on - STILL guarding the Gate we have :- 5) Forest Elf, Skylord 6) Centaur Lancer, Skylord, Centaur So ... after you've destroyed all 7 of THOSE units, you can advance through the outermost wall of the Elven City ... there is still an inner wall that must be breached, however ... ... the troops in THIS area are as follows (you don't have to kill ALL of these if you are really REALLY quick !!) :- 7) Forest Elf, Centaur Lancer, Elf Ranger, Griffin 8) Forest Elf, Elf Ranger, 2 Griffins 9) 2 Forest Elves, Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Griffin 10) Forest Elf, Griffin, Centaur The following units are guarding the gate leading to the inner section of the Elven City :- 11) Centaur Lancer, 2 Skylords 12) Centaur Lancer, 2 Skylords As you approach the inner sanctum, Queen Taladrielle rips into your first unit with a Wrath of God spell, followed by which that Paladin from earlier pops up again to chivvy her on, and offer the assistance of the Empire (to which Taladrielle and 1 of her 2 aid units switch their allegiance and become units of the Empire) in the destruction of the Hordes. Queen Taladrielle then calls forth three units of DRAGONS to assist her in destroying you as well !! This is looking REALLY bad dude =( SO ! You now have the following units to dispose of (all in the innermost sanctum of the Elven City) :- 13) Green Dragon, Oracle Elf, Centaur 14) Green Dragon, 2 Centaurs 15) Blue Dragon, 2 Centaurs, Oracle Elf 16) Centaur Lancer, 2 Centaurs 17) 2 Wolves 18) 3 Centaur Lancers, 3 Centaurs 19) 2 Forest Elves, Elf Lord, Griffin 20) Forest Elf, Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Sky Lord 21) Forest Elf, Centaur Lancer, Elf Lord, Skylord AND FINALLY ... INTRODUCING THE ORIGINAL BIATCH HERSELF ... 22) Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Taladrielle the Sorceress, Blue Dragon 2 pieces of advice :- 1) DO NOT GET HEMMED INTO THE ELVEN CITY OR YOU WILL DIE 2) DO NOT GET HEMMED INTO THE ELVEN CITY OR YOU WILL DIE It's very simple really ... use the map to your advantage ... Queen Taladrielle has some SERIOUS range with her 2-headed dragon, so make SURE that she cannot pin you in or you will die like THAT (snaps fingers). Once you have either lured her out into the open or defeated the other units in the Elven Inner Sanctum, BOMBARD that BIATCH with spells to weaken and HOPEFULLY destroy the units she is travelling with, and then go in for the kill. This is one instance where I would SERIOUSLY suggest that you study your prey before you move in for the kill or you'll be VERY unpleasantly surprised ... Here are her stats :- HP = Hit Points AR = Armour Rating IMM = Immunities WARD = Warded Against ATT = Attacks (methods of attacking % HIT = Percentage Chance to Hit DAM = Damage inflicted SRC = Source of the Attack(s) INIT = Initiative REA = Reach TAR = Targets HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR TALADRIELLE THE SORCERESS 800 30+20 Mind - Dragon Breath 95 125 Life 60 Any 6 So as you can see, with her high Armour Rating and immunity to Mind Spells, she is QUITE ze tough cookie ... wear her down with spells and then commence the final assault ... once she has fallen, your Saga is Completed !! =) CONGRATULATIONS, HORDES !! =D OPPONENTS The Empire, The Legions of the Damned, The Mountain Clans, the Elves. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Hagken [2 Orcs, Goblin Archer] Lennora Centaur, Centaur Lancer, Elf Ranger Silveria Sollonia [2 Forest Elves, Skylord, Elf Lord] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Begguni [Defender of Faith, Imperial Priest, Knight, Grand Inquisitor, White Wizard] Regunil [Paladin, Witch Hunter, Cleric] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Timoric [2 Flame Casters, Forge Guardian, Venerable Warrior] Lemuric [2 Warriors, Veteran, Alchemist, Forge Guardian] LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED CITIES Name Inhabitants Pollzien [Marble Gargoyle, Doppleganger, Sorcerer] Effrezem [2 Berzerkers, Demon, Hag] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Rigel Ruin 3 Goblins, Goblin Archer 200 Gp, Emerald Tanheras Keep 2 Yetis, Novice 300 Gp, Talisman of Vigor Lair Rune Master, Warrior, Hermit, 2 Crossbowmen, Druidess 500 Gp, Tome of Air Ancient Fort 2 Marksmen, 2 Master Thugs, Thug 600 Gp, Gold Ring Abandoned Temple Wyvern, 2 Skeleton Warriors 500 Gp, Zombie Orb Antique Temple Ice Giant, Yeti, Dwarf, Alchemist 600 Gp, Ancestor's Call Scroll (the Antique Temple above is north-west of Timoric) Antique Temple 2 Master Thugs, 3 Thugs 200 Gp, Death Storm Scroll (the Antique Temple above is north-west of Gunner's Tower) Lost Mastaba Beast, 2 Imps, 2 Cultists 1,000 Gp Destroyed Halls 2 Blue Dragons, Elf Lord, Centaur 1,000 Gp, Banner of War EVENTS Event Notes TO WAR !! Find Taladrielle and Kill Her !! =D ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 5 x Potion of Protection, 2 x Seafaring Scroll, Talisman of Restoration, 3 x Emerald, 2 x Potion of Strength, Ice Shield Scroll, Lightning Scroll, Orc Orb, Orb of Life, Orb of Earth, Water Ward Scroll, Sanctuera Scroll, 2 x Potion of Air Warding, Orb of Vigor, Diamond, 3 x Silver Ring, Orb of Stone Rain, Summon I: Roc Scroll, Menta Minoris Scroll, Venerable Warrior Orb, Talisman of Regeneration, Orb of Healing, Death Storm Scroll, Orb of Icefall, Potion of Speed, Talisman of Fire, 2 x Healing Ointment, Incantare Beliarh Scroll, Runestone (Artifact - just south of the City of Begguni), Potion of Fire Warding, 5 x Potion of Restoration, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Orb of Restoration, Talisman of Nosferat, 2 x Bronze Ring, 3 x Potion of Healing, 2 x Potion of Striking, Ice Storm Scroll, 3 x Life Potion, Cursa Demoneus Scroll, Chronos Scroll, Orb of Fire, Imp Orb, 2 x Treebark Potion, Potion of Accuracy, Ruby, Potion of Water Warding, Blizzard Scroll, Orb of Icefall, Imp Talisman, Tempest Scroll, Ancient Relic, Potion of Fortune (in the Spiders' Nest to the north of Effrezem), Wotan's Blessing Scroll, Strength Scroll, Highfather's Blessing Scroll, Sinestra Ignis Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 16 x Potion of Restoration, 5 x Healing Ointment, 20 x Life Potion, Potion of Healing, 3 x Treebark Potion, Elven Boots, Angel Talisman, Talisman of Regeneration, 2 x Horn of Awareness (Artifact), Banner of Celerity, Infernal Knight Talisman, Incubus Talisman, Thanatos Blade (Artifact), Water Ward Scroll, Potion of Accuracy, Sapphire, Banner of Fortitude, Tiara of Purity (Artifact), Elf Lord Talisman, Boots of the Elements. SHOPS Name Sells Underik's Tower (Magic Shop) Holy Armour (600 Gp), Call to Arms (800 Gp), Summon II: Golem (800 Gp) Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Might x 1, Healing Ointment x 1 Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Healing Ointment x 5, Treebark Potion x 4 Gunner's Tower (Magic Shop) Lightning (200 Gp), Chain Lightning (900 Gp), Holy Strength (600 Gp) Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4 Werric's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb of Regeneration x 1, Orb of Life x 1 Ejella's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5 Malavien's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Chieftain (1,800 Gp), Barbarian Warrior (850 Gp) Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Blizzard Scroll x 2, Ice Pillar Scroll x 2, Tempest Scroll x 2, Vengeance of Ymir Scroll x 1, Potion of Restoration x 1 ENDING With Taladrielle dead, the Elves could offer no further resistance to the Hordes who promptly set about reviving Gallean. The sun rose that night, and from it Gallean was reborn. But when he saw the death, destruction and mayhem that Mortis had caused in her quest to revive him, he disappeared, refusing to accept that this was his once beautiful bride ... In unspeakable rage and sorrow at having been spurned by her long lost love after all she had done for him, Mortis' rage grew beyond measure. She could not see what she had done to bring him back. She could not see what SHE had become. ============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks and credit go to DMPatrickF for his insight into Taladrielle the Sorceress level ... Credit and thanks go to Lupenzo for his encouragement and insight into several points of the Undead Hordes saga missions ... and thanks also to everybody at gamefaqs.com who has posted on the messageboards and encouraged me to keep going !! =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION NINE Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- === ======== ======== === ======== ======== ======== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ====== Ý ===== Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======== ======== ======== === ======== === === ======== (Dedicated to Peter, mon ƒme) THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED SAGA WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== Ý This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) Ý Ý I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, Ý Ý please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it Ý Ý off as your own. Thanks ! Ý ============================================================================== THE SEVEN MISSIONS OF THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED SAGA :- 1) The Broken Seal 2) Bethrezen's Retreat 3) The Dark Alliance 4) The Salty Dungeon 5) Darkness and Light 6) The Ambush 7) The Prince of Hell ============================================================================== BRIEF NOTES BEFORE WE GET STARTED This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :- In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in [squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be Ashkael, who would be shown as [Ashkael] as he is IN the city and, in his case, cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city (as in, healing there, etc.) Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right. Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a challenging task, as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up - basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you play as the Legions of the Damned in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both light-hearted, and informative. Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their cities). Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading this !! ============================================================================== 1) The Broken Seal BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Ten years ago Bethrezen, God of the Legions of the Damned, was imprisoned by the Mountain Clans. Without his leadership, the Legions were scattered to the winds, fleeing the reprisals of the other races, and going into hiding as quickly as they could. There they awaited a time when the power of the runic seal would weaken to such a degree that Bethrezen might be freed. ... but ten years later, the Mountain Clans sent High King Morok Cloudkeeper's Son, Gymner, on a mission to enact the sacred rites which would lock Bethrezen's Infernal Gate for not just another ten years, but what could indeed prove to be a HUNDRED years ... ... but of course, if Gymner were to die BEFORE enacting these rites, the Legions might once again be able to unite themselves with their God ... The first mission and it's a VERY very important one for the Legions - Gymner Cloudkeeper MUST be killed before he is able to enact the rites to strengthen the runic seal on Bethrezen's Infernal Gate. At the start of the level a Dwarven Messenger stumbles upon your Capital City, and threatens you before legging it to tell the Clans of your location. A Cultist wisely suggests that he be slain before he is able to alert the Clans and call for reinforcements. The action then switches to you Boss :) Basically the Cultist is right ... even thought this is your first level and you are just starting out, I would STRONGLY suggest that you assassinate the Dwarven Messenger before he is able to call for reinforcements, otherwise you're just making a rod for your own back ... Although the Dwarven Messenger has legged it out of your field of vision, he is JUST beyond it to the south of your Capital ... and no ... he isn't alone ... he is travelling with two Axe-Throwers ... but you should still be able to take him with even a fledgling army without too many problems, ESPECIALLY when you take into account the REALLY poor initiative ratings which the Mountain Clans' units seem cursed with ;) Once the messenger is slain, one of your Counselors confirms his death, and reminds you that in order for Bethrezen to be freed, the High King's son MUST be slain before he reaches the Infernal Gate ... SO ! No time for smelling the roses ... ONWARD !! =D For your information, the map on this level is not only small, but vaguely symmetrical, and you can use this to your advantage. BASICALLY the map looks like this :- ================================== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý M Ý I Ý L Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ================================== M = Mountain Clans Capital City I = Infernal Gate L = Legions of the Damned Capital City Gymner Cloudkeeper starts out at the Mountain Clans Capital City and, unless you're REALLY really slow, you can effectively pin him in there, as he won't start his march towards the Infernal Gate unless you a) disturb him, or b) leave it for a REALLY long time before mounting your attack upon him and his troops. So ... having now slain the Dwarven Messenger I would suggest that you mop up the troops surrounding your Capital City, to both increase the experience of your units, and fortify them before moving on to tackle the tougher foes on this level ... Once you take the City of Dunera, one of your Cultists eggs you on, telling you that you MUST hurry to ensure that Bethrezen is freed ... I KNOW THAT LITTLE MAN ! GET OUT OF MY WAY !! (sigh) If you move southwards from the City of Dunera, one of your Cultists warns you of the presence of (gulp) GOBLINS. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew I'm really quaking !! Stop it !!! Even with the Legions in its presently weakened state, Goblins should pose NO problem (thumps his fist on the table in defiance). ONWARD DAMMIT !! If you continue south (as I have, 'coz I will NOT be stopped), a Dwarf zips across from the waters to the west and blocks your path ... he tells you that you "evil creatures" (bless) are not allowed beyond this point, and that you must leave or perish. ... guess we'd better go home then eh ! SOD OFF YOU LITTLE PUNK !!!!!! Kick his butt ... his unit comprises a Dwarf, a Novice and an Axe Thrower. Make sure that you concentrate your attacks (insofar as your are able) on the unit that the Novice empowers, as he will do +50% Damage ;) If (looking at my map (above)) you work your way around the mountain range that blocks your path to the Infernal Gate, you will encounter some Dwarves guarding the Neutral City of Oghock ... once you have slain the first of these units (as you will need to do to get past them), one of your Counselors will tell you that these were mere guards, and that he is sure that the Gate cannot be far from your present location ... (he's right - it's just north !!) [IMPORTANT NOTE: I would strongly suggest securing the gate BEFORE attacking Gymner - that way, if your opening units are not strong enough to fell him, you can have reinforcements waiting for him nearer the gate] ;) [IMPORTANT NOTE: Taking the City of Oghock does NOT automatically mean that you are able to police the corridor leading to the Infernal Gate since, as you will see from my diagram of the level (above), there corridor leading to the Infernal Gate actually splits down the middle as a result of a small mountain range which allows TWO ways to get to the Infernal Gate through the middle passageway ... this basically means that you should focus on using the City of Oghock as a barracks for the creation of units that you CAN use to better police the passageway leading to the Infernal Gate] If you approach the *other* set of Dwarves outside the city of Oghock (the ones to the west), you will overhear a conversation between Guards Thurin and another Dwarf, which goes something like this :- THURIN : "Why's Gymner being sent THIS way ? We could be badger-baiting in Gunthera !!" DWARF : "Och, I denne kenn - he's supposed to be having a concert here I think ... let's hope ticket sales are better than his recent tour of the Underworld ..." THURIN : "Well I guess we'll see - gimme the ale - I'm gonna get plastered." (ahem) One of your Cultists shrewdly observes that they must be guarding the passage which leads to the Gate ! AS I believe I may have just mentioned Mr Cultist, you're right - this IS the way to the gate ... (shakes fist at computer screen). A little while on, one of your Counselors points out that the sluggish Dwarves still don't seem to be aware of your presence on these lands, and that this SHOULD prove to be a powerful advantage to you ... OF COURSE IT WILL !!!!! What the HELL do I pay you people for ??? It's CERTAINLY not to give me advice like THAT !! =O If you approach the Hill Giant to the north-west of Oghock, he will speak to you ... he says :- "Wotan will not tolerate this blasphemy! Prepare yourselves to join your accursed god in oblivion ..." RIGHT !! It's a fight !!!!! ..................... wait just a cotton-pickin' minute ... that CHEEKY little bugger !! He casts a Blizzard spell on you just for good measure !!! (As if his words were not painful enough !! Hee hee - we'll show HIM pain !!) Time to whip out the big guns ... (I would zap his @ss with a spell or two just to show him who's boss and then go in all guns blazing). Once he has fallen and the remainder of the troops surrounding the Infernal Gate (several of which are Mountain Clans units - advanced scouts perhaps ?) have been pacified, you may spend a little while concentrating on fortifying this area before you stage your final attack on Gymner Cloudkeeper and his entourage. After you have made your assault on the Dwarven City of Inthuric, a Dwarf tells you that Gymner is the son of the High King of the Mountain Clans, Morok Cloudkeeper ... and that any harm that befalls Gymner will be vested back upon you BIG TIME. OK pause it. Ever done algebra ? a + b = c ? Let's look at this logically. I foresee two ways to proceed at this juncture :- 1) Free Gymner + Let him get to the Infernal Gate = CERTAIN DEATH for the Legions. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ Tempting ! - or - 2) Kill ALL the Dwarves + Rip Gymner's Head off = VICTORY !! Ooh ! TOUGH CHOICE ... hang on whilst I phone a friend ... BYE BYE LITTLE DWARFIE-POOS =) Taking the City of Inthuric and turning it into an Outpost of Hell is a GREAT idea ... Gymner shouldn't have even BEGUN his march to the Infernal Gate yet, and you can use this City to create even MORE troops to halt his progress ... YIPPEEE !! =D Right. Now that we've taken practically every resource and city on the map ? It's time to kill Gymner. Gymner SHOULD still be just outside the Mountain Clans' Capital City, and is not surprisingly VERY well protected ... you will find the following units outside the Clans Capital :- 1) Axe Thrower, Crossbowman, 2 Dwarves 2) Rock Giant, Axe Thrower, Gymner Cloudkeeper 3) Hill Giant 4) Hill Giant 5) Axe Thrower, 2 Dwarves, King's Guard ("Calderic" in my Saga) Gymner is a level 3 Loremaster and should not be underestimated. Once he has fallen a conversation ensues ... one of your Duke's tells you of the demise of Gymner - Gymner then dies, vowing that his father will avenge his death, and the action then switches to the Infernal Gate, where a Demonologist eagerly awaits the rebirth of Bethrezen ... (AND here he is ... your GOD ... B .........................................) ... what the ............................ this is just a child !!!!! I WANT MY MONEY BACK !! OPPONENTS Mountain Clans CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Dunera 2 Peasants, Thug Oghock [2 Goblins, Orc] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Inthuric [Dwarf, Axe Thrower] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Lair 3 Goblin Archers 100 Gp, Bronze Ring Abandoned Keep Wyvern, Goblin, Goblin Archer 200 Gp, Tome of Arcanum Old Temple Hill Giant 250 Gp, Celerity Scroll Ruined Keep Fiend, 2 Possessed 150 Gp, Orb of Fire EVENTS Event Notes Gymner is here ! The Loremaster Gymner Cloudkeeper is going to seal the Infernal Gate ! LOOT AND PILLAGE Take the map and prepare for the advance of Gymner Cloudkeeper. SLAY GYMNER !!! Kill Gymner to prevent his enacting the rites to close the Gate. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Potion of Protection, Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Healing, Pestilence Scroll, Gold Ring, Imp Orb, Potion of Striking, Potion of Swiftness, Silver Ring, Summon I: Roc Scroll, Unholy Chalice (Artifact). ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 3 x Life Potion, Talisman of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10 Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Pestilence (200 Gp), Weakness (200 Gp) ENDING With Gymner slaughtered, the Legions awaited the emergence of their evil God from the confines of his dark prison ... but instead, a child of just over 12 steps from the shadows, claiming to be Bethrezen. B-U-M-M-E-R !! ============================================================================== 2) Bethrezen's Retreat BRIEFING AND COMMENTS The being that emerged from the Infernal Gate was NOT Bethrezen (DUH !), but rather the lost heir of the Empire - the child Uther. Ten years ago, Bethrezen had chosen this boy as the receptacle for his soul, and when Uther stepped from the shadows as the new ruler of the Legions of the Damned, trees bled and the soil rotted under his feet. There could be no doubt amongst the Legions that this child was the reincarnated Bethrezen. Whilst nobody could fathom WHY Bethrezen would have chosen a mere BOY to house his almighty spirit, this was NOT the time for such questions ... the Undead Hordes were drawing close, and seemed to take more than a passing interest in the events unfolding before them ... Bethrezen would have to be escorted to a safe location IMMEDIATELY, as he was still too weak to risk a full confrontation with the Hordes or any other race for that matter ! At the beginning of the level, Bethrezen pops up to tell you that he is still a bit tired from his ordeal, and must withdraw, but that the next time you meet the Hordes, you will wipe them out ... A Sorcerer responds by concurring with him, and advising him that the mainstay of your forces lie to the north, and that you will assure his safe passage there ... ....................... ME !??!??!?!?!??!?!?! I can barely find my way HOME after work !! Oh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalright ... gimme a map ... Undead forces then quickly surround Bethrezen (which is just peachy - I wanna see what this boy can do !!), stating that he cannot escape and that Mortis has ordered he be slain ... Bethrezen responds by casting two Ignis Potens spells upon the closest troops (one to the north and the other to the south), and then control switches to you !! Your objective on this level is to get Bethrezen to the safety point to the north and just a little bit to the west of his present location. UNFORTUNATELY a mountain range prevents you from just going in a straight line there - you will have to escort him south, then west, then north and finally east to get to the safety point ... this is NOT going to be easy ... I would STRONGLY advocate patience on this level, as if you just leg it with Bethrezen he WILL die and you will lose the level ... First thing is first. Bethrezen is SURROUNDED by Undead Forces. For your information, Bethrezen's unit comprises Bethrezen, a Devil and a Berzerker, and the units immediately around him are as follows (I have taken into account the fact that he will have already cast a spell on each unit before I comment on them) :- 1) Gangren (a Nosferat), 2 Zombies, Dead Initiate 2) 2 Zombies 3) Zombie, 2 Dead Ghosts 4) Gozlen'ha (a Death Knight), 2 Fighters, Dead Initiate 5) Zombie, Dead Initiate 6) 2 Zombies Units 1-5 will have been weakened by the spells - Unit 6 (the 2 Zombies) is at full strength. Take Bethrezen one way or the other ... do NOT send him around mopping up troops for TWO very good reasons :- 1) He'll die, 'coz he's not strong enough. 2) It's better to allow your chosen units (i.e. your strongest leader) to grab all the XP ;) Since you will have to go south to get to the END of this level, I would send Bethrezen south right from the outset. To my mind it doesn't really matter too much whether you attack the Undead on the way through or not - they WILL all catch up with you, and if you do attack them then you are only really going to slow yourself down. It's up to you really !! ;) If you move Bethrezen around too much, one of your Cultists will chastise you, saying that it would be wise to ensure Bethrezen's safety before exploring the lands ... IGNORE HIM ... YOU are the boss - YOU know best ... in fact ? HIT HIM for being so stupid ;) There ... now we can proceed ... :"> I believe your aim should be to get Bethrezen safely entrenched within the City of Oghock. It is central, which means it can easily be assailed strategically, but the AI on this level coupled with the fact that only the Undead are actively looking for Bethrezen SHOULD mean that once he is in there, you can clear a safe path for him with your other troops and thereby GREATLY improve your chances of beating this level ;) Once you have managed to get Bethrezen safely tucked away inside Oghock you should make sure he is well protected and JUST LEAVE HIM THERE until much later on in the level. By all means build the city up to level 5 and stock it fully with troops - he will be fine ;) Turning now to your Capital City, you REALLY need to take the City of Tsullen'hish in order to avoid having your precious resources STOLEN by the perfidious (the narrator uses that word - I have NO idea what it means ... hang on a tick ...) (runs a search on yourdictionary.com) Perfidious = of, relating to, or marked by perfidy (GEE THANKS !!) ... oh ... treacherous. QUITE why they couldn't just say treacherous is beyond me !!! ANYWAY ... :) ... stolen by the TREACHEROUS Undead Hordes ;). You will find the City of Tsullen'hish to the north-east of your Capital City. Send some units across the waters to the east and then north once they reach the edge of the map, and you will find the City of Tsullen'hish ... it's quite well guarded, but I would suggest taking it as quickly as possible to avoid the Undead sending Hordes (pardon the pun) of their Hordes through the gap and right up to your Capital. Once you have taken the City of Tsullen'hish an Initiate (ooh scary !!) pops up to tell you that Mortis will slay Uther and there's NOTHING you can do to stop her. ... we'll see !! ;) If you take the Neutral City of Dunera, a Hill Giant tells you that the Clans will not forget your attack on the High King's son, and that you WILL pay for your actions ... ... but who cares !! ;) If you take the City of Luycyx, a Counselor tells you that his scouts have spotted Undead troops on the lands, and that they come from all sides ... he suggests you rest there and then press on towards a safe spot for Bethrezen. ... um ... didn't I just say that ? Nevermind ... If you approach the Lizardman to the south-east of the City of Luycyx, he comes running out to you to ask for your help. He tells you that he needs you to take the Totem in the chest beside him to his tribe, and that they will reward you for your assistance. Then he disappears ! VERY odd. True to his word, the chest beside him contains an Agshlisga Totem, being a totem which represents a serpent being (or a Mr Potatohead depending on whether you look at the picture BEFORE reading the description or not) ;) ANYWAY. His "tribe" is in the south-westernmost corner of the map ... (just travel west from the City of Luycyx until you reach the Hideout, then west a bit, south-west until you reach the City of Krazius, and then due west and you will reach his tribe). FOR YOUR INFORMATION, the "reward" he speaks of ? Is POOR ... basically your path is blocked by a Lizard Man who tells you that this is the domain of the Shirlllessh tribe, and that you will be attacked if you venture further, to which a Medusa comes rushing past him, takes the totem off you, tells you you're a sweety and gives you a Runestone (Artifact) in return !! To the west of the Crumbled Keep you will find a Spearman who tells you that you must leave as his people cannot tolerate your presence on these lands any longer, and that if you DO stay, they will be forced to fight you ! Okay ... if we were the Empire ? Or the Clans ? I might have listened to this guy ? BUT DAMMIT WE'RE THE BADDIES !! SCREW HIM !!!!! Rip his HEAD off or something :"> After a while of clearing up the map you will be able to approach a passageway that runs from the Human controlled lands in the center of the map to the north, towards the Undead Capital. As you approach the entrance to this passageway, a Specter appears before you to tell you that "all those who enter Mortis' territory shall feel her powers". One of your Sorcerers responds by advising you that this is the only passage to the north, and that whilst the Undead Hordes ARE quite obviously awaiting your arrival, you have no choice but to fight them ... ... that being said it's time to put foot to @ss and push through the Undead Hordes !! REMEMBER that Bethrezen should still be safely tucked away inside the City of Oghock - there is NO point in bringing him out until you are ready ... [IMPORTANT NOTE : Whilst you can explore the WHOLE MAP with your finest units, and even go right up to the point where you are supposed to take Bethrezen (I wouldn't suggest doing this as it will remove the blue marker from the map and that might lead to your getting confused as to where exactly you are supposed to take him), you will NOT know about the trap the Undead have planned for Bethrezen until it's too late ... well ... unless you're reading THIS of course ;) Basically if you look at the map JUUUUUUUUUUST as you are crossing the final stretch of water from the Undead Capital to the blue marker there is a hidden trap which ONLY Bethrezen can activate, and which he MUST activate to get to the end of the level. When you reach this point, a Call Decay Dragon Spell is cast upon Bethrezen's Unit, and the following units teleport onto the map in his vicinity :- 1) Death, 2 Werewolves, Death Knight (Honir'ya in my Saga) 2) Doomdrake, Specter, Lich Queen (Shagherul in my Saga) 3) Doomdrake, Death, Nosferat (Zythaar in my Saga) Once you have killed all these units (of if you are REALLY quick with Bethrezen) you can proceed to the end !! I would STRONGLY suggest that you take as many units with you as you can at this point, as it may LOOK like just three units to you, but the leaders are VERY very powerful, and in all likelihood if Bethrezen tries to take them all on by himself he WILL not make it !!] OPPONENTS Undead Hordes, Human Resistance CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Dunera Hill Giant, Crossbowman Luycyx Hill Giant, Rock Giant [Polar Bear] Krazius 2 Goblins, Ogre Kuelluran [Spearman, 2 Man at Arms] Inthuric [2 Spearmen, Knight, Cleric] Oghock [2 Orcs, 2 Goblin Archers] UNDEAD CITIES Name Inhabitants Tsullen'hish [Wyvern, Zombie] Thaaxull [Warlock, Specter, Fighter, Zombie] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Perthin 2 Master Thugs, Archer 150 Gp, Potion of Strength Crumbled Fortress Goblin, Goblin Archer 30 Gp Hideout 2 Goblin Archers, Ogre 500 Gp, Summon Living Armour Scroll Antique Temple Deathdragon, Ghost 600 Gp, Banner of Protection (the above is the Antique Temple near Krazius) Antique Temple Imperial Knight, Mage, 2 Imperial Assassins 400 Gp, Call Decay Dragon Scroll (the above is the Antique Temple near Kuelluran) Crumbled Keep 2 Goblin Archers 35 Gp, Goblin Orb Lost Mastaba 2 Wyverns 200 Gp, Sapphire Ruined Tower Deathdragon, 2 Specters, Initiate 1,000 Gp, Tome of Water EVENTS Event Notes Undead Raid !!! The Undead surround and assault Bethrezen !! BUGGERHEADS !! Help the Lizards Act as errand boy for the Lizard Man and his totem ... if you wanna ... Human insults The PITIFUL Humans tell you not to enter their lands. BAH !! It's a Trap !! Bethrezen is caught by the Undead in a sinister trap just on the finish line !! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 3 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Protection, 2 x Life Potion, Pestilence Scroll, Zombie Orb, Ice Storm Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Call to Arms Scroll, 2 x Emerald, Bronze Ring, Orb of Earth, Potion of Swiftness, Healing Ointment, Orb of Vigor, Potion of Accuracy, Ruby, Lizard Man Orb, Sanctuera Scroll, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Potion of Speed, Bronze Ring, Staff of Thunder, Silver Ring, Weakness Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Treeback Potion, 3 x Life Potion, Quicksilver Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Blizzard (200 Gp), Hymn of the Clans (400 Gp), Stone Rain (400 Gp) Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Speed x 1 Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb of Life x 1, Orb of Vigor x 1 Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Banner of Speed x 1 ENDING With Bethrezen now safely escorted from harm, it is time to turn your attentions to rebuilding his Empire, for you will have certainly drawn yourselves to the attention of the enemies of the Legions with Bethrezen's 'rebirth' in Nevendaar. ============================================================================== 3) The Dark Alliance BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Hubert de Layle, the nephew of the treacherous aristocrat Bernard of Cahuzak (a noble who rebelled against the Empire during the First Great Wars and was discovered and slain for his treachery), was targetted by the Legions as a likely ally in their struggle to rebuild their shattered Empire. De Layle's corrupt soul and taste for the darker side of things would surely mean he could be ... swayed ... to seeing the Legions' point of view ... :"> At the start of this level, De Layle pops up on your screen to threaten you and tells you basically that he will bomb you back to the stone age for intruding upon his lands. He also sends you a letter, in response to your request to be his new friends, which reads :- "Dear Mr Bethrezen, Thank you for your recent application to become one of Hubert De Layle's buddies. As you will doubtless be aware, Mr De Layle is a *very* busy man, and as such cannot take the time to comment on each application he receives personally, but in this case you will be pleased to note that he has made an exception, and has asked us to deliver the following message to you. "SCREW YOU" Trusting that the above remains clear, we remain, The soon to be slaughtered masses, De Layle's Castle" NEEDLESS to say Bethrezen, who is still a bit cranky, and hasn't had a good day to say the LEAST, is more than a little unimpressed by this tone, and sets out to "convince" De Layle that he should ally with the Legions. Right. Your objective on this level is to ALLY with Hubert de Layle. Note the key word in that sentence ... A-L-L-Y ... as in, NOT declare open war on him and slaughter all his troops. In Disciples 2 there are THREE ways to become somebody's Ally :- 1) Buy their friendship 2) Kill their enemies to earn their friendship 3) Ask for their friendship. As you will see, at least at the OUTSET, option 3 doesn't seem to be working ... De Layle is too busy with his playthings to want to be your friend ... so you'd best work on a combination of options 1 and 2 to complete this level. There is, however, Option 4 which I have yet to mention, and which DOES ACTUALLY WORK :- 4) KILL EVERYBODY AND THEN GO FOR OPTION 1. Obviously this has certain drawbacks ... a) You've KILLED all his troops, so you're going to have to be VERY rich to apologise for that ... b) It'll take AAAAAAAAAGES 'coz you'll have to conquer the entire map first. How you do this level is entirely up to you, but by far the simplest (and it has to be said BIFFEST) way of winning here is to simply hold your units in your capital and pay De Layle all your gold on a regular basis ... this will increase your popularity and eventually HE will offer to ally with you and the level will end !!) [ LATE BREAKING NEWS !! I have just been advised by LenDBZ that there is ANOTHER way of getting the fat freak to ally with you, which I had NO idea about !! Apparently you can get him to ally with you by taking Bethrezen and moving him right up to De Layle's Capital City, and De Layle's end dialogue will commence !! Obviously I would still advise that you take care to mop up the troops en route BEFORE you send Bethrezen off to De Layle's Castle if you you this option, but THANK LENDBZ for bringing it to my (and consequently YOUR) attention !! ] =) In an attempt to cover all angles, I'm going to a regular walkthrough for this level ... Bethrezen charges out of your Capital and urges you to march on and conquer ... he makes me laugh ... whether he's Uther OR Bethrezen, he's ALWAYS got that totally arrogant streak !! I would stock up and then eject your leader and his units from the Capital and then put Bethrezen back in there for the duration of the level ... you can send him out and about to mop up weak units should you wish, but if he dies it's MEGA badness for the Legions ;) If you take the city of Ablliven you will get treated to a history lesson by a Master Thug, who tells you that Bernard of Cahuzak was Hubert de Lalye (BAD spelling)'s Uncle, and that Bernard rebelled against the King during the First Great Wars 10 years ago ... When Hubef falls, one of your Sorcerers reminds you that it lies awfully close to the Clans territory, and that an abundance of caution would be a good idea (he's right) ;) If you capture Tellorum, a Mountaineer tells you that they despised Cahuzak as much as they loathe you, and that you WILL pay for your attack on their city (shyeah RIGHT little man. Should you be worrying about the RAGNAROK ??) ;) Conquering the City of Reffugia gets you chastised by a Peasant that lives there. He says that if the King hadn't abandoned their people, you would NEVER have been able to take them, and wages that De Layle himself sent you to attack them (FAT CHANCE !!) If you press east from Under's Shop one of your Counselors pops up to tell you that the King HAS abandoned these lands, so you should be able to take them with ease ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ If you take the City of Nahneen, Death threatens Bethrezen (telling him that he will not escape as Mortis has need of him). Once Gunkerth Keep has been won (as you are leaving it in fact) a Cultist steps up to tell you that De Layle burnt this town down after they refused to deliver three virgin girls to him (presumably to sacrifice in one of his banquests). What a twisted little maggot !! =O You MIGHT like to think twice before taking the City of Unlluven (as this is one of Hubert's Cities, and it will REALLY p!ss him off) ;) Once you pass to the north of Unlluven, one of your Sorcerers confirms that you are now entering De Layle's territory, and says (which makes me smile) "He seems as cruel as you are almighty !" WOULD SUCH A FEAT BE POSSIBLE LUV !! =) As you go beyond the path and into the field of skeletons, a Counselor tells you that De Layle impaled all the people you see in the field ... HOW COOL IS THAT BY THE WAY !! Well ... in GAME terms at least ... (( those spikes look sharp !! )) :( Once you have done all the exploring you fancy doing on this level, you can just sit back and buy the Fat Man's friendship with cold, hard cash ... it WILL take a little while (he's not going to just forget the fact that you have UTTERLY decimated his ENTIRE army), but in the end he will give in and accept your alliance over the inevitable. [HINT : Don't try to ally with him - just keep offering him the gold, and he'll offer to ally with you] Once De Layle has offered to ally with you AND you have accepted his offer, he will enter into a dialogue which goes a bit like this :- DE LAYLE : "Oother ? Is that you Oother ??" BETHREZEN : "Yes De Layle ... I need your help (flashes a tenner) look ! See how it shines ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaall the pretty colours :">" DE LAYLE : "You so fly Oother - I will be your bestest buddy ... NOW GIMME THE THING !!" BETHREZEN : (Quickly pockets the tenner) OPPONENTS Hubert de Layle (at the outset), CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Ablliven 2 Thugs, Master Thug [2 Thugs] Nahneen [Death, Dark Lord, Warlock] Reffugia [2 Peasants, Man at Arms] Gunkerth Keep 2 Thugs, 2 Archers, Master Thug MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Hubef [Hill Giant] Tellorum [2 Crossbowman, Mountaineer, Warrior] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Unlluven [2 Imperial Knights, Wizard, Archer] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Odense Spearman, 2 Peasants, 2 Apprentices, Archer 200 Gp, Potion of Might Tower 2 Werewolves, Ghost, Shade 300 Gp, Evil Ent Scroll Kundesa 2 Ghouls, Initiate, Warlock 100 Gp Old Tumulus Dark Lord, 2 Fighters, Ghost 400 Gp, Potion of Fortune Old House 2 Master Thugs, Thug, Imperial Assassin 400 Gp, Silver Ring Lair 2 Ogres, Goblin 300 Gp, Thanatos Blade Haunted Lair Orc, 2 Goblin Archers 400 Gp Crumbled Keep Wyvern, Fighter, Ghost 300 Gp, Zombie Orb EVENTS Event Notes NEED FRIENDS Bethrezen orders you to search the lands and ally with Hubert De Layle OOPS !!! (maybe) You *might* inadvertantly crush a few (or ALL) of his troops - don't worry Threats !! The ickle Dwarfies threaten you from time to time - just ignore 'em BUDDIES !! De Layle finally agrees (probably with MUCH cash spendage) to be your pal ! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 3 x Potion of Healing, Silver Ring, 2 x Life Potion, Ruby, Plague Scroll, Potion of Air Warding, Potion of Protection, Chain Lightning Scroll, 2 x Potion of Striking, Orb of Healing, Orc Talisman, Potion of Strength, Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Invulnerability, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, Emerald, Talisman of Bane, Fog of Death Scroll, Orb of Thunder, Potion of Speed, Bronze Ring, Orb of Nosferat, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Pestilence Scroll, Orb of Earth, Treebark Potion, Imp Orb, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Speed, Seafaring Scroll, Potion of Celerity, Banner of Striking, Orb of Water. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 4 x Life Potion, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Healing. SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10 Othon's Tower (Magic Shop) Haste (400 Gp), Holy Strength (600 Gp), Holy Armour (600 Gp) Gunther's Camp (Mercenary) Goblin (50 Gp), Goblin Archer (50 Gp), Orc (300 Gp) Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Invulnerability x 2, Potion of Protection x 2, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Accuracy x 2 ENDING Hubert, realising that his career advancement prospects would be GREATLY increased through supporting the Legions, establishes an alliance with their people ... his is tasked with creating chaos in the Empire, and attempting to steal the Throne from Demosthene. ============================================================================== 4) The Salty Dungeon BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Many centuries ago, the Clans lured the Demon Lord Asteroth in a giant cave, blocked the entrance and filled the chamber with seawater ... ... Asteroth struggled for many many years to free himself from the confines of his salty dungeon, knowing that one day he would be released ... The were tales told of a runic key which could open this prison and release the beast inside, and the Mountain Clans searched in a panicked state for this key, with the intention of destroying it once it had been located. Knowing that Asteroth would prove to be an invaluable ally, Bethrezen sent packs of his demons out to search the land, in an effort to reach the key and free Asteroth before the Clans found the runic key ... ... so begins the search for the Demon Lord Asteroth ! Your mission on this level is quite a simple one really ... you are to find, liberate and recruit the Demon Lord Asteroth. ... the level begins with 4 units of human troops mounting a daring but futile assault upon your Capital. DO NOT WORRY - THEY POSE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THREAT AT ALL TO YOUR CAPITAL CITY. For your reference, the 4 units that are staging their assault as as follows :- 1) Spearman, 2 Peasants 2) Man at Arms, 2 Peasants 3) 2 Man at Arms, Peasant 4) Man at Arms, Peasant, 2 Archers I would begin the level by building a structure, hiring as many units as your leader can handle, and exiting the city with him (he should try and avoid combat) ... then send him off to explore the map and wait for these IDIOTS to attack your capital. TRUST ME YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY. Ashkael can easily despatch anybody attacking your Capital. Your Capital City is in the north-west of the map ... you need to tackle this level in two stages :- A) Find the Runic Key (which is to the south-south-west of you) B) Find, release and recruit Asteroth (who is to the east of you) (The only way you CAN go to begin with is south) [QUICKIE DIRECTION GUIDE FOR THIS LEVEL :- Pick up the Runic Key in the south-western corner of the map. Then go to the City of Kellara and head east ... slay the Green Dragon and keep going East until you reach the Mountain Clans Capital City ... then turn north until you reach Pender's Hall - go west from there until you reach Nvenn, and Asteroth's Prison is to the north of that, just north-west of Hammerpass and south-east of Gameric] If you take the City of Nyceril, one of your Counselors observes that the city's defences were quite weak, and that the lands have probably endured quite a bit of suffering ... If you take the City of Bhaalu the one of your Sorcerers confirms that he can feel Asteroth's presence on the lands, and that he must be somewhere nearby ... If you then try and enter the corridor to the south-west of Bhaalu, a Duke issues a cry for your troops to withdraw, as Undead Forces are pouring forth from the corridor. Before you actually get a chance to comply, however, guess what ? Undead Forces come pouring out of the corridor !! You are attacked by a unit comprising a Specter, 2 Zombies and an Initiate. For your information, however, there are PLENTY more Undead baddies in this corridor for you to attack (should you wish). They are as follows :- 1) 2 Zombies, Initiate, Ghost 2) Deathdragon, 2 Initiates 3) Skeleton Champion, Zombie, Initiate, Warlock, Ghost 4) Doomdrake, Occultist 5) Lich, Ghost, 2 Dark Lords As you approach units 3 and 4, the Occultist (Unit 4) comes rushing to you to tell you that you have strayed too near your enemies, and that Mortis will now crush you and take what she wants from you ... Before you enter the Ancient Dwarf Keep (to the south-west of Jolan's Tower in the south- western corner of the map), one of your Arch-Devils tells you that he feels uneasy about entering the ruins ... he feels that mighty guardians will be protecting the structure ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND he's KINDA right - there's a Son of Ymir guarding the Keep =./ ... but you HAVE to take the Ancient Dwarf Keep because it contains (fanfare) the Runic Key that is required to free Asteroth !! =) As you approach the City of Kellara, three units (2 Skeletons, 1 Evil Ent) materialise to the east of you. What is strange about these units is that they are obviously Undead, but they march under the banner of the Mountain Clans !! VERY odd. ANYWAY ... a Necromancer pops up to tell you once AGAIN that Mortis demands the handing over of the child Uther for her own dark purposes. Just to see what would happen, I fled beyond the movement range of the units, and the 3 units that arise from the ground ARE under the control of the Mountain Clans !! They move on the Clans turn and, as they only last for one turn and I was out of their range, they attacked the City of Kellara !! This COULD be used to your advantage to weaken the troops garrisoned there before mounting your own assault on Kellara ... I guess it depends on whether you can outrun the Mountain Clans UNDEAD (sheesh !!) summons or not :"> Once Kellara has been taken, one of your Counselors confirms that the entireity of the populace there is dead ... As you approach the Green Dragon to the east which blocks your path through the Mountain Clans Territory, you are challenged to a scrap (basically) by a Rock Giant !! He tells you that you are not welcome and you should go, to which Bethrezen responds by saying that these lands will all be his, and bla bla bla ... and the Rock Giant tells him to naff off or suffer the consequences !! REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY !! =O Once you have mopped up these IDIOTS and made your way through the Mountain Clans turf, you will almost be at Asteroth's Prison !! Yippee !!! =) If you decide to take the City of Pender's Hall, a Hill Giant mistakenly heralds you as the bringers of the Ragnarok ... which isn't TECHNICALLY true, but it's a cool mis-identification to be sure !! :) The Orcs inhabiting Luferin refer to you as "Fire Skins" - a term which I think is rather flattering actually !! ;) Hammerpass has a Veteran in it who is SO surprised to see you that he exclaims "By Wotan's Beard !" ................... isn't that kinda like saying "Oh my hairy butt I'm so surprised !" ???? Just a thought (I'll shut up now) =./ INTERESTING NEWS if you take the City of Nvenn, however ... a Dwarf tells you that, following the death of Gymner Cloudkeeper (at your hands - Mission One), High King Morok Cloudkeeper has fallen into madness, and obviously caused SOME sort of disruption amongst the Clans, as this City has seemingly declared its independence ! GREAT NEWS !! =D AND we're almost at Asteroth !! Life is SWEET =) As you approach the City of Gameric, one of your Sorcerers stops you in your tracks to confirm that he senses Asteroth's Prison is VERY near. The camera then pans to the north just a bit and the Sorcerer goes on to say that THIS seems to be the sources of the aura he has been sensing ... that Asteroth's presence is very strong there, and that it is perhaps the entrance to the prison ? The Runic Key must be brought to that location ... If you take the City of Gameric, a Rock Giant pops up to tell you that your efforts are all for naught without the Runic Key .............................. ........................ you mean this one ?? (He says, whipping it out of his pocket). DOH !! ;) Once you have taken the Runic Key to the point the Sorcerer was talking about, one of your Demonologists uses the Key to open Asteroth's Prison, and a Counselor then shows up to tell you that you have opened the prison gate, and Asteroth can't be far (this is true - he's just inside). Stroll in and you will complete the level !! OPPONENTS Mountain Clans CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Nyceril 2 Spearmen, Archer, Apprentice Bhaalu 2 Zombies, Fighter, Death Kellara Templar, Wyvern, Specter [2 Zombies] Nvenn 3 Dwarves [2 Dwarves, Axe Thrower] Pender's Hall 2 Hill Giants [Hill Giant, Venerable Warrior] Gameric Engineer (Drogon in my Saga), Rock Giant [Druidess, Warrior, Rock Giant] Luferin [2 Orc Champions, Ogre] MOUNTAIN CLAN CITIES Name Inhabitants Hammer Pass [2 Forge Guardians, Veteran] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Ancient Dwarf Keep Son of Ymir 500 Gp, Runic Key Old House 2 Titans 200 Gp, Potion of Strength (the Old House above is to the east of the City of Bhaalu) Old House Troll, 2 Orcs 300 Gp, Staff of Travelling (the Old House above is to the east of the City of Kellara) Kassel Archlich, Dark Lord, Ghost, Initiate 300 Gp, Projicere Terra Scroll Abandoned Outpost Ogre, Orc 500 Gp, Sapphire Ruined Tower 2 Dwarves, White Dragon 400 Gp, Banner of Might Rigel Ruin Mountaineer, Forge Guardian, 2 Crossbowmen 300 Gp, Orb of Freezing EVENTS Event Notes Find the Key It's in the Ancient Dwarf Keep in the south-west of the map. Find Asteroth He is east of your Capital City (north of the Clans Capital City). FREE Asteroth Use the key on the gate and enter !!!! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Orb of Restoration, Emerald, 3 x Potion of Healing, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, 4 x Life Potion, Imp Orb, Gold Ring, Potion of Protection, Zombie Orb, Talisman of Poison, Highfather's Potion (just to the south of Jolan's Tower), Treebark Potion, Talisman of Vigor, Summon I: Skeleton Scroll, Potion of Fire Warding, Banner of Strength, 2 x Potion of Accuracy, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Goblin Talisman, Healing Ointment, Tortio Menta Scroll, Tempest Scroll, Potion of Water Warding, Shadow Scroll, Orc Orb. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 2 x Potion of Restoration, 4 x Life Potion, Potion of Invulnerability, Holy Chalice. SHOPS Name Sells Redden's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Treebark Potion x 3 Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Summon I: Skeleton (200 Gp), Summon I: Roc (200 Gp), Incantare Hellhound (200 Gp) Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3 Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Talisman of Icefall x 1, Ice Shield Scroll x 5, Blizzard Scroll x 5, Ice Spirits Scroll x 2 ENDING With the addition of Asteroth to his army, Bethrezen has amassed an army large enough to DESTROY the Empire and, with this notion in mind, he begins his march towards the Empires' Lands. ============================================================================== 5) Darkness and Light BRIEFING AND COMMENTS In response to the impending threat of a full-scale assault upon the Empire by the Legions of the Damned, the Empire and the Mountain Clans ally together. Bethrezen surveys the situation and decides that in order to strengthen his chances of success in the upcoming war his NORTHERN frontier needs to be strengthened, and so he sends his best troops (i.e. YOU) to seize control of at least 3 Cities in the north, to help maintain the Legions' foothold in that region. Once Bethrezen has vanquished the Empire, he will be able to assume his "true" form, you are assured ... Your objective on this level is to capture the Cities of Sullonia, Tunnsen's Hall and Mallorin. Right. The level kicks off ... BRACE YOURSELVES - I'm going to try VERY slowly to go through the plot here, 'coz it confused even me to begin with ... Hokay. Your goal is to capture the three cities I have mentioned above ... Bethrezen and Asteroth both give you instructions to this effect ... but just before you are able to begin conquering and looting and pillaging (as only the Legions can), an Onyx Gargoyle appears outside the Legions Capital, claiming to be a herald FROM Bethrezen ... "... isn't ... Bethrezen ... in the Capital then ?" is Asteroth's response ... The Onyx Gargoyle responds by saying that Bethrezen FORBIDS you to take your chosen course of action, and that you must cease what you are doing IMMEDIATELY. Bethrezen (as in, YOUR Bethrezen - the possessed child Uther) lashes out, telling you to attack and slay this timewasting traiter. The Onyx Gargoyle, suitably UNimpressed, braces himself for an attack. ... so basically I am to understand that some doubt has just been cast on the sincerity AND VALIDITY of YOUR Bethrezen as being THE Bethrezen. ... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ... OKAY ! Let's go on shall we :"> First off, you have ASTEROTH to keep you company ... and he ROCKS !! So this shouldn't be TOO tricky ... just remember that whilst he's very strong, you need to keep your eye on his health - he WILL be quite an easy target ;) Your Capital City is located in the south-eastern corner of the map ... all three cities are in REASONABLY close proximity to your north-west ... There is a mountain range to the south of your capital, but there is a path around it to the east, and if you go around it and along the southern edge of the map one of your Counselors will tell you that these lands are STILL plagued by the Undead ... but you guys STILL don't know why !! HOWEVER ... if you continue from your present location to the west, just as you cross the body of water blocking your path you will be ambushed by three units of summons, which appear out of thin air around you. A Nightmare engages your units in conversation, the bare bones of which are as follows :- NIGHTMARE : "GIMME THAT BEBE" DEMONOLIGIST : "YA WOT ? NO WAY DUDE ! DIS MAH BEBE ! TELL ME WAH YOU WON HEEM" NIGHTMARE : "WE JUS WON HEEM ... NAH GIV HEEM HIAR NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!" Quick question here. Are you actually going to LISTEN to this idiot ??? I didn't think so ............................ TO WAR !! =D The three units that have been summoned are :- Nightmare, Evil Ent, Evil Ent. The Nightmare is a powerful summon for the Undead but, for some reason, all three units are flying under the banner of the Empire ! [NOTE : I reckon this is because (as with the level where you were ambushed by Undead Units under the control of the Mountain Clans, if Undead Units are summoned onto a map where the Undead has no presence, one of the other players must control them ... this is a bit odd to say the least, considering that other races don't seem to have this problem =./] After you have despatched these morons and are en route to the City of Shrrakha, an Occultist challenges you by saying (in a TOTALLY unecessarily heroic booming voice) "Do you not learn, beasts ? Your evil blood shall be spilled on these battlefields !" WHICH, when you think of it, are PRETTY hollow words coming from a man who's ONLY power is to summon demons in battle ... =./ If you take the City of Shrrakha, a Lizard Man responds by saying "Shrrakha" (with as many extra s's and h's as he can cram in it seems) ... which is interesting ! ... do you suppose that when he's doing other things he just cites nouns at random like that too ? "Teeeeeeeapot" ... "Laaaaaaaamp Possssssssssssssst" and so on ... hmmm ... very interesting ! ANYWAY ... onward !! :) If you complete the loop north and east back to the Capital you can take the City of Davonnin on the way ... to which a Spearman pops up to tell you (basically) that there's no need to be so violent ......................... what ... like you'd just GIVE us your city if we asked you to ? GET OUTTA MY FACE !! =O If you take the City of Stollgeth, one of your Counselors tells you that he can hear the sounds of giants echoing through the mountains to the north, and that these giants must be ... like ... MEGA giants or something, 'coz they sound BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG ="> JUST what we needed eh !! If you approach the Den in the south-westernmost corner of the map (it can only be approached directly from the north of it) you will see first hand what the Counselor was talking about ... ... before you get to the Den, your Counselor comes back to tell you that many scouts have disappeared in this are, and that it's obvious SOMETHING is responsible for their failure to return to you ... ... and here they are !!! The place is SWARMING with Primitive Giants !! These things are HUGE, and they will openly stalk the continents of the map and attack ANY troops they encounter - yours or your enemies ... Once you've taken out this MASS of muscles, you have the DUBIOUS pleasure of taking on the Den ... WHICH you would expect to be controlled by something really *shiver* bad, wouldn't you ? WRONG DUDE. It's got 3 USELESS Goblin Archers and 1 Goblin in it !! TOTAL waste of time ... take out this area ... but ONLY for the XP ;) By the way - for your information ? The leader of the Primitive Giant Clan is called Ukkhenga ... and whilst he has more HP than the other Primitive Giants, ASIDE from that he's not really any different to them ... Once Ukkhenga has fallen one of your Counselors tells you that "the King of the Giants" has been slain, and that henceforth the Giants will fear you ... ... um ... (taps him on the shoulder) ... WHAT GIANTS WOULD THOSE BE ?? WE JUST KILLED THEM ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O The Empire's Capital City has several Angels floating around it - avoid them unless you fancy a scrap (as they are backed up by a variety of Empire Healers ... Once you have taken all 3 Cities, the Northern Borders are yours and the level ends !! =) OPPONENTS Mountain Clans, the Empire. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Davonnin Thug, Master Thug [Man at Arms, Spearman] Stollgeth 2 Fighters, Specter, Necromancer [Skeleton Champion] Shrrakha 3 Lizard Men, Medusa EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Sullonia Archer, Ranger, Squire, Mage [2 Witch Hunters, Hierophant, Inquisitor] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Tunnsen's Hall Dwarf Champion, Warrior [Dwarf, Elder One, Hill Giant] Mallorin 2 Crossbowmen, Engineer, Dwarf [Rock Giant, Warrior, Druidess] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Haunted Tower Orc Champion, Goblin Archer 200 Gp, Strength Scroll Abandoned Temple 3 Lizard Men, Medusa 400 Gp, Lizard Man Orb Ruined Tower Demon, Devil 400 Gp, Ignis Potens Scroll (The Ruined Tower above is just north-west of your Capital City) Ruined Tower 3 Angels, White Wizard, Hierophant, Prophetess 800 Gp, Tome of Fire (The Ruined Tower above is in the north-western corner of the map) Tower Zombie, Elder Vampire, Vampire 300 Gp, Staff of Protection Old House Orc Champion, 2 Orcs 100 Gp Den 3 Goblin Archers, Goblin 50 Gp, Bronze Ring EVENTS Event Notes Undead Assault Mortis sends a Nightmare and 2 Evil Ents to take Uther/ Bethrezen. Giant Footsteps A Counselor detects the presence of HUGE Giants on the lands. Giant ATTACK !! Primitive Giants pour forth from the den to flood the map. TO WAR !! Capture the 3 Cities !! =) ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 8 x Potion of Healing, Celerity Scroll, Orb of Nosferat, 2 x Potion of Protection, Stone Rain Scroll, Potion of Air Warding, Skeleton Champion Orb, Sapphire, Boots of Travelling, Healing Ointment, Skull Bracers (Artifact), 2 x Potion of Swiftness, Orb of Earth, Potion of Strength, Ice Shield Scroll, Potion of Speed, Orb of Inferno, 6 x Life Potion, Summon I: Roc Scroll, 2 x Silver Ring, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Ruby, Potion of Accuracy, Potion of Striking, Forestwalk Scroll, 2 x Gold Ring, Skeleton Champion Talisman, Staff of Holiness, Ancient Relic, Tormentio Scroll, 6 x Potion of Restoration, Holy Armour Scroll, Bronze Ring, Potion of Might, Pestilence Scroll, Summon II: Evil Ent Scroll, Touch of Mortis Scroll, Orb of Vigor, Emerald, Rot Scroll, Orb of Icefall, Potion of Strength. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 4 x Life Potion, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Talisman of Life, Orb of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Unhira's Tower (Magic Shop) Ice Shield (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp), Wotan's Blessing (800 Gp) Kilgen's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5, Orb of Healing x 3, Orb of Restoration x 2, Orb of Regeneration x 2, Orb of Life x 2 Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Treebark Potion x 3 Lergem's Shop (Merchant) Summon II: Evil Ent Scroll x 2, Call Decay Dragon Scroll x 1, Summon Nightmare Scroll x 1, Stone Rain Scroll x 3, Iron Skin Potion x 1 ENDING With Bethrezen's Army having taken the Northern Reaches, news returns via Bethrezen's Scouts that an Undead Army amasses in the East ... ... Bethrezen sends his Legions to engage the Undead Hordes HEAD-ON !! =D ============================================================================== 6) The Ambush BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Aware of the increasing level of Undead Troops amassing in the East, Bethrezen sends Asteroth and the Legions of the Damned to engage the Undead Hordes in battle. Being FAR from foolish, Bethrezen decides to prepare an ambush for the Hordes in the narrow pass through the Mountains of Lorrimik ... there, the Legions would be at their strongest. Your mission on this level is quite straightforward really ... DESTROY THE UNDEAD ARMY !! Right ... so that is your mission ... Get this ... You start off, and a Counselor tells Bethrezen that scouts have examined the terrain, and no trace of the alleged Undead Army could be found ! Bethrezen responds by saying that he knows this already ... The Counselor questions him, asking whether he has been misinformed as to the intended plan - i.e. to set up an ambush for them in the Lorrimik Mountain Pass ... Bethrezen responds by saying that he is NOT Bethrezen (his name now changes to Uther) ... The Counselor is obviously quite surprised by this ... Uther then turns to Asteroth and commands him to destroy YOUR army !! =O Asteroth and Bethrezen, it seems, have plans to rule Nevendaar together (VERY cosy) !! Your objective now changes to "Destroy the Demon Lord Asteroth", and 2 Abyssal Demons draw closer to your Capital City ............... BAAAAAAAAAAD NEWS =( HOWEVER !! Representatives from the REAL Bethrezen's Army then arrive (being as follows) :- 1) Abyssal Demon 2) Demon and IMP !!!!!!!!!! (HOW cr@p !!) 3) Demon and Cultist ... to tell the pseudo-demons controlled by Uther to bugger off ... AND now it's over to you ... ... so all this blurb about Mortis' Undead Army looks like a loada rubbish basically ... Let's go find Asteroth !! You will be pleased to note that the map on this mission is QUITE small. Your Capital is in the south-western corner, and the Empire's Capital is in the north-eastern corner. Asteroth is just north-west of the Empire's Capital. Also interesting to note is that almost ALL the troops on this level are EMPIRE troops ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ ... [HINT: If you want to complete this level like a pro, don't faff around - concentrate on eliminating the summoning circle in the north-west FIRST, and then you can explore after ] ;) As you exit the section of the map where your Capital is located (basically its in a clearing in a mountain range in the south-west of the map), one of your Dukes pops up to tell you that the Empire has allied with Asteroth, and that the two have entered into some sort of Alliance ! It looks like Uther has bewitched the Empire, and De Layle is almost CERTAINLY involved somewhere down the line ... =./ As you explore the map you are advised that demons are pouring across the plains !! There is apparently some sort of summoning circle that the FILTHY Asteroth and his little pals have been using to summon Demons from the Underworld to plague the living !! The Summoning Circle is in the north-western corner of the map, guarded quite heavily by Fiends, Cultists, a Moloch, Marble Gargoyle, Onyx Gargoyle and other nice types ... but it's DEFINITELY worth a visit, otherwise demons will just continue to flood the map ... and the LAST thing you need whilst you're en route to kill that PUNK Asteroth is an army of Onyx Gargoyles blocking your path - BELIEVE ME ;) If you enter the south-eastern section of the map, one of your Counselors urges you to be cautious, as the seas in this area are controlled by "sea-witches" as he puts it (he means merfolk), and that they prey upon anything which enters their realm. Just to the south of Ebhon's shop is an Orc with a dilemma. One of his brothers is lost and he asks for your help ... the camera pans across the waters to the north-east, where a lone orc is standing on the shoreline ... this orc then switches to be controlled by you, and the orc YOU are talking to asks you to guide him to you, in return for which he will give you a pressie ... The Orc unit you are given control of comprises an Orc and 2 Goblin Archers ... Once the Orc is safely returned you are given three things :- 1) An Ancient Relic. 2) Advise from the Orc you were speaking to that you should look for treasure in the 'Big City' (VERY helpful). 3) Control over the following units :- a) Orc, 2 Goblin Archers (being the unit you just brought across the waters) b) Orc, Goblin Archer, Goblin (being the unit with whom you were speaking) If you take the City of Gromdam, a Marksman comes out to chastise you for not giving in and accepting Uther's inevitable rule of the Empire. ... NO ! BETHREZEN will rule the Empire. NOT Uther. BUZZ OFF !! =) Once Rotturdam has fallen to your might a Knight pops up to tell you that Uther, their SAVIOUR, will punish you for your transgressions and you should just BACK DOWN ... It's a pity there isn't an option to raze cities in this game like you can in Master of Magic ... I would SO love to annihilate these idiots once and for all :"> As you finally approach Asteroth he flips, telling you that Bethrezen's reign has ended and how he himself will destroy you ... For your information, Asteroth isn't alone ... he fights with a Hag and a Pandemoneus. AND Asteroth is MUCH stronger than when he was under your control (which just SUCKS). I would suggest bombarding Asteroth's units with spells to kill the Hag and the Pandemoneus whilst falling back (he will follow you once you have triggered his little dialogue (above)) and then coil up and spring on him with everything you've got basically !! Asteroth is carrying a Wight Blade and 2 Healing Ointments ... and you will gain these after he has fallen (incidentally this will also trigger the end of the level). CONGRATULATIONS !! But all is not won ... Asteroth, whilst defeated, escapes in a ball of flame and is sure to be back ... and there is still Uther to deal with :( OPPONENTS The Empire (who are in leagues with Asteroth and Uther) CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Gromdam 2 Spearmen, 2 Marksmen, Matriarch, Imperial Knight EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Rotturdam 2 Marksmen, Knight, Ranger (Dagar in my Saga) [Titan, Marksman] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Hideout 3 Peasants 100 Gp, Potion of Accuracy Crumbled Post Brown Bear, Centaur Lancer 100 Gp, Elven Boots Ruined Tower Titan, 2 Marksmen, 2 Imperial Assassins 500 Gp, Titan's Might Potion Haunted Halls Wraith, 2 Specters, 2 Skeleton Warriors 200 Gp, Lich Orb EVENTS Event Notes BETRAYAL Uther has been posing as Bethrezen and now turns tail and flees back to the Empire WITH Asteroth !! Orc Troubles The Orcs have lost one of their brothers - can you find him for them ? Summoner's Cast A Summoning Circle in the north-west of the map is acting as a portal to the Underworld from which demons are flowing ... CLOSE IT !! Kill Asteroth Shut that Mamma's Boy up once and for all :) ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Potion of Restoration, Weakness Scroll, Life Potion, Potion of Striking, Ymir's Blessing Scroll, Infernal Knight Orb, Potion of Fire Warding, Gold Ring, Orb of Venom, Potion of Strength, Potion of Vigor, Potion of Air Warding, Orb of Water, Imp Talisman, Diamond, Emerald, Chain Lightning Scroll, Treebark Potion, Ring of Strength (Artifact). ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 8 x Life Potion, 8 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Healing, Wight Blade, 2 x Healing Ointment. SHOPS Name Sells Othon's Tower (Magic Shop) Water Ward (200 Gp), Earth Ward (400 Gp), Mind Ward (600 Gp), Fire Ward (800 Gp), Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4, Tome of Sorcery x 1 Under's Shop (Merchant) Zombie Orb x 1, Skeleton Champion Orb x 1, Vampire Orb x 1, Vampire Talisman ENDING Uther has betrayed you and fled ... on reflection it looks like at least a PART of the Mountain Clans Rituals of 10 years ago were successful, as a part of Bethrezen's Soul is contained in the child Uther ... things are looking to get VERY interesting on ... the final level ... ============================================================================== 7) The Prince of Hell BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Uther leeches power from Bethrezen, who begins to weaken ... fearing that if Uther is not slain he will eventually bleed Bethrezen dry of ALL his power and become a God himself, the Legions assemble for one final push to destroy the Demon Infant ... Uther by now has already taken control of a sizeable portion of the Empire, and controls many Cohorts of your fellow Demons from previous battles ... things are looking desperate, as the Legions still loyal to the TRUE Bethrezen seem ill equipped AND vastly outnumbered. Asteroth rears his ugly head again, standing firmly at the side of Demon Uther. Time to kill two birds with one stone methinks !! =) The level begins with a dialogue between Demon Uther and one of your Demonologists ... they have a war of words, and a rift opens to the south of the Capital, through which your Demonologist is certain Bethrezen will be able to send aid ... your PRIMARY objective on this level is two-fold. Slay Demon Uther, and protect the Infernal Rift. This isn't going to be easy, as later on in the level, Demon Uther will actively come across the map SPECIFICALLY to destroy the rift ... so first thing's first, MAKE SURE THAT YOU GET TO THE RIFT AND FORTIFY IT EXCEEDINGLY WELL. [IMPORTANT NOTE - BEFORE WE BEGIN ? TemjinGold has contributed a supplement to my walkthru for this level and I have placed it after mine just to present the two options in a clear format - either scroll down to it, or search for *** TemjinGold's Guide ***] You gain control (at the beginning of the level) of a unit comprising a Demonologist, Devil and Berzerker. I originally thought that THIS was the Demonologist who was talking to Demon Uther at the beginning of the level, and guided him all the way down to the Infernal Rift as he seemed to know what he was doing there ... but I am now satisfied that you don't actually NEED to take the Demonologist anywhere if you don't want to ;) ... I would suggest you do, 'coz it adds to the pace of the level, but as I say I'm not 100% sure that it's necessary if you don't want to ;) AS you would expect, this level is BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG. It includes all four races and some sub-quests for your interest ... so let's get cracking !! =) [For your information, the Legions are in the north-west, the Hordes in the south-west, the Clans are in the north-east and the Empire are in the south-east ...] Shortly into the level, the Demonologist requests that he be allowed to enter the Infernal Rift, as he feels sure that Bethrezen will communicate with him directly if he does ... A little while later, Knight Droggon calls to you to say that EMPEROR Uther, the Saviour of the Empire, will destroy the Legions ... obviously I wasn't the only one to pick up on that, as the Demonologist who responds basically says "EMPEROR Uther, eh ? NOT BAD !! =D" Once Avonnir falls and has been inspected by one of your Dukes, he reports back to you to say that it is strange, but there is evidence that both the Empire AND the Undead were inhabiting the City ... bizarre !! If you take the City of Chammell an Orc Champion comes out to say that (as far as I can interpret) you are both fighting the same enemy, and they the Greenskins are looking for an ally. This is technically true, as an Orc envoy is en route to your Capital with a message from his Master, the Black Dragon Gurkenash. There is a White Dragon with its own design of flag in the north-easternmost corner of the map, but I have never figured out quite what his significance is ... he doesn't seem to want to speak to you, nor react to anything - so I just annihilated him for good measure :"> As you approach the Mountain Clans Capital City, one of the King's Guards jumps out to say that tho you may be demons, you are both fighting the same foe at this juncture ... one of your Dukes confirms that it would be a sound strategic move to allow the Dwarves to take the brunt of the Empire's fury ... why not !! ;) The Clans will offer to ally with you at the start of their next turn. [IMPORTANT NOTE - Whilst I would strongly suggest that you remain allies with the Mountain Clans, I have immediately broken my alliance with them, as the POINT of my walkthrough is to give YOU as much information as possible, and I can't report to you on conquering Clan Cities, etc., whilst I am allied with them] ;) If you either do not want to ally with them, or break the Treaty as I did, then you can attack the Clans as per usual ... taking the City of Zimmuria you will learn that the Clans have been greatly weakened as a result of SOMETHING (we know not quite what, but SOMETHING) having happened to their High King, Morok Cloudkeeper ... hmmmmmmmmm ... very interesting !! If you take the City of Nimboria, a King's Guard tells you that it's luck Morok is DEAD, but that it doesn't really matter as his daughter Yataa will "take care of you" ... ... so Morok is DEAD eh ! WOW !! =D Taking the Empire City of Hollunen causes an Archmage to scream at you that Uther has come back, and that the Empire will prosper that Uther is a Saint ... Looks like Uther may have been giving out sweeties to delude the Empire into thinking he's NOT the next Hitler !! =O Down in the south-western corner (in addition to the Hordes' Capital) is a large gathering of Occultists ... led by a Master Occultist, these magic users worship Mortis, and are out to put an end to your quest ;) Despatch them if you're in the area - they give reasonable XP ;) If you take the City of Oshuallesh, an Elder Vampire tells you that when Mortis' Consort is reborn, you will have NO way of standing in their way ........................... so now we know what Mortis is up to ... but why does she want Uther ? That's still unclear =./ When Nchuzia has fallen, a Templar tells you that Uther will soon replace Bethrezen as the Lord of Hell ... why try to fight the inevitable ? So it looks like the Undead have allied with the Empire, which is now under the control of Uther and Asteroth ... and we have the Mountain Clans on our side. ....................................................................... yey ... DON'T FORGET your primary objective ... the Rift is just to the south of Nchuzia ;) Once you arrive at the Rift your Demonologist will confirm that it is PARAMOUNT that the Rift be protected at ALL costs. When Ghunnera has fallen to the might of the Legions, ANOTHER Elder Vampire emerges to tell you that once Gallean has been revived (Gallean being Mortis' Consort), then they will feast on your flesh ... bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda ... One of your Cultists remarks that he thought Gallean was an Elvish God ... ... interesting ! As you approach Nibor's Tower, an Orc comes sailing across the waters to tell you that his King, Gurkenash, is waiting for you, and has something to discuss with you ... One of your Counselors FREAKS OUT when Gurkenash approaches you, but to his (and most likely your) relief, Gurkenash only wants to speak with you ... he tells you that his Greenskin tribe are MOST p!ssed off with Uther, and that they will help you vanquish him ... ... with that, you gain the following units :- 1) Gurkenash (Black Dragon), Orc 2) Orc, 2 Goblin Archers 3) Orc, 2 Goblin Archers [HINT: TRY YOUR BESTEST NOT to kill any more Greenskins as, if you attack 2 or more units of Greenskins, all THREE of the above units will rebel against and attack YOU !!] Just after you have taken the City of Arpellba, Demon Uther sees you approaching, and sends Asteroth and his minions out to kill you ... Best make sure you're up for a good scrap before the end of THIS turn (I'd suggest hiding in the City - you'll get its defensive bonus) ;) Asteroth has his unit and two units of foot soldiers to protect him ... collectively you are looking at the following :- 1) Abyssal Devil, Anti-Paladin, Doppleganger, Pandemoneus 2) Abyssal Devil, Incubus, Onyx Gargoyle 3) Asteroth, Incubus, Succubus Once Asteroth and his minions have fallen, you can mount your final assault on Demon Uther and the Empire ... THAT IS, of course, unless he's already en route to the Rift ... Either way, as you would expect given that he is the FINAL Boss in this Saga, Demon Uther is SERIOUS bad news ... ... Since there is no point in holding ANYTHING back, I would just pound on him with spells and troops as much as is possible ... BEAR IN MIND THAT HE IS HEAVILY WARDED, so most of your offensive "on the map" spells won't work ... but summons ? Why not !! ALSO remember that there is Xennon's Mercenary Camp should you have the cash ... you can recruit as many Mercenaries as quickly as possible, as Demon Uther will take a few turns to get to the Rift, so you should use this time as productively as possible ... he should wind up having quite a nasty surprise by the time he gets to the rift (if he even makes it THAT far !!) For your information, Demon Uther's "Party" comprises 3 teams, as did Asteroth's ... they are :- 1) Tiamath, 2 Infernal Knights 2) Modeus, Marble Gargoyle, Onyx Gargoyle 3) Demon Uther, Tiamath, Doppleganger, Succubus Your spells should definitely be powerful enough to slay the troops WITH Demon Uther, even if you find they don't do that much damage to him ... Once Demon Uther has been slain, the mission is over and you have completed the Legion's Saga ! CONGRATULATIONS !! =) *** TemjinGold's Guide *** As an alternative to doing this level *my* way, you can follow the advice of my fellow player TemjinGold - I have taken the liberty of copying his guide as follows :- 1) Dispatch the Undead capital for their spells. 2) Research ALL the curses that you can (damage/initiative/hit % reduction). Prioritize Hit % curses. 3) Research as many summons as you can. By the time you get to Demon Uther, you should control all the land/resources (roughly 75% of the map) that the Empire and the Clans (I kept the alliance) do not. Your income plus the stash in the Undead capital should put each of your mana types (with the exception of Runestone maybe) in the 2-3k count (so casting lots of spells in 1 turn shouldn't be a problem). 4) Use all your damage spells/scrolls on Demon Uther's unit with the purpose of killing the Tiamath, Succubus, and Doppleganger. 5) Cast all your curses on Demon Uther (don't forget the Undead ones too!) This should put a dent in his damage output, slow him down enough that almost anything you can summon will get to go first, and, most importantly, bring his hit % below 50. 6) Use the Call Ancestor scroll just to be safe (the 33% armor to all your units one). By doing this, I wiped Uther out easily. Hitting less than 1 in 2, he didn't even survive through my summons. *** End of TemjinGold's Guide *** OPPONENTS Demon Uther, Asteroth, the Empire, the Mountain Clans, the Undead Hordes CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Avonnir [2 Zombies, Ghost] Nchuzia [Fighter, Wyvern, Templar] Chammell [Orc Champion, 2 Orcs] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Nimboria [2 Dwarves, Axe Thrower, Rock Giant] Zimmuria [3 Crossbowmen, Tenderfoot] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Hollunen [Imperial Knight, Demonologist, Squire, Wizard] Arpellba [2 Demons, Squire] UNDEAD HORDES CITIES Name Inhabitants Oshuallesh [2 Warlocks, Templar, Specter] Ghunnera [Werewolf, 2 Fighters, Initiate, Elder Vampire] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Hideout Man at Arms, 2 Spearmen, Archer, Imperial Assassin 250 Gp, Squire Orb Abandoned Altar Troll, Orc, Goblin 800 Gp, Potion of Celerity Old House 2 Axe Throwers, Tempest Giant 400 Gp, Ancient Relic Haunted Tower 2 Sorcerers, Witch, 2 Berzerkers 300 Gp, Tempest Scroll Abandoned Farm Phantom Warrior, Skeleton Champion, 400 Gp, Elder Vampire Skeleton Warrior Orb Abandoned Tower 3 Lizard Men, 2 Medusas 400 Gp, Summon Stone Ancestor Scroll Haunted Halls Dark Lord, Zombie, 2 Shades 100 Gp, Healing Ointment Old Tower 2 Goblins, Goblin Archer 75 Gp, Bronze Ring Abandoned Temple Polar Bear, 2 Yetis 600 Gp, Venerable Warrior Orb Abandoned Fort Beast, Witch, Possessed, Knight, Imperial Assassin 400 Gp, Banner of War Odense Brown Bear, Rock Giant, Hill Giant 500 Gp, Etched Circlet EVENTS Event Notes THE RIFT !! An Infernal Rift opens that MUST be protected at all costs. Allies !! The ickle Dwarfies need pals, and you might just be the guys for the job !! Ze Okkult ... A Master Occultists and his band of Occultists need spanking ... hard ;) King Gurkenash King Gurkenash offers to help you defeat Demon Uther. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Life Potion, Potion of Vigor, 3 x Potion of Protection, 6 x Potion of Healing, Lightning Scroll, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, 3 x Emerald, Ignis Mare Scroll, Orb of Life, Orb of Poison, Orb of Healing, Summon II: Valkyrie Scroll, 3 x Silver Ring, Potion of Fire Warding, 2 x Stone Rain Scroll, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Speed, Vengeance of Ymir Scroll, Royal Scepter, Talisman of Fear, Water Ward Scroll, 2 x Potion of Striking, Tome of Earth, Ignis Potens Scroll, Incante Belliarh Scroll, 2 x Treebark Potion, Death Storm Scroll, 2 x Goblin Orb, 2 x Orb of Earth, Touch of Mortis Scroll, Potion of Strength, 3 x Potion of Swiftness, Silver Ring, Pestilence Scroll, Orb of Thunder, Lizard Man Orb, Summon I: Skeleton Scroll, Sanctuera Scroll, Banner of Speed, Bronze Ring, Potion of Water Warding, Ruby, Ancestor's Call Scroll, Runic Blade (Artifact), Potion of Might, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Diamond, Infernal Knight Talisman, Tempest Scroll, Orb of Lycanthropy, Orb of Fire, Plague Scroll, Zombie Orb, Shadow Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 7 x Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Protection, Paraseus Scroll, Weakness Scroll, Orb of Restoration, Potion of Accuracy, Talisman of Vigor, Talisman of Inferno, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Healing, Potion of Might, Chant of Arms Scroll, Incantare Avenger Scroll SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 2, Orb of Healing x 3, Orb of Restoration x 3, Orb of Regeneration x 2, Orb of Life x 4 Zoltar's Camp (Trainer) Train your units here !! Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 3, Potion of Healing x 5, Potion of Restoration x 5, Healing Ointment x 2 Nibor's Tower (Magic Shop) Strength (200 Gp), Haste (400 Gp), Holy Strength (600 Gp), Holy Armour (600 Gp), Call to Arms (800 Gp) Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5, Spirit Staff x 1 Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Staff of Dragon Mastering x 1 Xennon's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Chieftain [1,800 Gp], Barbarian Warrior [850 Gp] ENDING The Battle to save Bethrezen is won, but Bethrezen has still not returned to the Legions. Until the day he does, the Legions will patiently lie in wait, preying upon the helpless, and plotting for the return of their evil deity :"> WELL DONE !!!!! ============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks and credit go to the LenDBZ for his insight into The Dark Alliance level ... thanks also to TemjinGold for his help on the "Prince of Hell" level (VERY cool), and also thanks to everybody at gamefaqs.com who has posted on the messageboards and encouraged me to keep going !! =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION TEN Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ============================================================================== ============ ============= == ============ ============ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý ==== ==== Ý Ý ==== ==== Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ÝÝ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======= Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ============ ===== ==== ==== ===== ============ ============================================================================== Ý The aim of this part is to provide you with the stats for as many races Ý Ý (hopefully all of them) as I could fine, and to present these stats in a Ý Ý clear and readable format. Obviously in order to make it readable, space Ý Ý is very important, and I have therefore had to abbreviate in certain areas Ý Ý For your ease of reference, I have reproduced a key below, which I hope Ý Ý will make sense - it's pretty obvious ;) - Mister Sinister Ý ============================================================================== KEY :- In the event that I haven't had enough space to put a FULL text explanation of what something means, I have abbreviated. Here is a list of the abbreviations I have used throughout this section :- % HIT = Percentage Chance to Hit A = Air ADJ = Adjacent only Ai = Air AR = Armour Rating ATT = Attacks (methods of attacking) Br = Breath (usually of Dragon's) CHIEFTN = Chieftain [used once - Barbarian Chieftn = Barbarian Chieftain] D = Death DAM = Damage inflicted De = Death De. = Death (usually "Death Touch") E = Earth Ea = Earth F = Fire Fi = Fire HP = Hit Points IMM = Immunities INIT = Initiative Li = Life Low = Lower [used once - Low Init = Lower Initiative (for the Hermit)] M = Mind Mi = Mind Po = Poison REA = Reach SRC = Source of the Attack(s) TAR = Targets Un. = Undead [usually "Undead Blade" (Un.Blade)] W = Water Wa = Water WARD = Warded Against We = Weapon ============================================================================== ======== === === ======== === ======== ======== Ý Ý Ý \ / Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý \ / Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý \/ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý / Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý\ /Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý \/ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý\ \ Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý ======== === === === === === === ======== ============================================================================== THE UNITS OF THE EMPIRE LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR MYZRAEL 900 50+40 - - Holy Wrath 95 250 Life 90 Any 6 PEGASUS KNIGHT 150 0 - - Long Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 RANGER 90 0 - - Falcon Arrow 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1 ARCHMAGE 65 0 - - Lightning 80 30 Air 40 Any 6 ARCHANGEL 100 0 - - Healing 100 40 Life 10 Any 1 THIEF 100 0 - - Daggers 80 30 Wea 60 Adj 1 SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ACOLYTE 50 0 - - Heal 100 20 Life 10 Any 1 ANGEL 225 0 - - Holy Lance 80 125 Wea 50 Adj 1 APPRENTICE 35 0 - - Lightning 80 15 Air 40 Any 6 ARCHER 45 0 - - Arrow 80 25 Wea 60 Any 1 CLERIC 75 0 - - Healing 100 20 Life 10 Any 6 DEFENDER OF FAITH 225 30 - - Sword 80 125 Wea 70 Adj 1 ELEMENTALIST 95 0 - Air Summon 100 0 Air 40 Any 1 GRAND INQUISITOR 210 0 Mind Fire Holy Mace 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1 HIEROPHANT 125 0 - - Heal/Revive 100/100 120 Li/Li 10 Any 1 HOLY AVENGER 250 0 - - 2 x Long Sword 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 IMPERIAL ASSASSIN 135 0 - - Dagger/Poison 85/75 60 We/De 60 Any 1 IMPERIAL KNIGHT 200 0 - - Lance 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 IMPERIAL PRIEST 100 0 - - Healing 100 80 Life 10 Any 1 INQUISITOR 180 0 Mind - Mace 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 KNIGHT 150 0 - - Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 MAGE 65 0 - - Lightning 80 30 Air 40 Any 6 MARKSMAN 90 0 - - Arrow 85 40 Wea 60 Any 1 MATRIARCH 100 0 - - Heal/Cure 100/100 40 Li/Li 10 Any 6 PALADIN 175 30 - - Long Sword 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1 PRIEST 75 0 - - Healing 100 40 Life 10 Any 1 PROPHETESS 125 0 - - Heal/Cure 100/100 70 Li/Li 10 Any 6 SQUIRE 100 0 - - Sword 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1 TITAN 250 0 - - Smash 80 60 Wea 50 Adj 1 WHITE WIZARD 125 0 - - Lightning 80 60 Air 40 Any 6 WITCH-HUNTER 140 0 Mind - Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 WIZARD 95 0 - - Lightning 80 45 Air 40 Any 6 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ======== ==== === ========== ======== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ====== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======== ======= === === ==== ==== ======== ============================================================================== THE UNITS OF THE MOUNTAIN CLANS LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR VITHAR 900 50+40 - - Vithar's Thunder 95 250 Life 90 Any 6 KING'S GUARD 225 0 - - Battle Axe 80 60 Wea 40 Adj 1 ENGINEER 135 0 - - Crossbow 80 40 Wea 50 Any 1 LOREMASTER 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6 DWARF CHAMPION 150 0 - - Axe 80 40 Wea 30 Adj 1 THIEF 150 0 - - Daggers 80 40 Wea 50 Adj 1 SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ALCHEMIST 120 0 - - Give Attack 100 0 Life 10 Any 1 ARCHDRUIDESS 150 0 - - Boost Dmg/Cur 100/100 +100 Li/Li 70 Any 1 AXE THROWER 65 0 - - Throwing Axe 80 25 Wea 40 Any 1 CROSSBOWMAN 110 0 - - Crossbow 80 40 Wea 40 Any 1 DRUIDESS 120 0 - - Boost Dmg/Cur 100/100 +75 Li/Li 70 Any 1 DWARF 150 0 - - Warhammer 80 30 Wea 40 Adj 1 DWARF KING 250 30 - Mi,Wa Great Mace 80 100 Wea 20 Adj 1 ELDER ONE 400 0 - - Lightning 80 80 Air 20 Any 6 FLAME CASTER 130 0 - Fire Flame Burst 80 35 Fire 40 Any 6 FORGE GUARDIAN 155 0 - - Crossbow 80 70 Wea 40 Any 1 HERMIT 250 0 - - Ice Shr/Lw Int 80/33 55 Wa/Wa 40 Any 6 HILL GIANT 210 0 - - Tree Sp 80 60 Earth 30 Adj 1 ICE GIANT 400 0 Water - Ice Shard 80 120 Water 30 Adj 1 MOUNTAINEER 225 0 - - Ice Shards 80 30 Water 40 Any 6 NOVICE 90 0 - - Boost Damage 100 +50 Life 70 Any 1 ROCK GIANT 310 0 - - Punch 80 90 Earth 30 Adj 1 RUNE MASTER 300 0 - - 2 x Axe 80 65 Wea 40 Adj 1 SON OF YMIR 500 0 Water - Ice Swd/Frstbt 80/85 150 Wa/Wa 50 Adj 1 TEMPEST GIANT 350 0 - - Call Lightning 80 50 Air 20 Any 6 TENDERFOOT 60 0 - - Boost Damage 100 +25 Life 70 Any 1 VENERABLE WARRIOR 275 0 - - Great Axe 80 100 Wea 40 Adj 1 VETERAN 250 0 - - Warhammer 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1 WARRIOR 200 0 - - Warhammer 80 55 Wean 40 Adj 1 WOLF LORD 225 0 - - Morph/Frost Brth 80 40 Water 40 Any 6 YETI 230 0 - Water Ice Breath 80 30 Water 40 Any 6 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== === ======== ======== === ======== ======== ======== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ====== Ý ===== Ý === Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ======== ======== ======== === ======== === === ======== ============================================================================== THE UNITS OF THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ASHKAEL DUKE 150 0 - - Infernal Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 COUNSELOR 90 0 - - Crossbow 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1 ARCH-DEVIL 65 0 - - Flame Burst 80 30 Fire 40 Any 6 BARONESS 100 0 - - Fear 80 0 Mind 20 Any 1 THIEF 100 0 - - Daggers 80 30 Wea 60 Adj 1 SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ANTI-PALADIN 220 0 - - Battle Axe 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 ABYSSAL DEMON 600 0 - - In-B/Pet 80/40 140 We/Mn 40 Adj 1 BEAST 420 0 - - Slash 80 70 Wea 20 Any 6 BERZERKER 170 0 - - Battle Axe 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 CULTIST 45 0 - - Fire Rain 80 15 Fire 40 Any 6 DEMON 270 0 - - Slash 80 80 Wea 35 Adj 1 DEMONOLOGIST 105 0 - - Fire Rain 80 45 Fire 40 Any 6 DEMON LORD 470 0 - - Axe 80 140 Wea 40 Adj 1 DEVIL 170 0 - - Slash 80 50 Wea 35 Adj 1 DOPPLEGANGER 120 0 - - Morph/Slash 80 30 Wea 80 Adj 1 FIEND 250 0 - - Slash/Poison 80/40 60 We/De 50 Adj 1 GARGOYLE 90 40 Poison Mind Rock Shards 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1 HAG 115 0 - - Polymorph 80 0 Mind 20 Any 1 INCUBUS 135 0 - - Petrify 65 0 Earth 20 Any 6 INFERNAL KNIGHT 270 0 - - Infernal Sword 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1 MARBLE GARGOYLE 150 60 Poison Mind Rock Shards 80 65 Wea 60 Any 1 MODEUS 170 0 - Fire Fire Storm 80 75 Fire 40 Any 6 MOLOCH 370 0 - - Slash 80 110 Wea 35 Adj 1 ONYX GARGOYLE 170 65 Poison Mind Onyx Shards 80 85 Wea 60 Any 1 OVERLORD 570 0 - - Infernal Blade 80 170 Wea 40 Adj 1 PANDEMONEUS 135 0 - - Fire Storm 80 60 Fire 40 Any 6 POSSESSED 120 0 - - Short Sword 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1 SORCEROR 75 0 - - Fire Rain 80 30 Fire 40 Any 6 SUCCUBUS 145 0 - - Polymorph 40 0 Mind 20 Any 6 TIAMATH 495 0 - - Slash/Lwr Dam 80/80 100 We/Mn 20 Any 6 WITCH 75 0 - - Polymorph 80 0 Mind 20 Any 1 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== === === ======== ======== =======\ ======== ======== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý\ Ý Ý === Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ====== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ====== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý\ \ Ý Ý / Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý/ Ý Ý === ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === === ======== === === =======/ ======== ======== ============================================================================== THE UNITS OF THE UNDEAD HORDES LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ASHGAN DEATH KNIGHT 150 0 Death - Undead Blade 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 NOSFERAT 90 0 Death - Drain Life 80 10 Dea 50 Any 6 LICH QUEEN 65 0 Death - Fire Storm 80 30 Fire 40 Any 6 BANSHEE 100 0 Death - Paralyze 70 0 Mind 20 Any 1 THIEF 100 0 - - Daggers 80 30 Wea 60 Adj 1 SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.) HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ARCHLICH 170 0 Death - Plague 80 90 Dea 40 Any 6 DARK LORD 200 0 - F,W,A,E Undead Blade 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 DEATH 125 0 Wea,De - Death Touch/Poi 80/50 100 De/De 60 Any 1 DEATHDRAGON 375 0 Death - Breath 80 55 Dea 35 Any 6 DOOMDRAKE 300 0 - - Breath 80 40 Dea 35 Any 6 DRACOLICH 525 0 Death - Pestilence Br 80 75 Dea 35 Any 6 DREADWYRM 450 0 Death - Plague Br/Poi 80/40 65 De/De 35 Any 6 ELDER VAMP 210 0 Death - Drain Li Overflw 80 60 Dea 40 Any 6 FIGHTER 120 0 - - Sword 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1 GHOST 45 0 Death - Paralyze 65 0 Mind 20 Any 1 INITIATE 45 0 - - Pestilence 80 15 Dea 40 Any 6 LICH 140 0 Death - Plague 80 70 Dea 40 Any 6 NECROMANCER 105 0 - Death Pestilence 80 45 Dea 40 Any 6 PHANTOM WARR 320 0 Death - Un.Blade/Para 80/50 125 We,Mn 50 Adj 1 SHADE 135 0 Death - Paralyse 50 0 Mind 20 Any 6 SKELETON CHAMPION 270 0 Death - Long Sword 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1 SKELETON WARRIOR 220 0 Death - Long Sword 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 SPECTER 90 0 Death - Paralyse 70 0 Mind 20 Any 1 TEMPLAR 160 0 - F,W,A,E Lance 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 VAMPIRE 185 0 Death - Drain Life 80 50 Dea 40 Any 6 WARLOCK 75 0 - - Pestilence 80 30 Dea 40 Any 6 WEREWOLF 100 0 Weapon - Slash 80 40 Wea 50 Adj 1 WIGHT 105 0 We,De - De.Tch/Drn Lvl 80/80 75 De/De 50 Any 1 WRAITH 75 0 We,De - Pestilence 80 60 Dea 60 Any 1 WYVERN 225 0 - - Breath 80 25 Dea 35 Any 6 ZOMBIE 170 0 Death - Slash 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ======== ======== === === ======== ======== ==== === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === === Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý\ \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ===== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý === === ======== ======== ==== === === === === ======== ============================================================================== THE NEUTRAL UNITS LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.) [PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CATEGORY INCLUDES ALL SUMMONED CREATURES, THE MARSH DWELLERS, ETC.] HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR AIR ELEMENTL 100 0 Air - Slash 80 30 Air 40 Any 1 BARBARIAN CHIEFTN 275 0 - - Great Claws 80 100 Wea 40 Adj 1 BARBARIAN WARRIOR 250 0 - - Axe 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1 BLACK DRAGON 800 0 Death - Acid Breath 75 125 Death 40 Any 6 BLUE DRAGON 700 0 Water - Steam Breath 75 100 Water 40 Any 6 BROWN BEAR 270 0 - - Claw 80 60 Wea 65 Adj 1 CENTAUR 140 0 - - Arrow 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1 CENTAUR LANCER 165 0 - - Lance 80 65 Wea 55 Adj 1 ELF LORD 195 0 - Air Lightning 80 50 Air 50 Any 6 ELF RANGER 45 0 - - Arrow 80 25 Wea 65 Any 1 FAT IMP 100 0 - - Slash 70 30 Wea 50 Adj 1 FOREST ELF 100 0 - - Spear 80 40 Wea 65 Adj 1 GIANT BLACK SPIDER 370 0 - - Pincer/Paralyse 80/90 120 We/De 35 Adj 1 GIANT SPIDER 420 0 - - Pincer/Paralyse 80/80 130 We/Mi 35 Adj 1 GOBLIN 50 0 - - Spear 80 15 Wea 30 Adj 1 GOBLIN ARCHER 40 0 - - Arrow 80 15 Wea 50 Any 1 GOLEM 150 50 Ea,Po - Earthquake 80 70 Earth 70 Any 6 GREEN DRAGON 600 0 Fire - Fire Breath 75 60 Fire 40 Any 6 IMP 50 0 - - Tail Whip 80 20 Wea 30 Adj 1 KRAKEN 350 0 - - Tentacle 80 120 Wea 40 Adj 1 LIVING ARMOUR 175 0 Mi,Po - Great Sword 80 65 Wea 55 Adj 1 LIZARD MAN 200 0 - - Swords 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1 MAN AT ARMS 95 0 - - Axe 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1 MASTER THUG 110 0 - - Shrt Sw/P'lyse 80/80 35 We/De 75 Adj 1 MEDUSA 115 0 - - Petrify 60 0 Earth 20 Any 6 MERMAID 75 0 - - Maelstrm,P'lyse 60/50 20 Wa/Mi 20 Any 6 MERMAN 140 0 - - Trident 80 40 Wea 50 Adj 1 OCCULTIST 75 0 - - Summon 100 0 Death 40 Any 1 OGRE 300 0 - - Giant Club 80 130 Wea 20 Adj 1 ORACLE ELF 125 0 - Air Healing 100 60 Life 10 Any 6 ORC 200 0 - - Axe 80 55 Wea 40 Adj 1 ORC CHAMPION 220 20 - - Flail 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1 ORC KING 295 30 - - Mace 80 115 Wea 55 Adj 1 PEASANT 40 0 - - Pitchfork 75 15 Wea 30 Adj 1 POLAR BEAR 300 0 - Water Claw 80 80 Wea 70 Adj 1 PRIMITIVE GIANT 310 0 - - Giant Mace 80 100 Wea 30 Adj 1 RED DRAGON 800 0 Fire - Fire Breath 75 125 Fire 40 Any 6 SEA SERPENT 400 0 - - Bite 80 125 Wea 70 Adj 1 SKELETON 100 0 Death - Bone 80 40 Wea 60 Adj 1 SPEARMAN 140 0 - - Spear 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 SPIRIT WOLF 200 0 - - Spirit Howl 90 50 Air 40 Any 6 THUG 65 0 - - Daggers 80 25 Wea 65 Adj 1 TROLL 350 0 - - Slash 80 120 Wea 40 Adj 1 VALKYRIE 250 0 - - Ice Storm 80 55 Water 60 Any 6 WHITE DRAGON 700 0 Air - Vapor Breath 75 100 Air 40 Any 6 WOLF 180 0 - - Bite 80 55 Wea 50 Adj 1 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ==== ==== ======== ===== ======== === === ======== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý == Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \\Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý ==== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \\ Ý Ý Ý Ý ========== === === ===== =======\ ======== ======== ============================================================================== UNIQUE UNITS [Obviously THIS section contains the stats for as many UNIQUE units as I have encountered.] HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR ASTEROTH (good) 523 0 Mi,Fi - 2x Infern Bld 80 99 Wea 50 Adj 1 ASTEROTH (bad) 1020 0 Mi,Fi - 2x Infern Bld 80 150 Wea 50 Adj 1 ATHRON T. BLACK 110 0 - - Short Sword 80 35 Wea 75 Adj 1 Poison 80 35 Dea 75 Adj 1 BEASTKEEPER 140 0 - - Spear 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1 BETHREZEN 300 0 - MDFWAE Fire Ball 90 100 Fire 60 Any 1 Paralyse 90 0 Mind 60 Any 1 BONE LORD 400 0 Mi,De - Dra Li Ovrflw 80 65 Wea 50 Adj 1 DARK ELF LYF 300 0 Mi,Wa - Summon 100 0 Life 60 Any 6 DAGARIK STORMCALLER 185 0 - - Crossbow 85 65+16 Wea 50 Any 1 DEMON UTHER 1500 0 Mi,Fi DWAE Inferno 90 150 Fire 65 Any 6 Paralyse 60 0 Mind 65 Any 6 ELF LORD HYLLIA 275 0 - Air Lightning 84 70 Air 50 Any 6 ERHOG THE DARK 95 0+15 - FWAE Drain Life 80 45 Dea 40 Any 6 ERHOG THE NECROMANCER 300 0 - FWAE Drain Life 80 60 Dea 50 Any 6 FRELAN 135 0 - - Dagger, Poi 85/75 60 We/De 60 Any 1 GURKENASH 800 0 Death - Acid Breath 75 125 Dea 40 Any 6 GYMNER CLOUDKEEPER 115 0 - - Earth fall 82 40 Ea 30 Any 6 HEL 95 0 - - Earth fall 80 30 Ea 30 Any 6 HUBERT DE LAYLE 200 30 - - Mace 90 75 Wea 60 Adj 1 HUBERT'S GUARDS 135 0 - - Dagger/Poi 85/75 60 We/De 60 Any 1 HUBERT'S SCOUT 130 0 - - Falcon Arrow 84 60 Wea 60 Any 1 KALEN 95 0 - - Lightning 80 45 Air 40 Any 6 KELEGGH 220 20+10 - - Flail 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1 KING AKGRAAK 295 30+25 - - Mace 80 115 Wea 55 Adj 1 KING GURKENASH ---------------------> [See Gurkenash] <--------------------- KNIGHT DASANNAR 225 30 - - Sword 80 125 Wea 70 Adj 1 LORD HYLLIA ------------------> [See Elf Lord Hyllia] <------------------ LOLLENA GREENLIEF 225 0 - - Lance 84 89 Wea 55 Adj 1 MAGE HUGIN 900 0 Mind Air Tornado 80 70 Air 40 Any 6 MANTICORE 1152 30 Mind - Poi Tail/Poi 80/90 199 We/De 50 Adj 1 MASTER OCCULTST 310 0 - - Summon 100 0 Dea 90 Any 6 MOROK CLOUDKEEPER 691 40 - - War Hammer 80 132 Wea 55 Adj 1 NEUTRAL MALE 110 0+10 - - Sh Swd/Poi 80/80 35 We/De 75 Adj 1 NHIDDOG (V.1) 4976 0 MDFWAE - 2x Bite/Poi 90/90 150 We/De 50 Adj 1 NHIDDOG (V.2) 2000 0 Mind - 2x Bite/Poi 90/90 150 We/De 50 Adj 1 NOBAR THE TRAVELER 135 0 - - Dagger/Poi 85/75 60 We/De 60 Any 1 PEASANT EMAND 40 0 - - Pitchfork 75 15 Wea 30 Adj 1 SLOOKARIJJ 250 20 - - Ice Shd 80 60 Wa 48 Any 6 BLACKSTONE Lower Init 33 60 Wa 48 Any 6 TALADRIELLE THE SORCERESS 800 30+20 Mind - Dragon Breath 95 125 Life 60 Any 6 THUG RONON 65 0 - - Daggers 80 25 Wea 65 Adj 1 UKKHENGA 446 0 - - Giant Mace 80 100 Wea 55 Adj 1 UTHER (Human) 300 0 - FWAE Sword/Para 80/60 80 We/Mi 50 Adj 1 UTHER (Demon) 300 0 - MDFWAR Fire Ball 90 100 Fire 60 Any 1 Paralyse 90 0 Mind 60 Any 1 WIZARD HOREK 95 0 - - Lightning 80 45 Air 40 Any 6 WIZARD TIOREK 95 0 - - Lightning 80 45 Air 40 Any 6 YNNGREL 110 0 - - Short Sword 80 35 Wea 75 Adj 1 THE SWIFT Poison 80 35 Dea 75 Adj 1 ZUNTHER 95 0 - - Lightning 83 45 Air 40 Any 6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION ELEVEN Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RULERS AND LEADERS The first decision you really have to make insofar as your RULER is concerned is whether he (or she) is going to be a Fighter/Magic User/Thief ... this is your RULER we are talking about - i.e. you. If you choose to make your Ruler a FIGHTER, your units will heal a percentage of their Hit Points at the end of each turn ... that's ... ALL your units ... so that's quite a natty power. To counter this, there is an upper limit on the level of spells you can research and cast. If you choose to make your Ruler a MAGE LORD, your Capital City will automatically have the Magic Tower constructed at the beginning of each level, you will be able to research all spells at HALF their original cost, AND you can (provided you have the mana) cast each spell TWICE per turn ... MAGE LORDS ROCK MAN !! =D If you choose to make your Ruler a GUILDMASTER (aka Thief), your Capital City will automatically have the Thieves' Guild constructed at the beginning of each level, you will be able to make your cities grow at half the normal cost, and your thieves will have LOADS more options available to them than the thieves of a Fighter or Mage Lord. Options like changing the orders of your opponents, so as to confuse them ... things like that :"> If you click on the portrait for your Ruler, you can change your Ruler's face if you like. From this screen you also pick the difficulty setting (and, if you are playing in a Quest rather than a Saga, you can also import a previously exported hero to assist you should you wish). Switching now to your leaders ... Your Unit Leaders will level up just like any other unit ... however, certain types of Leaders (three per race) will an extra skill per level UP TO AND INCLUDING LEVEL 15 when they level up. These skills are VITALLY important, so don't just choose them willy-nilly. They can range from the humble Pathfinding (which increases your movement rate by 20%) to the FANTASTIC First Strike (which increases your initiative by a whopping 50% !!), so I would pay GREAT attention to the skills you pick when you level up if I were you. The skills you pick will depend on what you, as a player, place emphasis on in your leader. Since I always play magic-users, mine are centered around a) keeping them alive longer, and b) making the stronger ... other types of players will have other preferences, obviously ;) ALSO bear in mind that you can only take ONE leader with you to the next level, so I would *STRONGLY* suggest that you focus on building on just ONE leader ... just use the others as cannon-fodder and scouts basically ;) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION TWELVE Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COMMENTS ON UNITS AND SUGGESTED UPGRADE ROUTES A VERY brief section with my comments on units I really like and which upgrade paths I choose whilst I am playing :- [NOTE: Where I say "hit for six" I mean hit all the units in your opponent's team at once] THE EMPIRE F I G H T E R U N I T S Stable --> Imperial Stable --> Shrine --> Holy Statue Knight --> Imperial Knight --> Paladin --> Holy Avenger Nothing worthy of comment here ... I don't like the Inquisitors because I hate their taste in headwear !! :"> M A G E U N I T S Library --> Tower --> Arcane Tower Mage --> Wizard --> White Wizard The Elementalist being the only other option for these guys, and him only being able to summon (which is no good if you are in a unit which is already maxed out with 6 characters), I think this is a fairy decisive win for the White Wizard (PLUS Gandalf - the ORIGINAL White Wizard - ROCKS !!) =D R A N G E A T T A C K U N I T S Archery Range --> Imperial Guild Marksman --> Imperial Assassin There's no other option !! But the Imperial Assassin ROCKS, which is faBOO :"> S U P P O R T U N I T S Church --> Cathedral --> Basilica Cleric --> Matriarch --> Prophetess The choice here is a clear-cut one. The Priests heal more damage, but can only heal one character at a time ... the Clerics heal less damage, but can heal ALL your characters at the SAME time which makes the TOPS in my book :"> MY BEST EMPIRE UNIT COMPRISES :- Archmage, Prophetess, White Wizard, 3 Holy Avengers ============================================================================== THE MOUNTAIN CLANS F I G H T E R U N I T S Brewery --> Outpost --> Snow Den Warrior --> Mountaineer --> Hermit I LOVE using the Hermits !! These guys ROCK - they hit for six, are tough enough to stand in your FRONT line, and lower their enemies initiatives with successive strikes too !! GO HERMITS !! =D M A G E U N I T S Cottage --> Alchemy Tower Novice --> Alchemist Alchemists are KICK@SS dude ... even though their initiates are low, they feed another unit an extra attack, so stick two of these on the back line with a strong spellcaster and that spellcaster will be able to hit THREE TIMES PER ROUND !! =D R A N G E A T T A C K U N I T S Shooting Range --> Engineer's Guild Crossbowman --> Flame Caster Flame Casters can hit for six and are warded against Fire Attacks, which prolongs their life-expectancy against Legions' Units - a great freebie bonus :"> S U P P O R T U N I T S Mountain Peek --> Cloud Keep --> Bifrost Bridge Rock Giant --> Tempest Giant --> Elder One I personally favour units which can hit for six as they can greatly weaken the overall combat effectiveness of your opponent without really DOING anything special ... that's why I have gone for the Tempest Giant and Elder One ... I personally wouldn't use giants in combat, as I would prefer Alchemists and Hermits, but there you go :"> MY BEST MOUNTAIN CLANS UNIT COMPRISES :- Loremaster, 2 Alchemists, 3 Hermits ============================================================================== THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED F I G H T E R U N I T S UPGRADE ROUTE Unholy Portal --> Tower of Souls --> Bethrezen's Idol Berzerker --> Anti-Paladin --> Infernal Knight Infernal Knights are the mainstay of your melee fighters ... there is no other way to go, and it's probably just as well, as the Infernal Knights are KICK@SS fighters ;) M A G E U N I T S Occult Abbey --> Soul Keep Sorcerer --> Doppelganger Doppelgangers are THE coolest units in the game in my humble opinion, as at the start of each combat session they can assume the form of any other single- square (i.e. no Giants, etc.) character on the field ... the only thing they CANNOT mimic is experience ... but using a Doppelganger to mimic an Empire's Hierophant or similar is HILARIOUS !! ="> Doppelgangers are SUPAFLY =D R A N G E A T T A C K U N I T S Spire --> Onyx Spire Marble Gargoyle --> Onyx Gargoyle You don't have a choice on the upgrade path here - there's only one ;) S U P P O R T U N I T S Unholy Gate --> Torment Chapel --> Unholy Altar --> Slave Dungeon Demon --> Moloch --> Beast --> Tiamath I would opt for the Beast and the Tiamath, because they hit for six and, as stated above, that is something I DEFINITELY look for ;) It can EASILY help turn the tide in battle ... six-hitters are SO COOL !! =D MY BEST LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED UNIT COMPRISES :- Arch-Devil, 2 Doppelgangers, 3 Infernal Knights ============================================================================== THE UNDEAD HORDES F I G H T E R U N I T S UPGRADE ROUTE Unholy Ground --> Graveyard --> Vault of Souls --> Crematorium Zombie --> Skeleton Warrior --> Skeleton Champion --> Phantom Warrior Phantom Warriors are FANTASTIC fighters that have a HIGH chance of paralysing their opponents with a successful strike. I strongly suggest incorporating them into your armies if at all possible. M A G E U N I T S Dark Temple --> Occult Temple --> Crypt --> Stronghold Warlock --> Necromancer --> Vampire --> Elder Vampire Elder Vampires are GREAT spellcasters who have Drain Life Overflow as their sole attack - it's a life-stealing attack that heals characters in your unit where needed - it's a GREAT troop-management unit to have ;) R A N G E A T T A C K U N I T S Sepulchre --> Catacomb Specter --> Shade No alternative, but Shades ROCK 'coz they have a six-hit paralysis attack !! =) S U P P O R T U N I T S Cavern --> Boneyard --> Cursed Cemetery Doomdrake --> Death Dragon --> Dreadwyrm Dreadwyrms have a two-tier attack that can leave an opponent poisoned ... KILLER ;) I wouldn't ordinarily include them in my units though, as they take up 2 squares and you can do better ;) MY BEST UNDEAD HORDES UNIT COMPRISES :- Lich Queen, Shade, Elder Vampire, 3 Phantom Warriors =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION THIRTEEN Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TIPS AND TRICKS Here are a couple of tricks that I have picked up ... I don't feel the need to give credit to anybody for these, as I honestly came up with them myself !! It MAY be that they are printed elsewhere - I really don't know ... (God how bolschy eh !!) HEAL YOUR TROOPS If you are playing as the Empire, and you have destroyed all but one unit in your opponent's army ... IF that unit does less damage when it attacks than your healer would do when he/she heals, then have all your units EXCEPT the healer defend, and tend to their wounds during combat ... then slay the remaining unit when all your characters are back to 100% health!! This trick works ESPECIALLY well if you are using a six-hit-healer ;) MAKE THE COMPUTER FLUFF UP ITS CHANCE OF HITTING YOU ? Whilst I have been reasonably criticised for mentioning this before, I HONESTLY believe that, if you click the mouse at a certain point during the computer opponent's attacking animation, you can increase their chances of missing you. I might be talking UTTER cack, but I'll settle for that ... if I'm onto something it would be remiss of me not to mention it :"> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ý SECTION FOURTEEN Ý =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CREDITS Credit must go to the following people :- My best friends Peter, Matthew and Simon, for being there for me through thick and thin - I have NUTHIN but luv for ya ;), my brother Simon, for always keeping me on the straight and narrow, and to my parents for being a non-stop source of love and encouragement for me. On a work-note, a big up to Michy, Angel and Juliet ... thanks for keeping me sane !! =) This FAQ has been in no small part inspired by the people on the gamefaqs.com message boards, without who's insight and suggestions I would not have had the interest to do this FAQ. THANK YOU ALL !! =D - Mister Sinister, 2003 ============================================================================== Copyright David Booth, 2003-4 ==============================================================================