All cheats have to be entered as a code in the cheat screen. Level select, all park editor objects, full stats: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, B, A All bonus characters: DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT All keys: S, K, E, L, E, T, O, N Low gravity wallride: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, A, B, A, B, S Super Spin: LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP Perfect manuals: Q, U, E, Z, D, O, N, T, S, L, E, E, P Perfect handplants: J, U, S, T, I, N, [Space], B, A, I, L, E, Y Perfect grinds: B, I, G, U, P, Y, A, S, E, L, F Juice regeneration: LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, A, I Juice bar is always full: B, A, K, A, B, A, K, A Juice remains after crashes: K, H, U, F, U