To enable Neverwinter Nights cheats, you will need to hit the tilde (Shift + ~) key and type in "DebugMode 1" (case sensitive). Then hit the (Shift + ~) key again and press [TAB]. This should show you a list of the different functions available. Hit [TAB] again to scroll down the list. NOTE: All Neverwinter Nights codes are case sensitive. dm_god - God Mode dm_givegold X - Give Gold Amount X GetLevel X - Adds X # of Levels to Your Char SetCON X - Set Constitution to X SetWIS X - Set Wisdom to X SetINT X - Set Intelligence to X SetSTR X - Set Strength to X SetCHA X - Set Charisma to X SetDEX X - Set Dexterity to X NOTE: On some of the Neverwinter Nights cheats, it will simply give you a message saying "success" after you type the code and press [ENTER]. Other ones, such as the SetCHA will say "Entered Target Mode". You must click on your character to enable the changes to your character. Check out the Neverwinter Nights in-game listing, since it contains a whole bunch of different functions. MORE CHEAT CODES To use a command line action, you can bring up the console using the tilde key. You can also enter console commands into the chat widow by prefacing them with a double pound "##". ModAge # ModAttackBase # ModSave ModSTR # ModDEX # ModCON # ModINT # ModWIS # ModCHA # ModSaveFort ModSaveReflex ModSaveWill ModSpellResistance # SetAge # SetAttackBase # SetSave SetSpellResistance # GiveXP # GiveLevel # runscript NAME GetVarInt GetVarFloat GetVarString GetVarObject GetVarVector SetVarInt SetVarFloat SetVarString SetVarObject SetVarVector GetVarModInt GetVarModFloat GetVarModString GetVarModObject GetVarModVector SetVarModInt SetVarModFloat SetVarModString SetVarModObject SetVarModVector SetAppearance OTHER CHEAT CODES nwnplayer.ini modification If you modify any value using the console your character becomes "invalid" for the next chapter. To fix this, replace 1 with 0 in the following setting in your nwnplayer.ini file: "Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=1" By Stoney, --- AUTHOR: George K. Ison aka GARR Enable cheats by hitting ~ and typing in DebugMode 1 and hitting Enter. In any area, hold the cursor at a point where you want to go and hit + on the number pad. To instantly kill a tough enemy, hold the cursor on it and hit the y key. You can even use the instant kill cheat to break most doors, chests, and boxes.