Driller Action Game from Incentive. GENERAL INFORMATION Shoot the pyramid crystals to gain energy or shields. The upside-down crystals regain energy, while the others replenish shields. These crystals are found in lots of places, mainly on the lighter side of the moon. The shed in Amethyst contains blue and yellow crystals, and two of these will fully energise your shields if they are really low, so don't waste them. When the crystal supported by a cube has the cube shot away, it is worth extra shields. The other supported crystal, when shot, regenerates the three ordinary crystals, so shoot them first, then shoot the aforementioned supported crystal to get them back for later. The crystals in the shed in Obsidian completely restore your attributes, once again, the upside-down ones giving you energy, whilst the others replenish shields. However, on entering this shed, go in by the rear door as there is a particularly nasty laser waiting for you at the front. If you do attempt to destroy it though, raise the height of your vehicle and enter with your laser positioned at the top of the screen. This way you should get it within a couple of shots. Also, shooting the strip lights just goes to show the attention to detail that has gone into this game. Another way to gain energy and shields is to shoot the treed-like structure in Emerald. It disappears after a few shots so, once again, don't waste it. Most laser beacons can be destroyed with a couple of shots, but the laser in Topazcan rotated away from you by shooting it - effectively deactivating it. If you hear an alien alarm and you are attacked by something that you cannot see, rotate upwards, using the right mouse button on the up icon, and you will see a Ketar Skanner in the sky, shooting at you. Simply shoot at it to destroy it. Generally, if you can't immediately see the answer to a puzzle, try viewing it from as many angles as possible: eg, move around it, over it, next to it....this way you may see a previously hidden switch. Never move off a platform on a side where there is no visible wall, or you will fall to your death. The only platforms where there is an exception to the rule are Amethyst and Ruby; you can walk through the wall in Amethyst to get to Niccolite, and out of Ruby on to the Girders. SOLUTIONS TO PUZZLES & SPECIFIC TIPS In Amethyst, shoot the arch to gain some points, then shoot the top of the tall tower for some more. Shoot the white box on one of the walls to reveal a door to Obsidian. Whatever you do, DON'T shoot the store shed, or it will disappear, taking the valuable energy and shield crystals it holds with it. As this is the first stage, the puzzle is fairly easy; just plant your rig on the cross on the floor. Once you have found the jet, a useful way to refuel is to land on top of the tower. The floating dock above Amethyst is a secret room which is used to activate the teleports. Additionally, activating the teleports can be done by going to Topaz and, having shot the laser turret so that it is pointing the other way, moving to the block next to the floating room and getting on it. Once you are on, turn around and then shoot the red box on the right. You will now be lifted up. Enter the room and head straight for the block on the wall. Behind it, you will find a secret passage. Go through it and you will end up in a room containing four boxes. To activate the teleports, you must shoot all four so that they all disappear at once. To do this, mentally number them 1 - 4 from left to right, and shoot them in the order 4 - 2 - 1 - 3. Return to Amethyst (through the passage - not the slot) and you will see a large T-shape. There will also now be T-shapes in Ruby, Emerald and Beryl, and touching them will take you from one T to another. Additionally, if you are in the jet, you can get to the secret room simply by flying through the slot. To obtain the jet, follow these instructions; go from Amethyst to Topaz, and cross to the other side by using the steps. Enter Beryl and shoot the three telegraph wires until they disappear - cutting off the laser's supply. Enter the building that it was protecting and face the three shapes on the wall. Shoot these and they change their order, so shoot them into the sequence: Hexagon, Square and Triangle then exit the room to find that a new door has appeared opposite the building. Go through this, and you will enter Aquamarine. Go to the left hangar and shoot the doors. Within this now open hangar is the jet, so trundle in and position yourself directly beneath the jet. Dock with it, and control is yours. The jet is only useful for exploration and cannot lay rigs, so if you want to position one, land on the hangar and re-enter the tank. To cross the gap in Obsidian, shoot or bump into the tall, thin block until it falls over, bridging the gap. Within the gap there are several energy and shield crystals to shoot, but be careful not to fall in. To get through Lapiz Lazuli, shoot all five pyramids then weave through the blocks to reach the wall. Using the up icon, raise your tank until you see a block on the other side. Shoot it and lower yourself back to ground level. Go beneath the wall and shoot it again. A door out will now be revealed. When you first wish to enter Ruby it is best to go via Aquamarine. Level your tank to the ground and follow the arrow until you meet another arrow pointing in another direction. Follow this one now, and move right up to the side of the room. Lift your tank from the ground, and move forward into Ruby. Lower the tank again and traverse the girders. To cross the girders safely, change the forward step to 25 units, and the turning step to 90 degrees. This makes it easier to move along the girders and allows you to turn at exactly the right step. To get into Diamond, shoot the switches in Niccolite, Alabaster, Opal and Quartz. To disable the annoying laser in Quartz, shoot the thin wire suspending the heavy block, causing it to snap, thus dropping the block which, in turn, demolishes the beacon. You can get to the other side by squeezing through by the block. Once all the switches have been shot, the wall in Opal will disappear and you can then enter Diamond through it. There are crystals here which can be shot to replenish any diminishing energy levels - which you undoubtedly will have! To get into Trachyte, the final section, shoot the switches in Basalt (not forgetting to blast the Christmas tree for extra points!), Ochre and Graphite. At first, there won't be a switch in Graphite, but to make it appear, cross the river on the bridge, then line up the 'gunsights' on the wall. Shoot the wall where the sights line up and the switch will appear. The switch in Obsidian is the last one to be shot, but it won't appear until ALL the other 17 sectors have been cleared of gas. When they have, shoot the switch and you can then enter Trachyte to clear all of the sectors. DRILLING CO-ORDINATES SECTOR X Y FACING 1. Alabaster 3741 4192 East 2. Amethyst 6038 6059 North-East 3. Aquamarine 5124 290 South 4. Basalt 1383 1196 North 5. Beryl 7146 4144 North-West 6. Diamond 4120 2724 North 7. Emerald 4543 4128 West 8. Graphite 1126 6740 South 9. Lapis Lazuli 1789 3654 North-East 10. Malachite 5895 5785 South 11. Niccolite 0512 1698 North 12. Obsidian 7063 6788 West 13. Ochre 2075 6810 West 14. Opal 7423 7741 East 15. Quartz 2786 1799 West 16. Ruby 3752 2506 East 17. Topaz 2299 0513 East 18. Trachyte 4496 6912 Left.