====================================================================== CHEAPER MINI-GUNNERS ====================================================================== Build a guard tower, then sell it to get five mini-gunners, which are more expensive than a guard tower. ====================================================================== SELLING VEHICLES ====================================================================== Place a vehicle in the repair bay to sell it. ====================================================================== FINDING MONEY ====================================================================== Destroy the churches in the villages to find $1000. ====================================================================== BUILD AWAY FROM BASE ====================================================================== To build away from your base, simply create a chain of sandbags to the desired location. ====================================================================== USE OPPONENT'S STRUCTURES AND MEN ====================================================================== Use an engineer to get into your opponent's Mobile Construction Unit. This will allow use of your opponent's structures, men, and more. ====================================================================== KILLING MULTIPLE GRENADIERS/FLAMETHROWERS ====================================================================== When attacked by a group of flamethrowers or grenadiers, just kill a few of them to set off a chain reaction that will kill the rest. ====================================================================== BUILD NOD ATTACK CHOPPER ====================================================================== To build an attack chopper for the Brotherhood of NOD, simply take over their main base and the option for an attack chopper will become available. ====================================================================== FASTER ION CANNON AND NUCLEAR WEAPON CHARGE ====================================================================== Build more power plants to get a faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear weapon charge. ====================================================================== TAKING OUT LASERS ====================================================================== The fastest and easiest way to take out Lasers is to use three flame tanks, which will barely get damaged. ====================================================================== TAKING OUT GUARD TOWERS AND ADVANCED GUARD TOWERS ====================================================================== Build Artillery and send them to attack those structures. They shoot from such a long distance that the Towers can not shoot back. ====================================================================== TIBERIUM FACTORIES ====================================================================== When you destroy all your opponent's Tiberium Factories, you can shoot one of their structures a few times and they will sell it to you. However, make sure you take out their main base first or they will not be able to rebuild the Tiberium Factories. Hints submitted by: Camilo (camilolc@uol.com.br)