_______________________________________________________________________________ ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо ____ /\ _`\ __ \ \ \/\ \ /\_\ ____ ___ __ __ __ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ /',__\ /' _ `\ /'__`\ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \ /\__, `\/\ \/\ \ /\ __/ \ \ \_\ \ \ \____/ \ \_\\/\____/\ \_\ \_\\ \____\ \/`____ \ \/___/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/ \/____/ `/___/> \ /\___/ \/__/ /\ _| _ ._ _|_ ._ _ _ o._ _|_ |_ _ /--\(_|\/ (/_| | |_ |_|| (/__> || | |_ | |(/_ _ _ _ /\/\ __ _ __ _ (_) ___ /\ /\(_) _ __ __ _ __| | ___ _ __ ___ / \ / _` | / _` || | / __| / //_/| || '_ \ / _` | / _` | / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / /\/\ \| (_| || (_| || || (__ / __ \ | || | | || (_| || (_| || (_) || | | | | \/ \/ \__,_| \__, ||_| \___|\/ \/ |_||_| |_| \__, | \__,_| \___/ |_| |_| |_ |___/ |___/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom The Complete Guide May 17, 2001 Version 1.4 Written by: Dan Simpson Email: manymoose@hotmail.com Email Policy: ооооооооооооо If you are going to email me about this game, please put Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom as the subject. Or just Magic Kingdom. Also please realize that I am not hiding cheats or any other information, i.e. everything I know about Magic Kingdom is in this guide. If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add please email me! I will, of course, give you full credit for your addition, and be eternally grateful to you. ______________________________________Notes____________________________________ The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is not a hard game, or a long one. It's not even that great of a game. Yet when I was young, this game was really cool for me. And therefore I'm writing this guide about it now... Strange how things work. This guide is divided into the separate areas of the park. Each section contains a location of the ride, what type of area it is (platform...), and a description of what to do there. If you are a webmaster and wish to post this on your web page, please email me first. And if you do post this FAQ on your site, please make an attempt to keep it up to date. There is nothing worse than getting emails from people who saw an old version asking about things that are already in the newer versions. Well, maybe there are worse things, but it IS annoying! If the ASCII art above looks like crap, make sure your font is a FIXED WIDTH font, like COURIER (or Courier New), and that your right margin goes out at least 79 spaces. This Document is Copyright 1999-2001 by Dan Simpson Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is Copyright by Capcom and/or Disney I am not affiliated with Capcom, Disney, or anyone who had anything to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ. _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________ What's New in 1.4: оооооооооооооооооо Tiny changes. For a complete Version History, check out the Final Words Section at the end of the FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0. Introduction | 1. Pirates of the Carribbean | 2. Haunted Mansion | 3. Big Thunder | 4. Autopia | 5. Space Mountain | 6. The Final Silver Key | 7. Game Genie Codes | '-> Final Words... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "point" of the game is to find the Golden Key so that Mickey can get his parade started on time, and you have been selected to find the key. Aren't you lucky. The Golden Key is locked in the Castle, and to get into the castle you need 6 silver keys which are hidden in the Magic Kingdom, 5 on rides, and the last one you need to talk around for. On the rides you can gather Stars which you can spend on various helpful items, like 1 Ups or Invicibility. Controls: A - Jump, Accelerate (autopia) B - Push, Attack, Brake (autopia) START - Pause SELECT - Options (spend star points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pirates of the Carribbean ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: Located to the SW of the Castle. Type: Platform Time: 180 seconds Pirates have seized control here and kidnapped 6 tourists! Oh no! First off, the only way to hurt the Pirates is to roll a barrel on them (B), so don't touch them! When a pirate is going to throw something at you, you can duck it (DOWN) or Jump Over it (A). Walkthrough: * Go right, avoid the pirate, and go up the ladder * Get the STAR and jump onto the roof * Avoid this pirate, and jump onto the next roof to the right and get the STAR * Climb down the ladder avoid the Pirate, and push the barrel onto the Pirate * Go right, jump to the next building and get the 2 STARS * Continue right to free the Hostage * Go down, right and onto the boat * On the boat go right, get the 2 STARS and avoid the cannon fire * Go right until you get to a chasm, walk as close to the edge as you can get and jump across. Keep going until you get across all the chasms and free the hostage. * Go right, get the STAR and go down the ladder * Go right, avoid the scorpion, and jump the chasm (once again, getting as close to the edge as you can) to free the hostage. Careful, that dead pirate throws money around (and it hurts). * Jump again to the right, go all the way right Get the Candle, and go up the ladder. * Go left, and up the ladder there. * Jump onto the upper left platform to get the Hostage. * Jump back down 1 level, run to the right, jump across and get the Hostage. * Fall off the platform (don't jump, just fall) to light the fire. This also frees the sixth hostage, who gives you a Silver Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Haunted Mansion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: W of the Castle Type: Platform (w/weapons) Time: 160 seconds You have a weapon this time, a candle, which you will find all over the mansion. The mansion itself isn't so tricky, it's the things in the mansion that make it hard. Try to kill anything that moves, except chairs, which you ride up levels and chandeliers which you can use to cross areas. When you get to the library don't fall off, or you will die! No walkthrough this time as there are no different paths that you can take, just be careful! Boss: Ghost (8 hits) This guy is a little tricky, but luckily there are enough weapons here to supply you. Run away from him until you are about 3 lengths (how much space would 3 of you take up) away from him, then turn and fire, and continue to run. When you get close to a wall, wait for him to fly as low as he gets, then turn and jump over him. Beat him to get another Silver Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Big Thunder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: NW of the Castle Type: Runaway Mine Car Time: 70 seconds Special Controls: ^ | Slow Down <- Turn Left Turn Right -> Speed Up | V You want to get to the SECOND station here, and there are 4 at the bottom. Which means that you will want to be on the left, but not on the far left. If you see a boulder ahead of you, gauge whether you need to slow down, or speed up to avoid it. Also try to avoid the gates, and don't use your brakes too much since you only have 70 seconds! There are too many ways to do this one, so there isn't a walkthrough here. Note: If you have this game on emulator, this area is a little easier, simply pause the game and then use a Save State. If at any time you get killed, you can come back to that point and try it again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Autopia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: E of the Castle Type: Racer Time: 85 seconds To accelerate here, press A and push and hold UP and press A again to get up to top speed. The course is tricky since you have to choose the right way to navigate, avoid obstacles, make the right jumps, and battle it out with the other cars. There is no walkthrough since it isn't that hard, but there are a few tips. Tips: - Always take the left path if you have 2 choices - When you seem to have jumped off the course, you are jumping from platform to platform, so aim for the platforms! - On the first Wooden Bridge (the left side, of course) after the platform jumping area, after the jump on the bridge, there will be an extension bridge (it appears and disappears)... pay attention and if it isn't extended use your Brakes (B). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Space Mountain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: SE of the Castle Type: Simon Says You have to navigate your way to "Star F" here, completely by doing whatever the bottom panel tells you to do. If it says go UP then you press UP. If you see a Meteor you press A, if you see an Enemy Spaceship you press B. If it looks like it is flashing both left AND right, then do either. Also note the upper display says which star you are near. As the star counter gets closer to F it will get a little faster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. The Final Silver Key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: All around the Magic Kingdom Type: Trivia Game This one you have to talk around the Magic Kingdom to get. Talk to one guy, who asks you a Disney Trivia question, then tells you to go somewhere to find someone, who tells you to go somewhere else. Walkthrough: * First Guy is right by Main Street and the Castle, he asks you a question. (see Answers below for the answer) Get it right and he sends you to the girl by Space Mountain. * Girl by space mountain asks you a question, and sends you to the front of the Castle. * Guy in front of the Castle asks you a question, and sends you to Small World * Guy in front of Small World asks a question, then tells you that a Dog has the key by the Main Gate. * Guy by the front gate asks a question, and tells you that the dog is by Tom Sawyer's Island (where the Riverboat is). * Girl with dog asks you a question, but then the Dog runs off to Autopia. * Boy with dog asks you 2 questions, get them right to get the Last Key! Answers: (some questions are shrunk due to spacing demands) - What year did the Mickey Mouse Comic begin? 1930 - Who is the Most Clever and Smart of the 7 Dwarves? DOC - What was the first Mickey Mouse cartoon ever created? PLANE CRAZY - What is the name of Donald Duck's uncle? SCROOGE - What is the name of Pinnochio's constant companion? JIMINY CRICKET - Where does the story of Dumbo take place? FLORIDA - What actress won best actress in a Disney film? JULIE ANDREWS - Who portrayed the younger Hardy Boy? TOMMY KIRK - What is Donald Duck's middle name? FAUNTLEROY - What year did Disneyland first open? 1955 - What was Donald's first appearance with Mickey Mouse? ORPHAN'S BENEFIT - When is Mickey Mouse's birthday? NOVEMBER 18, 1928 - Who is constantly correcting Thumper's manners? MRS. RABBIT - What is the film in which Goofy first appears? MICKEY'S REVUE - Who are the brothers who love Chestnuts...? CHIP & DALE - What is the name of the King in Alice in Wonderland? LITTLE KING - What was the name of the Girl's ranch in Spin & Marty? CIRCLE H - What character is known as Musse Pigg in Sweden? MICKEY MOUSE - What is the name of Donald Duck's Girlfriend? DAISY - Which non-Disney character was NOT in "Roger Rabbit"? POPEYE - What is the name of the Brazilian Parrot...? JOSE CARIOCA - How much does it cost to "Feed the Birds"? TUPPENCE - What chipmunks are leaders of the "Rescue Rangers"? CHIP & DALE - What is the name of Mickey's Dog? PLUTO - What is the name of Hook's ship in "Peter Pan"? IT DOESN'T HAVE 1 - What is the name of the Bulldog always chasing Pluto? BUTCH - What pies does Snow White make for the Dwarves? GOOSEBERRY PIES - When Goofy first appeared he had another name...? DIPPY DAWG - What does Mary Poppins pull out of her Handbag? HATSTAND - What warns Captain Hook that the Crocodile is nearby? TICKING CLOCK - What Disney Character is in the most Films? DONALD DUCK - What is the name of Zorro's Black Stallion? TORNADO - What time does Cinderella's spell wear off? MIDNIGHT - In what Cartoon Series did Donald first appear? SILLY SYMPHONIES - Which little Pig made a house of Bricks? PRACTICAL PIG - At what age did Sleeping Beauty prick her finger? 16 - What is the name of Disneyland's Riverboat? MARK TWAIN - How many ghosts are there in the Haunted Mansion? 999 - What kind of animal is Goofy? DOG - What Character can fly with the aid of an Umbrella? MARY POPPINS - Which Winnie the Pooh Character was once named Edward? WINNIE THE POOH - Which of the 7 Dwarves never speaks? DOPEY - What is the name of the Evil Fairy in Sleeping Beauty? MALEFICENT - Who is Pinocchio's Father? GEPETTO - Which is the largest Magic Kingdom? TOKYO DISNEYLAND - What is Cinderella's last name? TREMAINE - Which character is the castle in Disney World named..? CINDERELLA - Where was Davy Crocket born? TENNESSEE - What was the first Academy Award winning cartoon? FLOWERS AND TREES Note: I am pretty sure (99%) that I got all the questions and answers, but if you find one that I missed, be sure to send it in! Once you have all six of the keys, go to the Castle to finish the game. Easy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Game Genie Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAKUTGTA 'Life' costs less STAR POINTS GAKUTGTE 'Life' costs more " GAKUYKAA 'Freeze' costs less " YAKUYKAE 'Freeze' costs more " IASLAKZA 'Invincible' costs less " GPSLAKZA 'Invincible' costs more " TASLPKGA 'Life Up' costs less " APSLPKGE 'Life Up' costs more " PEVEIALA Start with 1 life TEVEIALA Start with 6 lives PEVEIALE Start with 9 lives SXKYUOVK Never lose a life on the Rides NYKULZKU More 'Freeze' time AGKULZKL Less 'Freeze' time EGSUYXGL More 'Invincible' time SZSTGVVK Infinite candles (in Haunted Mansion) EYKVNKXN Mega-jump SXKYUOVK Infinite lives PAVAZPLA Start with less energy on Rides IAVAZPLA Start with more energy on Rides PAVAZPLE Start with even more energy on Rides SXXNXPVG Almost infinite energy on Rides GXELLXSN + AAXUAXGY All items for free! =============================================================================== Final Words... =============================================================================== ASCII Art created using SigZag by James Dill: (freeware!) "http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/marina/4942/sigzag.htm" This FAQ was written entirely using the GWD Text Editor: (shareware) http://www.gwdsoft.com/ All Game Genie Codes from the Galoob web page: http://www.galoob.com/pub/Codes/NES/NEV8A.txt AND http://www.galoob.com/pub/Codes/NES/NECD15.txt _________________________ Shameless Self Promotion: ооооооооооооооооооооооооо I have also written FAQs for: NES: Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ The Legend of Zelda SNES: Aerobiz Aerobiz Supersonic Utopia: Creation of a Nation Genesis: StarFlight PSX: Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough -- Forging/Dating FAQ PS2: Madden NFL 2001 PC: AD&D Rules FAQ Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough NPC List Creature List Baldur's Gate II -- FAQ/Walkthrough -- Items List -- Class FAQ -- Creatures List Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide -- the Cheat Guide Drakan: Order of the Flame Dungeon Hack Icewind Dale & Heart of Winter -- FAQ/Walkthrough Items List Kresselack's Tomb Map (JPG) Burial Isle Map (JPG) Master of Magic (revision) Messiah Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix) Planescape: Torment -- FAQ/Walkthrough Items Listing Rollercoaster Tycoon Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri The Sims Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar Ultima 7: The Black Gate Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands -- Spell List All of my FAQs can be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/2203.html оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Questions? Comments? Mistakes? Excited about Grammar? Email me about it! Email: manymoose@hotmail.com Email Policy: If you are going to email me about this game, please put Adventures in the Magic Kingdom as the subject. And please realize that I am not hiding cheats or any other information, i.e. everything I know about this game is in this guide. ________________ Version History: оооооооооооооооо Original Version (5-28-99, 13k) Changes in 1.1 (7-8-99, 14k) Small Changes Changes in 1.2 (9-20-99, 17k) Format Changes Small Changes Changes in Version 1.3 (2-29-00, 20k) Small Changes Small Format Changes Changes in Version 1.31 (4-26-00, 21k) Small Changes Small Format Changes Changes in Version 1.32 (6-17-00, 22k) Updated the Shameless Self Promotion to include my new FAQs Some other small changes Version 1.4 May 17, 2001 21k Tiny Changes. ________ Stinger: оооооооо "What is the name of Hook's ship in 'Peter Pan'?" "It doesn't have one." _______________________________________________________________________________ ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо This Document is Copyright 1999-2001 by Dan Simpson Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is Copyright by Capcom and/or Disney I am not affiliated with Capcom, Disney, or anyone who had anything to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.