To access the cheats in Krossfire, you must do two things: 1.The game must be run with the command line option '-badnews'. 2.To activate the cheats in the game, you must press [Ctrl] and [Tab] together at exactly the same time. It may take you a little while to hit them together. When you do, a message will be displayed saying 'Cheats Enabled'. These are the cheats: [Ctrl][M] Extra money [Ctrl][C] Win level [Ctrl][F] Lose level [Ctrl][W] Turn on waypoint information [Ctrl][E] Turn off waypoint information [Ctrl][T] Turn off the fog of war - this may activate enemy units on the map To use a custom unit configuration file in the single player missions, run the game with the command line parameter '-stats' followed by the name of the configuration file, e.g. D:\KKND Krossfire\Kknd2.exe" - badnews -stats justy By MASTERCPU@GMX.NET, The HoMM Boss For the demo version: - For 65535 oil - Save the game at the beginning - Series 9: - Open the saved game with a HexEditor - Change the 114 and 115 hexadresses to FF Evolved: - Open the saved game with a HexEditor - Change the FB and FC hexadresses to FF Survivors: - Open the saved game with a HexEditor - Change the D7 and D8 hexadresses to FF