IMPOSSIBLE CREATURES WALKTHROUGH by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_HF), 29/06/2003 ver 1.4. Table of Contents 1-Update History 2-History Briefing 3-Abilities Briefing 4-Base Creatures Briefing 5-Structure Briefing 6-Upgrades Briefing 7-Technological Tree 8-General Tactics 9-Multiplayer Tactics 10-Characters Briefing 11-Pre-done Armies Briefing 12-Submitted Creatures and Armies 13-Walkthrough 14-Cheats, Patches and Misc 15-Credits and misc **************** 1-UPDATE HISTORY **************** 29/06/2003-version 1.4: Walkthourgh started. Beginning to update infos to patch 1.01 and preparing the whole document to host the official "Insect Invasion" mod. Added infos on extra animals. All you need to get them is in the new section Cheats, Patches and Misc. New submissions, too. And...100kb reached and passed! 22/05/2003-version 1.3: again, sorry for the long delay, but I got really busy with work. For this update, finished the Base Ceatures Briefing, update some sections and corrected some mistakes. Next thing will be the walthrough. 29/03/2003-version 1.2: Sorry for the long delay, but I had some problems (only four words: Animal - Wind - Prime - Fusion; someone might have understood, plus an ADSL line that is giving me more problems than bytes). However, this long delay brought the real life to a FAQ: submissions, submissions, and more submissions. For this update, only submissions and the Abilities section, plus minor updates. 04/03/2003-version 1.0: here is it. Finally I've put my hands on the game and here's the first version of the walkthrough. Hope you'll enjoy it. For now, only basic infos online, a lot more to come. ****************** 2-HISTORY BRIEFING ****************** 1937. After his father left him while still a baby, Rex Chance recieves a letter from his parent; Rex's father, Dr. Eric Chanikov, was developing a pioneristic technology still unknown to the whole world on an archipelago belonging to Upton Julius, who was sponsoring Chanikov's researches. Chanikov, concerned about his life, wrote to his child to see him a last time before diyng. Rex immediately travels to the archipelago, only to found a wrecked laboratory and some kind of animal, a mix of a Tiger and an insect, in a stasis tube. Then, he was greeted by Upton Julius and an handful of those creatures, this time canine beings mixed with ants. Just before getting beaten up by those creatures, he was saved by Lucy Willing, former employee of Julius and Chanikov's assistant riding a flying hovertrain... ******************** 3-ABILITIES BRIEFING ******************** Name: Artillery Attack Location: head, arms Effect: artillery attacks are aimed to a place rather than a single unit, as they are relatively slow and inaccurate. However, when impacting with the terrain, the artillery attack produces a small "explosion" that damages everything in the area (about a 2 in-game meters radius). Note that this "splash damage" will affect friendly units and structures too. Name: Barrier Destroy Location: arms Effect: this ability allows creature to easily destroy buildings and to almost instantainly destroy Bramble Fences Name: Camouflage Location: innate Effect: creatures with this ability will be totally invisible, unless they attack or use their special abilities. Camouflaged units can also be detected by other creatures with Keen Sense or Anti-Air Towers. Radar and Sonar Pulses reveal them, too. Name: Charge Attack Location: rear legs Effect: useful for close-ranged creatures and with the Horns ability. When an attack order is issued, a creature with this ability will automatically throw itself at the enemy, producing a more powerful strike. When an other target is selected, the creature will do an other attack. Only the first strike to an enemy creature will be a Charge Attack. Name: Digging Location: front legs, arms Effect: the creature will dig an hole, hiding it from most creatures (Keen Sense, Radar and Sonar Pulse will detect them) and raising its defense stat as long as the creatures remains underground. During this period it cannot move. Name: Electric Burst Location: head Effect: similar to the Artillery Attack, the Electirc Burst has the same splash effect, but it is faster and more accurate, and each creature within the impact radius will suffer full damage. Name: Flight Location: wings Effect: the creature can fly. It is immune to the Stink Cloud effects. Name: Frenzy Location: innate Effect: the creature moves faster and does more damage during close combats, but loses defense points, making enemy attack more effective. This ability can be turned on and off at will. Name: Herding Location: innate Effect: when three or more creatures of the same kind are near, they will gain a defensive bonus (showed by a blue sphere around each creature). Name: High Endurance Location: innate Effect: makes the creature immune to slow-down effects and allows to recharge other special abilities faster. Name: Horns Location: head Effect: Horns lower enemy's defense level during close combat. Name: Immunity Location: innate Effect: the creature is totally immune to Stink Cloud, Poison, Poison Touch, Plague and Venom Spray. Name: Keen Sense Location: head Effect: allows to dected Camouflaged and hidden (creatures using the Digging ability) creatures. Name: Leap Attack Location: rear legs Effect: it has the same effects of the Charge Attack, though it is somewhat less accurate. Name: Pack Hunter Location: innate Effect: when grouping three or more creatures with this ability, they will gain an offensive bonus on all attacks; "enhaced" creatures have a red sphere around them. Name: Plague Location: head Effect: during close combat, the carrying creature can infect other creatures, slowly but constantly draining health points until the plagued creature dies. Plague can spread from enemy to enemy if two creatures come in contact. Name: Poison Location: head, tail Effect: Poison is automatically used when the carrying creature uses the limb with the ability on an enemy. It slows down movement and lowers damage values for a small amount of time. Name: Poison Touch Location: tail Effect: similar to Poison, the Poison Touch slow down and seriously wounds the infected creature. Name: Quill Burst Location: torso Effect: the creatures throws quills all around itself creating a deadly cloud of needles that damages everything (including allies) within the attack 5-meters radius. Hit units are damaged and their defense stats are lowered. Name: Regeneration Location: innate Effect: allows creature to regenerate its health points when not moving, attacking or using special abilities. Name: Sonar Pulse Location: head Effect: allows you to see a small portion of the map, detecting even hidden creatures. Name: Stink Cloud Location: tail Effect: creates a poisonous cloud for few seconds in a 5-meter area, slowing down enemy units and making ranged attacks useless. Name: Swimming Location: tail and/or torso Effect: the creature can swim in deep waters. ************************* 4-BASE CREATURES BRIEFING ************************* Note: there are special/hidden creatures. That's for sure. There's a .pdf document in the \Goodies directory describing them. I won't put them in this section as long as I haven't discovered how to unlock them. I _suspect_ that if you finish the game, the creatures will become available, but I'm sure of one thing: putting the .pdf file in your Goodies directory won't unlock them. Nor you have to pay to get them or the .pdf document. The game includes both things for free. Do not let someone fool you with those things, really. Name: ANT Classification: Insect Climate: Varied Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 78 Electricity Cost: 25 Health: 30 Defense: 39 Maximum Speed (type): 26 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Leg Attack (5, fore legs); Bite (5, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Immunity (innate); Digging (fore legs) Available from: mission The Ant is perfect for rush and swarm tactics, due to its low cost, production time and Level I research. It also has the Immunity ability which enhaces its general value and can also work as a scout with its digging ability. However, Ants are small, and therefore have a poor health, though it has an average defense ratio due to its invertebrate nature. Ants can be mixed with Rats to create a fast rush creature with the vicious plague ability; this mix leaves the resulting creature still low on health points, but the sheer number should overcome your enemy. Name: ARCHER FISH Classification: Fish Climate: Tropical Research Level: II Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 60 Electricity Cost: 40 Health: 18 Defense: 6 Maximum Speed (type): 30 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 30 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (2, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Water Artillery (3, head) Abilities (location): Swimming (Torso or Tail); Artillery (head) Available from: mission The only animal with the Water Artillery attack (and one of the only two animals to have the Artillery ability at all), the Archer Fish is low-cost and swimmer, but has very poor defense and health stats; however, the Artillery ability, combined with its low Research Level and cost, make this fish a very attractive for rushing armies created for ranged combat. Archer Fishes mix well with Giraffes and Wolverines (for low level combinatios): the first favores speed and sight radius, while the other health and defense. Mid and High level mixes can be done with Elephants or Gorillas. Name: ARMADILLO Classification: Rodent Climate: Desert Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 67 Electricity Cost: 0 Health: 65 Defense: 81 Maximum Speed (type): 18 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): none Available from: mission Armadillo have the second highest defense value of the whole game; the highest value belongs to the Turtle, and the Armadillo has surely an advantage over the latter: speed. Armadilloes would be totally ignored if not for their decent ground speed value and low cost, though it is coal-based. Not particularly powerful with is single bite attack, combinations with Armadilloes can come up with Archer Fishes for strong artillery units or with Pincer-equipped animals as turret destroyers. Name: BABOON Classification: Primate Climate: Savannah/Tropical Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 111 Electricity Cost: 45 Health: 90 Defense: 45 Maximum Speed (type): 27 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Pummel (3, arms); Bite (4, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Pack Hunter (innate) Available from: mission Baboons are fast, pack quite a close-range punch and are pack hunter, which means that a group of them can devastate bases with weak defenses. Their cost is high, however, and it's classified as a Level II creature, meaning that it won't be able to keep pace with higher Level creatures. Baboons are indicated to create fast-strike creature which base their strenght on quantity rather than quality. Name: BAT Classification: Rodent Climate: Tropical Research Level: III Type: Flier Coal Cost: 56 Electricity Cost: 105 Health: 28 Defense: 12 Maximum Speed (type): 32 km/h (air) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (2, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Sonar Pulse (head); Flight (wings) Available from: mission The small Bat is primarly in the game as a flying recon unit, thanks to its Sonar Pulse and high air speed. The only attack is weak, nor Bats are able to withstand punishment for their low starting abilities. Name: BULL Classification: Ungulate Climate: Plains Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 173 Electricity Cost: 80 Health: 221 Defense: 28 Maximum Speed (type): 25 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 30 Size: 5 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Gore (10, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Charge Attack (rear legs); Herding (innate); Horns (head) Available from: mission Bulls are good creatures for both assault and defense, though they tend to be a little slow for hit-and-run attacks; Horns and Charge Attacks can outbalance any creature facing them, and the Herding ability is useful if the other creature is weak and low-cost. Overall, Bulls are good creatures, but they suffer of the main problem of Level III creatures: a bit too expensive, and not strong or specialized enough to face higher-Level creatures. Name: CAMEL Classification: Ungulate Climate: Desert Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 95 Electricity Cost: 5 Health: 115 Defense: 16 Maximum Speed (type): 28 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (5) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): High Endurance (torso) Available from: mission The Camel is an animal that usually passed unobserved, probably because its fame in the real world and because Zebras, for their higher speed value tend to overshadow it. However, Camels are thougher than Zebras and cost less too, making them good high-end Level I creatures. They mix well with both long and close -range creatures, as they'll always enhace their health and defense value. Name: CHAMELEON Classification: Reptile Climate: Tropical Research Level: II Type: ground Coal Cost: 48 Electricity Cost: 95 Health: 25 Defense: 19 Maximum Speed (type): 16 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 30 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Tongue Attack (4, head) Abilities (location): Camouflage (tail); Regeneration (innate) Available from: mission One of the few creatures with the Camouflage ability, the Chameleon, as with most of the other small-sized creatures, has low health and defense ratings, but the Regeneration ability and the presence of range attacks make this animal a main-stay in most forces. Chameleons mixe well with a number of creatures, though all of those mixes will require the presence of the Chameleon's tail to include the Camouflage ability, as this animal will surely lower health and defense ratings. You can mix Chameleons with Dragonflies or other fast flying creatures to create a fast moving, all-terrain scout, or with Chimpazees for a semi-invisible artillery platform. They also mix well with Whales and other aquatic creatures for surprise amphibious attacks, or can be mixed with poisonous animals for dirty hit-and-run tactics. Though less effective than other mixes, Chameleon and strong melee creatures can be combined to create some kind of "artillery-hunters"; I've found that Chameleons and pincer-equipped animals do not really mix well, though they can be useful to sneak in and destroy core buildings without being noticed. However, Sonar and Radar Pulses are always a threat for the result relatively low-health creature, as are defensive towers and enemy creatures with Keen Sense. Name: CHEETAH Classification: Feline Climate: Savannah Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 116 Electricity Cost: 30 Health: 55 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 44 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (3, fore legs), Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Leap Attacks (real legs) Available from: mission Cheetahs are the fasest ground creatures in the game, and this can lead to a number of possible modifications ideal for any role. As the manual suggest, mixing Cheetahs with Scoprions can create a powerful hit-and-run building destroyer, but it also possible to speed up slow creatures like Elephants and Turtles to form moderately fast assault teams; such an high speed is also good for camouflaged recon creatures or even fast-moving artillery boats. Unfortunately, the Cheetah is weak and its attacks aren't the most powerful for a Level II creature. Name: CHIMPANZEE Classification: Primate Climate: Tropical Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 89 Electricity Cost: 85 Health: 65 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 28 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Pummel (2, arms); Bite (2, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Rock Artillery (3, arms) Abilities (location): Pack Hunter (innate); Artillery (arms) Available from: mission The second and last animal to feature the Artillery ability, the Chimpazee is a ground-based unit, more resistant than the ArcherFish and far more dangerous, though it lacks swimming abilities and it has a shorter sight radius. The Pack Hunter ability can be a dangerous addition to an Artillery unit, both for the enemy and for friendly units: it is highly reccomended that such units are used for attacks or well-planned defenses, where they won't hit friendly units; be sure that if they hit something, it will be decimated in few shots. The Chimp has two close-range attacks, not too dangerous but good for a level II unit intended for ranged combat. Due to their good health and defense stats, it is possible to combine Chimpazees with flying units to create a fast-response, all-terrain artillery unit; such Creature will alway be a bit too subject to damage, but its tactical flexibility is undoubtlely formidable. Name: COYOTE Classification: Canine Climate: Plains/Desert Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 83 Electricity Cost: 19 Health: 50 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 29 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (6, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Keen Sense (head) Available from: mission 1 Coyotes are pratically scaled-down Wolves; they both are good all-around creatures for their cost, and the only thing the Coyote misses is the High Endurance ability owned by the Wolf. As they share a good number of characteristics, Coyotes and Wolves mix well with the same creatures, though Coyote-based breeds will always be a little weaker than Wolf-based ones. Name: CROCODILE Classification: Reptile Climate: Tropical Research Level: IV Type: Amphibious Coal Cost: 226 Electricity Cost: 0 Health: 200 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 22 km/h (ground); 27 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 5 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (12, head); Tail Swipe (7, tail) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Swimming (Torso o Tail) Available from: mission The Crocodile main advantage (and disadvantage) is that it doesn't require Electricity - and the burden to produce this animal is only on Coal. Being a Level IV creature, the Crocodile is very powerful, and its disadvantage lies only in production costs: reasonably fast on ground and a good swimmer, the Crocodile boasts tow powerful attacks and a good defense ratio, with normal sight values. The Crocodile is amphibious, so mixes with Crocodiles would often be able to cross water bodies; It is almost obligatory to keep a Crocodile's head for its vicious bite; animals with the Regeneration and/or Charge Attack/Leap Attack abilities should be preferred as the Crocodile is an exceptional assault creature, and a creature with one of the abilities above is clearly a superior strike unit. Unfortunately, every Crocodile breed will tend to be slow on ground. Name: DRAGONFLY Classification: Insect Climate: Plains Research Level: III Type: Flier Coal Cost: 82 Electricity Cost: 90 Health: 18 Defense: 25 Maximum Speed (type): 35 km/h (air) Sight Radius: 25 Size:1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Swoop Attack (6, fore legs); Bite (4, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Flight (wings) Available from: mission The only flying insect in the game, the Dragonfly is also the flier with the highest defense value, but with the lowest health. Dragonflies have also strong attacks and are fast, but tend to be good recon creatures has they will inevitably reduce the other creature's health to intolerably low levels. Name: EAGLE Classification: Bird Climate: Plains/Artic Research Level: III Type: Flier Coal Cost: 99 Electricity Cost: 75 Health: 81 Defense: 9 Maximum Speed (type): 29 km/h (air) Sight Radius: 40 Size: 4 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Talons (4, rear legs); Bite (2, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Flight (wings) Available from: mission The elegant Eagle is fast and with an above-average sight radius, and still has good attacks and health values; it has low defense values, but it's something that all flying creatures have, so it is not a real drawback. Eagles mixes well with artillery-able Creatures or for normal long-range attackers, as they'll be able to spot enemies before almost eveything else and to quickly retreat to a safe place for cares. Name: ELECTRIC EEL Classification: Eel Climate: Tropical Research Level: III Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 99 Electricity Cost: 115 Health: 37 Defense: 2 Maximum Speed (type): 36 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (4, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Lightining Attack (8, head) Abilities (location): Electric Burst (tail); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission The Eel is a dedicated long-range fighter. It has very low health and defense stats, its close-range attacks are poor for a Level III unit but its Lighting Attack, an unique ability, makes this fish probably the best long-range fighte in the game: unlike the Artillery, the Lighting Attack aims a precise target and damage every single unit near it; this attack is similar to the more widespread Artillery, but it's more powerful and faster, making even fast units very susceptible to those attacks. Combining Eels with bigger animals with very high Health and Defense stats, such as Turtles and Elephants, is necessary to contrast the Eel's natural low stast. This animal has a relatively high cost in electricity, and a moderately high cost in Coal units, but if used cleverly, it can turn the tides of the battle. Name: ELEPHANT Classification: Pachyderm Climate: Savannah Research Level: V Type: Ground Coal Cost: 296 Electricity Cost: 125 Health: 440 Defense: 45 Maximum Speed (type): 18 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 8 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Gore (16, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Charge Attack (rear legs); Herding (innate); Horns (head) Available from: mission One of the biggest and healthiest animals in the game, the Elephant is clearly intended as THE base for ground assault creatures. It has Horns and Charge Attacks, two abilities that are very useful for spearheading forces and can gain a bonus for its already high defense when near other Elephant-based Creatures thanks to the herding. Its single gore attack, though close-ranged, deals good damage, nor its cost is too high for what you get. Unfortunately Elephants are slow, but adeguated to its mass. Mixing Elephants with big acquatic animals such as the Killer or the Sperm Whale, will increase its defense, health and tactical flexibility, and will give it long-range ability. An other working mix is with Scorpions or Lobsters: the resulting Creature will be able to attack anything with minimum problems, plus it will gain either the Poison or Regenerate ability, both very useful for front-line units. Name: GIRAFFE Classification: Ungulate Climate: Savannah Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 137 Electricity Cost: 0 Health: 135 Defense: 12 Maximum Speed (type): 30 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 35 Size: 4 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Kick (5, rear legs); Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): none Available from: mission The best things about the Giraffe are its high ground speed and extreme sight radius; combined with its average health and defense, the Giraffe is a good base for artillery/long-range and recon Creatures; it is not really geared toward combat, though it has two close-range attacks, and its entire cost weights on coal. Giraffes mixes well with Archer Fishes: the whole body from a Giraffe will grant good close-range defense and some speed, head and tail from the Fish will grant artillery and amphibious capabilities. Name: GORILLA Classification: Primate Climate: Tropical Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 169 Electricity Cost: 45 Health: 165 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 22 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 30 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Pummel (10, arms); Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Herding (innate) Available from: mission The best Level III animal for close-combat creatures; Gorillas feature one strong Pummel attack and a not-so-strong Bite attack, and can increase their already good defense with the Herding ability; they also have a fairly decent ground speed. As you might have understood, Gorillas tend to be quite expensive to produce and as all Level III creatures tend to be overshadowed by other animals belonging to Level IV and V, though when massive used, Gorilla-based armies can usually do some major damage even to the highest-level base. Mixes with Crocodiles are surpisingly good. A Crocodile head replaces the original Bite attack with one four times stronger, keeps ground speed inalterate and increase health and defense. Adding the Crocodile's tail also give the resulting Creature a third attack and the ability to swim through water bodies, which drastically increase the Creature's tactical value. Name: GREAT WHITE SHARK Classification: Fish Climate: Varied Research Level: IV Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 299 Electricity Cost: 55 Health: 327 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 36 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 7 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (19, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Frenzy (innate); Immunity (innate) Available from: mission This fish overshadows its cousin, the Hammerhead Shark and is head-to-head with the Killer Whale for a medium-Level acquatic Creature. Where the Killer Whale is an all-around animal, the Great White Shark is focused on pure combat. Immune to almost all "dirty" attacks and able to even enhace its attack power, the Shark is a powerhouse, though is has a high price, but still in the average for Level IV creatures. Name: GRIZZLY BEAR Classification: Bear Climate: Plains/Artic Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 136 Electricity Cost: 0 Health: 140 Defense: 19 Maximum Speed (type): 29 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (6, fore legs); Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): none Available from: mission 03 Grizzly Bears and Polar Bears are very similar. Grizzly Bears costs less and are faster, and that's all. When resources aren't a problem, Grizzly Bears are usually ignored for their Polar cousins, though even when resources are low, the higer tactical value of Polar Bears usually make them usueless. Name: HAMMERHEAD SHARK Classification: Fish Climate: Tropical Research Level: II Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 143 Electricity Cost: 25 Health: 90 Defense: 26 Maximum Speed (type): 35 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 4 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (12, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Immunity (innate); Keen Sense (head); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission The Hammerhead Shark, like other creatures, thend to be overshadowed by more aggressive acquatic Creatures like the Killer Whale. It is not has healthy as the Whales, but has a good defense value, it's fast and the cost is affordable. It is very good for scouting as it has keen senses and for low-Level amphibious creatures, but do not overextimate this Shark. Name: HIPPOPOTAMUS Classification: Ungulate Climate: Savannah Research Level: IV Type: Amphybious Coal Cost: 239 Electricity Cost: 75 Health: 260 Defense: 50 Maximum Speed (type): 16 km/h (ground); 22 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 6 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (16, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Charge Attack (rear legs); Herding (innate); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission Name: HORNET Classification: Insect Climate: Plains Research Level: III Type: Flyer Coal Cost: 73 Electricity Cost: 140 Health: 30 Defense: 15 Maximum Speed (type): 35 km/h (air) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (1, head); Sting (3, tail) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Flight (wings); Immunity (innate); Poison (tail) Available from: mission An other flying isect, the Hornet is not much different from the Dragonfly, thought it loses power in attacks to gain Immunity and Poison. If considere the Dragonfly useless, however, you'll find that the Hornet is nothing better. Name: HYENA Classification: Canine Climate: Desert Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 107 Electricity Cost: 55 Health: 81 Defense: 25 Maximum Speed (type): 26 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (9, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Keen Sense (head); Pack Hunter (innate) Available from: mission The main problem with the Hyena is that's easil ignored for the cheaper Wolves or Mountain Lions or by the faster Cheetah. In spite of this, the Hyena is a pretty well-balanced animal; it does not excel in nothing, but doesn't have a true weakness, if not that its balance itself, good for Level II units, but not enough for stronger animals. Name: KILLER WHALE Classification: Aquatic Mammal Climate: Artic Research Level: III Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 199 Electricity Cost: 130 Health: 210 Defense: 12 Maximum Speed (type): 38 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 9 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (11, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Sonic Attack (9, head) Abilities (location): Sonar Pulse (head); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission Surely one of the best acquatic animals in the game, the Killer Whale is indeed geared toward combat, with a powerful bite attack and an always useful range attack. It is also reasonably fast and with a very good health value, though its defense it low. All of this come for an high price, however. Not high as a Sperm Whale, though, but still high, which can make you rethink about developening a Killer Whale-based creature and wait for the Sperm Whale and increasing your artillery-capable creatures. However, Killer Whales are surely useful, especially when mixed up with strong ground creatures such Bears or Rhino, which will increase its defense. The other creature will gain a powerful Bite and a ranged attack, the swimming ability and the ability to scan portions of the map due to the Sonar Pulse. Name: KOMODO DRAGON Classification: Reptile Climate: Tropical Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 123 Electricity Cost: 125 Health: 100 Defense: 32 Maximum Speed (type): 22 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Swipe (4, fore legs); Bite (8, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Poison (head); Poison Touch (tail); Regeneration (innate) Available from: mission The Komodo Dragon is very particular. It is not durable as most Level III creatures are, but can regenerate, which is very good for evey kind of creature you are going to create. Also, it has both Posion abilities and quite good health and defense values, which can turn it in an optimal assault creature, even against higher-Level creatures, if mixed up with Level IV or V creatures. It has low speed and sight radius values, as every assault creature. Name: LEMMING Classification: Rodent Climate: Artic Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 46 Electricity Cost: 10 Health: 32 Defense: 17 Maximum Speed (type): 23 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (4) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Digging (fore legs) Available from: mission 02 The Rat's big brother. Faster and stronger and with a more powerful attack, the Lemming isn't exactly the first animal you'll use to create any creature: it lacks the Rat's Plague ability and everything else from all creatures. It's still a low-cost creature, but almost useless. Name: LIONESS Classification: Feline Climate: Savannah Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 150 Electricity Cost: 75 Health: 128 Defense: 30 Maximum Speed (type): 32 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 4 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (5, fore legs); Bite (5, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Leap Attacks (rear legs); Pack Hunter (innate) Available from: mission The Lioness is basically a grown-up version of the Moutain Lion, with more powerful attacks and more abilities, though it is an other Level III animal easily overlooked for stronger or more specialized ones. Name: LOBSTER Classification: Crustacean Climate: Varied Research Level: II Type: Amphibious Coal Cost: 76 Electricity Cost: 50 Health: 35 Defense: 65 Maximum Speed (type): 16 km/h (ground); 24 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 10 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (3, head); Pincers (5, arms) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Barrier Destroy (arms); Regeneration (innate); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission 04 Amphibious, with Pincers and able to regenerate. For being a Level II creature, the Lobster has a great variety of special abilities that makes this crustacean unique. It pays those abilities with a very small size and low health and defense values, all of which can be increased by mixing it with Bears or bigger creatures to create an almost perfect close-range assault unit, able to regenerate over time and particularly effective in taking down buildings. Mixing it with flying units is almost useless, as it won't be as effective in taking down buildings. Also, try to use other animals with greater sight radius, as the Lobster is very limited in this stat. Name: MOUNTAIN LION Classification: Feline Climate: Artic Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 98 Electricity Cost: 30 Health: 65 Defense: 45 Maximum Speed (type): 33 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (3, fore legs); Bite (5, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Leap Attack (rear legs) Available from: mission 01 Mountain Lions are a cheaper version of Wolves; they have less health (but more defense) and less powerful attacks (though they have two) and only the Leap Attack ability, as with most felines. They cost less, however, and take less time to being produced. All creatures that mix well with Wolves mix well with Mountain Lions, too, especially Wolverines, as they increase their health value. Name: MUSK OX Classification: Ungulate Climate: Artic Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 138 Electricity Cost: 95 Health: 160 Defense: 39 Maximum Speed (type): 24 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 4 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Gore (8, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Herding (innate); Horns (head) Available from: mission 03 Musk Oxes and Bulls are alike, but Musk Oxes benifits of an higher defense and more powerful attack, but lacks the Bull's Charge Attack ability, which severly limits its usefulness for swift attacks. Name: PANTHER Classification: Feline Climate: Tropical Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 148 Electricity Cost: 30 Health: 120 Defense: 39 Maximum Speed (type): 37 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (5, fore legs); Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Leap Attack (rear legs) Available from: mission Pratically a slower but stronger version of the Cheetah, with the same strong and weak points, more or less. Name: PIRANHA Classification: Fish Climate: Tropical Research Level: II Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 148 Electricity Cost: 30 Health: 21 Defense: 3 Maximum Speed (type): 33 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (6, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Frenzy (innate); Pack Hunter (innate); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission The tiny Piranha is a sharp contrast to the massive Sperm Whale, and it has a very diffente role, too. The Piranha, as in the real world, is best when combined to other low-cost Creatures, to enhace its strenght as a Pack Hunter. Mixing hit with other fishes, like the Hammerhead Shark, should result in a nasty sea swimmer (remember to have large groups of them , though). Ground animals do not really mix well with Piranhas, as they will tend to be pretty weak Creatures. Name: POISON FROG Classification: Reptile Climate: Tropical Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 54 Electricity Cost: 90 Health: 35 Defense: 20 Maximum Speed (type): 20 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 35 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (1, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Tongue Attack (3, head) Abilities (location): Poison Touch (tail) Available from: mission Very atipical. The Poison Frog isn't able to swim, but can Poison enemies if it gets close enough to them. And that's the problem, the Frog is pretty weak and its strongest attack, which reflect this, is ranged. This makes the Poison Frog almost useless, as the Komodo Dragon, an other Level III Creature, might not have a ranged attack, but has both Poison-based attacks, stronger base attacks and is healthier. Name: POLAR BEAR Classification: Bear Climate: Artic Research Level: III Type: Amphibious Coal Cost: 166 Electricity Cost: 0 Health: 155 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 23 km/h (ground); 24 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (8, fore legs); Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission 04 When compared to the Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears are clearly superior: they can swim, have a more powerful Claw attack and are stronger. They do are slower on the ground and their entire cost is based on Coal, but the latter is a feature that the Grizzly Bears have, too. Not that the gap is a lot larger, too, only 30 Coal units. Name: PORCUPINE Classification: Primate Climate: Tropical Research Level: II Type: Ground Coal Cost: 73 Electricity Cost: 70 Health: 55 Defense: 45 Maximum Speed (type): 18 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (3, head); Tail Strike (2, tail) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Quill Throw (5, head) Abilities (location): Quill Burst (torso) Available from: mission 01 The typical long-range animals. Porcupines are not strong, nor have powerful close-range attacks, but are one of the first Creatures with long-range attacks you'll be able to produce, which isn't that bad, considering also that Level I creatures like Wolves, Mountain Lions or Wolverines can enhace it health, the surprisingly high defense value (for an animale of its Level) and close-in attacks. The Quill Burst attack can prove quite devastating, very useful if your Porcupines are going to fall: as the Burst damages everything in its area of effect, it would be better to use it as soon as your Creatures have a very low energy bar, so that even their death will spread damage to the enemy's close-range Creatures. Name: PRAYING MANTIS Classification: Insect Climate: Plains Research Level: II Type: ground Coal Cost: 57 Electricity Cost: 45 Health: 27 Defense: 4 Maximum Speed (type): 24 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (3, head); Claws (5, arms) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Immunity (leap); Leap Attack (rear legs) Available from: mission Tiny and almost defenseless, the Praying Mantis is indeed an aggressive insect, with Leap Attack and strong attacks for a Level II creature of its size. It is also reasonably fast and its costs are limited, which is good for mass-produced Creatures that base thier strenght more on quantity than quality. Unfortunately it lacks the Regenerate ability, but it is Immune to Poison-based attacks. Mixing with Rhinoceroses are extremely useful, has both animals have a Charge/Leap Attack which will limit the loss of attack power of the resulting Creature, and the second Creature will increase the Mantis' low health and defense values, in exchange of an higher ground speed. Name: RAM Classification: Ungulate Climate: Artic Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 114 Electricity Cost: 125 Health: 105 Defense: 35 Maximum Speed (type): 25 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Gore (8, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Charge Attack (rear legs); Herding (innate); Horns (head) Available from: mission 03 Rams are typical Level III creatures: they have a good variety of abilities, but lacks variegated and powerful attacks when compared to Level IV and V creatures, which can posses the exact abilites, only with better remaining stats. Costs are strangely high (more than 110 units in both Coal and Electricity), which limits the usefulness of the animal to produce good mixes. Name: RAT Classification: Rodent Climate: Varied Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 28 Electricity Cost: 50 Health: 21 Defense: 19 Maximum Speed (type): 18 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (2, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Plague (head) Available from: mission Rats are low-cost, cannon fodder units useful if you like to play dirt: their Plague ability can wreak havoc in the enemy's army, as it is being able to "soften up" all creatures before an all-out attack. However, every other animal mixed with the Rat will find all of its value severly lowered. If used cleverly (which means not to overuse it for roles which is not well-suited) the Rat can prove quite useful, but be sure that the enemy's army is not composed only of Regenerable or Immune creatures. Name: RHINOCEROS Classification: Ungulate Climate: Savannah Research Level: IV Type: Ground Coal Cost: 227 Electricity Cost: 80 Health: 300 Defense: 50 Maximum Speed (type): 20 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 7 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Gore (13, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Charge Attack (rear legs); Horns (head) Available from: mission Big, strong and powerful, that's what the Rhino is. A good replacement for Elephants in full-assault units, the Rhino is surely expensive but is nevertheless one of the best additions to your army for assault units. The Horns and its Charge Attack can be devastating to all enemy creatures. Name: SCORPION Classification: Arachnid Climate: Desert Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 75 Electricity Cost: 75 Health: 35 Defense: 68 Maximum Speed (type): 18 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 1 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (4, head); Pincers (5, arms) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Barrier Destroy (arms); Poison (tail) Available from: mission Scorpions are though. They ahve Pincers, which give them an edge over buildings, high defense values, good standard attacks and the ability to poison enemies. Their costi is low for a Level III creature, too. What can be wrong with Scorpions? First, low health, then low speed and last a small sight radius. The latter can be simply ignored, Scorpions are born to be part of an assault force, so leave scouting to other creatures. The low speed, as the manual suggest, can be increased by combining it with a Cheetah, though Lions or Tigers would be better: the resulting creature will be slower, but will surely have an high health value which is more important than speed for an assault creature. For thier Poison ability, Scorpions tend to be part even of Level IV and V armies, bbut "declassed" as hit-and-run animals, as they won't surely be able to withstand a frontal assault by those creatures. Name: SKUNK Classification: Rodent Climate: Plains Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 58 Electricity Cost: 50 Health: 52 Defense: 6 Maximum Speed (type): 25 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 15 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (4, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Stink Cloud (tail) Available from: mission 01 Skunks aren't intended for combat, as they can barely withstand attacks for fellow Level I Creatures. However, they do not cost too much and are the only animals able to create a Stink Cloud which can negates ranged attacks, a very useful ability when assaulting enemy forces on a fortified positions (where he/she is more likely to place long-range units as defense). I do not recomend to mix Skunks with animals belonging to Levels higher than the second, as the benefits of the Stink Cloud won't be enough to justify the loss of powerful attacks (or abilities) and lowering of health and defense values. As for animals that goes well with it, Wolves and Mountain Lions, pretty aggressive Level I Creatures, can raise the Skunk's low attack and defense stats. Name: SNAPPING TURTLE Classification: Reptile Climate: Plains Research Level: V Type: Amphibious Coal Cost: 183 Electricity Cost: 0 Health: 122 Defense: 90 Maximum Speed (type): 14 km/h (ground); 22km/h (water) Sight Radius: 10 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (12, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission The Turtle is the animal with the highest defense rating in the game, topping with 90 points (9 more than the Armadillo), and has a decent health rating; its main disadvanteage is speed, however, though it can cross water bodies; an other disadvantage is that it requires a relatively high amount of coal and is available only at the highest Research Level. As with the Armadillo, the Snapping Turtle is susceptible to only the strongest close-range attacks and quill-based ranged attacks; its relatively-damaging Bite and amphibious ability make it ideal for mixing with Elephants or Rhinos, both high-end creatures with some serious close-range damage values. Combinatios with artillery units is possible, though will make them available too late in the game. Name: SNOWY OWL Classification: Bird Climate: Artic Research Level: III Type: Flier Coal Cost: 71 Electricity Cost: 75 Health: 44 Defense: 15 Maximum Speed (type): 25 km/h (air) Sight Radius: 40 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Talons (2, rear legs) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Flight (wings) Available from: mission 04 Not particularly strong, fast or powerful, the Snowy Owl's good things are its low price and that it's a flying creature. It is ideal for scouting duties, combined to a Chameleon; combining it to a creature to obtain a fighting animal is pretty hard, as the Owl will end in lowering that creature's health and defense. Try to use the Owl only for specialized non-combat duties, other fliers are better suited for combat tha the little Owl. Name: SPERM WHALE Classification: Aquatic Mammal Climate: Varied Research Level: V Type: Swimmer Coal Cost: 306 Electricity Cost: 130 Health: 420 Defense: 29 Maximum Speed (type): 30 km/h (water) Sight Radius: 30 Size: 10 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (12, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Sonic Attack (15, head) Abilities (location): Sonar Pulse (head); Swimming (torso or tail) Available from: mission The biggest (but noth the healthier) animal in the games, the Whale is a powerhouse in almost all stats, even cost and Research Level. For an animal of its size it has a good speed value (though limited to water), lots of hit points and two powerful attacks that cover all fighting ranges. It misses only legs and Pincers. Oh yes, I find Whales very useful when combined with Lobsters or Scorpions, which both increase the already high health and defense values and makes the resulting creature effective against everything in the game. It can withstand and replies to close-range assaults, kill flying units and destroy buildings with greater efficiency than other units; the flaws of this creature are its high cost and production time, making of it a sort of elite creature, too precious to use in unplanned assaults or only for defense duties; it is also available very later in the game and of course too slow to be used in rushes. Name: SPITTING COBRA Classification: Reptile Climate: Desert Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 44 Electricity Cost: 75 Health: 27 Defense: 16 Maximum Speed (type): 17 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 20 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (2, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): Venom Spray (4, head) Abilities (location): none Available from: mission Strange indeed. The Spittin Cobra's ranged attack, the Venom Spray, doesn't have Poison abilities, something that you might expect from a venom-spitting snake (ok, ok, I know that the venom spat by this kind of Cobra is "only" powerful enough to damage eyes, but that would have be a nice tactical addition, considering that it is a Level III unit). Not really fast nor strong, the Spitting Cobra lacks large varieties of attacks typical of some Level III creatures but has a decent long-range attack and relatively low production costs that can be attractive. Name: TIGER Classification: Feline Climate: Tropical Research Level: IV Type: Ground Coal Cost: 225 Electricity Cost: 30 Health: 280 Defense: 30 Maximum Speed (type): 30 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 5 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Claws (8, claws); Bite (5, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Leap Attack (rear legs) Available from: mission Tigers are the Cheetah's bigger and slower cousins. Tigers are fairly fast and pack some punch, especially with their Claws attack, and possess Leap Attack as well, making them great ambush units. Health and defense stats are among the average for Level IV creatures, though costs are a bit on the high term, making Tiger combinations expensive, especially when mixed with Level III or more creatures. However, the Tiger is indeed a good animal, ideal for mixing with Camouflage-able creatures (especially Chameleons, that will give them the Regeneration ability too), to enhace their usefulness as amush-strikers. Combination with Turtles or Wolverines will result in fairly fast creatures with a very high defense or health value, respectively. Name: VULTURE Classification: Bird Climate: Desert Research Level: III Type: Flier Coal Cost: 117 Electricity Cost: 115 Health: 96 Defense: 12 Maximum Speed (type): 30 km/h (air) Sight Radius: 35 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Peck (8, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Flight (wings); Frenzy (innate) Available from: mission The Vulture is the largest and strongest flier in the game. It might not be inspiring as an eagle or cute as a Owl, but it is surely the first choice to produce flying Creatures for combat. The Frenzy ability, if combined with the Pack Hunter ability, turns Vulture-based creatures into true fighting machines, able to deal great amounts of damage to anything. However, do not expect that Vultures will give the Creature a good health or defense bonus, as all fliers tend to be very vulnerable. Name: WOLF Classification: Canine Climate: Artic Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 110 Electricity Cost: 60 Health: 75 Defense: 15 Maximum Speed (type): 33 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (8, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): High Endurance (torso); Keen Sense (head); Pack Hunter (innate) Available from: mission 02 Wolves, though are Level I creatures, are a mainstya in all armies; for what they cost, they provide an ample range of Abilities, including Keen Sense and Pack Hunter, both good abilities for storming the enemy with fast-hit and run attacks; wolves have only one close-range attack, but it is moderately powerful, they are fast and have good health and defense values (for Level I creatures). Mixes with Wolverines for low-level creatures and with Grizzlies for mid-level ones and good for mid-term battles, as the resulting creatures tend to have relatively high costs and production times. Name: WOLVERINE Classification: Rodent Climate: Artic Research Level: III Type: Ground Coal Cost: 143 Electricity Cost: 40 Health: 160 Defense: 25 Maximum Speed (type): 19 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 2 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Bite (8, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): Frenzy (innate) Available from: mission 03 The best thing about the Wolverine is that every breed based on this creature will have an almost unnatural amount of health points, ideal for slow, close-combat assault units. Cost is relatievly high for a Level II creature with one close-range, fairly powerful attack, though it as an above-average sight radius and the Frenzy ability, very useful for assault units. Mixing Wolverines with Lobster will make the creature an independent unit able to take on everything, though mixes with Whales and other big creatures, will work ven better; they could lack the Regeneration ability, but their high health and defense values will overcome this problem. Wolverine's main disadvantage is speed, which makes the animal one of the slowest creatures in the game. Name: ZEBRA Classification: Ungulate Climate: Savannah Research Level: I Type: Ground Coal Cost: 101 Electricity Cost: 5 Health: 78 Defense: 15 Maximum Speed (type): 30 km/h (ground) Sight Radius: 25 Size: 3 Melee Attacks (damage and location): Kick (4, rear legs); Bite (3, head) Ranged Attacks (damage and location): none Abilities (location): High Endurance (torso) Available from: mission A not-so-distant realtive to the more common Horse, Zebras are indeed fast and healthy for a Level I creature. They have the High Endurance ability that can be exploited for a good number of special-tactics creatures, though their high speed is ideal for recon units and fast-moving strike or artillery creatures. Zebras have a low defense stat and most of their cost is coal-based, and though they have two attacks, neither of them is really strong, making Zebras useful only for their speed and ability. ******************** 5-STRUCTURE BRIEFING ******************** Name: LABORATORY (HOVERTRAIN) Coal Cost: none Electricity Cost: none Pre-requisites: none Needed for: everything else Use: trains Henchmen, researches Tech Levels and Advanced Structures Health Points: 8000 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity, Advanced Structure Research Name: HENCHMAN (I know, it's not a building) Coal Cost: 100 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Laboratory Needed for: every building Use: collects coal (20 units), builds new things, repairs damaged ones Health Points: 150 Possible Upgrades: Henchman Binoculars, Henchman Tag, Henchman Yoke, Henchman Heal, Henchman Motivational Speech Name: CREATURE CHAMBER Coal Cost: 250 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Laboratory, Henchmen Needed for: none Use: creates basic units. Up to 7 creatures can be queued. The basic chamber can train all creature types as long as they aren't swimmers only. Health Points: 2000 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: WATER CHAMBER Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Research Level II Needed for: none Use: allows to create swimmers and amphibious creatures. Up to 7 creatures can be queued. Note that this structure cannot build ground and air units. Health Points: 2500 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: AIR CHAMBER Coal Cost: 300 Electricity Cost: 100 Pre-requisites: Research Level III Needed for: none Use: allows to create fliers. Up to 7 creatures can be queued. Cannot train swimmers, ground or amphibious creatures. Health Points: 2500 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: SOUNDBEAM TOWER Coal Cost: 250 Electricity Cost: 25 Pre-requisites: Laboratory, Henchmen Needed for: none Use: anti-ground defense against creatures (it won't work on Henchmen); effective in large groups and whn backed up by creatures. Its range is 27 meters and causes 8 damage points. Health Points: 500 Possible Upgrades: Defensive Tower Upgrade Name: ANTI-AIR TOWER Coal Cost: 150 Electricity Cost: 25 Pre-requisites: Advanced Structures research Needed for: Radar Pulse Use: anti-air defense against creatures (it won't work on Gyrocopters); more effective than the basic Soundbeam Tower when alone. Devastaing in groups Health Points: 1500 Possible Upgrades: Defensive Tower Upgrade Name: WORKSHOP Coal Cost: 250 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Laboratory, Henchmen Needed for: none Use: secondary rally point for Henchmen and Gyrocopters collecting Coal Health Points: 1500 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: GENETIC AMPLIFIER Coal Cost: 150 Electricity Cost: 50 Pre-requisites: Advanced Structure Research Needed for: none Use: upgrades creatures. In the game's current version, the Genetic Amplifier ehnaces all existing and future creatures, though it's stated differently. Upgraded stats will have an exclamation mark near them in creature's dialog box and a check in the Genetic Amplifier's menu. It is only possible to upgrade once a single stat. Upgrade cost depends on creature's own build cost. Health Points: 1500 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: LIGHTINING ROD Coal Cost: 150 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Laboratory, Henchmen Needed for: (generatore), Advanced Structure Research Use: collects electricity (+2 per Lightining Rod). Only four can be built. Health Points: 500 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity; Strenghten Electrical Grid Name: ELECTRICAL GENERATOR Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 50 Pre-requisites: Lightning Rod Needed for: none Use: collects electricity (+3 per Generator. Each Turbine increases the collection rate by 2 points). Can be built only on geysers. Health Points: 2000 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity; Strenghten Electrical Grid Name: BRAMBLE FENCE Coal Cost: 5 (per square) Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Laboratory, Henchmen Needed for: none Use: static barrier; When ordered to build one, you can drag a line and your Henchmen will lay down the fence from following the direction you set. Health Points: 250 Possible Upgrades: Strenghten Fences Name: LANDING PAD Coal Cost: 150 Electricity Cost: 50 Pre-requisites: Advanced Structure Research Needed for: Gyrocopter Use: Build Gyrocopters and provides a landing zone for repairs and disembarking Henchmen. Yu can build only one Landing Pad. Health Points: 1000 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: RESEARCH CLINIC Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Advanced Structure Research Needed for: none Use: Upgrade center. Health Points: 3000 Possible Upgrades: Increase Building Integrity Name: GYROCPOTER (again, it's not a building, but...) Coal Cost: 100 Electricity Cost: 50 Pre-requisites: Landing Pad Needed for: none Use: Only one Gyrocopter per Landing Pad can be built. Carries 200 Coal units or one unit. Must be piloted by a Henchmen. Gyrocopters are automatically repaired when they return to the (eliport) and can be used to collect Coal just as Henchmen. Health Points: 750 Possible Upgrades: none Name: RADAR PULSE (OK, OK, the third non-structure thing in the section) Coal Cost: 0 Electricity Cost: 1000 Pre-requisites: Anti-Air Tower, Research Level III Needed for: none Use: detects all enemy structures, creatures (even hidden ones), units on the map for few seconds. Health Points: none Possible Upgrades: none ******************* 6-UPGRADES BRIEFING ******************* Name: ADVANCED STRUCTURE RESEARCH Coal Cost: 100 Electricity Cost: 50 Pre-requisites: Lighting Rod Researched In: Laboratory Effects: allows Henchemen to build advanced structures; raises Laboratory's health point to 12000 Name: RESEARCH LEVEL II Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 300 Pre-requisites: none Researched In: Laboratory Effects: allows Level II creatures training; allows buiding of Genetic Amplifier and Water Chamber Name: RESEARCH LEVEL III Coal Cost: 300 Electricity Cost: 650 Pre-requisites: Research Level II Researched In: Laboratory Effects: allows Level III creatures training; allows building of Air Chamber Name: RESEARCH LEVEL IV Coal Cost: 500 Electricity Cost: 1000 Pre-requisites: Research Level III Researched In: Laboratory Effects: allows Level IV creatures training Name: RESEARCH LEVEL V Coal Cost: 700 Electricity Cost: 1400 Pre-requisites: Research Level IV Researched In: Laboratory Effects: allows Level V creatures training Name: HENCHMEN BINOCULARS Coal Cost:50 Electricity Cost: 75 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: increases Henchmen' sight radius Name: HENCHMEN TAG Coal Cost: 400 Electricity Cost: 0 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: allows Henchmen to tag creatures; tagged creatures will be always visible on the map; other Henchmen can untag the unit Name: HENCHMEN YOKE Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 100 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: allows Henchmen to carry 25 Coal points rather than the usual 20 Name: HENCHMEN HEAL Coal Cost: 125 Electricity Cost: 50 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: allows Henchmen to heal creatures and other Henchmen Name: HENCHMEN MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Coal Cost: 175 Electricity Cost: 75 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: makes Henchmen move about 1.5 times faster Name: INCREASE BUILDINGS INTEGRITY Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 100 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: increased structure hit points; this increase varies from building to building, but it is from the 30 to 50%. Does not increse hit points for Bramble Fences or Defensive Towers. Name: DEFENSIVE TOWER UPGRADE Coal Cost: 300 Electricity Cost: 200 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: Soundbeam Towers double their attack values and Anti-Air Towers can fire faster. Name: STRENGTHEN FENCES Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 100 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: doubles Bramble Fences' hit points Name: STRENGTHEN ELECTRICAL GRID Coal Cost: 200 Electricity Cost: 250 Pre-requisites: Research Clinic Researched In: Research Clinic Effects: increases by 20% the Electrical Output. Name: GEOTURBINE UPGRADE Coal Cost: 125 (all Geoturbines) Electricity Cost: 50 (second Geoturbine); 75 (third Geoturbine); 100 (fourth Geoturbine) Pre-requisites: Electrical Generator Researched In: Electrical Generator Effects: Each Geoturbine upgrade grants a +2 bonus on the Electricity and additional 500 health point to the Electrical Generator; only four Geoturbines can be built on a single Electrical Generator. ******************** 7-TECHNOLOGICAL TREE ******************** |- GENETIC | AMPLIFIER | |- WATER | CHAMBER | |--AIR CHAMBER | | ++++++++++ | | LABORATORY----------RESEARCH----RESEARCH----RESEARCH----RESEARCH(HENCHMEN) LEVEL II LEVEL III LEVEL IV LEVEL V ++++++++++ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---CREATURE | | | | | CHAMBER | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL III LEVEL IV LEVEL V | CREATURES---CREATURES---CREATURES---CREATURES---CREATURES | |-----LIGHTNING | ROD | | | ------ | | | | | | | | ELECTRICAL | | GENERATOR | | | ADVANCED |---STRUCTURE-----RESEARCH | RESEARCH | CLINIC | | | |---ANTI-AIR TOWER---RADAR PULSE |---BRAMBLE | | FENCE |---LANDING PAD---GYROCOPTER | | |---SOUNDBEAM | TOWER | | |---WORKSHOP ***************** 8-GENERAL TACTICS ***************** Sadly, the first thing I'm going to describe here is a stability issue; I know that this isn't exactly the things you might expect in this section, but since it is only one, it would have been useless to do a completely new section. So, the issue: apparently, the game cannot run resolutions higher than 800x600 without getting unstable. On two different systems, with two different operating systems (Athlon 1.2, 512 Mb, Radeon 9700 Pro, SoundBlaster Live! 5.1, Windows 98SE and Windows 2000SP2, Catalyst 2.5 and 3.0; Pentium III 500, TNT2 M64, SoundBlaster PCI 128, Windows ME, Detonator 42.xx), the game is playable at 800x600. Setting higher resolutions will make it crash within minutes. Seems that anisotropic filter and FSAA settings do not affect stability, nor detail level or sound libraries do. I wrote on the Relic forum to show the problem, I hope a patch will come out soon (or there is a workaround - if you have any experience about this problem, feel free to contact me). ********************* 9-MULTIPLAYER TACTICS ********************* For now, I prefer to concentrate my efforts on the single player campaing and finishing the walkthrough. Hopefully, I'll get my hands on an ADSL line soon, so I won't have any excuse for avoiding multiplayer. ********************** 10-CHARACTERS BRIEFING ********************** Noe: GameSpy and IGN distributed three "radio interviews" (fake, of course) each, narrating the story of some of all characters in the game. These files can be found in the \Goodies folder or you can go to Relic's website and find the direct link. -------------- --REX CHANCE-- -------------- A war reporter, Rex quitted this job to become a novel writer after he got involved during the Spanish Civil War, where he was a journalist. Left alone by his father when he was very young, Rex grew up strong and guided by virtous thoughs and a bad sense of humor. He recieved a letter from his father and traveled where his father told him to go, just to discover the Sigma technology and Upton Julius' evil plans. Being the main good guy, Rex is the primary character during the single-player campaign; he starts with a standard; he can't attack building, or henchmen nor can collect coal, build or repair. Later he acquires neuro-toxin darts which can be used to attack creatures with good damage values. You'll use him primarly to gather genetic samples from wild animals. He has 1000 health points. (Rex appears in the final part of the third IGN radio interview). ---------------- --LUCY WILLING-- ---------------- Dr. Chanikov's assistant, Lucy saves Rex from Julius' hands after Rex's first encounter with Sigma technology. Being Chanikov's assistant makes Lucy able to repair the hovertrain, study new technologies and adapt new ones to her owns use. She wants to uncover the truth about Julius' plans and Dr. Chanikov's death, like Rex. Lucy has 900 health points and basicallt she's an enhaced henchman: she can collect coal, build and repair construction and, if she gets close enough, study new buildings to replicate them and sabotage them. (Lucy rescues GameSpy's journalist in the third radio interview). ---------------- --UPTON JULIUS-- ---------------- Financer of Dr. Chanikov researches on Sigma technology, Juius intend to use this fearsome invention to create legions of invicible armies to conquer the world or just to sell them to the highest bidder. Just after Chanikov senses this danger, he was killed by Julius himself. He is now seeking to capture Rex Chance, Chanikov's only son, for unknown reasons. (Julius' intentions can be heard in the first GameSpy interview). ----------------- --WHITEY HOOTEN-- ----------------- One of Julius' main employess, Hooten controls the artci regions of Julius' archipelago. He's an hulking giant and a proven whale hunter; he commands with thight grip and ferocity; he's not really smart, but stories about him killing whales with his bare hands are well known. When regarding his creatures army, Hooten prefers head-on assault with close-range creatures with high defenses and health points, almost ignoring speed and other "strategic" features. (Hooten uses IGN's journalist as a bait in the end of the second interview). ------------------ --VELIKA LAPETTE-- ------------------ LaPette makes her French origins very earable when she speaks. A famous pilot and ornythologist, Velika tactics can be considered the opposite of Hooten's: she likes to use creatures (especially flying ones) with long-range attacks. She also likes to fight with venomous creatures, to slowly weaken them and then use her remaining creatures for fast strikes. (IGN journalist is saved by LaPette at the beginning of the second interview, got some infos on her story with Julius and then was sent to Hooten). ----------------- --OTIS GANGLION-- ----------------- Dr. Ganglion is "renowed" throughout America for having created by surgery fantastic creatures like mermaids, but the Circus he was working for rejected his experiments and fired him. He then found job as Upton Julius' right hand in the perfectioning of Sigma technology after Dr. Chanikov was killed. With no ethical sense, he sees the Sigma technology as a way to discover thruth, whatever this thruth is. (GameSpy journalist would have become one with a weasel if he wasn't rescued by Lucy Willing in the second radio interview). ----------------- --ERIC CHANIKOV-- ----------------- Rex's father. Before starting to send me e-mails asking why he has a different surname, let me tell you that I do not know. He was the creator of the Sigma technology. He left Rex when he was a young boy to continue his studies, which made him encounter his financer, Upton Julius, and Lucy Willing, his assistant. After several years he wrote to Rex to reunite the family, but shortly after he was killed by Julius himself. (Chanikov's original ideas and concerns about Julius' own evil plans can be heard in the first and last IGN radio interview). *************************** 11-PRE-DONE ARMIES BRIEFING *************************** Coming Soon. ********************************* 12-SUBMITTED CREATURES AND ARMIES ********************************* -------------------------------------------------------- --Submitted by Kameron Clarke ( -------------------------------------------------------- + Cheetah/porcupine lvl 1, head,front legs, nad torso cheetah, tail and backlegs porc. 105 coal, 0 elec, 55 hp, 37 def, 20 sight, size 2, melee 8 + Hyena/electric eel lvl 2 head eel, rest hyena 127coal, 85 elec, 79hp, 22def, 26 speed, 25 sight, size 3, melee 5, range 10(18m), pack hunter + Giraffe/archerfish lvl 3 head archerfish, rest giraffe. 170 coal, 40 elec, 142 hp, 11 def, 30 speed, 30 sight, size 4, melee 9, artillery 8(28m) + Chameleon/gorila lvl 3 front and back legs gorilla, rest chameloern 156 coal, 140 elec, 135 hp, 25 def, speed 20, sight 30, size 3, melle 15, range 9(21m)regenertion, camoflauge, herding --------------------------------------------------- --Submitted by Benny Sunoto ( --------------------------------------------------- Lv1 name Antrhax (ant + rat) body part rat --> head , tail ant --> body , legs melee attack 7 (bite [2] , legs [5]) ability immune , plague , digging. Lv2 a) name Shoter (lobster + porcupine) body part porcupine --> head , body , front legs lobster --> back legs , tail , pincers melee attack 11 (bite [3], pincers [8]) range attack quill throw [5] ability swimming , regeneration , quill burst , barrier destroyer b) name Spy (lobster + chameleon) body part chameleon --> head , front legs , tail lobster --> back legs , body , pincers melee attack 8 (bite [3] , pincers [5]) range attack tongue attack [4] ability swimming , regeneration , camouflage (wohoo) , barrier destroyer Lv3 a) name Rambo ^_^ (lobster + ram) body part ram --> head , body , back legs lobster --> front legs , pincers , tail melee attack 18 (gore [8] , pincers [10]) ability charge attack , herding , regeneration , swimming , barrier destroyer , horns b) and c) --> Up to you guys !? (I make both of them , but never use them!) Lv 4 Up to you guys !? (I'm reaaalllyyyy never use lv 4 creatures , cause they too weak for lv 5 , but not to strong against lv 3) Lv 5 a) name Warhand (chimpanzee + sperm whale) body parts chimpanzee --> back legs , front legs sperm whale --> head , body , tail melee attack 18 (pummel [6] , bite [12]) range attack sonic attack [15] rock artillery [10] ability sonar pulse , swimming , pack hunter b) name Ambusher Overlord (ant + sperm whale) body parts ant --> body , all legs sperm whale --> head , tail melee attack 27 (leg attack [15] , bite [12]) range attack sonic attack [15] ability , sonar pulse , swimming , digging , immune --------------------------------------------------------- --Submitted by Brian Nelson ( --------------------------------------------------------- + first one babbon+ram this makes a very efficient melee creature with herding, pack hunting, charge attack, and horns. it is also very inexpensive to make, although it is a level 3. head ram, body baboon, back legs ram, front legs baboon, tail doesn't matter. + second one Sperm whale+wolverine with the sperm whale tail and head, this monstrosity has over 1400 hit points and great long range and incredible close range capabilities. if you need to get even bigger damage, just put them in frenzy...they can afford the hp. head and tailsperm whale, the rest wolverine. + third one gorilla+chameleon with it's camoflage, regeneration, and herding, this is one ranged creature to fear. the ranged damage is ok, and they can hold thier own in melee. they have decent hp (160ish) and the herding makes them incredibly tough. head and tail chameleon, the rest gorilla. + last one sperm whale+dragonfly this combination makes the highest melee damage I have been able to tweak out of the combiner(42). every part of the creature is dragonfly, and I like to call it mothra, hehe. ----------------------------------- --Submitted by ----------------------------------- Name Pond Hermit Mix Snapping Turtle + Lobster Level V Abilities Regeneration Barrier Destroy How to Build Lobster Front & Back Legs Turtle Tail, Body & Head Variations Changing Legs has no effect, changing tail may affect speed. Changing the body may improve speed and HP, but it makes it look retarded. Comment This creatures is extremely tough, although not too fast. It makes up for its speed deficiancy with its high defense. If it is attacked by something with low attack (E.G under 15) the regenration stops it from losing any HP. It's barrier destroy means it can get in close to buildings and to a very large amount of damage. Just a small pack can reck a whole base. Name Impossible Creature Mix Sperm Whale + Gorilla Level V (If there were higher, than this would probally hit IX or X) Abilities Sonar Pulse Herding Ranged Attacks Sonic Pulse How to Build Gorilla Body, Front & Back Legs Sperm Whale Head & Tail Variations By giving it the Sperm Whale body you increase it's HP, and water speed, but decrease it's defense and ground speed. It also makes it looked pretty retarded. You can also change the Gorilla with the Chimpanzee or any other upright creature. The Chimp is a good mix because it gives you the extra artillery. Comment This was called Impossible Creature because of it's enourmous strength. It can take down almost anything with a few blows. It's sonic pulse attack means it can defend its self against flyers, and the herding means a big group is nearly unstoppable. This is really a version of King, the giant ape in the last stage. King is only a this same creature but using only the Gorilla parts. Name Speed Demon Mix Cheetah + Giraffe Level II or III (For some reason it keeps changing on mine. Any ideas?) Abilities Leap Attack How to Build Cheetah Tail, Body & Front & Back Legs Giraffe Head Variations Changing the Body may yield interesting results, but once again, may look retarded (I dunno though, haven't tried). Changing the head isn't good since that's what makes it a scout, and the legs are needed for speed. You can change the Cheetah for the Panther or the Horse if you want more attacking power. Comment This creature is mostly a scout and light attack unit. You shouldn't build to many, as they are weak against A.O.E (Area of Effect) attacks, and when crowded they can't use their Leap Attack. Scout are best used on 3 player + maps where you are using under the limit of players, so you can find your enemies or resources. ------------------------------------ --Submitted by ------------------------------------ Name Whalrale Coal 430 Electricity 50 Combination of *Walrus and Sperm Whale Level 5 Special Requirements Water Chamber/ Creature Chamber Body Parts Whale (Fins), Walrus (Body, Head) Health 818 Defense 19 Speed 12/28 Sight Radius 15 Size 10 Melee Attacks Bite (21) Range Attacks N/A Abilities Swimming, Horns Importance I really like the Whalrale because of its high Health and Melee Damage (21 Damage really packs a punch!). Because of its horns ability it lowers enemy defense making it a great offensive and defensive powerhouse. Name Chamale Coal 480 Electricity 65 Combination of Chameleon and Sperm Whale Level 5 Special Requirements Water Chamber/ Creature Chamber Body Parts Whale (Body), Chameleon (Legs, Tail, Head) Health 663 Defense 22 Speed 8/9 Sight Radius 30 Size 10 Melee Attacks Bite (11) Range Attacks Tongue Attack (23) Abilities Swimming, Regeneration, and Camouflage Importance The Chamale is one of the best creatures on my army. With its Range Attack of 23 damage if can defeat any creature very quickly. Because of Regeneration and Camouflage it is a tough creature to kill. Name Whalilla Coal 562 Electricity 175 Combination of Sperm Whale and Gorilla Level 5 Special Requirements Water Chamber/ Creature Chamber Body Parts Whale (Head, Tail), Gorilla (Body, Legs) Health 871 Defense 34 Speed 17/20 Sight Radius 30 Size 10 Melee Attacks Pummel (20) and Bite (12) Range Attacks Sonic Attack (15) Abilities Sonar Pulse, Swimming, Herding Importance I cannot tell you enough "Add this to your army!" It has an excellent health, average speed, and average defense. It has 2 great Melee attacks and an awesome Range Ability. Name Whalerine Coal 672 Electricity 170 Combination of Sperm Whale and Wolverine Level 5 Special Requirements Water Chamber/ Creature Chamber Body Parts Wolverine (Legs, Body), Whale (Head, Fins) Health 1440 Defense 25 Speed 14/20 Sight Radius 30 Size 10 Melee Attacks Claw (18) and Bite (12) Range Attacks Sonic Attack (15) Abilities Frenzy, Sonar Pulse, Swimming Importance 1440 Health! What is not to like. This creature has so much health it takes forever just for your opponent to beat through one of these guys. With Genetic Amplifiers you can buff these guys up to 1700+ health. This creature also has a wonderful Range Attacks and a great arsenal of Melee Attacks. Name Moosaven Coal 458 Electricity 170 Combination of Moose and Raven Level 5 Special Requirements Air Chamber Body Parts Elephant (Head, Body, Front Legs), Raven (Wings, Back Legs) Health 521 Defense 49 Speed 23 Sight Radius 25 Size 7 Melee Attacks Talons (9) Gore (21) Range Attacks N/A Abilities Flight, Pack Hunter, Horns Importance This creature is one of the best fliers I have seen with that high of a defense. It is capable of Pack Hunter (added Attack when 3 or more are together), this makes it very powerful. It is always good to have 1 good Air Creature in your army! Name Whalanzee Coal 398 Electricity 215 Combination of Sperm Whale and Chimpanzee Level 5 Special Requirements Water Chamber/ Creature Chamber Body Parts Chimpanzee (Legs), Whale (Body, Head, Tail) Health 667 Defense 29 Speed 16/29 Sight Radius 30 Size 10 Melee Attacks Pummel (6) and Bite (12) Range Attacks Rock Artillery (10), Sonic Attack (15) Abilities Swimming, Sonar Pulse, Pack Hunter Importance This creature is the "King of Range!" He has 2 different Range Attacks that are both quite powerful. He also is capable of Pack Hunter giving him added attack strength. Name Whalant Coal 748 Electricity 155 Combination of Sperm Whale and Ant Level 5 Special Requirements Creature Chamber Body Parts Ant (Body, Legs), Whale (Head, Tail) Health 748 Defense 38 Speed 17/20 Sight Radius 30 Size 10 Melee Attacks Leg Attack (15), Bite (12) Range Attacks Sonic Attack (15) Abilities Immunity, Digging, Swimming, Sonar Importance This is a very strong creature in Defense and Health with a fast land and water speed. Its 3 good Melee and Range attacks make it an excellent choice for any army. It also adds a digger and immune creature to your team. Name Lobstale Coal 654 Electricity 180 Combination of Lobster and Sperm Whale Level 5 Special Requirements Creature Chamber. Water Chamber Body Parts Lobster (Legs, Body, Pincers), Whale (Tail, Head) Health 861 Defense 61 Speed 10/23 Sight Radius 30 Size 10 Melee Attacks Pincers (21) Range Attacks Sonic Attack (15) Abilities Regeneration, Barrier Destroy, Swimming, Sonar Pulse Importance What it lacks in speed it makes up for in Defense, Health, Attacking, and Abilities. With its Pincers at 21 and Barrier Destroy no building can stand in its way! Name Moosobster Coal 581 Electricity 100 Combination of Moose and Lobster Level 5 Special Requirements Water Chamber/ Creature Chamber Body Parts Moose (Legs, Head), Lobster (Pincers, Body, Tail) Health 516 Defense 82 Speed 18/14 Sight Radius 25 Size 7 Melee Attacks Gore (21) and Pincers (17) Range Attacks N/A Abilities Swim, Regeneration, Barrier Destroy, Horns. Importance A variation of the Lobstale yet this has a higher defense. It does have a lower attack then the Lobstale but this also has Horns instead of Sonar Pulse, Great Creature! Remember, this is an army strictly made for cheating. The high coal requirements and medium electricity requirements make it a drag to keep up in a regular game. You can use 1 or 2 of these in an army with only 1 or 2 level 5 creatures. ************** 13-WALKTHROUGH ************** Mission 01: EXILE Date: June 8th, 1937 Location: Isla Exsilium Starting Units: Rex Chance, Lucy Willing Starting Buildings: Laboratory, 2 Lighting Rods Primary Objectives: + Have Lucy start gathering Coal + Gather genetic material from at least 2 different animals + Take Rex to the village + Destroy all enemy Creatures on island + Have Lucy build a Creature Chamber Secondary Objectives: + Collect the Coyote + Collect the Porcupine + Collect the Mountain Lion + Collect the Skunk + Research Level II at Laboratory Opponent: free creatures Opponent's Creatures: + Polax Box (Polar Bear, Musk Ox) + Coyolf (Coyote, Wolf) + Lemmote (Lemming, Coyote) After Rex's father was exiled from the scientific community 30 years ago, leaving him alone, he contacted his son to join him on a tropical archipelago, Isla Variatas, as he was growing old and wanted to see his son's face again. His "savior", Upton Julius, found Rex whereabouts and invited him. After arriving on the written location, Rex enters a deserted building. He finds a stasys capsule with a strange animal inside and, that's worst, an equally strange and angry looking animal outside. After a fast escape, he finds himself by the Creatures' brothers, and Upton Julius, which just is angry-looking as his Creatures. He greets Rex and speaks about the Creatures and the Sigma technology, which allows to mix two living animals into one, and orders his creatures to "collect" Rex, if not a flying train and its driver, Lucy Willing, saves Rex. However the train is not as marvellous as it seems , and lands on an other island. The two are greeted by an eskimo, which seems to know more than Rex about the whole thing. He also tells that there are strange Creatures near the hill temple that kills all sled dogs. Here we are. Start by ordering Lucy to gather coal. Do not move Rex in the eskimo village (due north to the starting position) until you have reached a good amount of coal and electricity (about 500 each). While waiting, explore the sorroundings to gather all animals you can. The Coyote is to the south of your base while the Mountain Lion to the north. Porcupines and Skunks can be found near the eskimo village. When ready, send Rex to the village; they will point out the temple location and Lucy will tell you what to do. Build a Creature Chamber and experiment a bit with the Army Builder. For now, You can build a cheap creature based on Porcupines and Coyotes, so that it will be good at both close and long range attacks. You'll notice that the resulting Creature will be labelled as Level II, so research it at the Laboratory and build about ten of them, then send your small army toward the temple. You'll find a Polar Box and few other Creatures; you should easily overwhelm these Creatures with your numbers. The Hovertrain is reapired, but you don't have fuel. The eskimos tell you that there's a fuel depot on the other side of the island, and that at night water freezes so you'll be able to cross; night is also when "they" send the Creatures, however. Mission 02: RENEWAL Date: June 13th, 1937 Location: Isla Exsilium Starting Units: Rex Chance, Lucy Willing Starting Buildings: same as previous mission Primary Objectives: + Get Rex to the Fuel Depot + Take Rex and the Henchmen back to the Laboratory and deliver the fuel + Use Lucy to Capture the Genetic Amplifier technology + Destroy the enemy base Secondary Objectives: + Collect the Wolf + Collect the Lemming + Build at least of additional Henchman Opponent: Whitey Hooten Opponent's Creatures: + Wolunk (Wolf, Skunk) + Coying (Coyote, Lemming) + Wolox (Wolf, Musk Ox) + Mountian Lolf (Mountain Lion, Wolf) Rex passed almost a week without sleeping, but he isn't tired. Repairing the Hovertrain is the biggest problem: each fix causes an other group of problems, and there is no fuel left, if not in the fuel depot deep into enemy's territory. You will start with the same building config as before, so, if you had two Creature Chambers, you'll start with two Chambers and so on. However, there will be no Creature and you'll start at Tech Level I, too. So, have Lucy gather coal while Rex scouts around to find the Lemming. Do not make Rex approach the village for now, the inhabitants ahve set several fires to temporarly stop the Creatures and they will be set off if Rex set foot in the village; note that they'll be set off in two minutes (more or less), so be quick in producing one or two Creatures to defend the base. While this first wave as been pused back, begin to build up other units (you can experiment a Lemming/Coyote combination for close-range support to the previous Coyote/Porcupine combination). Enemy creatures will seldom attack you base; not a big problem, though, all attack will be easily repelled. One you have 10-15 units, send them to the Fuel Depot, and make Rex follow them. The Depot itself is protected by 3 Wolunks, a too easy prey for your Creatures. As Rex set foot in the Depot (with no enemy Creatures in it, of course), the Henchman there will surrender and will offer to bring the Fuel to your Hovertrain, if you defend him. Escort him back to the Hovertrain (or just send him alone, there will be no Creatures around). As the fuel is delivered, Rex will offer to the Henchman to remain with them; he will accept, thinking (aloud) that Whitey will kill him for sure just for bringing the fuel to you. Whitey Hooten is one of Julius' right-hand men. Rightly after this cutscene, the Hovertrain will lift off and will land near the Fuel Depot. All Creature Chambers you had will be moved too, but the Lighting Rods won't though they'll still work. If you brought the Creatures back to your previous base, make them run to your new one. And now, it's time to destroy Hooten's base on this island. You'll also be able to recruit more Henchmen at the Lab, to help Lucy gather coal and build structures. Near your newbase you'll find the Wolf, a perfect base for most combinations in these first missions. You can mix Wolves and Porcupines to have a more vicious long-range unit and Wolves with Mountain Lion for close-range support. Try not to miss the Wolf, even later in the game it will be a good addition to other animals for low level (cheap) Creatures. Gather a group of 30 or so units, then start walking toward Hooten's base, which is south-east to your new base. While going toward it, you'll see a tower-like structure: do not destroy it, rather, order Lucy to inspect it: this structure is the Genetic Amplifier, which will allow to upgrade Creatures in Health, Defense, Sight Radius, Speed and Damage values for a price; the Creature's cost will remain the same, and the upgrade will be apllied to existing units and all units you'll produce later on. Hooten's main base is south to the Genetic Amplifier: this time there will be a good number of Creatures and a Creature Chamber that will produce more units even while you are attacking, so be quick in killing the present Creatures and destroy the Chamber; then, destroy all other buildings to complete the mission. After this mission, Rex wants to return to his father's lab for more investigation. Mission 03: FATHERS AND SONS Date: June 15th, 1937 Location: Isla Undisonous Starting Units: Rex Chance, Lucy Willing, Henchman Starting Buildings: Laboratory Primary Objectives: + Find villager scout on the icefields; he will point out Whitey's Creatures + Have Lucy capture the Electric Generator Technology + Get Rex to Chanikov's Laboratory Secondary Objectives: + Collect the Grizzly + Collect the Wolverine + Collect the Ram + Collect the Musk Ox Opponent: Whitey Hooten Opponent's Creatures: + Porcar Bear (Porcupine, Polar Bear) + Polar Box (Polar Bear, Musk Ox) + Wolram (Wolf, Ram) + Wolunk (Wolf, Skunk) + Mountain Ling (Mountain Lion, Lemming) + Musking (Musk Ox, Lemming) + Tiging Mantis (Tiger, Praying Mantis) Whitey Hooten is a former whaler, known for his brute strenght and quick temper. Stories about him tell that he's able to kill whale with his bare hands. Lucy tells Rex that his father couldn't have survived for three days on the bitter cold, but he still want to give it a try. After landing, an other eskimo, cousin of the previous one, will tell Rex that after a short and a big man came here, an other disappeared. The first thing to do is to build two more Hencmen and have them gather coal. Build two Lighting Rods and a Creature Chamber, plus an handful of your favourite Creatures, and move them in the blinking spot north-east of your base to find an Electric Generator. Do not destroy it, have Lucy examine it and then sabotage it. Yes, from now on Lucy will be also able to Sabotage buildings. Build an Electric Generator where the previous one was and build more units; although you should already spotted Wolverines and Grizzly Bears, you won't be able to produce any mixes involving those creatures and other Level III Creatures as they will become Level IV, a Tech Level you don't have yet; Level IV will be available from the next mission, so don't bother. If stil haven't one, a strong close-range Creature, like a Wolf/Wolverine will be pretty useful, as Hooten is surely to use Wolunks to stop your long-range Creatures and some strong brawlers to finish them. Lucy will alert you that it is possible to build Workshops to improve coal gathering, if you want build one near the coal pile where the Electric Generator is. Once you have 15-20 Creatures, build a Genetic Amplifier, upgrade them and search for the eskimo scout, north of your base. He will point out that when you reach the frozen waterfall (always north), there are two ways (one on the left and one on the right) that will lead to two small bases. However, before reaching the Waterfall, you'll see that Hooten has some brain, and that he build a SoundBeam Tower which Lucy will be glad to inspect. The Tower is quite well protected by Wolrams and Wolunks, and now the close-range Creatures that I spoke about will come in handy. After all Creatures guarding the Tower are gone, retreat your surviving ones outside the Tower's firing range and have Lucy inspect it (note: the SoundBeam tower can damage her as well, so be quick in giving order), then destroy it. Now it's time to take care of the enemy bases. Go to the right to find a lonely Creature Chamber backed up only by a Lighting Rod and few Creatures. Destroy everything here, then back to the waterfall and replace your losses. If you want , you can send now send Rex to Chanikov's Lab, even alone. He will enter the building, telling Lucy to wait for five minutes, then leave the better, to see if he hasn't locked himself in. He'll be back shortly after: noone's inside, but he found some neurotoxin darts that can be used to attack Creatures from long range. And they are quite powerful, too. A lone Tiging Mantis will attack Rex. Time to try the new neurotoxin darts. The Creature should be gone in two shots, but note that Rex WILL NOT continue the attack on his own after the first shot, so be sure to issue a second order attack or to have one or two Creatures as back up. It's now time for the base on the left. You'll find an other Creature Chamber, this time protected by SoundBeam Towers and the usual Cretures, plus a Workshop and four hostile Henchmen. You might want to have Rex and Lucy in the attack group: Rex can give an hand in killing enemy Creatures and Lucy in sabotaging buildings as well as establishing a new Workshop plus three or four SoundBeam Towers for defense. After this base is gone, rebuild all losses and upgrade your units, if you haven't done so yet; the ideal rally point for your Creatures is north of the newly-founded base, as Hooten will concentrate attacks from this side. Keep two or three Creatures near your previous base, too, I'll explain why later on. After you have a large group of Creatures (twenty or more; favor close-range units), start to travel toward Hooten's last base, on the north of the island. Being the main base, expect a large concentration of Creatures (mostly Porcar Bears, Polar Boxes and Wolunks) and an handful of SoundBeam Towers to slow down your advance. There are also two Creature Chamber that should be destroyed before everything else. There is a Workshop and few Henchmen in island's upper side, be sure to destroy them. Note that it is possible that Henchmen will try to escape fro your assault and build a Workshop near the Electric Generator, that's why I said to place two or three Creatures near it. If the mission doesn't end, it's why the built something (usually Workshops, they don't replace Creature Chambers) somewhere, usually near coal pile or where buildings used to be. scout the island to find them and to complete the mission. With Hooten's base destroyed, Rex orders him to tell where his father his, olnly to listen that he's buried near the Lab. Next step is to take on Hooten. Mission 04: SHIP WRECK Date: 16th June, 1937 Location: Isla Glacialis Starting Units: Rex Chance, Lucy Willing, Henchman Starting Buildings: Laboratory Primary Objectives: + Have Lucy to gather technology from Whitey Hooten's Water Chamber + Have Lucy to gather technology from Whitey Hooten's Research Clinic Secondary Objectives: + Collect the Lobster + Collect the Snowly Owl + Collect the Polar Bear Opponent: Whitey Hooten Opponent's Creatures: + + Rex had a dream; a very strange dream: he was running through the woods....everything was the way it had to be, but not the way he expected to be...ha was also aware of everything, especially an overwhelming sadness. Finally Lucy tells Rex that she worked for Julius, that's why she knows so many things about him and his men. The couple arrival on this island is greeted by the usual eskimo, which will ask if Lucy is for sale. Although Rex was tempted by the offer, Lucy quickly brought him back from dreams, and after the eskimo laughed for Rex's request on where finding Hooten, mission begins. Send the Hencman and Lucy gather coal, while Rex scouts a bit: you should be able to find Lobsters and Polar Bears, which will make a good amphibious assault creature to take down buildings. You won't need it right now, concentrate on gathering resources and building the usual units for initial defense. Mission XX: Date: Location: Isla Starting Units: Starting Buildings: Primary Objectives: + + Secondary Objectives: + Collect the + Collect the + Opponent: Opponent's Creatures: + + *************************** 14-CHEATS, PATCHES AND MISC *************************** First of all, remember that if this section will include any cheat regarding modifying files, Windows' registry or whatever else, you do it at your own risk. Neither I, nor Relic, nor the sites hosting this FAQ with my permission can be considered resposable of any damage you'll cause to yourself, your computer or the world. Also, remember that this section is here for completeness; do your best trying to complete the game alone,it is definitively worth it. To activate all following cheat, press the "~" key (for italian keyboard users, it's the "—" key), type the following words and press enter to get the respective cheat. * cheat_electricity: more electricity xxxx (type a number: for example: cheat_electricity 1000) * cheat_coal: more coal xxxx (type a number: for example: cheat_coal 1000) * cheat_buildings: all buildings * cheat_rank: higher research level * cheat_killself: kill yourself ---------------- --CHEAT UPDATE-- ---------------- As noticed, pressing the "~" button doesn't allow to cheat. I first thought that cheats had to be entered through the chat window (as with Blizzard' Starcraft and Warcraft series), but the same guy wrote back telling that the "@" button works. He also stated that he uses the UK english keyboard layout, so pay attention to "translate" the right key position. ----------- --PATCHES-- ----------- So far, only one patch has came out, codenamed 1.01. It mainly addresses problems with Sound Balster Audigy and Audigy 2 cards, balances out a few things and enhaces support for external mod packs. It is higly recomended to install this patch before installing any mod. Available in three languages, English, French and German. For direct experience, the English version works fine with the copies distributed in Italy. ---------------------- --ADDITIONAL ANIMALS-- ---------------------- Relic just distributed a small Zip archive containing all you need to unlock an handful of new creatures. You can get the archive at It is really small as the only thing it does is to modify few entries on the game's main executable file. There are no version of this file. ------------------------------------- --INSECT INVASION OFFICIAL MOD PACK-- ------------------------------------- A free expansion/mod pack available from Relic. It includes new animals (as the name suggests, mainly insects) and new special abilites. It is really worth downloading it, though it "weights" nearly 90 Mbs. Go to and follow the links to download it, or just surf around the most well know gaming sites to find it. Being classified as a mod, the Insect Invasion cannot be used while playing the official one player campaign and must be activated through the game's new Mod button added by Patch 1.01. The Pack itself doesn't include any documentation, but a small manual (PDF format) and some press material (sketches and so on) can be found at the same location of the Pack itself. ******************* 15-CREDITS and MISC ******************* The first credit goes to Relic, for the game. The second is to me, Briareos Kerensky (, the third to all site showing this document with my permission and the fourthh to you for reading it and to everyone that submitted anything to this faq, contributing to it. Then, in spare order, some special thanks: to Leader, which translated only the manual; to Micro$oft Game Studios for their insane way to store CDs in a DVD-like case (this isn't exactly a thank...ehy guys, I risk to bend or scrap the CDs with those cases!); to Relic (again), for gaving a real nasty idea to all mad scientists in the world on how use genetics (hope this will stay a tasteless joke); my employer, who is kindly giving me money to continue me writing walkthorughs (in exchange of 3D models and animations, of course); to all soundtracks of the long nights where I wrote these lines; Datel for the GameCube Freeloader; to Nintendo for Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime and the Zelda bonus pack; I'd like to thank my girlfriend, still haven't found one. However, I've found a new passion for Metal music after I've got my hands on some re-prints and DVDs of some old live shows (Queensryche's Operation: LiveCrime rules, no doubt on that...and MegaDeth with their Rude Awakening tour are still great). Sites authorized to show this FAQ: + WolfArt( visit it, it's my personal site ;) + GameFAQs ( + IGN FAQs ( + Cheat Code Central ( + Gameguru Mania (http// To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail writing down the URL. To contact me, write at; ICQ UIN is 40534369; Odigo ID is 264286. Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute (female)friend/sister to introduce. Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2003/2004. Reproduction and translation of this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is strictly forbidden. All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.