Delta Force: Task Force Dagger By Novalogic Mr Jingle's unofficial Delta Force: Task Force Dagger strategy guide Version 1.00 Copyright 2003 Sam Bonifacio E-mail The latest version of this guide can be found at, CheatCC.Com and Any major problems can be posted on the GameFAQs message boards. Only E-mail with contributions, corrections, fan mail, free candy, or if you just want to discuss elements of the game. Include "Delta force faq" (even just "delta Force" will suffice) in the subject or your e-mail WILL be deleted! If you want this added to your site, please ask nicely and I will probably grant you permission. Others have asked so please follow their example. ----------------- Table of contents ----------------- Section A: The Basics A0: Updates A1: Introduction A2: Legal stuff A3: About the game A4: Characters A5: Weapons A6: The UAV A7: Game screen A8: Commanders map Section B: The Walkthrough B0: Walkthrough Intro B1: The Walkthrough Section C: Other Stuff C0: Misc. stuff C1: Cheats C2: Credit C3: Outro ___________________ SECTION A0: UPDATES ___________________ 1/11/03 Started writing up this guide. Now version 0.25. added entire section A and started on section B. 1/14/2003 Been very busy so will update in a week or so. 1/24/2003 Back now. Added 3 levels to walkthrough. Guide now on 1/29/03 Corrected the SAS info mistake. I errr did that on purpose to see if anyone would notice heh heh. Added several more levels. I'm getting there! 4/2/03 Back at school so will be pretty busy (exams this year) but will work on this in my spare time. Added more levels. Will try to finish before the week is out! Happy gaming! 5/2/03 Added more levels. 8/3/03 Finally! Free time. Changing the borders on the headings. Also added several more levels. Will be finished soon, I promise! If any-one out there thinks I should do a Walk through for DF: Urban Warfare, just tell me. Thinking of getting it! 11/3/03 Finished it!!! WOOT! May update from time to time but don't plan to very often. Submitting to IGN and possibly some other site. ________________________ SECTION A1: INTRODUCTION ________________________ Hi, I'm Mr Jingles and this is my first ever strategy guide/FAQ so bare with me if it's not that great at first. Below is all the legal stuff which I have to put but I would appreciate it if you read it and thanks in advance for following it! DO NOT ask me about multiplayer because I never play it! Also, control and options stuff are in the game and don't need to be explained. If you want me to add multiplayer stuff, feel free to send it in. You will given full credit of course! _______________________ SECTION A2: LEGAL STUFF _______________________ This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. This guide may be copied onto a personal computer for your own use. One (1) copy may be printed for personal use and only one (1).This printed copy may not be sold for any profit whatsoever.This guide may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site apart from gamefaqs or or as a part of any public displayor by any cheap game magazine that rips off websites is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. I stress all this stuff. A lot of time and work has gone into this and i will be VERY annoyed if this is ripped off! If you see this published on any website other than GameFAQs, or, good, for them, but please tell me! Thank you. Now thats out of my system, we can get on with the guide! __________________________ SECTION A3: ABOUT THE GAME __________________________ This game is the fourth in the Delta Force series and so far, one of the best in my opinion. This game is based in Afghanistan where Operation Enduring Freedom took place in response to the the terrorist attacks on the USA. In this game, you play as one of ten special forces units that were based in Afghanistan and have a wide variety of weapons at your disposal. Any more info can be found in the game manual, but I will give weapon and character descriptions in case you don't have it. ______________________ SECTION A4: CHARACTERS ______________________ Info about the characters can be found in the game but I'll give a quick rundown of them all. Close Quarters Battle (CQB) characters. Special Skills: Run fast, Long reach with knife. Preferred weapons: SA-80, M4SOPMOD, HKMP5SD6 (with silencer), HKP5N, F89Austeyr, F88 Austeyr. SFOD-D United States Army Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta. This is the same unit as the ones in the previous games. Delta operatives specialise in CQB, hostage rescue, and anti-terrorist activities. Their existence has never been officially acknowledged by the US government. JTF-2 Canadian Joint Task Force 2 This is Canada's elite task force. They specialise, like SFOD-DELTA in CQB, hostage rescue and terrorist response. In Afghanistan they have been active in taking terrorist prisoners and providing security at Kabul airport. Heavy Gunner Characters Special Skills: minimise recoil, withstand more damage. Preferred weapons: M249 "Minimi" SAW (squad automatic weapon), FN-MAG, M60E3 GREEN BERETS United states army special forces "Green Berets" The Green Berets are a rapid response force and are trained in unconvential warfare,special recon, counter-proliferation and counter-terrorism. They can survive for months at a time behind enemy lines. MARINE FORCE RECON United States Marine Corp Reconnaissance Force These guys specialise in T.R.A.P (Tactical recovery of aircraft personel), M.I.O (maritime intridiction operations), hydrographic surveys, beach and harbour recon, unit raids, prisoner snatches and also evacuate American Civilians from hostile places. They are not technically a special forces group but their training makes them the equivalent. Medic Characters Special Skills: Multiplayer medic, fast swimming, and can hold breath longer. Preferred weapons: HK MP5SD6 (silenced), HK MP5N, PSG-1 sniper rifle. SEAL TEAM 6 tm United States Navy "Sea Air Land" team 6 SEAL is an acronym fo SEa, Air and Land, which are the infiltration methods they use. They specialise in SCUBA diving, parachuting, navigation and underwater demolitions. They operate in sea, desert, jungle and urban environments. CSAR United States Air Force Combat Search and Rescue. Pararescue Forces or "PJs" are trained in combat diving and parachuting. They rescue people and assests in isolated conditions and deliver medical supplies. In Afghanistan PJs have been active in search and rescue missions. Sniper Characters Special skills: Hold scope steady, fast crawl Preferred weapons: M82A1 Barrett .50 cal Sniper rifle, PSG-1 silenced sniper rifle, M40A3 sniper rifle, M24 sniper rifle, Aw sniper rifle. SAS British Special air Service. Only sketchy details of this group have emerged. They master small unit combat and basic combat. The U.S's Green Berets are based on them. CIA SOG Central Intelligence Agency Special Operations Group. The SOG are involved in deep penetration recon, sabotage, urban warfare e.t.c. The SOG mostly consists of veterans from other armed forces and are a virtually independent group. Grenadier Characters. Special Skills: Accurate with indirect weapons (grenades) Preffered weapons: M4 with M203, OICW, MI6A2 with M203. SASR Australian Special Air Service Regiment The SASR Three primary specialties are Low intensity warfare, internal security and strategic recon. Their skills include HALO, patrolling, SCUBA, and small boat operations. They can insert from submarines and aircraft.They have also been active in fighting terrorism and rescue operations. RANGER United States Army 75th Ranger Regiment. Rangers are a highly mobile, rapidly deployable light infantry force. They are deployed against a wide range of targets and have many different missions. Their unquestioned commitment is to leave no man behind. ____________________ SECTION A5: WEAPONS ____________________ Weapons are divided into several categories: Primary: Main Weapon such as sniper rifle or machine gun. Can be dropped.(see later) Secondary: Used for CQB or backup for primary weapon. Sidearms: Various handguns. Grenades: Well, you throw them, they explode. Explosives: Things like rockets, mines and demo charges Auxillary gear: Kevlar vests, more ammo e.t.c. I won't go into detail about the weapons here. Some info can be found on the game such as ammo capacity, range e.t.c. I'll just list them. --------------- Primary weapons --------------- OICW Assault rifle with 20mm grenade launcher. M4 Assault rifle with M203 40mm grenade launcher. M16A2 Assault rifle with M203 40mm grenade launcher. M4 SOPMOD Assault rifle with scope. F88 Austeyr Assault rifle. AW Sniper rifle. M40A3 Sniper rifle. M24 Sniper rifle. PSG-1 Silenced sniper rifle. M82A1 Barret Sniper rifle. M60E3 Machine gun. FN MAG Machine Gun. M249 "minimi" SAW (Squad automatic weapon) Machine gun. SA-80 Machine gun. ----------------- Secondary Weapons ----------------- HK MP5SD6 with silencer. HK MP5N. F89 Austeyr. -------- Sidearms -------- SOCOM Pistol. M9 Beretta (92FS) Browning HP Sig P226 F97 (Glock 19) -------- Grenades -------- Fragmentation grenades. They explode on contact Concussion Grenades. Have a time delay of 5-7 seconds. ---------- Explosives ---------- M18 Claymore. ( anti personel mine)Place on ground with "FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY". Can also be used with a detonator, or "Clacker" remote. Alliant slam. (demolition charger) Place by the target, get away, and blow it up with the radio detonator. At-4 LAW (light anti tank weapon) Point and shoot basically! ---------------- Dropping weapons ---------------- To drop weapons, push "0" zero, and walk up to a dead enemy to pick up their weapon. N.B grenades are always empty in picked up weapons. ------------------------- Fixed weapon emplacements ------------------------- These are guns found throughout some levels and are normally .50 cal machine guns. They have lots of ammo but generally lots of recoil too! Walk up to one to use it and walk backwards to disengage from it. Their Crosshairs have a larger spread due to the slight inaccuracy they have. ------------ The Armories ------------ These buildings are on most of the maps and you can change your gear there. They can be a bunker, rack or a cabinet. Walk up to the weapons and push "C" to bring up the gear selection. Choose weapons by clicking the arrows. Click "Accept" to change gear. ----------- Air Strikes ----------- To call an air strike, switch to laser designater(8)and right click to activate the scope. Aim it at your intended target and click.You should recieve radio confirmation. You will be told if you can't use one. Wait for about 30 seconds and stand back. The destruction is worth the wait. _____________________ SECTION A6: THE U.A.V _____________________ The UAV, or unmanned aerial vehicle, is a very useful recon tool. It flys in a preset path over the area of operations. You can control a camera mounted on the underside of the plane to view the goings on below. To access the camera, press "U". Controls below. Tilt up: num 8 tilt down: num 2 Pan left: num 4 Pan right: num 6 Zoom in: num 7 Zoom out: num 9 Lock on target: num 5 When you lock on to a target like a moving vehicle, the camera tracks it until it exits the camera's field of vision. This doesn't need to be used often, as you can use the GPS instead but it can be fun! _______________________ SECTION A7: GAME SCREEN _______________________ The screen displays wind indicator, GPS, Situational icon, selected weapon,items,waypoints,information link, scope, mission name, and most importantly, what you see! -------------- Wind Indicator -------------- Shows the wind direction and speed, so you can adjust aim accordingly. --- GPS --- Global positioning system overhead map. You are the icon in the center, which indicates the direction you are facing. Enemys which you have seen appear on it. KEY: Orange circle=Initial/final waypoint Green dot=Waypoints Blue circle with facing indicator=Teammates Red Circle with facing indicator= enemy Blue X=Dead Teammate Red X=Dead enemy Green Square=Building Dot=Claymore Green +=Vehicle ---------------- Situational icon ---------------- Shows if you are standing, crouching or prone. Delete=stand End=crouch Page down=prone --------------- Selected Weapon --------------- Shows your weapon, firingmode, magazines remaining and rounds in current magazine. Name turns red when reloading or out of ammo. Shows green when ready to fire. ----- Items ----- Shows any items you may be carrying. e.g laptop, briefcase. Can be dropped using the F8 key. --------- Waypoints --------- Shows name and distance in meters to next waypoint. F5 cycles through them. Holding down shift and pressing F5 cycles backwards through them. ---------------- Information link ---------------- Shows current mission orders and other important texts such as orders and squad status. Shows multiplayer text also. ----- Scope ----- You can use the scope on certain weapons by pushing / or right clicking the mouse.The number on the right shows the distance to the target. The number on the left shows what range the scope is zeroed at. Usethe [ and ] keys to increase and decrease the scope zero in hundreds to compensate for bullet drop. e.g if a target is 200 metres away set zero to 200. If target is say 270, round to the nearest 100, in this case 300. __________________________ SECTION A8: COMMANDERS MAP __________________________ The map is very easy to use but if you need me to do this, contact at the above address ______________________ SECTION B: WALKTHROUGH ______________________ _____________________________ SECTION B0: WALKTHROUGH INTRO _____________________________ Okay, now into the fun stuff! Just a wee note first. This walkthrough isn't designed to lead you around by the nose but just to help you complete this game, some hints and tips, suggested gear and characters and so forth. So here's how I will set it out. Mission name: Suggested weapons: Suggested Character: No. of enemies: Armories: Basic Goals: Hints and tips for the level: ___________________________ SECTION B1: THE WALKTHROUGH ___________________________ -------- BOOTCAMP -------- This level doesn't really need explanation as it is a tutorial level and you are told what to do! -------------- OPERATION LION DTG 190230Z -------------- Suggested weapons: M4 SOPMOD, MP5N, SOCOM pistol, Concussion grenades, At-4, Kevlar vest. Suggested Characters: SFOD-Delta, JTF-2. Number of enemies: 28 Armories: no BasicGoals: Destroy communications dish, Locate and seize enemy intelligence documents,eliminate all enemy resistance in the compound, move to extraction point. Hints and tips: As soon as you hit the ground, go prone and take out the guard in the tower to your right and the two guys near the satelite dish and the truck. Eliminate all guard towers before moving into the camp. Before entering one of the buildings, try throwing a concussion grenade through a window near the door to avoid nasty surprises. The intel documents are in one of the smaller buildings. Watch for the soldiers that appear near the hills when you move to the Extraction point. -------------- Operation Bear DTG 190950z -------------- Suggested Weapons: M82a1 Barret, MP5N, SOCOM pistol, SLAM, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 40 Armories: yes Basic Goals: Eliminate all enemy resistance at the sam sites and underground tunnels. Demolish 3 SAM launchers Hints and Tips: When you leave the chopper, snipe the 3 guards near the buldings east of your position and the two on the hill. As you travel around your waypoints up the hill, watch for the truck which has one enemy in the back. The truck can be destroyed with the MP5N. Watch for snipers on the hill and kill every enemy you see. The SAM launchers are near underground tunnel entrances and the armory is in the underground tunnel complex so stock up on SLAMs there. Once thats done finish of any remaining enemies to finish the mission. --------------- Operation Tiger --------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG 1, MP5SD6, MK23-SD, Claymores, Kevlar vest, Concussuion Grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of Enemies:43 Armories: no Basic Goals: Locate and interogate division commander, Locate and seize any enemy intel documents, Eliminate all enemy resistance, move to EXFIL. Hints and tips: When you leave the chopper, crawl forward and eliminate the guard towers and enemys in the backs of the trucks patroling the encampment. Also try to eliminate all enemies. The commander is in one of the tents North West of your insertion and the intel documents are in the underground complex. The entrance is near the commanders tent. Once everyone's dead, move to EXFIL. --------------------------------- Operation Rhino H- 00:40 OBJ IRON DTG 190630Z --------------------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1 SD, MP5SD6, MK23-SD, SLAM, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: approx. 48 Armories: Yes Basic Goals: Destroy any computer systems, Demolish ND beacon, Demolish VHF beacon, Airstrike airfield surveliance radar dome. Hints and Tips: DO NOT trigger the alarm! This is an automatic mission failure! Try not to shoot anyone unless it is absolutley neccesary. You can procure more SLAMs in the armory. It might help if you go prone alot. The ND beacon is the thing near your second way point that looks kind of like a water tank. The VHF beacon is the pole like structure that sticks straight up at the third way point. The radar dome is the big building with a big ball on top. Very easy to find. Call in a strike on this and it's mission complete. ---------------------------------- Operation Rhino H- Hour OBJ STEEL DTG 190710Z ---------------------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5SD5, MK23-SD, SLAM, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 42-43 Armories: no Basic Goals: Retrieve enemy intel documents, Eliminate all enemy resistance at the airfield, Move to rally point for exfil. Hints and tips: The intel is in the underground complex in an office like room. This mission is pretty easy. Kill the rest of the enemies and move to exfil. ---------------------------------- Operation Rhino H- Hour OBJ NICKEL DTG 190710Z ---------------------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5SD6, MK23-SD, SLAM, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 29 Armories: no Basic Goals: Locate and demolish any operational aircraft, Eliminate all enemy resistance in the compound, Move to rally point for EXFIL. Hints and Tips: Another relativly easy one. One hangar has two choppers (Hinds I think) in it. Destroy these with SLAMs. Opposite this is the other hangar with three planes. Shoot the drums near the planes to destroy them. The one on the left has to be shot with the MP5SD6. Failing that, pick up an enemies AK-47 and use that. Finish off everyone and leave. ------------------------ Operation Harakat Part 1 DTG 211330Z ------------------------ Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5N, MK23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters:SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 17 Armories: no Basic Goals: Eliminate all enemy resistance, Protect Viper 33 Bravo Hints and tips: It is hard to aim with the scope on this so sometimes it is easier to use the MP5N instead. Your chopper can be shot down! Eliminate enemies asap. If a Bravo guy is killed, the mission is a failure. ------------------------ Operation Harakat Part 2 DTG 211330Z ------------------------ Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5N, MK23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 36 Armories: no Basic Goals: Eliminate enemy resistance at the hotel, Seize any laptops in the hotel, eliminate all resistance at the embassy, Move to embassy rooftop for extraction. Hints and tips: When you first land, watch out. As soon as you go through the hole in the roof you get fired upon. Try to run into one of the rooms and go from there. This place is crawling with bad guys. The Laptop is on the ground in one of the rooms. Go to the embassy and kill everyone there and on your way over. When that's done make your way to the roof for extraction. -------------------- Operation Abu Khabab DTG 2306452 -------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5SD6, MK23-SD, SLAM, Kevlar vest, Concussion Grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA (again) No. of enemies: 34 Armories: yes (Weapon racks) Basic Goals: Eliminate enemy resistance, Place beacons on three Biohazard Bunkers, Move outside facility before explosion. Hints and Tips: Watch out for civilian workers. Killing one fails the mission. The bunkers are smallish concrete buildings with large yellow doors. To place the beacon simply walk up to the door and the character says "Beacon Activated". I recommend that you kill everyone BEFORE placing the beacons. When all beacons are placed, haul ass out of there before it goes up! You get time warnings though. (Also, just look at the colour of the river!) ------------------------ Operation Bagram Airbase DTG 190720Z ------------------------ Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion Grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: Armories: yes (weapon racks) Basic Goals: Demolish any operational aircraft, Eliminate enemy resistance, Move to rally point for extraction. Hints and Tips: There are two planes in hangars near the start which can be demolished with the OICW bullets or grenades. You can use AT-4s and restock at the weapon racks. You also have a couple of fire missions. (N.B all operational aircraft appear as circles with crosses through them on the commanders map or red dots on the smaller game screen one) There are three more planes which you can find easily enough on the map and one chopper. Kill any enemies along the way and then move to RP. A fairly straight foward mission! ------------------ Operation Khanabad DTG 190720Z ------------------ Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK-23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 34 Armories: no Basic Goals: Elimnate enemy resistance, Seize and destroy the command building, Destroy enemy BRDM's. Hints and tips: Easy enough, kill every enemy that you see. The BRDM's (there are two of them) are near waypoint three in a walled in compound with tents. Kill 'em with AT-4s or OICW grenades. They are the small truck like vehicles with guns on top. The command building is on the square I 16 on the commander's map. It is the smallish building with the flag sitting outside it. (The green, black and white one.) -------------------- Operation Al-Badr II DTG 190720Z -------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK 23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 39 Armories: no Basic Goals: Eliminate all resistance at west camp, clear all bunkers, Eliminate all resistance at east camp, Move to exfil. Hints and Tips: After killing everyone at one of the camps, head underground and kill everyone down there. You should now know what underground entrances look like. Watch out for snipers on the hills and the explosive barrels under the camps. Try not to get lost underground! -------------------------------- Operation Darwanta Power Station DTG 2513257 -------------------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK23 SOCOM, SLAM, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 27 Armories: no Basic Goals: Place three beacons on power transformers, Exfil prior to cruise missle attack. Hints and tips: Not alot for this level but.... The transformers are in the four big buildings in the compound and are the large box like things. You'll know when you walk up to them because the character says "beacon activated". To get to some buildings you need to go on the bridges upstairs that lead to the other buildings. Be aware that this puts you out in the open. Once all beacons are activated, (save in case you fail) and run, run, run! Get back to the truck at your start point and mission complete. --------------------- Operation Bagh-e Daud DTG 190720Z --------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK 23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 35 Armories: no Basic Goals: Locate french journalist, Move journalist to NGO truck, Escort NGO vehicle to Northern Alliance territory. Hints and tips: Don't let the journalist get killed or the truck destroyed because then you fail! The journalist is on the second floor of one of the buildings. Follow your waypoints and you will see him on the map as a green icon. He is also recognizable because of his Video camera and shirt that says "Press" on the back. When escorting the truck, watch for shooters around the buildings and guys hiding up in the hills. Even their machine guns can destroy the truck. N.B some of them have grenade launchers so watch it! Just stay with the truck and it eventually reaches the NA compound which has three soldiers defending it to help you out. ----------------------- Operation Kolowr Va Dah DTG 280720Z ----------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK-23 SOCOM, AT-4, Kevlar Vest, Concussion grenades Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 46 Armories: no Basic Goals: Locate and protect surviving CH47 crew, Protect helicopter crew until CSAR chopper arrives, Demolish the CH47, Exfil on CSAR chopper. Hints and Tips: Now this one can be hard and I hard a problem with it! When following your waypoints, you pass an enemy base. Try to eliminate all the enemys there. Makes life alot easier. After you've located the crew, watch out. A whole **** load of enemys will close in on your position! Try to protect the crew. If one dies, game over. Once you've defeated the hoards of enemys, move to Exfil and from there, shoot the CH47 with AT-4s to destroy it. The chopper crew also help fight off the enemys but aren't so hot. For me, when I first played this one, I destroyed the chopper and THEN moved to exfil and nothing happened! So try the above thing if this happens. ------------------------ Operation Pole-e Chakari DTG 261750Z ------------------------ Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK-23 SOCOM, SLAM, Kevlar Vest, Concussion Grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 28 Armories: no Basic Goals: Demolish all operational vehicles, Eliminate all enemy resistance, Move to rally point for EXFIL. Hints and Tips: There are two very large warehouses. Two trucks are in one and two SAM launchers are in the other. Trucks can be destroyed with the MP5N or grenades and the SAM launchers with SLAMs. With for civies, killing one fails the mission. Near waypoint two there are two last trucks to destroy. Once that's done, clean up the place and head to the EXFIL -------------------- Operation Hadda Farm DTG 280410Z -------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5SD6, MK-23 SD, AT-4, Kevlar vest, Concussion Grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 35 Armories: no Basic Goals: Infiltrate Hadda farm, Locate and capture Mullah Rhir. Hints and Tips: Again, Don't kill civilians. Watch out for enemies in the corn/maize field. They can shoot right through it but you can't see them. I suggest going prone and staying behind the natural contours of the ground and sniping every enemy possible. Also, some are on the rooftops. If Mullah Rhir escapes or dies then you fail. He is different looking than the others. (Wearing a red turban and robe like thing.) Just run over to him to capture him. ---------------------- Operation Gamberi Daug DTG 8001452 ---------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MK23-SD, MP5SD6, At-4, Kevlar Vest, Concussion Grenades. Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 25 Armories: no Basic Goals: Locate and seize any enemy intelligence documents, Destroy the radio control centre, Move to rally point for EXFIL. Hints and tips: Killing civilians fails the mission, as does destroying the intel documents. On the way towards the base, watch out for snipers in the hills and near the building with the two towers beside it. The intel documents are in the building wth the large radar ball thing on top. It might be a good idea to eliminate all enemies so you can go about un-hindered. The documents are on a desk in the building. Exit the building and then laser designate. After the fireworks move to EXFIL. --------------------------- Operation Khalid Bin Waleed DTG 021445Z --------------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MK23, MP5N, SLAM, Kevlar Vest, Concussion Grenades Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 28 Armories: yes Basic Goals: Destroy all operational SCUD launchers, Eliminate all enemy resistance. Hints and Tips: Just follow your first way point and you'll see the first SCUD launcher. West from that one is another one. Destroy them with SLAMs or laser designate them. (Can restock on SLAMs at the armory. Check map) Remember to kill all the enemies you see. Follow your Waypoints and you'll see several buildings. The Large Hangar has the third SCUD in it. There are also a couple of missiles hanging from the roof but these can't be and don't need to be destroyed. Follow your waypoints to the next SCUD which is also inside a hangar. Once that's done, kill the remaining enemies to finish the mission. ---------------- Operation Lahaza DTG 190720Z ---------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MK23-SD, Claymore mines, MP5SD6, Kevlar Vest, Concussion grenades Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 30 Armories: no Basic Goals: Take Control of bridge, destroy convoy, eliminate enemy resistance. Hints an Tips: Follow your waypoints to the bridge and snipe the enemies on it and in the hills. Watch out for the two watch towers en route (pun intended) There is also another tower across the bridge. The bridge is swarming with enemies so be careful. There are some utes near the bridge but these aren't part of the convoy so you can leave them. A Friendly chopper comes at some point and drops to guys to help out. Once you've captured the bridge, wait a minute and the convoy will turn up. Just like previous DF games, eliminate the lead vehicle to stop the convoy. This can be done with claymores or the MP5SD6. You fail if the convoy crosses the bridge or the bridge is destroyed. After that, finish off any remaining enemies and thats it. -------------------- Operation Reeshkhore DTG 190720Z -------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, F89AUS, MK23, AT-4, Kevlar Vest, Concussion grenades Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 23 Armories: no Basic Goals: Prevent enemy from entering Pakistan, Destroy all Vehicles, eliminate enemy resistance. Hints and Tips: Now this one is pretty difficult! On the way in you might want to pop grenades at the trucks from the chopper, but that causes the enemy to retaliate and shoot you down =( On the other hand, you only fail if both choppers go down, and being in a chopper being destroyed doesn't kill you! You can either wait until you get dropped off or you can attcak from the chopper. When you get out of the chopper, watch out for the snipers on the hills! They got me many times without me realising it! It is not a good idea to use the 50 cal. guns because they have a very poor turning radius. Take out the vehicles with the grenade launcher and AT-4. Try to clean up the rest with the OICW or F89AUS. Don't allow anything, human or truck to cross the border or you fail. See the bridge over the dry river, well think of the river as the border. There is always a white truck way off to the side, roughly south that is hard to see and get so try to stop that A.S.A.P. This mission may take several attempts but it can be done. ---------------- Operation Paktia DTG 071235Z ---------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, MK-23, Claymore mines, Kevlar vest, Concussion grenades Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 39 Armories: no Basic Goals: Defend the fort until extraction helicopter arrives. Hints and tips: Basically, kill every enemy you see and don't let them reach the fort. The 50 cals. come in handy so take advantage of them. Thet aren't terribly accurate at range but can lay down a good amount fire! You have three team-mates helping you out here. Three waves of ememies come. Two from the north and the other from the south-west. The second north one comes after the southwest one. This can be difficult but just go nuts with an automatic weapon if you get really stuck. The chopper normally arrives after about a minute or two. --------------------- Operation Sati Kundao DTG 051820Z --------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5N, MK-23, AT-4, Kevlar Vest, Concussion Grenades Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA No. of enemies: 25 Armories: no Basic Goals: Identify and laze all four checkpoints and command posts, Locate and seize any enemy intelligence documents. Hints and Tips: As alwyas, watch out for snipers in the hills. Follow your waypoints to the first building. It's just a little building surrounded by oil drums and crates. This one can be destroyed simply by shooting the drums! Follow your waypoints to the second bulding. This one has several trucks by it and several yellow drums. Shoot the drums and then hit the building with some AT-4s to destroy it, or simply laze it. Head to the next one. This one however has to be lazed, but don't worry about the tents though. Watch out, there are quite a few snipers running around in the hills. Head to the last one. If you followed your waypoints over the hill then you will be faced with a sheer drop which can kill you. Anyway, there are several enemies at the last checkpoint. Laze this last building and head into the tents. The intel Documents are on a desk inside one of them. Dont shoot them tough or you fail! -------------------------------- Operation Khwaja Mastoon Ghundai DTG 2904252 -------------------------------- Suggested Weapons: OICW, MP5N, F9, AT-4, Extra Ammo, Concussion grenades. Suggested Characters: Ranger, SASR No. of enemies: 33 Armories: no Basic Goals: Prevent enemy from crossing the Pakistan Border, Locate and clear out enemy tunnel complexs. Hints and Tips: As the chopper comes in, shoot the enemies running away from you. There are only a couple anyway. Finish the rest off as you land. Also, there are two or three snipers on the hill. Follow your waypoints and on the hill you'll see something that is very obviously not part of the hills. This is the entrance to the tunnels. Head in and shoot everything you see (enemies that is). I would reccomend using the MP5N on auto for quick kills. When you get to a junction head right. From then on keep heading left at junctions or if a seperate corridor heads that way. It helps if you go as fast as possible. When you reach the exit you will see two trucks. Hit these with AT-4s. There are also ten or so soldiers also fleeing so finish them. Now you can head back into the tunnels and finish off anyone you missed. ------------------- Operation Tora Bora DTG 190720Z ------------------- Suggested Weapons: PSG-1, MP5N, MK-23, AT_4, Kevlar Vest, Concussion grenades Suggested Characters: SAS, CIA. No. of enemies: Armories: Basic Goals: Loctae tunnel entrance, Eliminate enemy resistance, Locate and demolish any ammo caches. Hints and Tips: Well, last mission people! Watch out for those damn snipers running around. They're easy to see though because they aren't exactly camoflaged. Follow waypoints and you'll see the entrance which sticks out and is easy to see. Head on in. You may want to get an enemy's AK-47 or M16A2 for some CQB. Just waste all the enemies you see. This is a very straight forward mission and simple for a last one! Occasionally you may come across huge boxes which are the ammo caches. They can be destroyed with AT-4s, grenades or automatic fire. You may get lost but it is relativly easy to find your way back. There is only really one way to go but there are lots of dead ends and so on. Not much else I can say really, so good luck. ______________________ SECTION C: Other Stuff ______________________ _______________________ SECTION C0: Misc. stuff _______________________ Basically, this section contains stuff that had no where else to go in this FAQ. __________________ SECTION C1: Cheats __________________ There are only a couple of cheats for this game but if you find this game hard then you might want to use them. They dont affect the game in any way, apart from the listed effects. This game isn't terribly hard anyway. To enter cheats push the "~" key and it brings up a chat menu. Type in the cheats with correct capitalisation and then push enter. CHEAT EFFECT NOTES ----- ------ ----- StanGable Infinite ammunition Ammo never runs out ClaymoreFallmont Full Ammunition Refills all ammo JeffersonDarcy Extra hit ponts Can take more hits AceEvans Invisibility Enemies can't see you RogerPhilips Artillery Strikes Get Artillery strikes. __________________ SECTION C2: Credit __________________ Not a LOT of people to thank but... Novalogic for making such a great game series. Me for writing this (Obviously). GameFAQs for originally hosting this FAQ and helping me get this off the ground. for hosting this also. All the other sites I haven't got back to yet, but soon will and thanks for the offers! My brother for getting me into Delta Force games. The people that e-mailed me with comments e.t.c, your comments made this whole thing worthwhile. Anyone else I may have overlooked, you know who you are. _________________ SECTION C3: Outro _________________ Thanks for taking the time to read this FAQ. Though it may not seem like it, a lot of time went into it and thanks for at least reading it! Does anyone really keep reading FAQs this far? Later! Might do a Urban Warfare FAQ if anyone wants and if no-one else is doing one! Buh Bye! "There's no 'I' in Team, but there's a 'We' in Weapon!"